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空间规划决策支持系统在区域主体功能区划分中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
宗跃光  张晓瑞  何金廖  薛松 《地理研究》2011,30(7):1285-1295
按照国家“十一五”规划中关于主体功能区划分的要求,将英国Pearce教授的自然资本不能减少的强可持续发展生态阈值理论与主体功能区划分的生态评价技术相结合,以潜力一阻力模型为基础,首次通过构建可开发度指数(PDI)和四力模型,创建一套主体功能区划分的综合指标体系,包括生态敏感性、环境压力、社会经济发展潜力和自然资源潜力等...  相似文献   
Magnetite nanoparticles were applied to remove Ni(II) from aqueous solutions as a function of pH, contact time, supporting electrolyte concentration, and analytical initial Ni(II) concentration. The highly crystalline nature of the magnetite structure with diameter of around 10 nm was characterized with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X‐ray diffractometry (XRD). The surface area was determined to be 115.3 m2/g. Surface chemical properties of magnetite at 25°C in aqueous suspensions were investigated. The point of zero charge (pHzpc) was found to be 7.33 and the intrinsic acidity constants (${\rm p}K_{{\rm a}1}^{{\rm s}} $ and ${\rm p}K_{{\rm a}2}^{{\rm s}} $ ) were found to be 9.3 and 5.9, respectively. The surface functional groups were investigated with Fourier transform‐infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as well. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption kinetics and mechanism of Ni(II) by these magnetite nanoparticles. The adsorption process was found to be pH dependent. In NaCl solutions, Ni(II) adsorption increased with increasing ionic strength while in NaClO4 solutions, Ni(II) adsorption exhibited little dependence on the ionic strength of the solution. The adsorption process better followed the pseudo‐second order equation and Freundlich isotherm.  相似文献   
In this work,we studied the variable stars in the open cluster NGC 1912 based on the photometric observations and Gaia DR2 data.More than 3600 CCD frames in B,V,R filters were reduced,and we obtained the light curves that span about 63 hours.By analyzing these light curves,we detected 24 variable stars,including 16 periodic variable stars,seven eclipsing binaries and one star whose type is unclear.Among these 24 variable stars,11 are newly discovered,which are classified as sixγDoradus stars,oneδScuti star,three detached binaries and one contact binary.We also confirmed 13 previously known variable stars.Based on cluster members identified by Cantat-Gaudin et al.(2018),we inferred cluster memberships for these detected variable stars.Using Gaia DR2 data,we plotted a new color-magnitude diagram for NGC1912,and showed the nature of variable cluster members in kinematical properties and heliocentric distance.Among the 24 variable stars,seven variables are probable cluster members,which show homogeneity in kinematic characters and space position with the established cluster members.Four of the seven variable cluster members are the previously discovered stars,consisting of twoγDor stars and twoδSct stars.The remaining three variable cluster members,which are allγDor stars,are firstly detected in this work.The main physical parameters of these variable cluster members estimated from the color-magnitude diagram are log(age/yr)=8.75,[Fe/H]=-0.1,m-M=10.03 mag,and E(B-V)=0.307.  相似文献   
曾严谨  荣冠  彭俊  沙松 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):220-226
利用偏光显微镜对经历不同高温循环作用后的细粒大理岩进行观测,通过统计微裂纹长度、开度、数量等参数,探讨不同加热循环次数后岩样内微裂纹的扩展规律。结果表明,(1)经历不同热循环次数作用的岩样,微裂纹的数量和长度均不同,未经热处理岩样内颗粒致密,胶结较好,内部无明显的微裂纹。经历4次热循环作用后岩样内微裂纹发育明显,以晶界裂纹为主,开度和长度均显著增加。岩样经历16次热循环作用后开度持续增大,为55 µm,是4次热循环的4倍;(2)对不同热循环处理后岩样内部发育微裂纹的方向进行了统计,发现微裂纹无明显的方向性,还表明细观切片的取样位置对微裂纹的发育影响不大;(3)线性裂纹密度随热循环次数的增加而增大,经历16次热循环作用后岩样的线性裂纹密度是没有经历热处理岩样的21倍。  相似文献   
Li  Yingdong  Xue  Huiling  Li  Xiaodong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(5):1778-1787
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Chinese grass shrimp Palaemonetes sinensis is an economically important freshwater shrimp in China. However, wild resources of grass shrimp have declined...  相似文献   
鲁苏榴辉岩套以广泛分布各类榴辉岩、密切伴生石榴石橄榄岩、石榴石麻粒岩等高压岩石组合 ,普遍发育韧性变形带 ,大量出露燕山晚期碱性花岗岩及深源脉岩为特征。它已经历三迭纪早期华南陆块与华北陆块的碰撞事件、大陆逆掩推覆构造事件及后期白垩纪早期开始的大陆伸展构造事件 ,是我国华南陆块与华北陆块之间的重要过渡单元。  相似文献   
环境同位素特征对滨海岩溶地区海水入侵过程的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大连大魏家水源地位于中国北方典型滨海岩溶地区。近30年来,地下淡水的不合理开采造成的地下水位降落漏斗引发了严重的海水入侵。以大魏家水源地为研究对象,通过大量的水文地质调查和水化学及同位素采样测试分析,探讨海水入侵形成的水动力条件,通过分析滨海岩溶含水层中地下水主要水化学和多种同位素(δ2H-δ18O,δ34S,δ13C)组成特征,识别了海水入侵过程中发生的主要水文地球化学作用,并对其进行了定量模拟,从而阐明了岩溶含水层中的海水入侵机理。研究结果表明:大连大魏家海水入侵主要通道为大魏家地区存在的导水断裂、岩溶裂隙以及第四系松散地层。对δ2H-δ18O同位素的组成分析表明,研究区地下水主要来自大气降水补给,结合Cl-浓度分布,认为除海水入侵淡水含水层后增加了地下水中的盐分外,浅层地下水的蒸发也对地下水中盐分的累积起到了重要作用。根据不同水体中δ34SSO4,δ13CHCO3等同位素特征,结合水化学成分(如SO2-4,Cl-)分析认为,研究区微咸水和咸水并不是地下水淡水和海水简单混合而成。利用反向水文地球化学模拟揭示了控制滨海岩溶含水层中水化学演化的主要水文地球化学反应有方解石、蒙脱石和石膏的溶解作用,伊利石的沉淀作用以及Ca-Na离子交换作用,伴随着CO2的释放。  相似文献   
针对汶川地震引发的谢家店子滑坡,在现场调查分析的基础上,建立了二维离散元数值模拟模型,采用2D-Block软件对其进行了全过程的数值模拟研究,并通过对跟踪块体的深入分析,研究了相应地质体在不同阶段下的运动特征。模拟结果表明,谢家店子滑坡经历了剧动启程抛掷阶段、快速撞击飞行阶段、铲刮减速碎屑流阶段及堆积掩埋阶段。为了揭示地震引发高速滑坡的发生规律,分别研究了地震震级、斜坡地形和斜坡上岩块的尺寸对高速滑坡启动和运动过程的影响规律。地震震级对边坡的启动、变形、破坏和运动有很大的影响,地震震级越大,滑体启动的加速度和速度也就越大,从而易形成高速远程滑坡。斜坡体本身的地形地貌对滑体运动也有较大影响。在震级和岩石力学参数一定的条件下,斜坡上岩块的大小对其启动、变形和运动过程有一定影响,随着岩块的增大,滑体运动的每个阶段历时都在减小,但当岩体十分破碎时,滑体虽然能够运动,但是很难发生抛掷。将地震滑坡的启动机理概括为积累变形效应、振荡启程效应和振荡加速效应。  相似文献   
To reduce the possibility of poor efficiency and weak anti-error capability while encoding and transmitting hyperspectral images, we present a distributed source coding scheme for hyperspectral images based on three-dimensional (3D) set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT). First, the 3D wavelet transform is performed on the hyperspectral image. Thereafter, the low frequency section is regarded as the Key frame and the high frequency section as the Wyner–Ziv frame to enable independent SPIHT coding through different transmission channels. The Wyner–Ziv encoder uses Turbo channel coding to create high frequency information that reflects the details of the image with better anti-error capacity, while the low frequency information shows the main energy of the image. In this study, we used SPIHT coding to acquire a bit stream with quality scalability. Results show that the proposed scheme is more efficient during coding, while at the same time providing improved anti-error capability and quality scalability of the bit stream.  相似文献   
宋艳玲 《气象》2006,32(6):126-127
3月,全国平均气温比常年同期偏高,平均降水量比常年同期偏少。月内,我国北方地区出现了5次沙尘天气过程,9—12日出现了今年以来最强的一次强沙尘暴天气过程;华北、黄淮、西北地区东部及内蒙古东南部、云南干旱持续或发展;中旬,强冷空气影响我国大部地区,江西、贵州等地的部分农作物遭受冻害。  相似文献   
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