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本文从矿源层控矿构造、区域变质、混合岩化、岩浆作用及多期次的热液成矿叠加作用等方面对金矿的控矿条件进行了较深入的分析,进一步提出了淘金沟─贵家峪一带为找金远景区;在文峪的深部可能有糜棱岩型或黄铁矿型金富集段的存在。  相似文献   
中国西天山拉尔敦达坂构造解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
拉尔敦达坂一带发育的大型复合式韧性剪切带,经解析分为水平拆离、挤压和岩浆侵入隆升、左行走滑韧性剪切三个不同阶段,变形时限分别限定在早古生代晚期至晚古生代早期、晚泥盆世和二叠-三叠纪。剪切带向东至伊连哈比尔山被“天山主干断裂”截断,向西经北本札尔特河谷的阿登布拉克沟在国境附近的阿拉爱格尔山口附近与邻国“尼古拉耶夫线”相接。该剪切带属南侧塔里木与伊犁-伊塞克两陆块碰撞缝合构造同碰撞期的次级构造带。  相似文献   
The M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on the Longmenshan fault zone. Based on field investigation of the surface rupture and focal mechanism study of the aftershocks, we discuss the geological relationship of the main, secondary and triggered ruptures. The main rupture is about 200km long and can be divided into the south part and the north part. The south part consists of two parallel fault zones characterized by reverse faulting, with several parallel secondary ruptures on the hanging wall of the main fault, and the north part is a single main fault zone characterized by lateral strike-slip and reverse faulting. Compared to a 300km long aftershock distribution, the surface rupture only occupies 200km, and the remaining 100km on the northeast of the main rupture was triggered by aftershocks. Study on the ruptures of this earthquake will be useful for studying the earthquake risk evolution on the Longmenshan fault system.  相似文献   
拜仁达坝-维拉斯托矿床是大兴安岭南段西坡最大的2个热液脉型银矿床, 对这两个矿床各阶段矿物(如黑钨矿、浅色闪锌矿、石英和萤石)中的流体包裹体进行研究, 并对硫化物进行了硫同位素分析.结果表明, 拜仁达坝矿床的流体从早阶段到晚阶段(Ⅰ→Ⅱ→Ⅲ)均一温度和盐度逐渐降低.维拉斯托矿床热液成矿期第Ⅰ、Ⅱ成矿阶段具有高温高盐度的流体; 第Ⅲ成矿阶段具有不混溶流体, 即中温中盐度的流体(均一温度为208~294 ℃, 盐度含量为4.65%~12.39%)和高温低盐度的流体(均一温度为333~406 ℃, 盐度含量为3.55%~6.88%); 第Ⅳ成矿阶段具有低温较低盐度的流体.两个矿床的流体包裹体气相成分表明成矿流体均为CO2-H2O-NaCl体系.拜仁达坝矿床的均一温度和盐度随着成矿阶段逐渐降低和氢氧同位素证据均表明, 早阶段的流体主要为岩浆水来源, 晚阶段的流体混入了大气降水.维拉斯托矿床氢氧同位素证据和流体中的成分(CH4/C2H6为39.271%~101.438%)均表明其成矿流体主要为岩浆水来源.拜仁达坝-维拉斯托矿床的硫具有深源特征, 拜仁达坝矿床的成矿机制主要与不同来源的成矿流体混合有关; 维拉斯托矿床的成矿机制主要与降温和成矿流体不混溶有关.   相似文献   
基于2015-2018年中国335个地级以上城市,使用面板数据模型剖析绿色金融对污染性产业的技术效应,探讨其与环境规制、研发投入的交互作用,区分不同产业类型,厘清绿色金融技术效应的空间差异.结果 表明:绿色金融能够在不同区域促成污染性重工业和轻工业技术创新;绿色金融与环境规制协同互补,并且这种协同对轻工业更有效,在中西...  相似文献   
在阿尔金南缘玉苏普阿勒克塔格北侧出露的冰沟组火山岩为一套与滨浅海相细粒陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩共生的中基性火山岩,主要岩石类型有蚀变熔结凝灰岩、安山质凝灰熔岩和强蚀变玄武安山岩。该火山岩作为Columbia超大陆裂解阶段的物质记录,对其年代学和产出的地质构造背景的探讨,有助于探讨阿尔金南缘前寒武纪构造演化过程。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究结果显示,强蚀变玄武安山岩样品具有两组锆石年龄,第一组年龄分别为944. 7±6. 4 Ma(n=8,MSWD=0. 057)和951. 2±6. 3 Ma(n=12,MSWD=0. 042),测点位于锆石震荡环带上,显示了典型的岩浆锆石的特征,代表火山岩的形成时代,属青白口纪早期;第二组年龄介于446±5~458±4Ma,与区域高压—超高压岩石的原岩的退变质时代(~450 Ma)一致,可能代表受该期陆壳深俯冲/折返事件改造。另外,228±6 Ma、229±4 Ma和130±1 Ma的年龄信息,可能代表火山岩还遭受了晚三叠世和早白垩世构造热事件改造。构造背景分析表明,该火山岩形成于板内裂谷环境,对应于Columbia超大陆裂解阶段的晚期,之后索尔库里群沉积盆地由拉张转换到汇聚的构造背景,转为Rodinia超大陆汇聚阶段。结合区域地质特征和该火山岩年龄信息,进一步制约了阿尔金南缘Columbia超大陆裂解和Rodinia超大陆汇聚的时限分别为945~1602 Ma和871~945 Ma。  相似文献   
本文通过开展瑞典实物地质资料管理与服务跟踪研究,分析了瑞典实物地质资料管理与信息服务现状,掌握了瑞典在实物地质资料管理服务方面的政策法规、馆藏机构,以及资料汇聚、资料保管、资料数字化和信息服务现状;分析了瑞典岩芯高光谱红外成像2级数据产品服务的典型模式和可借鉴的经验,提出了对推进我国实物地质资料管理与信息服务的启示。  相似文献   
Veins and clasts of pseudotachylyte developed in the microbreccias of the detachment fault along the boundary of the Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex. The Raman spectral analysis shows that there are three kinds of textures in the matrices of the pseudotachylyte, i.e. ultracataclastic fine-grained texture, cryptocrystalline texture and both of them with minute quantity of glass. The three different textures are the results of different degrees of ultracataclasis. This demonstrates that ultracataclasis-comminution-melting is the genetic mechanism of the pseudotachylytes in the Xiaoqinling detachment fault and the ultracataclasis-comminution dominates in their formation. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49472142).  相似文献   
Abstract Systematical Sr, Nd and O isotopic studies were made on the Huashan granite complex in Guangxi. In combination with the studies of geological, petrological and geochemical data, it is believed that the complex consists of granites of three stages, with different geneses and different source materials. They are not the products of differentiation and evolution of one single consanguineous magma. Granites of the 1st stage are of the Indosinian syntectic type or I type, also derived from a mixed mantle-crustal source. Those of the 2nd stage are of the early Yanshanian syntectic type or I type, also derived from a mixed mantle-crustal source, and those of the 3rd stage are of the late Yanshanian transformed type or S type, derived from a crustal source.  相似文献   
答“对秦岭奥长环斑花岗岩质疑”   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
环斑花岗岩是一种特殊结构的花岗岩类,并且多数产在元古宙克拉通中。笔者曾报道了在秦岭造山带中发育有印支期具有环斑结构的花岗质岩石。“对秦岭奥长环斑花岗岩质疑”一文认为它们不是环斑花岗岩,并引用Ramo的图表来说明自己的观点。本文将从以下几方面进行讨论:秦岭环斑花岗岩的研究历史;环斑花岗岩的定义;世界上环斑花岗岩的成因类型;秦岭环斑花岗岩的副矿物及铁镁含量和环斑钾长石特征;秦岭环斑花岗岩与基性岩共存等。本文还论证了秦岭环斑花岗岩不同于元古宙非造山环斑花岗岩,而是一种造山型的环斑花岗岩,其形成于后造山环境,是挤压(造山)向拉张(稳定)转折时期的产物。最后对研究秦岭环斑花岗岩的几个理论问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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