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柴达木盆地北缘早古生代碰撞造山系统   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
柴达木盆地北缘在早古生代形成了一条碰撞造山带,该造山带结构保存较完整,可分辨出深俯冲板片、火山岛弧带、蛇绿杂岩带、岛弧深成岩带等组成单元。其中,俯冲板块主要由中元古代鱼卡河岩群和中新元古代花岗片麻岩构成,在寒武纪末-奥陶纪可能全部或部分俯冲到岩石圈深部,发生了高压-超高压变质作用。火山岛弧主要由中基性火山岩、细碎屑岩等组成,成岩时代为晚寒武世-奥陶纪。蛇绿杂岩带由超镁铁质岩、辉长岩、玄武岩和少量硅质岩组成,形成于弧后扩张脊构造背景,成岩时代为寒武纪-奥陶纪。岛弧深成岩成分变化较大,由闪长岩变化到花岗岩,成岩时代为奥陶纪。而造山带北侧的欧龙布鲁克微陆块则具有双层结构,由德令哈杂岩和达肯大坂岩群构成基底,盖层为全吉群。  相似文献   
概要论述了地质微生物学、地下水微生态学、微生物地球化学作用的基本概念、研究内容、研究现状、科学意义、关键问题、发展前景和在地下水环境保护中的作用。该研究领域不仅拓宽了整个地质科学的研究范畴,而且推动了地质科学的发展,具有一定的创新性。  相似文献   
Based on the ionospheric electromagnetic data observed on DEMETER satellite of France, the ionospheric electromagnetic signals were analyzed within 10 days before Chile M7.9 earthquake on November 14, 2007. It is found that, low frequency electromagnetic disturbances began to increase in a large scale of latitude, and reached to a maximum one week prior to the earthquake, and at about three days before the quake, the peak values shifted to lower latitude. Taking three days as a group, spatial images of a fe...  相似文献   
泌阳凹陷安棚油田核三段储层天然裂缝特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据岩芯裂缝观察结果,通过与FMI,MAIN成像测井资料进行对比,系统描述天然裂缝在成像测井上的影像特征,对地层裂缝特征参数进行了确定.成果反映出核三段地层中的裂缝主要为垂直裂缝倾角在80°~90°之间.走向在100°~110°左右,宽度一般小于1 mm,裂缝长度主要在30 mm以内.  相似文献   
我国几个矿区叶蜡石X射线粉晶衍射研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李文瑛 《矿物学报》1989,9(4):378-382
对我国几个主要类型叶蜡石矿的叶蜡石做了X射线粉晶衍射研究。从大量实验结果发现,所研究叶蜡石存在单斜晶系和三斜晶系两种多型。单斜晶系(2M);空间群G_(2h)~6-C2/c,a=5.175A,b=8.902A,c=18.673A,β=100.1°,Z=4;三斜晶系(1Tc):空间群P_c,a=5.162A,b=8.965A,c=9.346A,a=91.2°,β=99.96°,γ=89.91°,Z=2。  相似文献   
Abstract: Based on the technology of balanced cross-section and physical simulation experiments associated with natural gas geochemical characteristic analyses, core and thin section observations, it has been proven that the Puguang gas reservoir has experienced two periods of diagenesis and restructuring since the Late Indo-Chinese epoch. One is the fluid transfer controlled by the tectonic movement and the other is geochemical reconstruction controlled by thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). The middle Yanshan epoch was the main period that the Puguang gas reservoir experienced the geochemical reaction of TSR. TSR can recreate the fluid in the gas reservoir, which makes the gas drying index higher and carbon isotope heavier because C2+ (ethane and heavy hydrocarbon) and 12C (carbon 12 isotope) is first consumed relative to CH4 and 13C? (carbon 13 isotope). However, the reciprocity between fluid regarding TSR (hydrocarbon, sulfureted hydrogen (H2S)?, and water) and reservoir rock results in reservoir rock erosion and anhydrite alteration, which increases porosity in reservoir, thereby improving the petrophysical properties. Superimposed by later tectonic movement, the fluid in Puguang reservoir has twice experienced adjustment, one in the late Yanshan epoch to the early Himalayan epoch and the other time in late Himalayan epoch, after which Puguang gas reservoir is finally developed.  相似文献   
江国明  赵大鹏  张贵宾 《地球科学》2009,34(6):1001-1011
双差分地震定位法采用了一维射线追踪法和直角坐标系, 不适合于复杂速度模型中的地震定位.本研究采用三维射线追踪技术和球坐标系改进了双差分定位法, 扩大了它的应用范围.为了检验新方法的可行性和准确性, 以日本海地区下方的深发地震为研究对象, 通过对比4种复杂速度模型中双差分定位结果, 分析速度结构对双差分定位的影响.结果表明, 改进后的双差分定位法受速度结构变化的影响较小, 而且当震源区的速度模型越接近真实速度结构时, 定位结果的精度越高, 这为利用深发地震研究地球深部构造奠定了基础.   相似文献   
人类活动对碳循环的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅西 《海洋地质前沿》2008,24(1):15-18,24
在地球系统中,海洋、大气和陆地以及其中的生命与非生命部分都存在着相互联系。人类正在以各种方式根本性地改变着地球的各种系统和循环。一个崭新的地质时代“人类世”不期而至。碳循环是一个极其复杂的地球化学循环过程,包括碳元素在各个储库的贮存和在不同储库之间的流通。不同时间尺度的碳的自然循环都保持着动态平衡状态。人类活动触动了这种平衡机制,成为当前全球碳循环变化的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   
Ultramafic rocks of Tibet and Xinjiang are the products of partial melting of the upper mantle. The evolution of their mineral composition is marked by two parallel evolutionary series: one is the progressive increase of the 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe~(2+) ratio of silicate minerals in order of lherzolite→harzburgite→dunite, i.e. the increase in magnesium; the other is the increase of the 100 Cr/(Cr+Al) ratio of accessory chrome spinel in the same order, i. e. the increase in Chromium. The above-mentioned evolutionary trends are contrary to that of magmatic differentiation. The evolution of fabrics of ultramafic rocks is characterized by progressive variation in order of protogranular texture→melted residual texture, symplectic texture and clastophyritic texture→equigranular mosaic texture and tabular mosaic texture. Experiments of partial melting of lherzolite have convincingly shown that the evolution of Alpine ultramafic rocks resulted from the partial melting of pyrolite. Various subtypes of them represent different degrees of partial melting. The vertical zoning marked by more basic rocks in the upper part and more acid rocks in the lower actually belongs to the fusion zoning of pyrolite.  相似文献   
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