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中国东部植被NDVI对气温和降水的时空响应(英文)   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
Temporal and spatial response characteristics of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature and precipitation in the whole year,spring,summer and autumn was analyzed from April 1998 to March 2008 based on the SPOT VGT-NDVI data and daily temperature and precipitation data from 205 meteorological stations in eastern China.The results indicate that as a whole,the response of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature is more pronounced than that of precipitation in eastern China.Vegetation NDVI maxi...  相似文献   
雷击灾害风险评估中等效截收面积计算方法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
建筑物等效截收面积的计算直接影响到对该建筑物年预计雷击次数的计算,进而影响到对该建筑物雷击风险评估的准确性。《建筑物防雷设计规范》给出的建筑物等效截收面积的计算方法,适用于高点延伸范围大于低点延伸范围的建筑物等效截收面积的计算,用于计算低点延伸范围大于高点延伸范围的建筑物等效截收面积却不尽合理。鉴于此,提出了优化的计算方法:由建筑物高点和低点计算的等效面积之和,减去滚球法计算出的保护范围面积,得到修正后的等效面积,该方法考虑了中高层建筑的引雷作用,计算结果更接近实际。  相似文献   
如同一百个人的心目中有一百个哈姆雷特,一百个地震科学家心中也许会有一百二十个中国地震科学实验场.本文简要介绍一下经过两年时间,通过很多专家的沟通、讨论、争论、碰撞所形成的关于中国地震科学实验场的一些“共识性”基本概念,在一定意义上,也算是中国地震科学实验场本身的“公共模型”(community model).  相似文献   
Precise measurements of neutron star(NS) velocities provide critical clues in regard to the supernova physics and evolution of binary systems. Based on Gaia Data Release 2(DR2), we selected a sample of 24 young( 3 Myr) pulsars with precise parallax measurements and measured the velocity of their local standard of rest(LSR) and the velocity dispersion among their respective local stellar groups. The median velocity difference between thus calculated LSRs and the Galactic rotation model is ~ 7.6 km s~(-1),small compared to the typical velocity dispersion of ~ 27.5 km s~(-1). For pulsars off the Galactic plane,such differences grow significantly to as large as ~ 40 km s~(-1). More importantly, the velocity dispersion of stars in the local group of low-velocity pulsars can be comparable to their transverse velocities, suggesting that the intrinsic velocities of NS progenitors should be taken into account when we consider their natal kicks and binary evolution. We also examined the double NS system J0737-3039 A/B, and measured its transverse velocity to be 26_(-13)~(+18) km s~(-1) assuming nearby Gaia sources are representative of their birth environment. This work demonstrated the feasibility and importance of using Gaia data to study the velocity of individual systems and velocity distribution of NSs.  相似文献   
The carbonate-rich magmatic rocks of West Junggar are distributed in the Baijiantan and Darbut ophiolitic mélanges in the forms of extrusive rocks overlying the mélanges and dykes, either along the margins of the mélange or cross-cutting components of mélanges. Chilled margin and flow structures are present. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 39.7 ± 1.3 Ma indicates that these carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar were formed during the Eocene. They have low concentrations in REEs, Th, U, Nb, Ta and are characterized by extremely low εN d(t), high(87 Sr/86 Sr)i ratios, relatively high δ18 OV-SMOW values and high δ13 CV-PDB values, which is similar with most sedimentary carbonates. Furthermore, no contemporaneous mantle-derived silicate rocks have yet been found in West Junggar. The carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar are thus distinct from mantle-derived carbonatites and are interpreted to result from melting of the Carboniferous sedimentary carbonates at crustal levels, these rocks therefore being referred to as 'crustal carbonatites'. The Eocene crustal carbonatites in West Junggar and other Cenozoic magmatic rocks in North Xinjiang are generally situated along regional strike-slip faults or fault intersections. Therefore, we propose that the reactivation of the Darbut and Baijiantan crustal-scale strike-slip fault zones(ophiolitic mélanges), due to the far-field effects of the Indian-Eurasian collision, enables decompression melting of the underlying continental lithospheric mantle. These resulting melts ascended to the lower crust through the strike-slip faults, causing partial melting of the Carboniferous carbonaceous sediments. The crustal carbonatites in West Junggar provide a new piece of evidence for Cenozoic magmatism in North Xinjiang and are also significant for the investigation of tectono-magmatic relations in North Xinjiang and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   
我国地球物理监测站网主要由GNSS、定点形变、重力、地电、地磁、地下流体六大观测站网组成,由国家站、省级站和市县站构成基本监测单元。市县站观测手段多、站点数量庞大,是地球物理监测站网的重要组成部分。为摸清市县站监测资源底数、统筹利用市县监测数据,中国地震局历时2年完成了我国市县地震监测资源评估工作。基于此项工作,本文从观测环境、观测系统、数据质量和预报应用四个方面对我国市县地球物理监测资源进行简要分析,评估结果显示: 37.8%的测项评估为合格,可直接纳入国家地球物理数据库管理,47.9%的测项评估为基本合格,可纳入国家市县数据库管理,14.3%的测项评估为不合格,需要停测或者优化改造。针对评估结果,简要分析了市县监测运维工作存在的主要问题并提出具体可行的解决建议,为提升市县站监测质量提供参考。  相似文献   
深海富稀土沉积物因其资源潜力巨大,近年来备受关注。一般认为,沉积物中稀土元素和钇(总称REY)的主要来源为上覆海水,但针对富稀土海区上覆海水中REY的研究较少。本研究针对南太平洋富稀土海区采集的3个站位的全水深海水样品,测试出了15种溶解态REY,并对比了邻近海域已发表的数据,分析了该海区REY的空间分布特征。研究区表层水中溶解态REY浓度主要受风尘输入影响,而中层和深层水体中溶解态REY浓度主要受水团控制。经过澳大利亚后太古代页岩(PAAS)和北太平洋深层水(NPDW)归一化后的配分模式可确定REY间的分馏特征,分辨出不同水团。与其他大洋中报道的REY数据比较发现,表层水中REY浓度受风尘和河流输入影响导致差别较大,中层水中REY浓度与印度洋较为接近,深层水中REY浓度与不同大洋的水团年龄表现为正相关趋势,即REY浓度由小到大依次为大西洋、印度洋、南太平洋、北太平洋。  相似文献   
海洋锋面强度变化对陆源物质输运和全球物质循环有重要作用。冬春季节,中国东部陆架区西太平洋边界流分支与沿岸流之间形成了海洋温度锋。为探究冬季风暴和陆架环流双重影响下温度锋面的多时间尺度变化及主控因素,本文以黄海为研究区,分别在年代际尺度和天气尺度,利用信号分解和可解释深度学习方法,研究了低纬度驱动的环流系统和高纬度驱动的冬季风暴对锋面变化的耦合作用。在年代际尺度,通过使用经验正交函数分解和集合经验模态分解的方法,将北黄海的温度变化与黄海暖流强度相联系。研究结果表明,黄海的海表温度经验正交函数(EOF)分解第一模态的空间分布有明显的黄海暖流—沿岸流体系特征;海表温度EOF第一模态时间序列与黄海暖流强度指标的相关性良好,且受低频率厄尔尼诺‒南方涛动信号调控。在天气尺度,对卷积神经网络−长短时记忆网络(CNN-LSTM)模型进行训练并使用可解释性指标进行分析,结果发现无风或弱风条件下,海洋锋面主要由压力梯度力和科里奥利力的地转平衡维持;但在冬季风暴条件下,受开尔文波传播和切变锋破碎的影响,流场的低频波动成为导致锋面强度变化的主因。本文研究结果表明,大数据及机器学习方法是在众多海洋参数间建立联系,并发现一些独特物理海洋过程的重要手段,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
结合实际工作经验,总结了GMS?07综合电磁观测系统主机ADU?07e的主要结构特点,以及主机自检进行观测系统工作状态检查的情况,介绍该观测系统在野外观测过程中的注意事项,梳理常见故障的现象和排除方法;通过实例说明无法自检出的未接中心电极和磁道斩波器故障引起的资料异常。故障检测方法同样适用于GMS?07电磁观测系统常规大地电磁野外施工。  相似文献   
青藏高原隆升对亚洲乃至全球气候演化的影响是古气候学热点问题之一。青藏高原的热力和动力效应一直以来受到人们的广泛重视,其中高原对大气环流的阻碍作用被认为在亚洲冬季气候形成中扮演着极其重要的作用。过去的理论及重建研究大都强调青藏高原主体的贡献,忽略了高原边缘中小尺度地形的可能贡献。以青藏高原北边缘蒙古地形为例,现代大气流场显示蒙古地形对冬季对流层低层西风具有明显的阻碍作用。本研究利用一个海气耦合模式评估了蒙古地形对亚洲冬季气候的影响及其同青藏高原主体的相对贡献。结果显示,蒙古高原地形对亚洲西风急流和东亚冬季风具有非常显著的影响。蒙古高原存在时,东亚大槽加深,日本上空的西风急流增强,东亚冬季风环流也增强。该效应主要源自于亚洲大气热力结构的变化,对流层低层西风在蒙古地形的动力强迫下向北绕流,在下游产生强烈的北风异常,有利于极地冷空气南下。该温度冷平流最终导致西风急流和冬季风环流的响应。值得注意的是,青藏高原主体对西风急流和冬季风的贡献要明显弱于蒙古高原。该结果启示我们,传统认识的青藏高原动力效应可能被一定程度高估,亚洲各地形的动力效应不仅同其规模和高度有关,也与其所处位置有关,处于敏感区域的较小尺度地形同样会对亚洲气候形成有不可忽略的影响。  相似文献   
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