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Zoige Plateau wetlands are located in the northeastern corner of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The landscape pattern evolution processes in the Zoige Plateau and their driving factors were identified by analyzing the dynamic changes in landscape modification and conversion and their dynamic rates of alpine wetlands over the past four decades.The results showed that the landscape conversion between wetlands and non-wetlands mainly occurred during the period from 1966 to 1986.The marsh wetland area converted from lake and river wetlands was larger because of swamping compared to other wetland landscapes.Meanwhile,the larger area of marsh wetlands was also converted to lake wetlands more than other types of wetlands.The modification processes mainly occurred among natural wetland landscapes in the first three periods.Obvious conversions were observed between wetland and nonwetland landscapes(i.e.,forestland,grassland,and other landscapes) in the Zoige Plateau.These natural wetland landscapes such as river,lake and marsh wetlands showed a net loss over the past four decades,whereas artificial wetland landscapes(i.e.,paddy field and reservoir and pond wetlands) showed a net decrease.The annual dynamic rate of the whole wetland landscape was 0.72%,in which the annual dynamic rate of river wetlands was the highest,followed by lake wetlands,while marsh wetlands had the lowest dynamic rate.The integrated landscape dynamic rate showed a decreasing trend in the first three periods.The changes in wetland landscape patterns were comprehensively controlled by natural factors and human activities,especially human activities play an important role in changing wetland landscape patterns.  相似文献   
欧阳菲  潘法忠 《岩矿测试》1991,10(4):267-270
利用电子探针、能谱仪、扫描电镜和计算机等一整套仪器,对组成矿石样品中有用矿物的含量进行定量统计。既能准确识别矿物又能精确统计各矿物在矿样中的面积百分含量(面积法)。  相似文献   
基于J2EE的移动定位服务研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了基于J2EE的移动定位服务(MLS)的体系结构,介绍了适于MLS的GIS应用服务器和信息设备地图可视化表达的关键技术,给出了GeoSurf的WAP和J2ME的两种解决方案,并阐述了其应用前景。  相似文献   
In the soil slope supported by bolts, longitude waves instead of transverse waves, generated by earthquakes, first reach the slope surface. With the dynamic response of the P (pressure) wave along the anchorage structure, first, a theoretical study was conducted to investigate the propagation characteristics of the interference superposition, generated by the SV (shear-vertical) and the P waves. The SV wave was formed by the wave, originating from the bottom and reflected from the free surface of the slope, whereas the latter was the incident P wave, propagating in the slope. In addition, the structural measures, restraining the seismic wave, and the characteristics of the restraint effect at the free segment of the bolt were investigated. According to the wave-way difference between the incident P wave and the reflected SV wave, the minimum critical slope angle, influenced by the interference at the shallow slope, and the maximum influencing depth of the dynamic response, acting vertically to the slope surface, were obtained. The results indicate that the maximum influencing depth linearly correlated with the slope angle. Furthermore, based on the propagation characteristics of the P wave along the bolt, and the coupled relation between the wave length and the anchorage design parameters, the axial acceleration of the wave propagating along the bolt axis was obtained. Then, the theoretical length of the anti-seismic bolt, subjected to seismic waves, and the compensation force of the anchorage structure were obtained. Finally, a numerical study, based on FlAC3D, properly verified the theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   
针对室内空间特点以及人类对室内位置服务的迫切需求,探讨了适合室内空间语义查询的方法。基于全息位置地图室内空间本体模型,描述室内空间对象及与之相关的人、事的属性信息及其关系,以室内空间本体概念及其属性作为查询原语,增加查询函数实现室内特有的空间关系(如“对面”、“楼上”和“楼下”等)的计算与查询,扩展了SPARQL查询语言基本语法。设计了室内本体查询语言IndoorSPARQL,开发自定义查询语言解析器,初步实现了顾及空间计算的室内空间语义查询。最后,利用Protégé本体建模工具对试验区进行本体实例建模,采用自定义查询语言IndoorSPARQL进行室内语义查询,并将结果可视化。实验结果表明,基于自定义语言IndoorSPARQL的查询方法可有效地支持顾及室内空间计算的复杂语义查询。  相似文献   
当前,城市的快速扩张导致建设用地供需矛盾日益突出,油田工矿废弃地整治作为土地综合整治规划的重要组成部分,在建设用地指标转移、有效耕地面积增加、生态环境改善等方面可以起到积极的作用。因此,为查清东营市胜利油田工矿废弃地的复垦利用潜力,首先对石油开采对土地利用的影响进行了综述,在此基础上确定了胜利油田工矿废弃地的基本类型,进而对工矿废弃地的现状进行了调查,依据废弃地所在区域的规划用途、灌溉条件、排水条件,盐碱程度、区位条件进行了潜力分区和测算,最终获得了东营市胜利油田工矿废弃地潜力测算的相关数据,可以为该区域工矿废弃地的整治及建设用地、耕地指标的流转与保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
城市热岛效应监测方法研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
城市热岛效应是一种由于城市建筑及人们活动导致的热量在城区空间范围内聚集的现象,是城市气候最明显的特征之一.由于城市热岛影响因素以及相互关系的复杂性,为了精确细致地描述其时空分布,人们采用了多种方法来研究城市热岛现象,主要归纳为:气象站法、定点观测法、运动样带法、遥感测定法以及模拟预测等.最后,认为各种测定方法都存在一定的缺陷,建议多种测定方法综合运用.  相似文献   
吴勇  欧阳首承 《气象学报》1992,50(3):373-377
Guckenheimer和Holmes针对弱受迫系统或如下的小参数受迫方程组  相似文献   
面向对象集成化空间数据库管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
新一代地理信息系统要求矢量、影像和DEM数据集成化管理。本文提出了一种基于面向对象思想的矢量、影像和DEM三库集成的空间数据模型,讨论了集成化空间数据库管理系统的实现方式。该空间数据库管理系统已作为GIS软件GeoStar的核心,被用于中国的空间数据基础设施建设,管理国家级、省级和市级的多数据源、多比例尺的空间数据,被认为是一种高效可行的方案。  相似文献   
用XRF和ICP-AES方法分别测试了湖北辽瓦店遗址地层样品的氧化物含量和地球化学元素含量,恢复了遗址地层中夏代文化层、东周文化层和明清文化层记录的环境变化和人类活动特征。结果表明:1)夏代文化层时期,气候温暖湿润,生态环境良好,人类活动与自然环境和谐度高,有原始的手工业活动记录。2)东周时期气候开始进入干旱期,干旱程度在上东周文化层中部逐渐加深(LOI=6.98%),到了上东周文化层顶部气候进入暖湿期。该层Cu含量的异常高值(0.31mg/g)和出土的青铜器表明本文化层反映了青铜社会的繁荣期,而P含量的高值(22.73mg/g)和动物骨屑则反映了该期人们驯养、捕猎动物的普遍性。3)明清时期的气候趋于干凉,明代文化层中部有短暂暖湿期,后又进入冷干期。清代文化层中下部有暖湿特征,之后重新进入干冷期。该层Ca(均值101.5mg/g),Mg(均值60.27mg/g),Zn和Pb的高含量表明遗址曾有过制陶(瓷)业的历史。另外,Mg和Ca含量的高值与耕作区、墙壁灰浆、生活垃圾堆积等人类活动相关。Ca和Mg含量在近现代层逐步升高揭示了人类活动逐渐增强的事实。地层的平均粒径自上东周文化层(<142cm)开始出现振荡,暗示汉江洪水和季节性山洪发生的频率不断增加,表明恶劣环境条件虽然促进了人类生产力水平的提高,但原始生态系统却遭到破坏,人类活动对自然环境的正反馈效应日益凸显。  相似文献   
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