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Absorption of solar radiation within the thermal molecular sublayer of the ocean can modify the temperature difference across the cool skin as well as the air-sea gas transfer. Our model of renewal type is based on the assumption that the thermal and diffusive molecular sublayers below the ocean surface undergo cyclic growth and destruction, the heat and gas transfer between the successive burst events are performed by molecular diffusion. The model has been upgraded to include heating due to solar radiation. The renewal time is parameterized as a function of the surface Richardson number and the Keulegan number. A Rayleigh number criterion characterizes the convective instability of the cool skin under solar heating. Under low wind speed conditions, the solar heating can damp the convective instability, strongly increasing the renewal time and correspondingly decreasing the interfacial gas exchange. In the ocean, an additional convective instability caused by salinity flux due to evaporation becomes of importance in such cases. The new parameterization is compared with the cool skin data obtained in the western equatorial Pacific during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment in February 1993. In combination with a model of the diurnal thermocline it describes main features of the field data both in nighttime and daytime. Under low wind speed conditions (< 5 m s-1) diurnal variations of the sea surface temperature due to the formation of a diurnal thermocline were substantially larger than those across the cool skin. Under wind speeds > 5 m s-1, diurnal variations of the surface temperature due to the variations of the thermal molecular sublayer become more important.  相似文献   
The present paper deals with the specification of bed erosion flux that accounts for the effects of sediment-induced stratification in the water column. Owing to difficulties in measuring the bed shear stress b and the erosive shear strength s, we suggest a series of methods that combine laboratory and numerical experiments. A simplified turbulent transport model that includes these effects helps to quantify b and s. Focusing on soft stratified beds, the present study considers erosion rate formulas of the form =f exp {[Tb-Ts]} where is a model constant (=1 for Gularte's (1978) formula and =1/2 for Parchure's (1984) formula). First, the bed erosive strength profile s(Z) is adjusted by forcing the turbulent transport model with measured erosion rates. Second, three procedures are suggested to determine the erosion rate formula coefficients f and : a global procedure and two different layer-by-layer procedures. Each procedure is applied to an erosion experiment conducted in a rotating annular flume by Villaret and Paulic (1986). The use of the layer-by-layer procedure based on a least squares fitting technique provides a closer fit than the global procedure. The present study points out the complementarity of experimental and numerical approaches and also suggests possible improvements in laboratory test procedures.  相似文献   
Nair H  Allen M  Anbar AD  Yung YL  Clancy RT 《Icarus》1994,111(1):124-150
The factors governing the amounts of CO, O2, and O3 in the martian atmosphere are investigated using a minimally constrained, one-dimensional photochemical model. We find that the incorporation of temperature-dependent CO2 absorption cross sections leads to an enhancement in the water photolysis rate, increasing the abundance of OH radicals to the point where the model CO abundance is smaller than observed. Good agreement between models and observations of CO, O2, O3, and the escape flux of atomic hydrogen can be achieved, using only gas-phase chemistry, by varying the recommended rate constants for the reactions CO + OH and OH + HO2 within their specified uncertainties. Similar revisions have been suggested to resolve discrepancies between models and observations of the terrestrial mesosphere. The oxygen escape flux plays a key role in the oxygen budget on Mars; as inferred from the observed atomic hydrogen escape, it is much larger than recent calculations of the exospheric escape rate for oxygen. Weathering of the surface may account for the imbalance. Quantification of the escape rates of oxygen and hydrogen from Mars is a worthwhile objective for an upcoming martian upper atmospheric mission. We also consider the possibility that HOx radicals may be catalytically destroyed on dust grains suspended in the atmosphere. Good agreement with the observed CO mixing ratio can be achieved via this mechanism, but the resulting ozone column is much higher than the observed quantity. We feel that there is no need at this time to invoke heterogeneous processes to reconcile models and observations.  相似文献   
We investigate nonadiabatic hydrodynamic waves in a nongrey, radiating, thermally conducting, homogeneous atmosphere in LTE with a finite mean free path of photons. Avoiding the Eddington approximation the remaining simplifications in the basic equations are discussed, the generalized dispersion relation is analysed, and some wave properties in a grey model are studied. The properties of waves in a stratified atmosphere are analysed as well. In connection with the predicted properties of the nonadiabatic waves we discuss observations ofp-modes by measuring brightness fluctuations.  相似文献   
Summary During the first pilot phase of the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE) in September/October 1987 radiation measurements were carried out above and below broken cloud fields over the German Bight. Analyses of the measurements of 25.9.1987 (broken cumulus cloud field) showed an unexpected high absorption of solar radiation but not those of 28.9.1987 (stratocumulus/stratus cloud field). This might be explained by a partial negligence of cloud side factor under the viewing geometry of the pyranometer and other reasons. The light guide effect (leakage) within holes can account for the depletion of cloud reflectance and the enhancement of cloud transmittance at large cloud cover, as observed during the measurements on 28.9.1987. The fluctuation of the irradiances, which can be characterized by the intermittency parameter, has been related to the corresponding cloud cover by a regression equation. On the condition of similarity, this scaling parameter derived from sample measurements could be extrapolated to that of the whole cloud field. Thus, the estimation of the irradiance spectrum for the whole cloud field may be possible, from samples taken with aircraft and imaging data.With 5 Figures  相似文献   
Dipeptide hydrolysis and amino acid decomposition appear to follow a first-order rate law. The hydrolysis rate increases exponentially with increasing temperature in aqueous solution at both 265 atm and water steam pressures over the temperature range of 100 to 220 degrees C. Dipeptide hydrolysis has a lower apparent activation energy at 265 atm (44.1 KJ/mol) than at water steam pressure (98.9 KJ/mol). At lower temperatures (<200-220 degrees C), the rate of peptide bond hydrolysis is faster at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. At higher temperatures (>200-220 degrees C), however, peptide bond hydrolysis is slower at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. In aqueous solution, amino acid decomposition rates also increase exponentially with increasing temperature. Amino acid decomposition rates are much higher at 265 atm than at water steam pressure over the entire temperature range investigated.  相似文献   
Summary Ardennite of complex composition: (Mn2+ 3.488Ca0.509Ba0.002)=4(Mg0.916916 Fe3+ 0.165 Mn3+ 0.099Cu0.033Ni0.009Zn0.006 Ti0.008Al4.764)=6(As5+ 0.823V5+ 0.022P0.005B0.069Al0.042Si5.039)=6O21.81(OH)6.17 occurs in crack-seal quartz veins in quartz-albite-piemontite-spessartine-phengitehematite-chlorite-rutile-tourmaline ± calcite schist of the Haast Schist Group near Arrow Junction, western Otago, New Zealand. The Mn2+/Mn3+-ratio is sensitive to calculations and to accuracy of analyses. Boron is detected in ardennite for the first time. Other properties include = 1.734(3), = 1.735(3), = 1.751(3), 2VZ = 30(2)°;a = 8.721(1),b = 5.816(1),c = 18.545(3) Å,V = 940.7(2) Å3. Associated mineral phases are spessartine, hematite, piemontite containing 0.7% SrO and 0.06% PbO, and phengite. Later-stage vein minerals comprise chlorite, albite, and manganoan calcite which were deposited under less highly oxidizing conditions. Digenite with minor intergrown covellite occurs in small amount with manganoan calcite and quartz in a cross-cutting late-stage veina chalcopyrite and native copper occur in other late-stage veins. Arsenic and other components of the ardennite and associated minerals are derived from highly oxidized ferromanganese oxide- and hydroxide-bearing siliceous pelagic sediments that formed the protolith for the piemontite schist. The veins formed at a relatively early stage after metamorphism peaked in the chlorite zone of the greenschist facies under conditions that have been estimated at about 4.5 kbar, 390 °C.
Vorkommen von Ardennit in Quarzgängen aus Piemontit-Schiefern, West-Otago, Neuseeland
Zusammenfassung Ardennit mit der Zusammensetzung (Mn2+ 3.488Ca0.509Ba0.002)=4(Mg0.916Fe3+ 0.165Mn3+ 0.099Cu0.033Ni0.009Zn0.006 Ti0.008Al4.764)=6(As5+ 0.823V5+ 0.022P0.005B0.069Al0.042Si5.039)=6O21.81(OH)6.17 tritt in Crack-seal-Quarzgängen in Quarz-Albit-Piemontit-Spessartin-Phengit-Hämatit-Chlorit-Rutil-Turmalin ± Calcit-Schiefern der Haast Schiefer-Gruppe nahe der Arrow Junction, West-Otago, Neuseeland, auf. Die Proportionen von Mn2+/Mn3+ hängen von der Kalkulation und der Genauigkeit der Analyse ab. Bor wird zum ersten Mal im Ardennit bestimmt. Andere Eigenschaften sind: = 1.734(3), = 1.735(3), = 1.751(3), 2Vz = 30(2)°; a = 8.721(1), b = 5.816(1), c = 18.545(3) Å, V = 940.7(2) Å3. Assoziierte Mineralphasen sind Spessartin, Hämatit, Piemontit, der 0.7% SrO und 0.06% PbO enthält und Phengit. Spät gebildete Gangmineralien, wie Chlorit, Albit und Mn-Calcit, sind unter geringer oxidierenden Bedingungen entstanden. Digenit mit etwas Covellin tritt in kleinen Mengen zusammen mit Mn-Calcit und Quartz in einem querschlägigen Gang auf, Chalcopyrit und gediegenes Kupfer kommen in anderen späten Gängen vor. Arsen und andere Komponenten des Ardennites and der assoziierten Minerale können von hochoxidierten, Fe-Mn-Oxid- und Hydroxyd-führenden, Sireichen, pelagischen Sedimenten hergeleitet werden, die das Ausgangsgestein für den Piemontit darstellen. Die Gänge wurden in einem relativ frühen Stadium, nach dem Metamorphosehöhepunkt, innerhalb der Chloritzone der Grünschiefer-Fazies, unter ungefähr 4.5 kbar und 390°C, gebildet.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
Earlier models of compressible, rotating, and homogeneous ellipsoids with gas pressure are generalized to include the presence of radiation pressure. Under the assumptions of a linear velocity field of the fluid and a bounded ellipsoidal surface, the dynamical behaviour of these models can be described by ordinary differential equations. These equations are used to study the finite oscillations of massive radiative models with masses 10M and 30M in which the effects of radiation pressure are expected to be important.Models with two different degrees of equilibrium are chosen: an equilibrium (i.e., dynamically stable) model with an initial asymmetric inward velocity, and a nonequilibrium model with a nonequilibrium central temperature and which falls inwards from rest. For each of these two degrees of equilibrium, two initial configurations are considered: rotating spheroidal and nonrotating spherical models.From the numerical integration of the differential equations for these models, we obtain the time evolution of their principal semi-diametersa 1 anda 3, and of their central temperatures, which are graphically displayed by making plots of the trajectories in the (a 1,a 3) phase space, and of botha 1 and the total central pressureP c against time.It is found that in all the equilibrium radiative models (in which radiation pressure is taken into account), the periods of the oscillations of botha 1 andP c are longer than those of the corresponding nonradiative models, while the reverse is true for the nonequilibrium radiative models. The envelopes of thea 1 oscillations of the equilibrium radiative models also have much longer periods; this result also holds for the nonequilibrium models whenever the envelope is well defined. Further, as compared to the nonradiative models, almost all the radiative models collapse to smaller volumes before rebouncing, with the more massive model undergoing a larger collapse and attaining a correspondingly larger peakP c.When the mass is increased, the dynamical behavior of the radiative model generally becomes more nonperiodic. The ratio of the central radiation pressure to the central gas pressure, which is small for low mass models, increases with mass, and at the center of the more massive model, the radiation pressure can be comparable in magnitude to the gas pressure. In all the radiative models, the average periods as well as the average amplitudes of both thea 1 andP c oscillations also increase with mass.When either rotation or radiation pressure effects or both are included in the equilibrium nonradiative model, the period of the envelope of thea 1 oscillations is increased. The presence of rotation in the equilibrium radiative model, however, decreases this period.Some astrophysical implications of this work are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Interregional migration in socialist countries: the case of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wei Y 《GeoJournal》1997,43(3):205-214
This paper analyzes changing interregional migration in China and reveals that the recent eastward migration reverses patterns of migration under Mao. It finds that investment variables are more important than the conventional variables of income and job opportunities in determining China's recent interregional migration. It suggests that both state policy and the global force influence interregional migration, challenging the popular view that the socialist state is the only critical determinant. This paper also criticizes Mao's approach to interregional migration and discusses the impact of migration on development.  相似文献   
Specific information on the surface morphology, composition, mean density, and internal structure of asteroids, which is necessary to advance our understanding of asteroids, can be obtained only by a detailed investigation of individual bodies: this will require space missions to individual targets. Since an essential characteristic of the asteroids is their variety, several objects must be visited. The Ariane launcher developed presently in Europe makes a multiple flyby mission possible. The first results of our feasibility study are particularly encouraging: during one revolution, five to six preselected main belt asteroids may be approached to within 1000 km with relative velocities which lie between 3 and 14 km/sec using a total impulse correction on the order of 1 to 2 km/sec. The weight of the spacecraft, excluding the engine and the propellant, would be at least 250 kg. This allows a scientific payload of 50 to 60 kg, in which priority will be given to an imaging system and radar altimeter.  相似文献   
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