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××地块水泥土室内配合比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前国内外水泥土强度测定的试验方法,还未形成规范操作的情况下,该文主要从室内试验的角度,阐述了水 泥土试验的目的、试验设备、试样的制备以及试验的方法,从而确定出最佳的水泥掺入比,同时对水泥土与原状土的 物理力学性质以及水泥土的强度增长机理作初步的探讨。  相似文献   
River regulation and river training have been performed for various purposes and negative effects have been shown in numerous cases. In some cases the negative effects are so serious that humans have to consider to "renaturalize" the regulated rivers. Only by using the strategy of integrated river management the diverse river uses and natural fluvial processes and ecological systems may be harmonized. Based on analysis of case studies and data collected from literatures this paper presents the concept of integrated river management and four principles of river training. The integrated river management comprises: 1) taking the watershed, upper stream basin including the tributaries, middle and lower reaches and the estuary as an integrated entity in the planning, design and management; and 2) mitigating or controlling the negative impacts on hydrology, erosion and sedimentation, fluvial processes, land use and river use, environment and ecology while in achieving economic benefit from water resources development, flood safety management and hydropower exploitation. River training and management should be in accordance with the four principles: 1) extending the duration of river water flowing on the continent, which may be achieved by extending the river course or reducing the flow velocity; 2) controlling various patterns of erosions and reducing the sediment transportation in the rivers; 3) increasing the diversity of habitat and enhancing the connectivity between the river and riparian waters; and 4) restoring natural landscapes.  相似文献   
土体固结弹塑性分析的参数二次规划理论及有限元解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于广义Biot理论对土体弹塑性固结过程进行求解,建立了问题对应的参变量变分理论,并给出了数学证明,对此基础上推导了有限元分析列式,问题的求解最终化为参数二次规划问题,本文提出的方法适用于固结弹塑性分析的关联与非关流流动问题,也可处理各类软化问题。  相似文献   
煤瓦斯突出与煤岩显微结构构造密切相关。除部分显微结构构造与成煤阶段的环境等有关外,大部分都是构造变形的结果。因此,我们从构造变形类型和特点来划分煤岩显徽构造类型,既简便又利于应用。根据四川南桐鱼田堡煤矿4号及6号煤层的扫描电子显微镜研究,可将煤岩划分成5类:非构造煤、微裂隙煤、微劈理煤、碎裂构造煤和糜棱构造煤。文中详述了各类煤的特点,指出它们所代表的构造意义,并讨论了它们与瓦斯突出的关系。还特别提出糜棱构造煤的一系列塑性变形特征。得出结论:若其他条件均具备,有糜棱构造煤产出的地段,就可能是瓦斯突出最危险的部位。此外,根据观察煤瓦斯突出后的煤岩显微构造变化,提出有关瓦斯突出的过程,并探讨了煤瓦斯突出机理。在瓦斯突出过程中,已经历过塑性变形的煤岩又叠加了脆性变形,因而发生大量煤“粉尘”随突出而抛出。  相似文献   
二红洼镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆哈密二红洼镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体地表分南北两个岩体,深部可能连为一体,可划分为两个侵入期、四个岩相.第一侵入期构成岩体的主体部分,分异良好,由重力结晶分异形成自橄揽岩相、橄榄辉长岩相向含石英苏长辉长岩相的分异趋势,基性程度依次降低.岩浆多次贯入使得纵向上橄榄岩相和橄榄辉长岩相重复出现.第二侵入期辉长苏长岩相分异程度低,岩性稳定,为岩浆快速冷凝的产物.岩浆属于拉斑玄武岩系列,发生过金属硫化物熔离,有利于铜镍硫化物成矿.  相似文献   
按溃变理论[1]的不连续或非均匀信息不仅可以预测天气系统的移动性变化和转折性变化,也可以预测降水等天气现象。并已被多次历史例案和应用实践所验证。为了便于投入业务运用,我们利用数据库系统,实现了体现资料信息非均匀和不连续的广义参数在微机、填图机上的自动化处理,完成了收报、计算和填图分析的自动化。本方法体现了预报工具的改革也充分地利用了现有的资料资源  相似文献   
Qinghai Province is an important component of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Scientific evaluation of the suitability of Qinghai’s climate for tourism can contribute to overcoming obstacles posed by climate on sustainable tourism development in Qinghai Province, including disparities between the low and high seasons, high altitude health concerns, and weather events. A tourism climate suitability evaluation model of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is constructed (Tourism Climate Suitability Index, or TCSI), and tourism climate suitability is comprehensively evaluated for Qinghai Province from climate data from 1960 to 2009. Results show that: (I) There is clear distributional characteristics of spatial-temporal variability of TCSI values in Qinghai Province. (II) Tourism climate suitability in Qinghai Province has significant seasonal and regional differences. The year is divided into a very suitable period (July and August), suitable tourism periods (from April and October), less suitable periods (From Nov to Mar). June to August is the most suitable tourism period in Qinghai. Qinghai Province is divided into five levels of tourism climate suitability: most suitable regions, very suitable regions, suitable regions, less suitable regions, and unsuitable region. (III) The key factor which influences regional differences in tourism climatic suitability is atmospheric oxygen. And the key factors which chiefly influence seasonal differences of tourism climate suitability are temperature and humidity, the wind chill factor, and barrier weather.  相似文献   
We conducted an assessment of the TOPEX dual-frequency nadir ionosphere observations in the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) GDR by comparing TOPEX with the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Global Ionosphere Map (GIM), the climatological model IRI2001, and the DORIS (onboard T/P) relative ionosphere delays. We investigated the TOPEX (TOPEX Side A and TOPEX Side B altimeters, TSA and TSB, respectively) ionosphere observations for the time period 1995–2001, covering periods of low, intermediate, and high solar activity. Here, we use absolute path delays (at Ku-band frequency of the TOPEX altimeter and with positive signs) rather than Total Electron Content (TEC). We found significant biases between GIM and TOPEX (GIM–TOPEX) nadir ionosphere path delays: ?8.1 ± 0.4 {mm} formal uncertainties and equivalent to 3.7 TECu) and ?9.0 ± 0.7 {mm} (4.1 TECu) for TSA and TSB, respectively, indicating that the TOPEX path delay is longer (or with higher TECu) than GIM. The estimated relative biases vary with latitude and with daytime or nighttime passes. The estimated biases in the path delays (DORIS–TOPEX) are: ?10.9 ± 0.4 {mm} (5.0 TECu) and ?14.8 ± 0.6 {mm} (6.7 TECu), for TSA and TSB, respectively. There is a distinct jump of the DORIS path delays (?3.9 ± 0.7 {mm}, TSA delays longer than TSB delays) at the TSB altimeter switch in February 1999, presumably due to inconsistent DORIS processing. The origin of the bias between GIM (GPS, L-band) and TOPEX (radar altimeter, Ku-band) is currently unknown and warrants further investigation. Finally, the estimated drift rates between GIM and TSA, DORIS and TSA ionosphere path delays for the 6-year study span are ?0.4 mm/yr and ?0.8 mm/yr, respectively, providing a possible error bound for the TOPEX/Poseidon sea level observations during periods of low and intermediate solar activity.  相似文献   
利用稳定同位素技术测定降水、土壤水、植物茎干水的同位素组成,结合多元线性混合模型(IsoSource)确定科尔沁沙地东南部樟子松人工林内樟子松的根系吸水范围以及各水源的水分贡献率。通过连续观测强降水事件前后樟子松水分来源的变化,探究降水对樟子松水分利用的影响。结果表明樟子松茎干水与20cm以下土层的土壤水同位素组成最为接近,樟子松的水分吸收主要集中在这一层(最大取样深度80cm)。IsoSource模拟结果与观测结果一致,土壤水分条件较好时,大约60%以上的水分来自于20-80cm土层;当这一深度土壤含水量降低时,樟子松将会更多地依赖更深层的土壤水分。樟子松根系分布的最大深度远小于地下水位,因此很难利用到地下水。2009年7月13日14.4mm的降水前后,樟子松茎干水同位素组成的变化表明,降水结束后36小时樟子松可以感应到降水对表层20cm土壤水分的补充,这一土层的水分贡献率在接下来的24小时内迅速降低。不同水分条件下水分来源的多样性表明樟子松能较好地适应沙地生境。  相似文献   
山东东营凹陷古近系碎屑岩储层特征及控制因素   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对大量储层物性数据的分析和整理,结合薄片观察和扫描电镜分析结果,研究了不同构造背景、不同沉积类型及不同埋深的储层物性特征及其控制因素。东营凹陷近系碎屑岩储层类型多样,大多形成在冲积扇-河流、扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、深水浊积扇、三角洲前缘滑塌浊积扇以及滨浅湖滩坝等多种沉积环境中。碎屑岩储层类型主要包括砾岩、含砾砂岩、中粗砂岩、细砂岩及粉砂岩。其中中砂岩和细砂岩是最好的储层。但是不同地区、不同类型储层物性存在较大的差异。物性最好的储层为河道、(扇)三角洲前缘水下分流河道及河口坝砂体。在相同深度条件下,中央隆起带的物性最好,北部和南部次之。另外,本区随埋藏深度增加,碎屑岩储层物性逐渐变差(剔除次生孔隙的影响)。根据碎屑岩储层物性差异性分析和储层成岩演化研究结果,其储层物性主要受压实作用、碳酸盐溶蚀与胶结作用及沉积条件四大因素控制,其中压实作用、溶蚀作用及胶结作用是主要控制因素,而沉积条件对物性的影响主要表现在控制原生孔隙的发育程度,并进一步控制溶蚀、胶结等成岩作用。  相似文献   
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