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Z.X. Li  H. Li  Y.F. Li  Y.B. Han 《Journal of Geodesy》2005,78(10):588-593
At Beijing Observatory both astrometric and gravimetric observations are available to study the non-tidal variations in the deflections of the vertical (or non-tidal plumbline variations, PLVs). From repeated gravimetric observations performed in a network around the observatory, the PLVs at Beijing Observatory during the period 1987.0–1996.0 have been calculated. After comparison with the observational residuals (which also contain the PLV components) of the photoelectric astrolabe located at the observatory, the accuracy of the obtained PLV results has been examined. It is shown that, due to the asymmetry of the gravimetric network, the qualities of the two different PLV components are not equal. The longitude component of the PLV at Beijing has been determined successfully, to be of the order of 0.05, with a contribution of about 0.02 in the inter-annual time scale. The result for the latitude PLV component is not good enough to draw a conclusion. Although both techniques are able to measure the PLV, the result of the determination depends very much on the availability of observational data.  相似文献   
Twenty-four new zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Getic and Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians are discussed in the light of a compilation of published fission track data. A total of 101 fission track ages indicates that the Getic nappes are generally characterized by Cretaceous zircon and apatite fission track ages, indicating cooling to near-surface temperatures of these units immediately following Late Cretaceous orogeny.The age distribution of the Danubian nappes, presently outcropping in the Danubian window below the Getic nappes, depends on the position with respect to the Cerna-Jiu fault. Eocene and Oligocene zircon and apatite central ages from the part of the Danubian core complex situated southeast of this fault monitor mid-Tertiary tectonic exhumation in the footwall of the Getic detachment, while zircon fission track data from northwest of this fault indicate that slow cooling started during the Latest Cretaceous. The change from extension (Getic detachment) to strike-slip dominated tectonics along the curved Cerna-Jiu fault allowed for further exhumation on the concave side of this strike-slip fault, while exhumation ceased on the convex side. The available fission track data consistently indicate that the change to fast cooling associated with tectonic denudation by core complex formation did not occur before Late Eocene times, i.e. long after the cessation of Late Cretaceous thrusting.Core complex formation in the Danubian window is related to a larger-scale scenario that is characterized by the NNW-directed translation, followed by a 90° clockwise rotation of the Tisza-Dacia “block” due to roll-back of the Carpathian embayment. This led to a complex pattern of strain partitioning within the Tisza-Dacia “block” adjacent to the western tip of the rigid Moesian platform. Our results suggest that the invasion of these southernmost parts of Tisza-Dacia started before the Late Eocene, i.e. significantly before the onset of Miocene-age rollback and associated extension in the Pannonian basin.  相似文献   
M. C. Kim 《Journal of Geodesy》1997,71(12):749-767
The fundamental geometry of satellite ground tracks and their crossover problem are investigated. For idealized nominal ground tracks, the geometry is governed by a few constant parameters whose variations lead to qualitative changes in the crossover solutions. On the basis that the theory to locate crossovers has not been studied in sufficient detail, such changes are described in regard to the number of crossover solutions in conjunction with their bifurcations. Employing the spinor algebra as a tool for establishing the ground-track crossing condition, numerical methodologies to locate crossovers appearing in general dual-satellite ground-track configurations are also presented. The methodologies are applied to precisely determined orbital ephemerides of the GEOSAT, ERS-1, and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter satellites. Received: 19 November 1996 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   
Resting Stages of Plankton in Recent North Adriatic Sediments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract. Plankton-derived resting stages were found in 26 sediment cores collected in the North Adriatic Sea; 46 morphotypes were identified, 38 were attributed to taxa according to their morphology and, in some hatching cases, also according to the morphology of the derived active forms. Six species of Dinophyta were recorded for the first time from the North Adriatic Sea. Each morphotype was described in detail. Twenty-nine resting stages were Dinophyta; one was a Chrysophyta; two were Tintinnina; and six were metazoans. At every site Dinophyta cysts were more abundant than Metazoa cysts. Cyst bank densities were variable, with empty forms generally more abundant than full ones; cyst concentrations were highest at the mouth of the Po River delta.  相似文献   
Kinetics of the air bubbles exhalation process, which occurs in overcooled cloud drops when they hit the hail or graupel particles surface. Analytical relationship between a number of bubbles generated in a drop and their size depending on the degree of overcooling of cloud drops is revealed. It is shown that the air bubbles exhalation, which accompanies the coagulation growth of hail particles, occurs on the principle of “ebullition” of the liquid on the surface of a hail particle.  相似文献   
The authors report a redox profile based on Mössbauer data of spinel and garnet to a depth of 210 km from mantle xenoliths of the northern (N) and southeastern (SE) Slave craton (northern Canada). The profile transects three depth facies of peridotites that form segments of different bulk composition, represented by spinel peridotite, spinel–garnet peridotite, low-temperature garnet peridotite, high-temperature garnet peridotite, and pyroxenite. The shallow, more depleted N Slave spinel peridotite records lower oxygen fugacities compared to the deeper, less depleted N Slave spinel–garnet peridotite, consistent with their different spinel Fe3+ concentrations. Garnet peridotites show a general reduction in log fO2 (FMQ)s with depth, where values for garnet peridotites are lower than those for spinel–garnet peridotites. There is a strong correlation between depletion and oxygen fugacity in the spinel peridotite facies, but little correlation in the garnet peridotite facies. The strong decrease in log fO2 (FMQ) with depth that arises from the smaller partial molar volume of Fe3+ in garnet, and the observation of distinct slopes of log fO2 (FMQ) with depth for spinel peridotite compared to spinel–garnet peridotite strongly suggest that oxygen fugacity in the cratonic peridotitic mantle is intrinsically controlled by iron equilibria involving garnet and spinel.
C. McCammonEmail: Phone: +49-921-553709Fax: +49-921-553769
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