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柴达木盆地西北部地区上新世湖相沉积中发育有我国储量最大的内陆湖相蒸发岩型天青石矿床,长期以来针对该矿床主要进行了地质勘查与开发,而对于大风山天青石矿的成矿物源及成因模式方面的研究工作相对较少。本文通过对大风山天青石矿床短轴复式背斜之北翼、轴部及南翼典型蒸发岩剖面进行系统研究,结合前人相关锶同位素数据特征和区域地质资料,利用柴达木盆地内现代河流锶含量的分布特征,蒸发岩剖面的主量元素特征及岩石薄片分析等手段,对大风山天青石矿床的成矿物质来源及矿床成因进行了一定程度的探讨,主要得出以下结论:(1)柴达木盆地周缘长英质基岩长期的风化作用为湖相天青石矿的形成提供了主要锶源;(2)围岩富锶碳酸盐岩显著发育的溶蚀与交代作用对天青石矿物的二次富集起到了重要作用;(3)高山深盆构造背景下的振荡干化作用有利于沉积物中锶的溶解迁移与富集成矿。  相似文献   
The Khorat Plateau on the Indochina Terrane is known to have formed during the closure of the Tethys Ocean, although the origin of its potash mineral deposits is a topic of current debate. Data from a borehole on Savannakhet Basin is used in this study to re-define the evaporation processes of the study area. Geochemical analyses of halite from various borehole-derived evaporite strata have elucidated the fluid sources from which these ores formed. Measured δ11 B indicated that ore deposits formed primarily due to evaporation of seawater, although non-marine fluids affected the later stages of the evaporation process. Fluctuations in B and Br concentrations in carnallite-and sylvite-rich strata indicate the influence of fresh water. Boron concentration in carnallite unit indicated the influence of hydrothermal fluids. From the relative timings of these various fluid influxes, the evolution of these evaporates can be divided into four stages:(1) an initial marine evaporation at the beginning of the deposit's formation, where seawater(and minor fresh water) trapped on the uplifted Khorat Plateau produced sediments and salts with Br contents lower than those of normal marine-derived evaporites;(2) a transgression stage, where seawater recharged the basin;(3) a hydrothermal infiltration stage, which was coeval with the late Yanshan movement; and(4) a stage of fresh water supply, as recorded by fluctuations in B and Br contents, inferring intermittent fresh water influx into the basin. Thus, although evaporites on the Savannakhet Basin primarily formed via marine evaporation, they were also influenced to a significant degree by the addition of non–marine fresh water and hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
泰国—老挝呵叻高原钾盐矿床研究现状及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泰国—老挝境内的呵叻高原马哈萨拉堪组钾盐矿床是世界上最大的钾盐矿床之一。综合研究表明,马哈萨拉堪组赋钾蒸发岩形成于晚白垩世,其成盐物质来自海水。该含盐建造很可能形成于陆相环境中,为"海源陆相"沉积。在蒸发岩沉积过程中及沉积后,一直伴随着水—岩(盐)作用的发生,钾盐沉积之后往往受到该作用的改造。溢晶石的出现是该地区"异常"蒸发岩的表现特征之一,它的形成很可能与海水的变质作用有关,但其形成机制尚未得到合理解释。兰坪—思茅盆地勐野井组与呵叻高原马哈萨拉堪组联系密切且具有共同之处,但二者在时代、成盐期次对比等问题上存在较大争议。最后,针对今后该地区钾盐研究提出了一些新的研究思路与方法。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionGreen house gases, such as CO2,CH4, N2O and so on are released to the atmosphereconstantly by human activities. These gases insert positive radiative forcing to the climate.Meanwhile, aerosol, which are also released by human activities, ins…  相似文献   
Based on the reanalysis dataset ERA40 of European Center of Medium Range Weather Forcast (ECMWF), winter climate change and characteristics of sea ice-atmosphere interaction at high northern latitudes for recent several tens of years are analyzed. Superposed upon the background of global warming, the amplitude of temperature increase in winter at high northern latitudes is bigger and it exhibits different features in different regions. From the end of 1970 s, the Greenland Sea, the Barents Sea and most part of Euro-Asian continent and North American continent are getting warmer, whereas the Labrador Sea, the Greenland and the area around the Bering Strait are getting colder. Meanwhile, the sea level pressure in the central part of the northern polar region and the place where the climatic Icelandic low exist decreases, but in places farther southward it increases. Since the 1970 s, the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux sent to the atmosphere from the Greenland Sea and the Barents Sea has increased, this is mainly due to the reduction of sea ice concentration and the weakening of insulator and shield effect of the solid ice accordingly caused by the increase of air temperature. In sea ice free area of the Norwegian Sea, the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux sent to the atmosphere has reduced due to decrease of temperature and humidity differences between the air and the sea surface caused by increase of air temperature and humidity. In the Labrador Sea, due to decrease of air temperature and humidity and increase of temperature and humidity differences between the air and the sea surface accordingly, the sea gives more sensible heat flux and latent heat flux to the air. This will lead to the growth of sea ice extent there. The features of linear regression of sea level pressure, sea ice concentration and sum of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux toward time series of the leading mode of EOF expansion of surface air temperature are close to those of their own EOF expansion for the leading mode, respectively. This shows that these variables share similar features of variation with time linearly.  相似文献   
用一个全球耦合的海洋──大气──陆地系统模式(IAP/ LASG GOALS)研究因 CO2增加引起的全球增暖,重点是讨论东亚地区气候变化。完成了两个试验,一个是CO2含量保持不变的对照试验,一个是CO2浓度按每年10%增加的扰动试验。结果表明,在对照试验中没有出现气候漂移,在CO2含量加倍时全球平均地面气温将增加1.65℃。GOALS模式能较好模拟观测的东亚温度和降水的空间分体和年循环,但模拟的年平均温度略偏低、年降水稍偏大。在CO2含量加倍时,东亚地区温度和降水将分别增加2.1℃和5%,最大增温出现在中纬度大陆上,最大的降水增加出现在25°N附近。  相似文献   
l.IntroductionWaterPervadesallofthephysicalanddynamicstructureswithintheEarthclimatesys-temthroughamyriadofhydrologicalprocesses.Thehydrologicalcycleinfluencesclimateinavarietyofways,andthereexistsrobustwaterfluxexchangebetweenoceanandatmosphere(Zhouetal.,l999).Theexchangeoffreshwaterbetweenatmosphereandoceanthroughtheair-seainterfaceisoneoftheleastelementsunderstood,butnowisconsideredasoneofthemostimportantelementsoftheclimatesystem,esPeciallyforoceancirculationchangesondecadaltomillennialt…  相似文献   
The gold orefield studied is located on the south border of the underthrust-collision zone of the Qinling microplate and the North China microplate in the Indosinian epoch. The main ore deposits localized in the area where the WNW-trending compression-shear type fault of the Indosinian epoch intersected the NE-trending tenso-shear type fault of the Yanshanian epoch. The orebody appeared in a chambered or wedged form. The mineral composition is relatively complex. On the southeastern border of the orefield there have developed intermediate-acid anatectic magmatites of the Mesozoic Era. Three-phase inclusions (Lco2, Vco2 and LNaCl-H2O) comprise over 50%, associated with vapor phase consisting of H2O, CO2, CO, CH4, N2 and H2. The ore-forming fluids can be divided into 2 stages (the early and the late). The samples are projected in the area of mixture of initial magmatic and meteoric water on the δD-δ18O diagram, suggesting two types of mineralization, i.e. the re-equilibrated magmatic-hydrothermal type an  相似文献   
环境温度对盐湖卤水化学组成及储卤层渗透性变化的制约   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖浅部储卤层是一个多场耦合的动态平衡系统,受到水动力、气候、化学等多种因素控制。本文对昆特依盐湖浅部储卤层不同季节(夏季和冬季)卤水组成和储卤层渗透性特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:卤水中的主要离子含量从夏季到冬季发生了明显的变化,其中,K、Mg、Ca、Cl的含量都相应增加,增加幅度为:Cl、Mg、K、Ca;而SO_4~(2-)和Na的含量却均有下降,且SO_4~(2-)下降更显著;抽水试验计算结果发现,从夏季到冬季,钻孔ZK08渗透系数K由178m/d降至97m/d。本文研究表明,随着环境温度的降低,芒硝(Na_2SO_4)从卤水中结晶析出,是以上现象发生的主要原因,随着芒硝的析出,促进了含K、Mg、Ca等硫酸盐矿物(杂卤石)的溶解,使得卤水中K、Mg、Ca浓度增加;另一方面,析出的芒硝一定程度上堵塞了储卤层的孔隙,卤水的粘度也因温度降低而增加,这两个因素共同作用降低了储卤层渗透性。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地深层卤水资源丰富,具有很好的开发利用前景.然而,前期研究主要侧重于柴达木盆地西部和北部地区,对盆地中部深层卤水赋存情况所知甚少,其形成机制尚不明确.本研究以柴达木盆地中部一里坪和西台吉乃尔盐湖周边的深层卤水为研究对象,利用该地区深钻获取的深层卤水样,开展水化学及B同位素组成研究,阐明柴中地区深层卤水水文地球化...  相似文献   
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