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报道了一个改进的卡洛斯管溶样等离子体质谱法测定地质样品中铂族元素及Re含量的新方法。将封闭的卡洛斯管置于高压釜中,然后在高压釜中加水,密封在高压釜中的水在高温下产生的外压将会抵消卡洛斯管中由酸产生的内压,这样就可以避免传统的卡洛斯管在高温高压下可能发生爆炸的危险。由此可以加大取样量,降低铂族元素测定过程中的块金效应及检出限,使超低含量铂族元素的测定成为可能。12g样品在75mL卡洛斯管中用35mL王水于320℃溶解15h,基本上可以使各种地质样品中的铂族元素矿物完全溶解。一次溶样可以测定全部铂族元素及Re,全流程空白值极低,国际标样测定结果稳定可靠。  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon potential of the Hangjinqi area in the northern Ordos Basin is not well known, compared to the other areas of the basin, despite its substantial petroleum system.Restoration of a depth-converted seismic profile across the Hangjinqi Fault Zone(HFZ) in the eastern Hangjinqi area shows one compression that created anticlinal structures in the Late Triassic, and two extensions in ~Middle Jurassic and Late Early Cretaceous, which were interrupted by inversions in the Late Jurassic–Early Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous, respectively.Hydrocarbon generation at the well locations in the Central Ordos Basin(COB) began in the Late Triassic.Basin modeling of Well Zhao-4 suggests that hydrocarbon generation from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures of the northern Shanbei Slope peaked in the Early Cretaceous, predating the inversion in the Late Cretaceous.Most source rocks in the Shanbei Slope passed the main gas-migration phase except for the Hangjinqi area source rocks(Well Jin-48).Hydrocarbons generated from the COB are likely to have migrated northward toward the anticlinal structures and traps along the HFZ because the basin-fill strata are dipping south.Faulting that continued during the extensional phase(Late Early Cretaceous) of the Hangjinqi area probably acted as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons.Thus, the anticlinal structures and associated traps to the north of the HFZ might have trapped hydrocarbons that were charged from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures in the COB since the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
侏罗系是鄂尔多斯盆地石油勘探与开发的重要目的层。华庆地区富县组油藏是近年鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系勘探取得重大突破的新区块和新层系,已展现出良好的勘探前景和资源潜力。本文利用印模法等方法精细刻画了华庆地区前侏罗纪古地貌特征,深入分析了侏罗系富县组油藏控制因素和富集规律。结果表明,华庆地区侏罗系富县组油藏主要来源于下部三叠系延长组优质烃源岩,油藏类型为构造油藏和岩性-构造油藏,发育在古地貌斜坡带背景之上的河道边滩沉积主砂带内。油藏富集主要受控于前侏罗纪古地貌特征,充足的油源供给、河道边滩相沉积、优越的输导条件、鼻隆构造及良好的泥岩封堵等是华庆地区富县组油藏富集的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
A better theoretical and practical understanding of the linkage between paleo-CO2 and climate during geological history is important to enhance the sustainable development of modern human society. Development in plant physiology since the 1980s has led to the realization that fossil plants can serve as a proxy for paleoatmosphere and paleobiosphere. As a relict gymnosperm with evolutionary stasis, Ginkgo is well suited for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. This paper analyzes fossil Ginkgo species from integrated strata in the north of China using anatomic data of plant physiology. Using stomatal parameters, a trend for the paleo-CO2 level during the Early-Middle Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous was obtained, which is consistent with the estimates by GEOCARB. The trend is also similar to that of Mean Global Surface Temperature in geological time. Compared with three other atmospheric CO2 concentration parameters, the trend of paleo-CO2 level based on the stomatal parameter of the fossil Ginkgo specimens from three contiguous strata is more exact.  相似文献   
潜蚀作用导致岩溶塌陷地质灾害的实例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
淳安县某村于2005年2月初发生民房墙体开裂、地面裂缝、砼路面层与路基脱开、施工缝拉裂等地质灾害现象。从破坏特征看,该灾害应属于地面沉降,但却不具备发育通常概念“地面沉降”的地质环境条件。文章根据灾害区附近灰岩溶洞较发育、表部松散层厚度较大等条件,认为灾害由地下水潜蚀作用引起,并试图恢复其作用机制。指出如不加以治理,可能造成灾难。  相似文献   
吴堡矿区赋存着丰富的煤炭资源,但开采技术条件较复杂,其中水文地质条件复杂是影响煤炭开采的主要不利开采技术条件。本文依据横沟井田勘探资料,较全面地分析了井田水文地质条件,并着重评价了井田矿井充水因素。认为黄河水对横沟井田煤炭开采无影响;奥灰承压水对山西组煤层开采在正常地段不会造成危害,对太原组煤层开采有很大的威胁。并提出太原组煤层能否开采利用,还需进一步作详细地质勘查研究工作。  相似文献   
Ma  Bin  Liang  Xing  Liu  Shaohua  Jin  Menggui  Nimmo  John R.  Li  Jing 《Hydrogeology Journal》2017,25(3):675-688

Subsurface-water flow pathways in three different land-use areas (non-irrigated grassland, poplar forest, and irrigated arable land) in the central North China Plain were investigated using oxygen (18O) and hydrogen (2H) isotopes in samples of precipitation, soils, and groundwater. Soil water in the top 10 cm was significantly affected by both evaporation and infiltration. Water at 10–40 cm depth in the grassland and arable land, and 10–60 cm in poplar forest, showed a relatively short residence time, as a substantial proportion of antecedent soil water was mixed with a 92-mm storm infiltration event, whereas below those depths (down to 150 cm), depleted δ18O spikes suggested that some storm water bypassed the shallow soil layers. Significant differences, in soil-water content and δ18O values, within a small area, suggested that the proportion of immobile soil water and water flowing in subsurface pathways varies depending on local vegetation cover, soil characteristics and irrigation applications. Soil-water δ18O values revealed that preferential flow and diffuse flow coexist. Preferential flow was active within the root zone, independent of antecedent soil-water content, in both poplar forest and arable land, whereas diffuse flow was observed in grassland. The depleted δ18O spikes at 20–50 cm depth in the arable land suggested the infiltration of irrigation water during the dry season. Temporal isotopic variations in precipitation were subdued in the shallow groundwater, suggesting more complete mixing of different input waters in the unsaturated zone before reaching the shallow groundwater.

金城关断层是兰州盆地北部边界的一条重要断层.野外地质调查和钻探资料证实,金城关断层断错在前寒武系变质岩和第三纪砂岩之间及早更新世砾岩之间,其活动时代为第四纪早期.沙井驿-白塔段和五一山段明确有断层存在,而青白石段和南坡坪段不存在断层,金城关断层的实际断层长度只有25km.  相似文献   
剪切波分裂分析系统SAM(2007)——软件系统   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
地震各向异性是一种普遍现象,利用剪切波分裂可以研究地壳介质的地震各向异性特性,这是地震学研究中的一个前沿课题。本文介绍了基于SAM(2003R)发展的剪切波分裂系统分析方法软件——SAM(2007)。SAM(2007)在保留原软件系统优点的基础上,修改和发展了新的功能,在资料预处理、数据分析和结果输出等方面都进行了更新或发展,增加了地震定位模块,使新的软件系统更适用于国内的区域地震台网或流动台网资料的处理和分析。  相似文献   
“十五”期间,为了新增水管仪、伸缩仪,丹东地震台对形变观测洞室进行了环境改造,新建了仪器基墩,解决了建造仪器基墩过程中遇到的施工难题,为水管仪和伸缩仪运行提供了良好的观测条件。文中介绍的方法对其他台站建造仪器基墩有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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