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Using a regional atmospheric model for Arctic climate simulation, two groups of numerical experiments were carried out to study the inlfuence of changes in the underlying surface (land surface, sea sur...  相似文献   
教材分析能力是师范生专业技能之一,文章选取教材分析能力指标,采用专家打分法构建评价量表,通过对某地方院校地理专业师范生实训报告的诊断,揭示师范生教材分析能力现状,发现存在以下问题:课标解读缺乏深度,忽视其对教学的指导作用;对教材重难点把握不准,分析缺乏依据;对教材知识内在逻辑与外部联系分析不到位,欠缺对教材学科思想方法的分析意识与能力;对教材表述结构及教学意图的分析较为薄弱。  相似文献   
Chemical and isotopic data were measured for 51 leached brine springs in the Changdu-Lanping-Simao Basin (CD-LP-SM), China. The predominance of Cl and Na, saturation indices of carbonate minerals, and Na/Cl and Ca/SO4 ratios of ~1 suggest that halite, sulphate, and carbonate are the solute sources. Integration of geochemical, δ18O, and δD values suggests that springs are mainly derived from meteoric water, ice-snow melt, and water-rock interactions. B concentrations range from 0.18 to 11.9 mg/L, with δ11B values of ?4.37‰ to +32.39‰, indicating a terrestrial source. The δ11B-B relationships suggest B sources of crustal origin (marine carbonates with minor crust-derived volcanics); we did not identify a marine or deep mantle origin. The δ11B values of saline springs (+4.61‰ to +32.39‰) exceed those of hot (?4.37‰ to +4.53‰) and cold (?3.47‰ to +14.84‰) springs; this has contributed to strong water-rock interactions and strong saturation of dissolved carbonates. Conversely, the global geothermal δ11B-Cl/B relationship suggests mixing of marine and non-marine sources. The δ11B-Cl/B relationships of the CD-LP-SM are similar to those of the Tibet geothermal belt and the Nangqen Basin, indicating the same B origin. These differ from thermal waters controlled by magmatic fluids and seawater, suggesting that B in CD-LP-SM springs has a crustal origin.  相似文献   
为解决雷达数据采集、实时显示、数据存储、资料处理自动化等问题,进行了天气雷达数字化终端和应用软件技术的研究和开发。改变了711B-1雷达数据存储、分析自动化程度低的状况。增加和丰富了雷达二次产品,使雷达资料得到了充分的分析和应用,提高了雷达对天气的监测能力。增加了对冰雹、暴雨等强对流天气的预警功能、人工增雨效果检验等功能。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheDatongbasinislocatedinthenorthernpartofShanxiProvinceandisoneoftheimportantpartsoftheCenozoicfaultedbasinintheShanxifaulteddepressionsystem .IntheresearchofactivefaultsinChina ,theShanxifaulteddepressionsystemhasattractedgreatattentionwithitsspecifictectonicpatternandfrequencyofhistoricstrongearthquakes (DengQidongetal.,1 973;1 995;LiuGuangxunetal.,1 982 ;DingGuoyuetal.,1 983;XuXiwei,1 989) .AnearthquakewithM6 1occurredintheDatongbasinin 1 989.Sincethenseveraldiscus…  相似文献   
Emphasizing the model‘s ability in mean climate reproduction in high northern latitudes, resultsfrom an ocean-sea ice-atmosphere coupled model are analyzed. It is shown that the coupled model cansimulate the main characteristics of annual mean global sea surface temperature and sea level pressurewell, but the extent of ice coverage produced in the Southern Hemisphere is not large enough. The maindistribution characteristics of simulated sea level pressure and temperature at 850 hPa in high northernlatitudes agree well with their counterparts in the NCEP reanalysis dataset, and the model can reproducethe Arctic Oscillation (AO) mode successfully. The simulated seasonal variation of sea ice in the NorthernHemisphere is rational and its main distribution features in winter agree well with those from observations.But the ice concentration in the sea ice edge area close to the Eurasian continent in the inner Arctic Oceanis much larger than the observation. There are significant interannual variation signals in the simulated seaice concentration in winter in high northern latitudes and the most significant area lies in the GreenlandSea, followed by the Barents Sea. All of these features agree well with the results from observations.  相似文献   
用 IAP/LASG GOALS模式模拟CO2增加引起的东亚地区气候变化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Two simulations, one for the control run and another for the perturbation run, with a global coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system model (IAP / LASG GOALS version 4) have been carried out to study the global warming, with much detailed emphasis on East Asia. Results indicate that there is no climate drift in the control run and at the time of CO2 doubling the global temperature increases about 1.65℃. The GOALS model is able to simulate the observed spatial distribution and annual cycles of temperature and precipitation for East Asia quite well. But, in general, the model underestimates temperature and overestimates rainfall amount for regional annual average. For the climate change in East Asia, the temperature and precipitation in East Asia increase 2. l℃ and 5% respectively, and the maximum warming occurs at middle-latitude continent and the maximum precipitation increase occurs around 25°N with reduced precipitation in the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   
弱冰雹云雷达回波结构特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
综合多种观测资料,对黑龙江省2005年初春产生的历史上少见的大范围冰雹天气进行了分析.讨论了雷达反射率因子与径向速度场的特征,着重分析回波演变过程中结构的变化.初春较低的温度,使得对流发展高度较低、强度较弱,不能使用通常的标准进行强天气判断.由于回波强度较弱,冰雹天气未出现典型特征回波,但径向速度特征表现的较为明显,在春季中尺度辐合辐散特征仍是较明显.对初春与其他季节产生冰雹的不同变化特征进行了分析和研究,对深入认识不同季节产生冰雹的雷达回波特征具有重要意义.  相似文献   
随着城镇化进程加快使中国的部分地面电阻率观测台站遭受到严重的电磁干扰,导致地电阻率测量产生了较大的误差,淹没了地震引起的地电阻率变化。本文选取通渭地震台,通过运用编码源地电阻率观测技术和循环互相关计算方法,改变发射序列信号周期(观测时间长度)和测量叠加次数使激发极化效应更加充分,有效地抑制环境随机噪声,在高铁、基建等干扰运行或活动时段获得离散度较小的地电阻率数据。这种新的地电阻率观测体系,对现有地面地电阻率台站持续发展提供了技术保障,能为地震预报与科学研究提供可靠的数据。  相似文献   
地震综合预测是,根据地震地质、地震活动性、地震前兆异常和环境因素等多种分析手段,与前兆信息监测所进行的现代防震减灾研究.最初的综合预测方法主要以预报经验的数学化统计为主,主要包含测震学、地壳形变学、地磁地电、地下流体等4种学科的预测方法,以及衍生出的,如综合概率法、模糊聚类、模式识别、专家系统以及模糊综合判定等分析方法...  相似文献   
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