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基于ECMWF再分析结果对LASG第三代全球海洋-大气-陆地耦合系统模式(GOALS)的两个版本和第四代耦合气候模式初始版(FGCM-0)所模拟的大气水汽输送与辐散辐合特征、海气间水通量交换,进行了评估分析.结果表明:(1)对垂直积分的水汽通量场的流函数及其对应的无辐散水汽通量矢量的模拟,三个耦合模式都能够较为合理地再现副热带大洋的涡旋结构、中纬度西风带的东向水汽输送、赤道东风带的西向水汽输送和东亚夏季风水汽输送等行星尺度特征及其季节变化,只是GOALS的涡旋位置、FGCM-0的涡旋中心强度,较之实际略有偏差.(2)反映在垂直积分的水汽通量场的势函数和对应的无旋水汽矢量上,对南北半球副热带大洋水汽辐散区、热带辐合带(ITCZ)、东亚夏季风区强烈的水汽辐合特征等的模拟,FGCM-0的结果相对合理.GOALS的热带辐合中心过于集中在印度尼西亚群岛附近,东亚夏季风水汽辐合中心偏南.(3)关于海气水通量交换,FGCM-0较为理想地再现了副热带的净蒸发、ITCZ和中高纬度的净降水特征以及夏季ITCZ的季节性北移,但对南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)、副热带南大西洋的净蒸发特点,以及阿拉伯海和盂加拉湾季节变化的差异,模拟结果不理想.FGCM-0在模拟SPCZ上的偏差,是由海气耦合过程造成的.GOALS未能合理再现ITCZ和SPCZ降水大于蒸发的特点,其净降水集中在西太平洋暖池区;但对副热带南大西洋、北印度洋水通量季节变化的模拟相对合理. 相似文献
柴达木盆地大气降尘可溶盐物源探讨及其资源与环境影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
位于干旱和半干旱地区的湖泊,在气候变化和人为干扰作用下大片干涸湖床暴露出来成为重要的粉尘源区,引发了一系列的生态环境和健康问题,引起了广泛的关注。青藏高原在全球气候和生态环境变化中具有重要作用,柴达木盆地是青藏高原重要组成部分,盆地内气候干旱,多风少雨,盐湖众多,盐渍化和盐漠化表土极为发育,是青藏高原沙尘暴频发地区之一。同时柴达木盆地沙尘气溶胶中可溶盐含量较高,这些高含盐粉尘不仅会造成盆地表土盐渍化范围扩大,而且还会通过影响盆地上空云的形成进而对气候产生重要作用。进一步,这些细颗粒粉尘在进行远距离输送的过程中,还可能会影响到青藏高原乃至全球的气候及生态环境变化。为此,本研究拟对柴达木盆地南部大气降尘中可溶盐组分及时空分布规律开展研究,以期理解含盐降尘对区域盐类资源的富集与生态环境的影响。在柴达木盆地南部大致沿着主导风向自西向东共安置8个集尘装置,并对收集的降尘中盐类矿物和化学成分开展分析,同时结合盆地不同表土类型的可溶盐组成、空间分布特征及格尔木市、都兰县后向轨迹分析开展进一步讨论。研究结果表明,降尘中主要的可溶盐成分(Na+、Cl-、Ca<... 相似文献
An annual cycle of atmospheric variations for 1989 in the Arctic has been simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A severe cold bias was found around a cold center in surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean, compared with results from ERA-Interim reanalysis. Four successive numerical experiments have been carried out to find out the reasons for this. The results show that the sea ice albedo scheme has the biggest influence in summer, and the effect of the cloud microphysics scheme is significant in both summer and winter. The effect of phase transition between ice and water has the biggest influence over the region near the sea ice edge in summer, and contributes little to improvement of the severe cold bias. The origi- nal crude albedo parameterization in the surface process scheme is the main reason for the large simulated cold bias of the cold center in summer. With a different land surface scheme than in the control run, cold biases of simulated surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean are greatly reduced, by as much as 10 K, implying that the land surface scheme is critical for polar climate simulation. 相似文献
Based on the dynamic frame of a 6-layer primitive equations model, a mesoscale primitive equations model is designed that includes larger range of physical processes. It is run in (x, y, σ) system with the model atmosphere topping at 10 hPa and availability of multiple conditions of horizontal boundaries, both horizontal and vertical resolution are adjustable; the precipitation scheme includes large scale and deep cumulus convective precipitation; the ground temperature is computed using surface heat budget equations; exchanges between land atmosphere and between ocean and atmosphere are considered, the Liouis format is used in the computation of vertical exchange budget; a scheme that combines the second and fourth order is employed in horizontal diffusion in which the coefficient is the function of the location of grid points and wind fields; the integration scheme is in the form of economic central difference.With the resolution that horizontal grids are spaced at intervals of 80 km and vertical length is unequally spaced into 16 layers, the model is experimented with 26 cases of forecast. The result has shown stable model computation, good prediction of major synoptic patterns and close reproduction of real precipitation. Statistics for a number of assessment indexes are given in this paper and comparisons are made to the original 6-layer model in respect of the forecasting ability and model properties. 相似文献
云南思茅盆地勐野井组碎屑岩矿物学、地球化学特征及古盐湖沉积环境演化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对云南思茅盆地勐野井钾盐矿区钻孔岩心的碎屑沉积物进行粘土矿物分析和元素地球化学分析探讨了研究区晚白垩世碎屑岩的物源属性及古盐湖沉积环境演化特征。粘土矿物组合特征及La/Th-Hf、La/Sc-Th/Co、La-Th-Sc图解,Cr/Th、Al2O3/TiO2比值等表明该孔碎屑岩的物源主要为长英质花岗闪长岩。主量元素活动性分析表明化学风化过程中随着粘土矿物的形成首先发生Ca和Na的淋失,K、Mg则在这一过程中呈富集态势,而Fe、Mn主要受物源限制而总体上表现为亏损。结合粘土矿物形成条件,认为研究区古盐湖经历了暖湿—暖干(成盐成钾期)—暖湿(淡化)的古气候转化过程。而粘土矿物组合受高盐极端环境与埋藏成岩作用影响显著,表现为成盐成钾期显著的伊利石化和绿泥石化作用。因此伊利石+绿泥石粘土矿物组合,结合富Mg绿泥石的相对含量,以及相应沉积阶段碎屑岩的MgO异常高值,可有效指示古盐湖成盐成钾的演化阶段。! 相似文献
ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole mode in three coupled GCMs 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The simulated ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) mode events from three coupled GCMs with the same oceanic component model, CPMO, CPM1 and FGCMO, are compared. The only difference between the CPMO and the CPM 1 comes from the coupling scheme at the air-sea interface, e.g., flux anomaly coupling scheme for the former and direct coupling scheme for the latter. The FGCMO is also a directly coupled GCM, but its atmospheric component model is the NCAR CCM3 rather than the NCC T63AGCM as in the other two coupled GCMs CPMO and CPM1. All three coupled models show E1Nifio-like interannual variability in the tropic Pacific, but the FGCMO shows a bit stronger amplitude of E1 Nifio events and both the CPMO and the CPM1 show much weaker amplitude than the observed one. In the meanwhile, the quasi-biennial variability dominates in the FGCMO simulations, and 4 a and longer periods are significant in both the CPMO and CPM 1 models. As the E1 Nifio events simulated by the three coupled GCMs, the simulated Indian Ocean dipole mode events are stronger from the coupled model FGCMO and weaker from both the CPMO and CPM1 models than those from observation. 相似文献
TAN Hongbing MA Haizhou XIAO Yingkai WEI Haizhen ZHANG Xiying & MA Wandong . Institute of Salt Lakes Chinese Academy of Sciences Xining China . Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(11):1913-1920
The Tarim Basin, located in Xinjiang (Fig. 1), is the largest deposit basin with an area of about 560000 km2 in China. From late Triassic period to early Miocene, two huge subbasins developed, named the Kuqa sub-basin at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains in the north and the Shaqa subbasin at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in the south of the Tarim Basin. During the late Cretaceous to early Tertiary period, the Paleo-me- diterranean seawater repetitively invaded into the Shaqa subbas… 相似文献
利用卫星、雷达资料分析龙卷发生的环境条件 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用FY-2E静止气象卫星云图和新一代天气雷达资料,结合常规天气资料对2010年5月15日发生在黑龙江省西部地区的龙卷天气进行分析.通过卫星云图分析环流特征和中尺度特征,讨论了产生龙卷的雷暴云团的形成环境和触发条件,利用天气雷达资料详细阐述了雷暴云团的发生发展过程和产生龙卷天气处的云图及雷达回波特征.结果表明:这次龙卷天气发生在高空槽和地面冷锋前,由多个小尺度对流发展成为α中尺度对流云团所引发的.大的湿度梯度、干侵入、垂直风切变和上干下湿的环境场为龙卷的发生提供了不稳定能量,地面冷锋提供了触发机制,雷暴云团在发展过程中不断生消与合并,在两个云团的交界处产生龙卷.雷达回波上环境大风、入流、下沉气流、中气旋、钩状回波,有界弱回波区等特征回波明显;风暴成熟时,钩状回波、有界弱回波区达到最大,高、中、低三层大风区清晰,下沉气流和入流开始相交并产生出流边界,龙卷就发生在该回波附近. 相似文献