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The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 induced hundreds of large-scale landslides. This paper systematically analyzes 112 large-scale landslides (surface area > 50000 m2), which were identified by interpretation of remote sensing imagery and field investigations. The analysis suggests that the distribution of large-scale landslides is affected by the following four factors: (a) distance effect: 80% of studied large-scale landslides are located within a distance of 5 km from the seismic faults. The farther the distance to the faults, the lower the number of large-scale landslides; (b) locked segment effect: the large-scale landslides are mainly located in five concentration zones closely related with the crossing, staggering and transfer sections between one seismic fault section and the next one, as well as the end of the NE fault section. The zone with the highest concentration was the Hongbai-Chaping segment, where a great number of large-scale landslides including the two largest landslides were located. The second highest concentration of large-scale landslides was observed in the Nanba-Donghekou segment at the end of NE fault, where the Donghekou landslide and the Woqian landslide occurred; (c) Hanging wall effect: about 70% of the large-scale landslides occurred on the hanging wall of the seismic faults; and (d) direction effect: in valleys perpendicular to the seismic faults, the density of large-scale landslides on the slopes facing the seismic wave is obviously higher than that on the slopes dipping in the same direction as the direction of propagation of the seismic wave. Meanwhile, it is found that the sliding and moving directions of large-scale landslides are related to the staggering direction of the faults in each section. In Qingchuan County where the main fault activity was horizontal twisting and staggering, a considerable number of landslides showed the feature of sliding and moving in NE direction which coincides with the staggering direction of the seismic faults.  相似文献   
唐雪琼  徐海妙  尹铎 《地理科学》2022,42(1):136-142
选取易武斗茶会为研究案例,以尺度转换为理论分析工具,通过参与式观察法和半结构化访谈法,深入分析易武斗茶会的发展历程并展示推动其发展演变的多元社会主体的不同行动与实践。研究发现:① 易武斗茶会的演变过程中存在2种尺度转换的方式,一种是为迎合普洱茶市场细分而进行的尺度下推,另一种是根据地方发展需求而进行的尺度上推。② 易武斗茶会尺度转换是在地方政府的推动、茶企的支持、茶农的配合以及茶客的偏好下共同驱动的。③ 多元主体的行动在推动易武斗茶会尺度转换的过程中满足了各自群体的利益诉求,地方依凭茶叶经济实现了本土发展。从节事的角度对中国茶文化进行深入分析研究,为茶村如何通过地方性节事活动实现本土发展提供理论依据与案例借鉴。  相似文献   
今天,我们在这里隆重集会,庆祝省地科院建院50周年.首先,我代表山东省国土资源厅,向全院广大干部职工和离退休老同志,表示崇高的敬意!向长期以来关心支持我省地质工作的各级领导和社会各界人士,表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   
A wide-field time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 2168 was carried out using the BATC Schmidt telescope. In total 13 new variable stars are discovered with three W UMa systems, one EA type and two EB type eclipsing binaries (one of them could be a W UMa system), and seven pulsating stars including three candidates of δScuti stars.  相似文献   
鲈鱼的鳃寄生车轮虫病及扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道鲈鱼的鳃寄生车轮虫病及病理组织的扫描电镜观察。病原鉴定为 :直钩车轮虫、杜氏车轮虫、日本车轮虫、劳牧小车轮虫及简单两分虫 5种车轮虫科纤毛虫 ,其中数量上占优势的为直钩车轮虫。扫描电镜观察结果表明 ,鳃寄生车轮虫可对宿主的上皮组织产生明显的机械性损伤并造成鳃丝粘液分泌增多及炎症反应。文中就海水养殖鱼类及野生鱼类由车轮虫寄生造成的危害及防治途径做了探讨。  相似文献   
徐彬  王占阁  吴军  许正文  薛昆  吴健 《极地研究》2010,22(4):334-347
2009年夏季,中国在挪威特罗姆瑟(Tromsφ)利用非相干散射雷达进行电离层加热实验。实验中发现了处在150km附近的小范围温度增强事件和150—400km之间的大范围温度增强事件。前者的相对增幅明显,后者的绝对增量更大。对这两类加热事件来说,温度增量百分比均随加热功率的增加线性增长,但对比两类加热事件来看,增长速度随加热频率增大而减小。加热效应存在显著的二维分布特征,加热最强方向处在场向附近。加热效应受加热天线波束指向与地磁场的夹角影响明显,随夹角增大温度增强效应减弱。  相似文献   
中国对虾新病害—肠结节病的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991年7~8月浙江省宁波、舟山地区一些中国对虾Penaeruschinensis的养虾场中爆发了一种肠结节新病害,危害十分严重。本文报导该病发生与危害的情况以及症状、病原、组织病理观察的结果。  相似文献   
近30年长江口海域生态系统健康状况及变化趋势研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评估长江口海域生态系统健康状况,本文以鱼类浮游生物为指示生物,选择1986年、1999年、2007年和2016年4个年份的数据,选取鱼类浮游生物总种类数、底栖鱼种类数、水层鱼种类数、低耐污鱼种类数、高耐污鱼种类数百分比、杂食性鱼种类数百分比、虫食性鱼种类数百分比、肉食性鱼种类数百分比、鱼类取样个体数、天然杂交种种类数百分比等10个评价指标,采用1、3、5赋值法计算4个不同年份的河口生物完整性指数(Estuarine Biotic Integrity Index,EBI),并以此评价近30年长江口海域生态系统健康状况变化趋势。结果显示,1986年、1999年、2007年和2016年4个不同年份的EBI值分别是52、40、36、34,对应的EBI等级分别为“好”、“一般”、“一般−差”、“差”。通过分析EBI年际变化的结果,发现近30年来长江口海域生态系统健康状况呈现先下降,而后稳定在较低水平的趋势,说明长江口海域生态系统亟需及时进行保护和修复工作。  相似文献   
PathogensandpathogenicitytoPenaeusorientalisKishinouyeINTRODUCTIONBacteria,especiallyvibriosareoneofthemajorpathogenstocultur...  相似文献   
We present a conceptual design study of external calibrators in the 21 cm experiment towards detecting the globally averaged radiation of the epoch of reionization(EoR). Employment of external calibrator instead of internal calibrator commonly used in current EoR experiments allows removing instrumental effects such as beam pattern, receiver gain and instability of the system if the conventional three-position switch measurements are implemented in a short time interval. Furthermore, in the new design the antenna system is placed in an underground anechoic chamber with an open/closing ceiling to maximally reduce the environmental effect such as RFI and ground radiation/reflection. It appears that three of the four external calibrators proposed in this paper, including two indoor artificial transmitters and one outdoor celestial radiation(the Galactic polarization), fail to meet our purpose. Diurnal motion of the Galactic diffuse emission turns out to be the most probable source as an external calibrator, for which we have discussed the observational strategy and the algorithm of extracting the EoR signal.  相似文献   
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