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The Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Climate System Model (CAMS-CSM) is a newly developed global climate model that will participate in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6. Based on historical simulations (1900?2013), we evaluate the model performance in simulating the observed characteristics of the Arctic climate system, which includes air temperature, precipitation, the Arctic Oscillation (AO), ocean temperature/salinity, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), snow cover, and sea ice. The model?data comparisons indicate that the CAMS-CSM reproduces spatial patterns of climatological mean air temperature over the Arctic (60°?90°N) and a rapid warming trend from 1979 to 2013. However, the warming trend is overestimated south of the Arctic Circle, implying a subdued Arctic amplification. The distribution of climatological precipitation in the Arctic is broadly captured in the model, whereas it shows limited skills in depicting the overall increasing trend. The AO can be reproduced by the CAMS-CSM in terms of reasonable patterns and variability. Regarding the ocean simulation, the model underestimates the AMOC and zonally averaged ocean temperatures and salinity above a depth of 500 m, and it fails to reproduce the observed increasing trend in the upper ocean heat content in the Arctic. The large-scale distribution of the snow cover extent (SCE) in the Northern Hemisphere and the overall decreasing trend in the spring SCE are captured by the CAMS-CSM, while the biased magnitudes exist. Due to the underestimation of the AMOC and the poor quantification of air–sea interaction, the CAMS-CSM overestimates regional sea ice and underestimates the observed decreasing trend in Arctic sea–ice area in September. Overall, the CAMS-CSM reproduces a climatological distribution of the Arctic climate system and general trends from 1979 to 2013 compared with the observations, but it shows limited skills in modeling local trends and interannual variability.  相似文献   
利用电子探针等方法研究了青岛榴辉岩相变质古洋壳(蛇纹岩、C类榴辉岩和基性糜棱岩)的岩石学和地球化学特征。确定了它们为华南陆块与华北陆块拼合前的古洋壳,当其俯冲于华北陆块之下时在深部发生碱质交代及低温高压变质作用(C类榴辉岩相)。  相似文献   
以杭州湾北岸金山咀—龙泉港岸段边滩及海床为研究区域,利用1989—2014年实测及海图资料分析岸滩断面地形变化和岸段冲淤变化。结果表明:在该研究时段,岸段存在长期稳定的冲刷深槽;近岸海床的冲淤表现出“波动性”,5 m等深线(2014年)以浅区以淤积为主,5 m等深线以深冲淤更迭,1989年以来总体呈现冲刷态势。长江入海泥沙量变化为该岸段发生侵蚀/淤积的影响因子之一,台风大浪及海床侵蚀/淤积波的移动导致海床冲淤复杂化。  相似文献   
本文用电子探针分析了渤海地区一深120m钻孔中15个介形虫壳体的化学组成。结果表明,地层中介形虫的壳体成分主要为CaO(含量50.16—54.60%),其次为SrO、K_2O、NaO、SiO_2、MgO、Al_2O_3、FeO和MnO。在不同层位中,介形虫壳体成分的变化,反映了不同的沉积相。全新世介形虫壳体的化学成分与晚更新世介形虫壳体的化学成分相比较,除CaO降低外,其它化学成分增高。  相似文献   
Climate sensitivity and feedbacks are basic and important metrics to a climate system. They determine how large surface air temperature will increase under CO_2 forcing ultimately, which is essential for carbon reduction policies to achieve a specific warming target. In this study, these metrics are analyzed in a climate system model newly developed by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(CAMS-CSM) and compared with multi-model results from the Coupled Model Comparison Project phase 5(CMIP5). Based on two idealized CO_2 forcing scenarios, i.e.,abruptly quadrupled CO_2 and CO_2 increasing 1% per year, the equilibrium climate sensitivity(ECS) and transient climate response(TCR) in CAMS-CSM are estimated to be about 2.27 and 1.88 K, respectively. The ECS is near the lower bound of CMIP5 models whereas the TCR is closer to the multi-model ensemble mean(MME) of CMIP5 due to compensation of a relatively low ocean heat uptake(OHU) efficiency. The low ECS is caused by an unusually negative climate feedback in CAMS-CSM, which is attributed to cloud shortwave feedback(λSWCL) over the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean.The CMIP5 ensemble shows that more negative λSWCL is related to larger increase in low-level(925–700 hPa)cloud over the tropical Indo-Pacific under warming, which can explain about 90% of λSWCL in CAMS-CSM. Static stability of planetary boundary layer in the pre-industrial simulation is a critical factor controlling the low-cloud response and λSWCL across the CMIP5 models and CAMS-CSM. Evidently, weak stability in CAMS-CSM favors lowcloud formation under warming due to increased low-level convergence and relative humidity, with the help of enhanced evaporation from the warming tropical Pacific. Consequently, cloud liquid water increases, amplifying cloud albedo, and eventually contributing to the unusually negative λSWCL and low ECS in CAMS-CSM. Moreover, the OHU may influence climate feedbacks and then the ECS by modulating regional sea surface temperature responses.  相似文献   
为探讨流体注入激活裂缝的潜在物理机制,采用锯切砂岩圆柱试样开展一系列三轴注入-驱动剪切实验,研究流体注入激活裂缝的滑动条件及模式。结果表明,裂缝滑动的开启强烈依赖于裂缝所处的应力状态和裂缝面粗糙特征,流体压力是主要诱因,流体压力非均匀分布程度和渗透率演化是次要诱因;流体增压速率调控着裂缝的滑动模式。裂缝面粗糙特征及渗透率演化特征与裂缝滑动速率呈正相关,与流体增压速率呈负相关。在室内实验条件下,当有效正应力达到20 MPa、库仑破裂应力超过1.6 MPa时,将对裂缝稳定性构成严重威胁,这对于评估流体注入激活天然断层失稳问题具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
在详细野外调研的基础上,对位于太行山南段洪山岩体中粗面斑岩的岩石学、地球化学和年代学特征进行了研究。该区斑岩中Si O2含量为63.57%~67.85%,平均为65.19%;里特曼指数σ值为5.6~8.2;K2O/Na2O为1.00~1.74,平均为1.24;A12O3为16.75%~18.77%,平均为18.21%。铝饱和指数A/CNK为1.00~1.06,属于碱性正长岩类岩石。岩石稀土元素总量(∑REE)为33.75×10-6~144.30×10-6,(La/Yb)N=9.18~33.28,呈现轻稀土元素(LREE)富集、重稀土元素(HREE)相对亏损的特点。δEu=0.99~1.16,有微弱正Eu异常。在原始地幔标准化微量元素蜘蛛图解中,样品均显示强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILEs)、相对亏损高场强元素(HFSEs)的特征。同时,在该地区获得的粗面斑岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为128.6±1.0Ma。锆石εHf(t)值为-16.0~-11.4,对应的地壳模式年龄(TDM)为1258~1432Ma。这些数据表明,洪山粗面斑岩与洪山其他中生代侵入岩是同期岩浆作用的产物,形成于早白垩世由造山挤压环境向伸展环境转变期,是EM1型富集地幔部分熔融形成富碱的岩浆上升侵位,并受古老下地壳物质混染形成的。华北规模庞大的中生代岩浆作用可能与部分熔融并消耗富集岩石圈地幔层有关,这可能也是岩石圈地幔减薄的重要方式之一。  相似文献   
库车坳陷迪那2气田古近系砂岩储层孔隙构造-成岩演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以岩芯观察和薄片鉴定为基础,辅以扫描电镜、黏土矿物X衍射、流体包裹体、油层物性分析等技术手段,结合区域油气地质研究成果,系统研究塔里木盆地库车坳陷迪那2气田古近系砂岩储层孔隙构造-成岩演化与致密化过程。结果表明:研究区砂岩储层经历了同生期碳酸盐、岩盐胶结—早成岩期压实作用、胶结作用和低熟烃类充注—中成岩期有机酸溶蚀、液态烃类充注—构造挤压、构造破裂、天然气充注和晚期碳酸盐胶结等构造-成岩序列和两次致密化过程。储层原始孔隙度平均仅为31.7%,沉积作用是其致密的内因;孔隙度演化至现今约5.8%。压实作用造成了20.8%的孔隙度损失,是储层初次致密的决定性因素;胶结作用减孔约6.59%,加剧了储层致密化程度;溶蚀作用和各种成缝作用增孔约4.28%,使初次致密的储层孔隙度最高可达11%以上。从12~5Ma的康村期储层孔隙度从14.5%减少至8.0%,完成初次致密化过程,且与迪那低幅构造油藏形成大致同步,即"边致密边成藏"。5Ma以来迪那油气藏构造幅度增大,强烈构造挤压减孔2.76%,是储层再次致密的主要因素,该时期侏罗系烃源岩大规模气侵形成现今气藏,亦为"边致密边成藏"。  相似文献   
针对辽东湾坳陷断拗早期阶段,即沙河街组二段、沙河街组一段沉积时期,岩心中识别出的大量重力流沉积,利用岩心的沉积特征、测录井数据及重力流沉积理论,将该时期重力流沉积划分为浊流沉积、砂质碎屑流沉积、滑动与滑塌沉积三大类。该时期重力流沉积主要发育于三角洲前缘,触发机制为古地震和重力双重作用,主要控制因素为物源供给。结合不同重力流砂体的叠置关系、连井剖面、分布位置及前人研究成果,建立了该时期三角洲前缘重力流发育模式,并将其分为: 滑塌根部、斜坡中间和盆地平原3个相带。通过对各类重力流砂体储集层物性的分析可知,分布于斜坡中间部位的砂质碎屑流沉积及近源浊流沉积具有良好的储集条件。综合分析认为: 沙二段沉积时期三角洲前缘的重力流砂体规模及厚度较沙一段沉积时期更大,同时具备良好的生、储、盖、运条件,对油气勘探具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The ability of climate models to correctly reproduce clouds and the radiative effects of clouds is vitally important in climate simulations and projections. In this study, simulations of the shortwave cloud radiative effect(SWCRE) using the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences Climate System Model(CAMS-CSM) are evaluated. The relationships between SWCRE and dynamic–thermodynamic regimes are examined to understand whether the model can simulate realistic processes that are responsible for the generation and maintenance of stratus clouds. Over eastern China, CAMS-CSM well simulates the SWCRE climatological state and stratus cloud distribution. The model captures the strong dependence of SWCRE on the dynamic conditions. Over the marine boundary layer regions, the simulated SWCRE magnitude is weaker than that in the observations due to the lack of low-level stratus clouds in the model. The model fails to simulate the close relationship between SWCRE and local stability over these regions. A sensitivity numerical experiment using a specifically designed parameterization scheme for the stratocumulus cloud cover confirms this assertion. Parameterization schemes that directly depict the relationship between the stratus cloud amount and stability are beneficial for improving the model performance.  相似文献   
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