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本研究采用基于最优控制理论的伴随法,把观测资料同化到陆架海域潮汐数值模型中去,优化开边界条件,提高数值预报的精度.潮汐模型的控制方程为考虑平流项、非线性底摩擦和侧向涡动粘性项的非线性浅水方程组;采用Lagrange乘子法建立了伴随模型.研究分两部分:第一部分即本文,建立非线性浅水方程模型的伴随方程、给出目标函数的梯度,并实现“孪生”数值试验;第二部分另文给出.  相似文献   
对三倍体合浦珠母贝Pinctadamartensii(D.)春、秋两繁殖盛期的生殖腺进行了组织学观察,并对其配子形成及受精、发育进行了研究。结果表明:合浦珠母贝三倍体的生殖腺发育差,生殖细胞数量少,极少个体能见到成熟卵母细胞和精子;三倍体的配子能完成受精作用,能发育至直线铰合期。配子多为非整倍体,其染色体数目多为14—28,胚胎染色体数目主要为28—42,故胚胎不能正常发育。因此,三倍体合浦珠母贝是不育的.  相似文献   
The accurate mapping of urban housing prices at a fine scale is essential to policymaking and urban studies, such as adjusting economic factors and determining reasonable levels of residential subsidies. Previous studies focus mainly on housing price analysis at a macro scale, without fine‐scale study due to a lack of available data and effective models. By integrating a convolutional neural network for united mining (UMCNN) and random forest (RF), this study proposes an effective deep‐learning‐based framework for fusing multi‐source geospatial data, including high spatial resolution (HSR) remotely sensed imagery and several types of social media data, and maps urban housing prices at a very fine scale. With the collected housing price data from China's biggest online real estate market, we produced the spatial distribution of housing prices at a spatial resolution of 5 m in Shenzhen, China. By comparing with eight other multi‐source data mining techniques, the UMCNN obtained the highest housing price simulation accuracy (Pearson R = 0.922, OA = 85.82%). The results also demonstrated a complex spatial heterogeneity inside Shenzhen's housing price distribution. In future studies, we will work continuously on housing price policymaking and residential issues by including additional sources of spatial data.  相似文献   
Models of land use change are useful tools for un-derstanding the analysis of the cause and conse-quences of land use changes, assessing the impacts of land use system on ecological system and supporting land use planning and policy[1,2]. Modeling land use scenario changes and its potential impacts on the structure and function of the ecosystem in the typical regions are regarded as one of the good ways to un-derstand the interactive mechanism between land use system and ecological system[3―10…  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the year 2011 characteristics of energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration of a sub‐alpine spruce forest underlain by permafrost on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QPT). Energy balance closure on a half‐hourly basis was H + λE = 0.81 × (Rn ? G ? S) + 3.48 (W m?2) (r2 = 0.83, n = 14938), where H, λE, Rn, G and S are the sensible heat, latent heat, net radiation, soil heat and air‐column heat storage fluxes, respectively. Maximum H was higher than maximum λE, and H dominated the energy budget at midday during the whole year, even in summer time. However, the rainfall events significantly affected energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration. The mean value of evaporative fraction (Λ = λE/(λE + H)) during the growth period on zero precipitation days and non‐zero precipitation days was 0.40 and 0.61, respectively. The mean daily evapotranspiration of this sub‐alpine forest during summer time was 2.56 mm day?1. The annual evapotranspiration and sublimation was 417 ± 8 mm year?1, which was very similar to the annual precipitation of 428 mm. Sublimation accounted for 7.1% (30 ± 2 mm year?1) of annual evapotranspiration and sublimation, indicating that the sublimation is not negligible in the annual water balance in sub‐alpine forests on the QPT. The low values of the Priestley–Taylor coefficient (α) and the very low value of the decoupling coefficient (Ω) during most of the growing season suggested low soil water content and conservative water loss in this sub‐alpine forest. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
琼州海峡潮流能资源的数值模拟评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来,我国能源消耗量不断的增长使我们更加重视可再生能源的开发利用,而我国近海拥有复杂的海岸线和广阔的大陆架,其中许多海域蕴藏着丰富的潮流能资源。潮流能资源评估则是其电站站址选择、发电量预测等工程设计的首要工作。结合两个站位的潮流实测数据,本文利用FVCOM海洋环流数值模式较好的模拟了琼州海峡潮波传播状况,分析了该海域潮流能资源水平分布规律和时间变化特征,初步估算了该水道的潮流能的理论蕴藏量,并采用FLUX方法对该水道的技术可开发量进行了评估。结果表明,琼州海峡中心海域功率密度高,两岸资源低;可能最大流速、大潮年平均最大功率密度、小潮年平均功率密度和年平均功率密度等特征值分布基本相似;其丰富区域出现在海峡东口南部海域以及海峡中部海域,其中东口南部海域可能最大流速可达4.6 m/s,表层流大潮年平均最大功率密度为5996 W/m2,小潮平均最大功率密度仅为467 W/m2,年平均功率密度为819 W/m2,代表点超过0.7 m/s的潮流流速年统计时间约为4717 h;海峡潮流能资源理论蕴藏量为189.55MW,利用FLUX、FARM、GC方法得到该水道的潮流能可开发量分别为249GW/yr、20.2GW/yr和263GW/yr。  相似文献   
中国铁路运输33年来的温室气体排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铁路是我国重要的交通运输方式,但我国至今尚无铁路运输行业温室气体排放量的报道.文章基于我国铁路部门逐年统计数据,计算了 1975~2007年我国铁路机车的温室气体排放量,分析了我国铁路机车温室气体排放强度及其变化特点.结果表明,我国铁路机车温室气体(CO2和N2O)总排放量逐年降低,由1975年的4278×104t CO2当量降至2007年的3844×104t CO2当量,总降幅达10%,年均减排14×104t CO2当量.其中,CO2年排放量整体呈下降趋势,由1975年的4246×104t降至2007年的3645×104t,总降幅达14%,年均减排18.8×104t; N2O年排放量快速增长,由1975年的1088t增至2007年的6681t,年均增加175t,达16%.由于我国铁路蒸汽机车承担的牵引工作量越来越少,其温室气体年排放量逐年降低,1975~2001年年均减少155×104t CO2当量,降幅达3.7%.2002年以后,蒸汽机车基本上从运输领域中被全部淘汰,无温室气体排放.1975~2007年内燃机车和电力机车的排放比重越来越大,其温室气体年排放量逐年上升,内燃机车年均增加54×104t CO2当量,电力机车间接排放量年均增长62×104t CO2当量.温室气体排放强度呈现明显降低趋势,其值由1975年的8.23kg降至2007年的1.34kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里,降幅达84%,年均降低0.22kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里.其中,内燃机车、电力机车和蒸汽机车的温室气体平均排放强度分别为1.51kg,1.68kg和8.74kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里.大规模淘汰排放强度大的蒸汽机车,同时大量运用排放强度低的内燃机车和电力机车,使得我国铁路机车的温室气体排放量和排放强度不断降低,这为减少我国铁路运输行业的温室气体排放作出了重要贡献.另外,我国铁路机车温室气体排放量占全国化石燃料燃烧的温室气体排放总量的比重很小,因此可以说铁路运输是我国交通运输领域中理想的节能减排运输方式.  相似文献   
就主采空区地表塌陷对铁路客运专线的危害性按照《建筑物、水体、铁路及主要井巷煤柱留设与压煤开采规程》及相关规范技术要求,对线路与主采空区之间的安全距离进行了量化评价,之后就小窑采空区场地对高等级铁路稳定性运用浅埋采空平衡拱的理论量化评价。以上两种量化评价的结果是可以保障线路与主采空区之间的安全距离,该小窑采空区顶板不受力,顶板地基稳定性差,最后文中对场地地基稳定性差的线路基础提出处理措施与建议。  相似文献   
QSO objective prism survey was done for the field centered at 10h40m + 00°00. For the 348 objects selected, we present in this paper their positions,B J magnitudes, spectra, and finding charts. Based on the sample containing 163 QSO candidates with higher reliabilities (F 3), the surface density of QSO candidates withB J 20 is estimated to be about 4.5 per square degree.Work based on UKST plates.  相似文献   
新疆西准噶尔博什库尔-成吉斯(Boshchekul-Chingiz)岩浆弧南缘,额敏县东南约100km的阿克乔克含铜花岗闪长岩和花岗闪长斑岩,其锆石U-Pb年龄为410.5±2.9Ma,形成于泥盆世早期.岩石具有埃达克岩的地球化学特征,表现为高钾钙碱性-钙碱性,SiO2含量在61%~66%之间,具高Al(Al2O3=15.67% ~ 16.87%)、Sr(475×10-6 ~ 879×10-6)及高Sr/Y比值(36 ~77),低Y(9.87×10-6~14.46×10-6)、Yb(0.96×10-6~ 1.49×10-6),富钠贫钾(Na2O =4.25% ~5.58%,K2O=2.26% ~3.27%,Na2O/K2O=1.40~ 2.47),MgO=1.51% ~2.58%,Mg#=41~48,并显示富集强不相容元素(Ba、Rb、Sr、Th、U)和LREE,(La/Yb)N=6.0~10.2,强烈亏损高场强元素(Nb-Ta、Ti),Y/Yb=10,无Eu异常(Eu/Eu*≈1.0)和HREE呈平坦型的配分特点,以及与环太平洋新生代埃达克岩相当的Rb/Sr(0.04 ~0.07)和La/Ce(0.42 ~0.51)比值,但偏低的Nb/U比值可能与俯冲沉积物加入有关.阿克乔克花岗闪长岩及花岗闪长斑岩是早泥盆世早期库吉拜-和布克赛尔(Kujibai-Hebukesaier)及洪古勒楞蛇绿岩带所代表的古大洋向南俯冲的玄武质洋壳部分熔融的产物,源区残留相主要为角闪石+辉石+石榴石,源岩应为石榴角闪岩;阿克乔克早泥盆世埃达克岩及谢米斯台-赛尔山晚志留世-早泥盆世A-型花岗岩(422~405 Ma,Chen et al.,2010)构造岩浆岩带可东延至扎河坝-阿尔曼太蛇绿岩带之北的岛弧带,构成一条贯穿东、西准噶尔北部的巨型构造带;阿克乔克埃达克岩伴有斑岩型Cu成矿作用,因此,在东、西准噶尔博什库尔-成吉斯-达拉特-巴依塔格巨型岩浆弧带有可能存在与埃达克岩有关的Cu-Au矿带.  相似文献   
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