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The extensive spread ofPhragmites australis throughout brackish marshes on the East Coast of the United States is a major factor governing management and restoration decisions because it is assumed that biogeochemical functions are altered by the invasion. Microbial activity is important in providing wetland biogeochemical functions such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, but there is little known about sediment microbial communities inPhragmites marshes. Microbial populations associated with invasivePhragmites vegetation and with native salt marsh cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, may differ in the relative abundance of microbial taxa (community structure) and in the ability of this biota to decompose organic substrates (community biogeochemical function). This study compares sediment microbial communities associated withPhragmites andSpartina vegetation in an undisturbed brackish marsh near Tuckerton, New Jersey (MUL), and in a brackish marsh in the anthropogenically affected Hackensack meadowlands (SMC). We use phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and enzymataic activity to profile sediment microbial communities associated with both plants in each site. Sediment analyses include bulk density, total organic matter, and root biomass. PLFA profiles indicate that the microbial communities differ between sites with the undisturbed site exhibiting greater fatty acid richness (62 PLFA recovered from MUL versus 38 from SMC). Activity of the 5 enzymes analyzed (β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, chitobiase, and 2 oxidases) was higher in the undisturbed site. Differences between vegetation species as measured by Principal Components Analysis were significantly greater at the undisturbed MUL site than at SMC, and patterns of enzyme activity and PLFAs did not correspond to patterns of root biomass. We suggest that in natural wetland sediments, macrophyte rhizosphere effects influence the community composition of sediment microbial populations. Physical and chemical site disturbances may impose limits on these rhizosphere effects, decreasing sediment microbial diversity and potentially, microbial biogeochemical functions.  相似文献   
青藏高原中部的东西向扩张构造运动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统分析了1933~2003年间青藏高原及其周缘发生的745个中、强地震的震源机制解,研究了高原地壳构造运动及其动力学特征。结果表明,大量正断层型地震集中发生在青藏高原中部海拔4000m以上的地区,其中许多地震是纯正断层型地震。震源机制结果显示,该区正断层型地震的断层走向多为南北方向,断层位错矢量的水平分量均位于近东西方向,这表明青藏高原高海拔地区存在着近东西方向的扩张构造运动。地震震源应力场的研究结果表明,在高原中部高海拔地区,E-W向或WNW-ESE向的水平扩张作用控制着该区的地壳应力场。青藏高原高海拔地区近东西方向的扩张构造运动是该区引张应力场的作用结果,其动力学原因可能与持续隆升的高原自重增大引起的重力崩塌及其周边区域构造应力状况有关。而青藏高原周缘地区,除了东部边缘外,南部的喜马拉雅山前沿以及青藏高原的北部、西部边缘所发生的绝大部分地震都是逆断层型或走滑逆断层型地震。在青藏高原周缘地区,北东或者北北东方向水平挤压的构造应力场为优势应力场。在中国西部的大范围内,主压应力P轴水平分量位于NE-SW方向,形成了一个广域的NE-SW方向的挤压应力场。青藏高原及其周缘应力场特征表明,印度板块的北上运动以及它与欧亚板块之间的碰撞所形成的挤压应力场是高原强烈隆起的直接原因。在青藏高原中南部形成了近东西向引张应力场为主的区域,并以东西向扩张构造运动部分释放其应力积累。研究高原高海拔地区的引张应力场和近东西向扩张构造运动的特征,对于认识青藏高原强烈隆起的地球动力学过程与机制,有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
张晓  张旭 《地学前缘》2022,29(5):322-333
千年尺度气候突变事件是第四纪冰期普遍存在的气候现象。这些事件可以被分为两类,一类为Dansgaard-Oeschger Event (DO事件),另一类为海因里希(Heinrich Stadial,HS)事件,后者有时也被认为是一种特殊的DO事件,因此也被称为 HS-DO事件。HS事件期间北大西洋冰架的融化一般对应DO振荡的冷相位,这与通常认为的冰架在较冷气候下体积增加并不相符。这两类事件在北大西洋重建数据中表现得最为明显,但其气候影响具有全球性。由于没有显著的外强迫驱动这两类气候突变事件,自20世纪90年代首次被确认以来,HS-DO事件一直是古气候界关注的重点,且人们对其触发机理仍没有定论。本文基于目前对这两类千年事件的研究现状,集中总结了目前已有的可反映千年事件的重建数据,利用已有的模拟工作,重点回顾了现有的机制理论,评述了目前研究DO事件以及HS-DO事件的局限性,并对其后续工作,尤其是模拟部分,进行了展望。  相似文献   
Frontal upwelling is an important phenomenon in summer in the Yellow Sea (YS) and plays an essential role in the distribution of nutrients and biological species. In this paper, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is applied to investigate the characteristics and influencing factors of frontal upwelling in the YS. The results show that the strength and distribution of frontal upwelling are largely dependent on the topography and bottom temperature fronts. The frontal upwelling in the YS is stronger and narrower near the eastern coast than near the western coast due to the steeper shelf slope. Moreover, external forcings, such as the meridional wind speed and air temperature in summer and the air temperature in the preceding winter and spring, have certain influences on the strength of frontal upwelling. An increase in air temperature in the previous winter and spring weakens the frontal upwelling in summer; in contrast, an increase in air temperature in summer strengthens the frontal upwelling. When the southerly wind in summer increases, the upwelling intensifies in the western YS and weakens in the eastern YS. The air temperature influences the strength of upwelling by changing the baroclinicity in the frontal region. Furthermore, the meridional wind speed in summer affects frontal upwelling via Ekman pumping.  相似文献   
地层水化学特征及流体成因的分析对油气成藏的研究具有重要意义,对库车坳陷克拉苏构造带的地层水化学特征及流体成因的研究有助于油气藏的勘探开发。塔里木盆地库车坳陷克拉苏构造带构造特征复杂,地层水化学特征及流体系统缺乏系统研究。为了明确克拉苏构造带地层水化学特征及其流体系统,对地层水的溶解性总固体(TDS)、离子比例系数及压力分布特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:克拉苏构造带地层水以高TDS的卤水为主(平均值为154.92 g/L),按照苏林分类主要为CaCl2型,按照舒卡列夫分类为Cl-Na型和Cl-Na·Ca型,为典型的沉积埋藏水。地层水的脱硫系数较低(平均值小于1.2)、变质系数较高(平均值大于6),表明地层的封闭性较好,地层水经历了较强的水岩反应。参照地层压力场、岩性特征及地层水特征,将库车凹陷克拉苏构造带划分为第四系—新近系、古近系、白垩系、侏罗系及下伏地层四套流体系统。结合研究区岩性组成、构造演化特征及地层水化学特征分析,明确了白垩系巴什基奇克组地层水的成因为白垩系原始沉积水与侏罗系烃源岩生烃时排出的有机物转化流体、沉积水及古近系膏盐层高盐度流体的混合。  相似文献   
在华南前汛期低空西南急流一锋面暴雨过程的初期.存在着一种自西南向东北方向传播的中尺度波状雨带或中到中间尺度的波状雨区.波状雨区的波长为20—100公里左右,传播速度为20—45公里/小时,对应的降水周期为1—4小时.波状雨区出现在500百帕槽前、850百帕冷切变线南面和地面锋面的暖区,以及850百帕冷切变南侧低空西南急流移近、加强的过程中.估计这种波状降水可能是暴雨过程中1—4小时的周期性强非地转西南风风速脉动造成的辐合或重力波触发产生的.中尺度波状雨区的持续旺盛发展可能产生新的中到中间尺度雨成冷性切变线雨带,形成强降水和第一个暴雨区.  相似文献   
The mesoscale weather prediction model ’Lokal-Modell’ (LM) of the Deutscher Wetterdienst is applied to the situation of an Arctic cold air outbreak in the Fram Strait region in April 1998. Observations are available from a flight along 50E carried out during the ARTIST campaign. Initial and time-dependent boundary data for the simulation are taken from a larger scale operational model system. Using the standard configuration of LM, the simulation reproduced the propagation of cold air and the characteristic structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in fair agreement with the observations. However, a detailed comparison revealed three basic problems. Firstly, there is evidence that the available data on sea-ice conditions were insufficient approximations to the true state for several reasons. A modification of the sea-ice data towards observations revealed that parts of the discrepancies were due to the original sea-ice data. Secondly, a control run with the model in its standard configuration shows an insufficient warming of the ABL downstream of the ice edge due to underestimation of surface heat fluxes. A simple modification of the approach for the scalar roughness length resulted in the strongest benefit, while comparative studies showed only a slight sensitivity to different types of parametrisation of turbulent mixing or the inclusion of an additional moist convection parametrisation. Thirdly, in all the simulations the deepening of the convective ABL downstream of the ice edge is weaker than observed. This may be partly due to the thermal stratification above the ABL in the analysis data, which is more stable than observed; but it may also be a hint to the fact that processes near the inversion are insufficiently parametrised in mesoscale models with resolutions as used in LM. The simulated cloud layer in the convective ABL is similar to that observed with respect to condensate content, a sharply defined cloud top, a diffuse lower bound, and continuous light precipitation.  相似文献   
Study on the dominant species of Pteropoda in East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTION Pteropoda is a group of marine pelagic mol- lusks, which belongs to Opisthobranchia of Gastro- poda. Although Pteropoda is not a major group in pelagic zooplankton in terms of abundance and number of species, their ecological characters are…  相似文献   
对木荚红豆人工林C贮量及其分配的研究表明,木荚红豆人工林C贮量为227.9t/hm2,其中生物量C库和死有机质C库分别为117.1t/hm2和110.8t/hm2,分别占C库总量的51.4%和48.6%;乔木层C库和土壤有机质C库分别占林分总C库的49.4%和47.1%;林下植被层、枯枝落叶层、粗木质残体C库总共仅占生态系统C库的3.5%,对生态系统C吸存的贡献较小.  相似文献   
研究取自于东太平洋CC48柱状样的钙质超微化石和底栖有孔虫的氧同位素成分变化的结果表明,该区下中新统至少可分出九个氧同位素地层(期),反映该区在早中新世期间至少经历了4次气温上升和5次下降的古气候变化。南极大陆冰川应是形成于早中新世而不是前人认为的中中新世。在早中新世,南极冰体体积有较大的变化。受古气候变化的影响,在早中新世期间东太平洋水柱热结构或温度梯度有比较大的变化,海平面出现多次上升与下降。  相似文献   
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