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介绍了GeoMedia Professional软件在油田地面工程数字化工作中的应用,并针对设置工作空间、数据库、特征类的坐标系统时容易混淆的问题,及该问题引起的不同数据库之间的坐标系统不一致,以及一个数据库中个别特征类的坐标系统参数不正确的情况进行了分析,同时总结了操作过程中需要注意的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   
Thin film methods and X ray energy dispersive technique were applied to analyze sulfate-containing particles in Beijing in order to examine their features and sources. Atmospheric aerosol particles were collected on electron mi-croscope meshes according to two size ranges: coarse particles (r>0.5μm) and fine particles (0.5μm≥r≥0.1μm) by using a two-stage impactor. It was found fiat more than seventy percent of the fine particles and about twenty percent of the coarse particles were sulfate-containing particles. These particles were formed mainly through heterogeneous nucleation. The element composition analyses revealed that the atmospheric aerosol particles in Beijing were domi-nated by crustal particles and construction dust.  相似文献   
The structure of the Intramoesian fault is studied for the purpose of estimating its contemporary activity. The fault is known in the territory of Romania and Bulgaria, but it is insufficiently studied both from the geological point of view on the surface and from the geophysical point of view, from which the pattern of its deep structure can be inferred. The fault zone is the key structure for the solution of the problem of estimating the seismic hazard of the region, since the latest studies of this territory indicate the existence of traces of relatively young tectonic processes. According to some concepts the Intramoesian fault sets bounds to the tectonic plate, which is subducted under the Carpathian fold system in the region of the Vrancea Mountains. The paper under consideration presents the results of the field study of the southeastern, the Bulgarian, part of the fault with the application of a complex of geological-geomorphological and geophysical methods. On this basis, the structural segmentation of the fault is carried out and the specific features of its intersection with the disjunctives of another structural orientation are inferred. The data, which determine the degree of its geological and seismic activity, are also discussed.  相似文献   
利用CloudSat 卫星资料,选取冰粒子的等效半径(IER)、数浓度(INC)、含水量(IWC),统计分析了层云、层积云微物理量的垂直分布和季节变化。层云/层积云小粒子(0~50 μm)、中等粒子(50~80 μm)、大粒子(≥80 μm)出现频率分别为18.7%/16.3%、77.6%/62.6%、3.7%/21.2%。在IER 垂直分布上,层云小、中等粒子在云层中部出现较多,层积云小粒子在云层上部出现较多,中等、大粒子在云层中部出现较多。层云/层积云INC低值段(0~50 L-1)、中值段(50~100 L-1)、高值段(≥100 L-1)出现频率分别为90.1%/76.5%、9.6%/19.5%、0.3%/4.1%。在INC垂直分布上,层云低、中值段在云层中部出现较多,层积云低、中值段分别在云层中部、上部出现较多。层云/层积云IWC低值段(0~50 mg·m-3)、中值段(50~100 mg·m-3)、高值段(≥100 mg·m-3)出现频率分别为96.7%/82.8%、3.2%/13.4%、0.1%/3.7%。在IWC垂直分布上,层云低值段在云层中部出现较多,层积云低、中值段分别在云层中部、上部出现较多。  相似文献   
地下水化学动力学基本理论在矿井水文地质中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据西峪煤矿水化学及相关水文地质资料,运用地下水化学动力学的基本理论和方法,对西峪煤矿奥陶系峰峰组岩溶含水层水文地质条件进行了定量评价,从而划分出了含水层的强、弱径流带,为煤矿的安全生产提供了依据。  相似文献   
受制于光学器件的性能与观测环境的影响,国产高分辨率遥感影像通常存在条带噪声、光谱分辨率低、纹理不清晰等问题,给后续的自动化影像产品生产及目标解译工作带来极大的不利。本研究先后从去除条带噪声、对比度增强、边缘增强三个方面,对遥感影像进行质量改善,使遥感影像更好地为地理信息公众服务。以高分二号全色影像为实验数据,目视和定量评价结果均证实了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   
2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震地表同震位移分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
沿长约 4 2 6km的 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8 1地震地表破裂带共获得 2 91个点的地表同震水平左旋位移数据 ,并在其中 1 1 1个点获得了垂直位移数据。该地震总体以左旋水平位移为主 ,兼具一定的垂直位移。最大地表左旋水平位移值可达 6 4m ,平均水平位移约为 2 7m ,绝大多数测点的垂直位移均 <1m。地表水平位移沿主破裂带走向位移梯度变化于 1 0 - 1~ 1 0 - 4之间 ,这一起伏变化可能起因于野外测量误差、沿主破裂带岩性或松散沉积物厚度的变化、地表破裂带几何结构的不均匀性、地表破裂走向的变化、不同破裂段在昆仑山口西 8 1级地震之前的地震中滑动量的起伏变化 ,以及大量非脆性变形、次级破裂的存在等。水平位移沿主破裂带的长波长 (数十公里至数百公里 )起伏变化较有规律 ,在布喀达坂峰以东表现为分别以 5个水平位移峰值为中心而有规律地起伏变化。这5个位移峰值分别对应于不同的次级地震地表破裂段。各破裂段水平位移峰值均向阶区或拐点逐渐衰减 ,不同地表破裂段位移峰值向两侧衰减的速率是不同的 ,这种位移梯度的不对称分布可能指示了地震破裂的扩展方向。上述位移分布特征真实地反映了地表可见脆  相似文献   
Bin Yu  Yu Ma  Yufu Wu 《Natural Hazards》2013,65(1):835-849
The debris flow, which was triggered in the Wenjia Gully on August 13, 2010, is an extreme example of mass movement events, which occurred after the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. This Earthquake triggered in the Wenjia Gully the second largest co-seismic landslide, which can be classified as a rockslide-debris avalanche. A lot of loose sediments was deposited in the basin. In the main so called Deposition Area II of this landslide, with a volume of 30?×?106?m3, flash floods can easily trigger debris flows because of the steep bottom slope and the relative small grain sizes of the sediments. The largest debris flow of August 13, 2010 destroyed the most downstream dam in the catchment during a heavy rain storm. The debris flow with a peak discharge of 1,530?m3/s and a total volume of 3.1?×?106?m3 caused the death of 7 persons, 5 persons were missing, 39 persons were injured and 479 houses buried. After three rainy seasons, only 16?% of the landslide-debris deposition was taken away by 5 large-scale debris flow events. Since the threshold for rainfall triggered debris flows in the Wenjia Gully and other catchments drastically decreased after the Wenchuan Earthquake, new catastrophic events are expected in the future during the rainy season.  相似文献   
王开泳  邓羽 《地理研究》2016,35(5):825-835
“胡焕庸线”提出80年来,在国际上产生深远影响。随着中国新型城镇化进程的全面推进,对胡焕庸线的研究急剧升温。在新的历史背景下,如何客观看待胡焕庸线成为亟待解决的一个问题。研究认为:胡焕庸线不仅是中国人口分布的分界线,也是重要的自然生态界线,这条界线的形成不以人的意志为转移,不宜人为去“打破”。同时,在新型城镇化背景下,应该树立理性思维,稳妥有序地推进城镇化进程,不断优化城镇化的空间分布格局。在全面放开二孩的新政策推动下,由于中国区域人口政策的差异性,东部和中部地区的人口有望实现较为明显的增长,西部地区增长相对缓慢,由此可能对胡焕庸线两侧的人口空间格局产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
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