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杜海波  魏伟  张学渊  纪学朋 《地理研究》2021,40(7):2051-2065
科学估算并动态监测长时间序列区域能源消费碳排放发展态势,是制定、实施及评估地区碳减排策略的科学依据和基础保障。基于构建的长时间序列可相互比较的DMSP/OLS与NPP/VIIRS两种夜间灯光数据集,本文模拟了2000—2018年黄河流域能源消费碳排放的时空变化特征,并从流域地理分异的角度对其影响因素进行解析。结果表明:① 2000—2018年黄河流域能源消费碳排放呈现总量不断上升但增长速率下降的态势,整体表现出收敛趋势,但还未达到碳峰值;流域内部碳排放总量呈中游>下游>上游的地理分异特征。② 以黄河干流及主要支流为串联的核心城市形成了若干规模不一的高密度碳排放中心。③ 黄河流域碳排放呈显著的正的全局空间自相关,并形成了以晋陕蒙资源型城市为依托的中上游碳排放高-高集聚,以及上游甘青宁地区为主的碳排放低-低集聚。④ 经济发展水平对碳排放空间分异的影响力始终最强,其次为城镇化水平与人口规模,“GDP+”能源结构、能源强度与产业结构所主导的交互作用是导致碳排放持续增长的主要推动力。从构建流域生命共同体的视角出发,结合黄河流域自然环境特点与经济社会特征,并统筹上下游、左右岸、干支流之间的关系,分区施策与分时施策并行,对实现以碳减排为目标的黄河流域生态保护与可持续发展意义重大。  相似文献   
提出了冰雷达数据处理的流程,详细论述了冰雷达数据处理中常规修正的关键技术:静态校正、增益控制、带通滤波以及偏移处理等。以中国第24次南极科学考察(CHINARE 24)所获取的Dome A 地区30 km×30 km范围冰雷达原始数据处理作为实例,提取得到了该区域冰盖内部等时层埋深以及冰盖的冰厚数据。通过插值展现了冰盖等时层以及冰岩界面的三维空间形态。结合该区域ICESat冰盖表面高程数据,构建出了Dome A地区涵盖冰盖表面、冰盖等时层以及冰岩界面形态特征的三维模型。  相似文献   
唐学远  张占海  孙波 《极地研究》2006,18(4):290-300
数值模拟南极冰盖是提升人们认识南极冰盖演化行为的重要手段。通过数值模拟研究可以揭示某些观测数据包含的冰盖物理机理以及在缺乏观测数据的情形下预测冰盖的演化行为。本文在综述南极冰盖数值研究国际进展的基础上,分析了南极冰盖数值模拟方面几个主要模型的特点,特别针对南极冰盖的三维数值模拟展开讨论,分析并探讨了冰盖数值模拟可能会遇到的潜在不稳定源以及在拓展模型研究范围时会遇到的障碍。对目前三维冰盖数值模拟存在的几个问题进行了讨论,并对未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   
The COSMO-CLM (CCLM) model is applied to perform regional climate simulation over the second phase of CORDEX-East Asia (CORDEX-EA-II) domain in this study. Driven by the ERAInterim reanalysis data, the model was integrated from 1988 to 2010 with a high resolution of 0.22°. The model’s ability to reproduce mean climatology and climatic extremes is evaluated based on various aspects. The CCLM model is capable of capturing the basic features of the East Asia climate, including the seasonal mean patterns, interannual variations, annual cycles and climate extreme indices for both surface air temperature and precipitation. Some biases are evident in certain areas and seasons. Warm and wet biases appear in the arid and semi-arid areas over the northwestern and northern parts of the domain. The simulated climate over the Tibetan Plateau is colder and wetter than the observations, while South China, East China, and India are drier. The model biases may be caused by the simulated anticyclonic and cyclonic biases in low-level circulations, the simulated water vapor content biases, and the inadequate physical parameterizations in the CCLM model. A parallel 0.44° simulation is conducted and the comparison results show some added value introduced by the higher resolution 0.22° simulation. As a result, the CCLM model could be an adequate member for the next stage of the CORDEX-EA project, while further studies should be encouraged.  相似文献   
针对不同导航传感器存在的采样率不同步(或尺度不同),提出了一种基于状态方程多尺度变换的异步多传感器组合导航系统信息融合算法。仿真结果表明,本算法不仅具有较好的实时性,而且具有较好的融合精度。  相似文献   
研究了可用于多传感器组合导航系统的两级分布式最优融合算法,以理论的形式证明了在有、无信息反馈的情况下最终的融合结果是等价的与最优的。仿真结果在验证上述理论的情况下,也说明了来自融合中心的反馈信息可明显提高子滤波的滤波性能。  相似文献   
针对双星定位系统的定位原理,给出了其定位观测方程,建立了其定位误差模型,推导了在差分定位体制下双星定位系统的定位误差模型;给出了高程误差以及星历误差引起的定位误差模型,并得出星历误差经过差分后等效于一个较小的测距误差的结论。综合仿真实例揭示了双星定位系统的误差分布特征。  相似文献   
CINRAD/SA雷达伺服电机连续故障诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CINRAD/SA天气雷达投入业务运行以来,在天线伺服系统方面出现了很多次故障,而直流方位电机是天线伺服系统的主要组成部分也是发生故障较多的部件之一。2014年福建长乐CINRAD/SA天气雷达在重大天气保障过程中,连续发生方位电机卡死造成雷达停机和测速机性能降低引起天线转速不稳造成雷达产品异常的故障;根据天线控制信号流程,通过运行雷达RDASOT测试程序、测量直流方位电机阻值、测量测速机反馈电压等方法,分析其故障的成因,对雷达伺服直流电机故障分析及解决方法有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
Gold deposits of the meso-epithermal carbonate type were first proposed based on the study of the Baguamiao gold deposit.This new type of gold deposits has many unique characteristics as follows:(1)Obviously strata-bound.The gold deposits are hosted in Middle Devonian turbidite formations;(2)Structrually controlled.Struc-ture is an important factor leading to metallogenesis of this type of gold deposits.The shape and distribution of orebodies are controlled by byittle-ductile shear zones;(3)Multi-stage wall-rock alteration.According to the characteristics of mineral assemblage,gold mineralization can be classified into three stages in association with various wall-rock al-terations.Wall-rock alterations closely genetically related to the gold mineralization are ankerization ,silicification,pyrrhotization and pyritization ;(4)Mineral compositions of the orebodies are mainly pyrrhotite,pyrite,marcasitolite,chalcopyrite,quartz,ankerite,and sericite.Gold mineralization is associated closely in space and time with iron sulfides;(5)Rare elements and REE in ores are low in contents relative to those of the crust.Au content varies from 1.91g/t to 11.15g/t ,averaging 5.5g/t;(6)Studies of sulfur,hydrogen,oxygen and carbon isotopes in main gangue minerals (quartz and ankerite)indicate that fluids and ore-forming materials came from deep-seated sources;(7)Three types of inclusions are recognized in terms of their composition and the vapor amounts of inclusions.The homogenization temperatures of inclusions range from 210℃to 310℃,averaging 230℃,showing that this type of gold deposits belongs to the meso-epithermal type;(8)Metallogenic age of this type of gold deposits is similar to that of the collision between the Yangtze Plate and the North China Plate,indicating that gold deposits of this type are genetically related to continental-margin plate activity.  相似文献   
Due to increased aerosol emissions and unfavorable weather conditions, severe haze events have occurred frequently in China in the last 10 years. In addition, the interaction between the boundary layer and the aerosol radiative effect may be another important factor in haze formation. To better understand the effect of this interaction, the aerosol radiative effect on a severe haze episode that took place in December 2013 was investigated by using two WRF-Chem model simulations with different aerosol configurations. The results showed that the maximal reduction of regional average surface shortwave radiation, latent heat, and sensible heat during this event were 88, 12, and 37 W m–2, respectively. The planetary boundary layer height, daytime temperature, and wind speed dropped by 276 m, 1°C, and 0.33 m s–1, respectively. The ventilation coefficient dropped by 8%–24% for in the central and northwestern Yangtze River Delta (YRD). The upper level of the atmosphere was warmed and the lower level was cooled, which stabilized the stratification. In a word, the dispersion ability of the atmosphere was weakened due to the aerosol radiative feedback. Additional results showed that the PM2.5 concentration in the central and northwestern YRD increased by 6–18 μg m–3, which is less than 15% of the average PM2.5 concentration during the severely polluted period in this area. The vertical profile showed that the PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations increased below 950 hPa, with a maximum increase of 7 and 8 μg m–3, respectively. Concentrations reduced between 950 and 800 hPa, however, with a maximum reduction of 3.5 and 4.5 μg m–3, respectively. Generally, the aerosol radiative effect aggravated the level of pollution, but the effect was limited, and this haze event was mainly caused by the stagnant meteorological conditions. The interaction between the boundary layer and the aerosol radiative effect may have been less important than the large-scale static weather conditions for the formation of this haze episode.  相似文献   
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