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The problem of disc cutter wear is inevitable when shield or TBM excavating hard rock for a long distance, thus, the study of disc cutter wear model has an important project value on predicting its service life and replacement opportunity. It is put forward by analyzing disc cutter wear mechanism that the main wear form is abrasive wear, which is based on plastic removal mechanism. Then, disc cutter wear rate and linear wear rate prediction models are obtained by approximate calculation and mathematical deduction, which are based on Rabinowicz equation and CSM model. At last, the two models are verified through field test data from three projects, and the results show that the prediction model can accurately reflect the real wear situation of disc cutter.  相似文献   
Chinese central government made a commitment to achieve a 40–45% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of GDP by 2020 compared with 2005. This targeted reduction was allocated averagely among all the provinces rather than individually according to different situations of each province. Though some research has been done regarding this rough allocation, two shortcomings in previous studies exist: Firstly, CO2 marginal abatement cost (MAC) has been ignored as one of the CO2 emission reduction allocation indexes. Secondly, either subjective or objective method has been used rather than comprehensively of both subjective and objective method to calculate the weight of each index in the previous studies. In order to fill the gaps, this paper builds a two-stage Shapley information entropy model to allocate CO2 emission reduction quota among the Chinese provinces based on the equity and efficiency principles. Afterward, three CO2 emission reduction quota allocation scenarios have been proposed. The results show that the CO2 MAC is an indispensable index in CO2 emission reduction quota allocation, because its value of CO2 Shapley information entropy is the highest among five indexes. CO2 emission reduction quota of lower-MAC provinces should be allocated larger, while the quota of higher-MAC provinces should be allocated smaller. Therefore, two suggested policies have been proposed: First, differential CO2 emission reduction quota allocation should be proposed. Second, synergetic development should be promoted.  相似文献   
High-resolution loess deposits are widely distributed in Arid Central Asia (ACA) and provide important records associated with dust transportation, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution. The chronology is the foundation of the research into loess deposits as an environmental archive. In recent decades, the gradually developed optical dating method has been increasingly matured and become an important approach to establishing the loess-paleosol sequences. Here, we summarized and discussed previous work on loess chronology mainly based on optical dating approach in ACA. The following understandings have been listed: ① In comparison with optical dating method, the suitable material for 14C dating is uncommon in ACA. However, the dating range of luminescence dating is more extensive, and the dating materials are accessible. Thus, the optical dating is widely applicable in the establishment of loess framework in this area. ② Until now, the quartz Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) method can be applied to the establishment of loess-paleosol sequence since last glacial period. But several issues remain unaddressed. For example, the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal sensitivity of quartz grains are low in some areas. Furthermore, the results of OSL dating of different grain sizes within a single sample are inconsistent in some areas. The solution of these problems still requires more methodological research. ③ The post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) and multiple elevated temperature stimulation (MET-pIRIR) protoCols of feldspar have basically overcome the anomalous fading issue in the traditional IRSL dating process. In ACA, the framework since MIS 7 can be established with K-feldspar luminescence dating method. Compared with quartz luminescence characteristics, the K-feldspar luminescence signals are more sensitive and exhibit a high saturation level. In specific applications, it is necessary to establish the age frame according to the luminescence sensitivity, the age of samples or other factors.  相似文献   
Atmospheric circulation anomaly is a direct cause of weather and climate change. In the past, most researches for the relationship between Weather Type (WT) and precipitation have mainly focused on the subjective classification and diagnosis. Compared to the subjective analysis, objective classification uses more consistent index and standard unification, thus, we can get more WTs, and it has been widely used in many areas. By using daily 12UTC Sea Level Pressure (SLP), Precipitable Water (PW), and 700 hPa wind speed (UV700) data from ECMWF’s Interim Reanalysis, the classification of WTs over China was performed with the method of obliquely rotated T-mode principle component analysis. WT and its link to precipitation over China were further analyzed. The results show that the influence of different WTs on precipitation is not uniform over China, and also show distinctly difference in different seasons. A common feature is that WTs great impact on the regions and months with large precipitation, while less impact on regions and months have with less precipitation. In addition, precipitation trends originating from WT intensity changes are much more deterministic, significant, and predictable than trends from WT frequency changes.  相似文献   
奚镜伦  陈建平 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):481-494
地球和月球很可能是通过大撞击形成的。在行星地质学中,研究月球的地质-构造现象,对了解月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成与演化历史都有很大帮助。月球的构造分为深部构造与月表构造,寻找它们在分布或成因上的关系,可以为月球甚至地月系的起源和演化历史提供重要参考。利用LROC的宽视角影像数据以及LOLA数据提取解译月表构造,结合深大断裂进行观察分析,并对月球的撞击盆地进行统计,最后以静海地区为例分析构造分布特征,发现月球的质量瘤盆地中具有环状分布的月岭,外侧具有近环状分布的深大断裂,自前酒海纪至酒海纪,具备上述特征的质量瘤盆地占总撞击盆地的比例突然有一个很大的提升,且静海地区西部具有该构造分布特征。推测该特征与撞击、月海沉降等有关,且在酒海纪与雨海纪期间月球有较多的月海玄武岩分布,由此判断静海西部存在质量瘤,发生过撞击与月海沉降。  相似文献   
At present, flash drought occurs globally and regionally and causes a lot of socio-economic loss in a very short time. Therefore, flash drought has been regarded as one of the hottest issues in drought research. However, flash drought monitoring, prediction and decision-making have encountered a lot of challenges due to its multiple driven factors and complex spatio-temporal process. Aiming at this problem, this paper focused on the agricultural land in China, and analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution of three kinds of flash droughts (i.e., precipitation-deficit, high-temperature, and composite flash droughts) from 1983 to 2015. We studied the occurrences, duration, spatial distribution, temporal distribution, and trend of all three kinds of flash droughts. Our results demonstrated that, the occurrences of flash drought agricultural land in China increased year by year, among which high-temperature flash drought increased dramatically; duration of flash droughts had different trends, but the variations were relatively smooth; Northeast China was identified as a vulnerable area of flash drought, indicating more flash drought events and longer duration; flash droughts in China were found to concentrate in spring (high-temperature drought) and summer seasons (precipitation-deficit drought). This study is helpful for building new flash drought monitoring method and system, and it is also valuable for flash drought preparedness on regional scale.  相似文献   
卫星估雨精度的不确定性受到当地降雨类型和像元内降雨非均匀性影响,而结合这两个关键因素开展半干旱草原卫星估雨的研究有限.2009年夏,我们在中国锡林郭勒半干旱草原用多部微雨雷达和雨量计构建了9 km卫星像元降雨观测网,观测了像元内降雨非均匀性(空间变异系数CV),并评估了卫星估雨精度.结果表明:(1)CV值受像元内平均降雨量,降雨类型,降雨云面积及移向等影响,如高Cv值的降雨过程大多为平均降雨量小,对流性降雨过程,降雨云边缘像元CV值较高;(2)TRMM 3B42V7卫星估雨产品适用性较好,CMORPH和PERSIANN次之,但TRMM 3B42V7易在半干旱草原湖泊处高估降雨.  相似文献   
A CE-5T1 spacecraft completed a high-speed skip re-entry to the earth after a circumlunar flight on October 31, 2014. In addition to the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS), a lightweight GPS receiver with rapid acquisition was developed as a navigation sensor in the re-entry capsule. The GPS receiver effectively solved the poor accuracy problem of long-term navigation using only the SINS. In contrast to ground users and low-earth-orbit spacecraft, numerous factors, including high altitude and kinetic characteristics in high-speed skip re-entry, are important for GPS positioning feasibility and were presented in accordance with the flight data. GPS solutions started at nearly 4900 km orbital altitude during the phases of re-entry process. These solutions were combined by an inertial measurement unit in a loosely coupled integrated navigation method and SINS navigation initialization. A simplified GPS/SINS navigation filter for limited resources was effectively developed and implemented on board for spacecraft application. Flight data estimation analyses, including trajectory, attitude, position distribution of GPS satellite, and navigation accuracy, were presented. The estimated accuracy of position was better than 42 m, and the accuracy of velocity was better than 0.1 m/s.  相似文献   
Beidou satellites, especially geostationary earth orbit (GEO) and inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites, need to be frequently maneuvered to keep them in position due to various perturbations. The satellite ephemerides are not available during such maneuver periods. Precise estimation of thrust forces acting on satellites would provide continuous ephemerides during maneuver periods and could significantly improve orbit accuracy immediately after the maneuver. This would increase satellite usability for both real-time and post-processing applications. Using 1 year of observations from the Multi-GNSS Experiment network (MGEX), we estimate the precise maneuver periods for all Beidou satellites and the thrust forces. On average, GEO and IGSO satellites in the Beidou constellation are maneuvered 12 and 2 times, respectively, each year. For GEO satellites, the maneuvers are mainly in-plane, while out-of-plane maneuvers are observed for IGSO satellites and a small number of GEO satellites. In most cases, the Beidou satellite maneuver periods last 15–25 min, but can be as much as 2 h for the few out-of-plane maneuvers of GEO satellites. The thrust forces acting on Beidou satellites are normally in the order of 0.1–0.7 mm/s2. This can cause changes in velocity of GEO/IGSO satellites in the order of several decimeters per second. In the extreme cases of GEO out-of-plane maneuvers, very large cross-track velocity changes are observed, namely 28 m/s, induced by 5.4 mm/s2 thrust forces. Also, we demonstrate that by applying the estimated thrust forces in orbit integration, the orbit errors can be estimated at decimeter level in along- and cross-track directions during normal maneuver periods, and 1–2 m in all the orbital directions for the enormous GEO out-of-plane maneuver.  相似文献   
This study provides a systemic analysis to identify the biases in estimated satellite clocks and illustrates their effects in precise point positioning (PPP). First, the precise satellite clock estimation method considering pseudorange and carrier phase hardware delays is derived. Two methods for satellite clock estimation are compared, and their equivalency is discussed. The results show that apart from the well-known constant code hardware biases, the time-variant phase hardware biases are also absorbed by the estimated clocks. Also, the satellite clocks contain biases caused by modeling errors. To analyze the effects of these biases, they are grouped into initial clock biases (ICBs) and time-dependent biases (TDBs). Then, a detailed analysis of the impact of the biases on PPP-based troposphere and coordinate estimates is conducted. The experimental analysis demonstrates that TDBs affect positioning and tropospheric estimates, and their impacts are more significant in the static mode. The ICBs affect coordinate accuracy, zenith total delay mean bias, and its standard deviations only at the millimeter level for kinematic and static PPP, which is negligible. However, the ICBs affect the convergence period for both static and real kinematic PPP, and the magnitude of their impact largely depends on data quality. Note that satellites clocks are generally estimated with the P1/P2 and L1/L2 ionospheric-free combinations, and that hardware-specific parts of ICBs and TDBs cancel if users employ the same type of observables as the clock providers. Otherwise, the effects of biases cannot be ignored, especially for triple-frequency applications. Also, modeling-specific parts of ICBs and TDBs are significant in real-time clocks, which also affect user applications. Our conclusion is applicable for understanding the effects of these biases.  相似文献   
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