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The Palaeoproterozoic (1.9 Ga) Rytky and Kotalahti mafic-ultramafic intrusions are located in the contact zone between the Archaean craton and Proterozoic supracrustal rocks. During the second deformation event (D2) the surrounding country rocks were subjected to intensive metamorphism and deformation associated with the Svecofennian orogeny; the Archaean/Proterozoic boundary controlled both D2 thrusting and magma ascent. Emplacement of the Rytky and Kotalahti intrusions took place at the culmination of D2, as shown by the gneiss inclusions with S2 schistosity within the intrusions. Overthrusting continued after emplacement, with detached fragments of the bodies incorporated into the Archaean gneisses. During the third deformation event (D3) the originally subhorizontal intrusions were rotated into a subvertical position, so that they now have their stratigraphic top towards the west. The Rytky intrusion is composed mainly of medium- and coarse-grained lherzolite, websterite and gabbronorite. The nickel deposit with pentlandite as the main nickel mineral is associated with the lherzolite and websterite. The coarse-grained lherzolite, websterite and melagabbro represent the first rocks to form, and they contain the nickel sulphide mineralisation. Country rock contamination, as indicated by high TiO2, P2O5, Rb, Zr and light rare earth element contents (LREE), is most pronounced in the marginal part of the intrusion, which was the first to form. The variation in olivine composition (Fo 78.6-84.77 mole %; Ni 630–2386 ppm) and the metal ratio of the sulphide (Ni/Co 19.3 – 50.3) along with the internal stratigraphy of the intrusion indicate an in-situ process of sulphide ore formation.Editorial handling: P. LightfootAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
About 786.4 thousand stars were observed by LAMOST twice or more during the first stage of its spectroscopic survey. The radial velocity differences for about 256 thousand targets are larger than10 km s-1 and they are possible spectroscopic binary or variable candidates(SBVCs). It is shown that most SBVCs are slightly metal poorer than the Sun. There are two peaks in the temperature distribution of SBVCs around 5760 K and 4870 K, while there are three peaks in the distribution of the gravitational acceleration at 2.461, 4.171 and 4.621 cm s-2. The locations of SBVCs on the [Fe/H]-T, [Fe/H]-log g, log g-T and H-R diagrams are investigated. It is found that the detected SBVCs could be classified into four groups. The first group has higher log g~4.621 and lower T ~ 4870 K which are mainly cool red dwarf binaries. The second group of SBVCs has logg around 4.171 cm s-2 that includes binaries and pulsating stars such as δSet and γ Dor variables. The gravitational accelerations of the third group of SBVCs are higher and some of them are below the zero-age main sequence. They may be contact binaries in which the primary components are losing energy to the secondaries in the common envelopes and are at a special stellar evolutionary stage.The last group is composed of giants or supergiants with log g around 2.461 cm s-2 that may be evolved pulsating stars. One target(C134624.29+333921.2) is confirmed as an eclipsing binary with a period of 0.65 days. A preliminary analysis suggests that it is a detached binary with a mass ratio of 0.46. The primary fills its critical Roche lobe by about 89%, indicating that mass transfer will occur between the two components.  相似文献   
通过对频率测深理论的研究,提出了水平电偶极场视电阻率改进滤波算法,并编制了正演计算的实用程序。理论模型计算表明,改进滤波算法 效果好,计算速度快。  相似文献   
The water supply in Denmark is based on high-quality groundwater, thus obviating the need for complex and expensive purification. Contamination from urban development and agricultural sources, however, increasingly threatens the groundwater resource. In 1995 the Danish Government thus launched a 10-point plan to improve groundwater protection. In 1998 this was followed by a decision to instigate spatially dense hydrogeological mapping of the groundwater resource within the 37% of Denmark designated as particularly valuable water-abstraction areas. The maps will be used to establish site-specific groundwater protection zones and associated regulation of land use to prevent groundwater contamination. Traditional mapping based solely on borehole data is too inaccurate for this purpose. The work will take 10 years and cost an estimated DKK 920 million, equivalent to 120 million euro (€). To fund this, consumers will pay a € 0.02 surcharge per m3 of drinking water during the 10-year period. This review of the Danish strategy to protect the groundwater resource demonstrates why dense mapping with newly developed geophysical measurement methods in large contiguous areas accords geophysics a highly central role in the forthcoming hydrogeological mapping. It is illustrated by examples of spatially dense, large-scale geophysical mapping carried out in the Aarhus area.
Resumen El abastecimiento de agua en Dinamarca está basado en agua subterránea de alta calidad, evitando de esta manera la necesidad de una purificación compleja y cara. Sin embargo, la contaminación a través del desarrollo urbano y de fuentes agrícolas, ha incrementado la amenaza para el recurso de agua subterránea. Entonces en 1995 el gobierno lanzó un plan de 10 puntos para mejorar la protección del agua subterránea. Este fue seguido en 1998 por la decisión para promover una cartografía hidrogeológica espacialmente detallada, para el recurso agua subterránea dentro del 37% de las áreas de extracción consideradas por Dinamarca con una importancia especial. Los mapas serán usados para establecer zonas específicas de protección para puntos de agua subterránea y una regulación asociada al uso del territorio, para prevenir la contaminación del agua subterránea. La cartografía tradicional basada exclusivamente en datos de la perforación es muy inexacta para este propósito. Este trabajo tomará 10 años y costará aproximadamente DKK 920 millones, equivalentes a 120 millones de Euros (€). Para financiar esto los consumidores pagarán un sobreprecio de € 0.02 por m3 de agua potable durante un periodo de 10 años. Este análisis de la estrategia Danesa para proteger el recurso agua subterránea, demuestra porque la cartografía detallada, hecha con nuevos avances en métodos de medición geofísica, aplicados a grandes áreas aledañas, otorgan a la geofísica un papel altamente importante en el futuro de la cartografía hidrogeológica. Esto está ilustrado con ejemplos de cartografía geofísica a gran escala y espacialmente detallada, llevados a cabo en el área de Aarhus.

Résumé Lalimentation en eau au Danemark suppose une haute qualité des eaux souterraines, en éliminant ainsi le coûteux processus dépuration. Néanmoins, la qualité des sources souterraines est menacée par la pollution provoquée par le développement urbain et agricole. En 1995 le gouvernement danois a lancé un plan en 10 points pour améliorer la protection des eaux souterraines. En 1999 ce plan a été suivi par la décision de promouvoir une cartographie hydrogéologique à grande densité sur 37% du territoire du Danemark où se trouvent des zones de captages importantes. Les cartes seront utilisées pour établir les zones de protection des eaux souterraines, en tenant compte des conditions locales du site ainsi que des règlements conjoints dutilisation des territoires, afin de prévenir la pollution des eaux souterraines. La cartographie traditionnelle, basée seulement sur les données des forages, est trop imprécise pour ce but. Les travaux vont durer 10 ans avec un coût estimé à 120 millions deuros (€). Pour ces travaux les consommateurs vont payer une surcharge de € 0.02 par m3 deau potable, ceci pendant 10 ans. Cette révision de la stratégie du Danemark concernant la protection des ressources en eaux souterraines a démontré les raisons pour lesquelles on a accordé un rôle central aux nouvelles méthodes géophysiques dans la future cartographie hydrogéologique de vaste régions. On présente un exemple de cartographie géophysique réalisée dans la région dAarhus.
羌塘岩带碰撞后超钾质火山岩地球化学特征及成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羌塘超钾质火山岩为板块碰撞后的产物,地球化学特征表明,其同时具有板内火山岩和俯冲带岛弧火山岩的双重地球化学特性。化学组成上富含轻稀土和大离子亲石元素而亏损Cr、Ni等相容元素。在成因上受分离结晶作用和源区混合作用共同制约。源区为受古俯冲上地壳物质和下地幔上升流体交代混合的EMII型富集地幔端元,可能富含角闪石和金云母等矿物。  相似文献   
宁晋泊地区冰消期以来的气候变化   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
宁晋泊地区在华北平原的中部河北省宁晋县、隆尧县、新河县和巨鹿县境内,属于古大陆泽北半部分。隆尧县南王庄剖面(1290m)是这一地区的典型代表。  相似文献   
通过对渤海莱州湾GK138、GK111及GK95孔的255个沉积物样品中的有孔虫定量统计分析,共鉴定出底栖有孔虫15属32种。根据底栖有孔虫的丰度和分异度等分布特征和AMS14C和光释光(OSL)测年结果,揭示晚第四纪以来研究区共发育3套海相地层,分别是中更新世晚期的第三海相层、晚更新世的第二海相层和全新世的第一海相层,通过与全球海面变化曲线对比,发现其与MIS7、MIS5和MIS1阶段的高海面有良好的对应关系。样品的Q型聚类及主成分分析划分出3组代表不同沉积环境的有孔虫化石组合,第III化石组合带为中更新世晚期海侵的产物,为河口-滨岸浅海环境。第Ⅱ化石组合为晚更新世海侵的产物,为潮间带-潮下带沉积环境,第I化石组合带为潮上带-潮间带沉积环境。海相地层顶、底板高程和厚度的分析结果显示中更新世晚期至晚更新世期间发生过不同期次、不同强度的构造活动,而进入全新世以后构造活动相对减弱。  相似文献   
A 3-D convective cloud model with compressible non-hydrostatic dynamics and the spectral bin microphysics of a 2-D slab-symmetric model has been used to simulate an observed supercell storm occurring on 29 June, 2000 near Bird City, Kansas, USA. The main objective of this paper is to study the evolution of particles in this convective storm with bin spectral microphysics scheme. Graupels form and grow through two mechanisms, deposition and riming, with the riming process dominant on top of the inflow and in the upper portion of main updraft. Over the outflow and during the developing and mature stages of the storm, graupel particles mainly grow through deposition with dominant unimodal spectra. Most fall out after growing up. Reducing initial relative humidity disturbance (increasing initial potential temperature disturbance) has negative impact on the formation and growth of graupels over the inflow (outflow). This study shows that large graupel and hail could be suppressed by altering the deposition and coalescence process over the inflow and main updraft. At different locations of the convective cells and with different initial humidity and potential temperature disturbance, the graupel formation and growth mechanisms are different, so as to the feasible hail suppression locations and methods. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40537034, 40805057), and Foundation of Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education in Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (Grant No. KLME060202)  相似文献   
基于图像分析的双台面波相速度频散曲线快速提取方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
双台波形的互相关方法是面波相速度频散曲线提取的一种常用方法。传统的方法精度不高,效率较低。本文提出了一种基于图像分析的频散曲线快速提取方法,采用图像显示互相关振幅矩阵,且提出了快速追踪整条频散曲线的算法,并用Matlab编写了交互式的处理软件。基于这种方法编写的资料处理软件提高了双台相速度频散曲线提取的速度和精度,为大批量处理地震数据资料提供了坚实的软件基础。基于图像分析的方法可以更为清晰地展现出双台问的面波频散曲线的特征,对频散曲线的识别和分析也提供了更为有效的研究工具。  相似文献   
Gas formation mechanism of marine carbonate source rocks in China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
It has been proven in exploration practice that thecarbonates in China not only can generate hydrocar-bons, but also form commercial reservoirs. The car-bonates are different from clastic rocks in view of theirdeposition environment as well as their sedimentaryand diagenetic processes. Therefore, the evaluationcriteria and hydrocarbon generation mechanism forcarbonates can not be the same as that for clasticrocks, and it is important to establish a special hydro-carbon generation mechanism and…  相似文献   
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