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青岛浮山野生花卉种质资源 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文简要叙述了青岛浮山野生花卉的种类、生长环境、园林用途及开花结果日期,为把这些野生花生花卉引进城市园林提供科学依据。 相似文献
4种海洋单胞藻生化组成的环境因子效应研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
在实验室模拟条件下,应用14C示踪法测定4种海洋单胞藻的光合作用速率,研究光、温度和营养盐等环境因子对藻类细胞生化组成的影响.结果表明,三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻适宜生长的光强范围为5.8×103~15×103lx.4种单胞藻光合作用速率随光强增加而增大,其中盐藻和等鞭金藻的光响应比较明显.随光强增加,4种单胞藻细胞的碳水化合物含量及其变化量呈增加趋势,而蛋白质含量及其变化量则减少,脂类含量变化很小.三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻最适生长温度分别为:14、26、21、26℃左右.在上述4个实验温度时,4种单胞藻光合作用速率最高,细胞内的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂类含量及其变化量也达到最大值.三角褐指藻、盐藻、中肋骨条藻和等鞭金藻光合作用过程的表观活化能(E)分别为:23.2、38.5、22.4和61.7KJ/mol,温度系数(Q10)分别为:1.74、和1.69.三角褐指藻和中肋骨条藻在氮磷比(N/P)为16时,盐藻和等鞭金藻在氮磷比为28时,光合作用速率最大.在N/P为16时,4种单胞藻细胞内的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂类含量和变化量均达到最大值. 相似文献
A baroclinic typhoon model with a moving multi-nested grid and variational adjustment initialization Ⅱ. Forecast experiments

INTRODUCTIONBeingoneofthemestdisastrousweathersystemsinfluencingthesoutheaStcoastofChinainsurnmerandautumn,typhoonsalsocausestrongstormsUrgeSandseawavesI'eSultinginsevereoceandisasters,whichthreaten~theasternChina'sagriculture,navigation,offshoreoila... 相似文献
Li Yan-tao ;Hou Bao-rong 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》1999,17(1):49-52
This paper describes the setup and working mechanism of a simulation test apparatus for marine corrosion. Experimental results showed the apparatus can basically reflect the corrosion behavior of steel in various marine environments, and is simple, convenient, and reliable for testing steel used for marine engineering. 相似文献
Wang Qi-hua ;Li Ya-juan ;Li Mei 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》1999,17(2):105-111
Effects of iron and silicon nutrients and of orthogonal combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and silicon on the growth rate of three benthic diatoms were studied by using an in situ OD measurement method. The results of monofactor tests of iron and silicon showed that Fe-EDTA was better than ferric citrate in the culture of these diatoms; that the favourable concentration of Fe-EDTA was about 0.5 mg/L of Fe and that of silicate was 2.5 mg/L of Si or more. The orthogonal test showed that the optimal concentration ratios (mg/L) of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and silicon were: 5.0: 0.25: 0.5: 2.0 forCocconeis scutellum var.parva; 2.5: 1.0: 1.0: 2.0 forAmphora coffeaeformis; and 5.0: 0.15: 0.5: 2.0 forN. mollis. 相似文献
Zhang Yonggang Li Yucheng Associate Professor Dept. of Mechanic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Professor Dept. of Civil Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 《中国海洋工程》1998,(1)
A nonlinear numerical model has been set up by use of Boussinesq Equation with finite differ-ence method,and has been applied to the simulation of the abnormal change of wave height induced by ex-cavated waterway.Numerical results demonstrate that the abnormal change of wave height is due to theadding of the reflected wave height induced by excavated waterway to the incident wave height.Becausethe angle between the incident wave and the axis of the waterway is smaller than the critical angle,the re-flected wave produced by the waterway may propagate to the breakwater and may be added with the inci-dent wave,then the abnormal change of wave height before the breakwater may be caused.So the wave re-flection caused by the change of water depth cannot be neglected. 相似文献
Frequency-selective attenuation of sound propagaion and reverberation in shallow waterTXFrequency-selectiveattenuationofsoundp... 相似文献
南海西沙西南海域表层沉积物特征 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
西沙西南海域表层沉积物样品矿物成分,地球化学,微体古生物分析测试结果表明:沉积物可分为7种类型,沉积环境主要是陆坡,部分为深海平原,海洋生物,海洋化学以及火山物质的沉积起到了积极的作用,陆源物质的影响较小,它们主要来源于北部大陆和南部岛礁等物源区。 相似文献