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We present here results for the Andra Couplex 1 test case, obtained with the code Cast3m. This code is developped at the CEA (Commissariat l'nergie atomique) and is used mainly to solve problems of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfers. Different types of discretization are available, among them finite element, finite volume and mixed hybrid finite element method. Cast3m is also a componant of the platteform Alliances (co-developped by Andra, CEA), which will be used by Andra for the safety calculation of an underground waste disposal in year 2004. We solve the Darcy equation for the water flow and a convection–diffusion transport equation for the Iodine 129 which escapes from a repository cave into the water. The water flow is calculated with a MHFE discretization. It is shown that this method provides sharp results even on relatively coarse grids. The convection–diffusion transport equation is discretized with FE (Finite Element), MHFE (Mixed Hybrid Finite Element) and FV (Finite Volume) methods. In our comparison, we point out the differences of these methods in term of accuracy, respect of the maximum principle and calculations cost. Neither the finite element nor the mixed hybrid finite element approach respects the maximum principle. This results in the presence of negative concentrations near the repository cave, whereas FV calculations respect the monotonicity. We show that mass lumping techniques suppress this problem but with strong restrictions on the grid. FE and MHFE approaches are more accurate than FV for the diffusion equation, but the overall results are equivalent since the advective terms are dominant in the far field and are discretized with centered schemes. We conclude by studying the influence of the grid: a very fine grid near the repository solves almost all the problems of monotonicity, without employing mass lumping techniques. We also observed a very important increase of the accuracy on a structured grid made up of rectangles.  相似文献   
Despite the growing interest for Li and B as geochemical tracers, especially for material transfer from subducting slabs to overlying peridotites, little is known about the behaviour of these two elements during partial melting of mantle sources. In particular, mineral/melt partition coefficients for B and to a lesser extent Li are still a matter of debate. In this work, we re-equilibrated a synthetic basalt doped with ~10 ppm B and ~6 ppm Li with an olivine powder from a spinel lherzolite xenolith at 1 GPa–1,330°C, and we analyzed Li and B in the run products by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In our experiment, B behaved as a highly incompatible element with mineral/melt partition coefficients of the order of 10−2 (D ol/melt = 0.008 (0.004–0.013); D opx/melt = 0.024 (0.015–0.033); D cpx/melt = 0.041 (0.021–0.061)), and Li as a moderately incompatible element (D ol/melt = 0.427 (0.418–0.436); D opx/melt = 0.211 (0.167–0.256); D cpx/melt = 0.246 (0.229–0.264)). Our partition coefficients for Li are in good agreement with previous determinations. In the case of B, our partition coefficients are equal within error to those reported by Brenan et al. (1998) for all the mineral phases analyzed, but are lower than other coefficients from literature for some of the phases (up to 5 times for cpx). Our measurements complement the data set of Ds for modelling partial melting of the upper mantle and basalt generation, and confirm that, in this context, B is more incompatible than previously anticipated.  相似文献   
运用区域主体功能区划理论,对广西沿海地区的发展进行了分析.研究表明,广西经济布局初具"T"字型空间结构,但沿海地区空间结构还存在不少无序现象,海洋经济与人才的观念比较薄弱.应根据区域主体功能区划理论,在确立海洋经济为区域经济主体的基础上,进一步明确钦州、北海和防城港三市区域功能,加快构建相应中心城市集聚区,以旅游和边贸为切入点,加强与东盟、泛珠三角和西南等经济区的联系,不断提高区域经济实力.  相似文献   
高乐  卢宇彤  虞鹏鹏  肖凡 《岩石学报》2017,33(3):767-778
矿产资源是人类生存与社会进步的根本物质保障。近年来,随着地表矿、浅部矿产资源的日益枯竭,采用新技术、新方法的深部矿产资源预测成为地质勘查的主要研究方向。基于数字化、三维可视化及矿产定量预测为主的三维地质建模技术,为当前矿产资源远景预测与找矿工作提供了有力的工具。本文在现代成矿预测理论研究基础上,运用三维地质建模技术建立了钦杭成矿带下园垌矿区地质、地球物理、地球化学、钻孔等三维模型,揭示了区内构造地质特征、地球化学异常表征及地层岩体要素,据此探讨了矿床的成因及矿体分布特征。并在此基础上,采用证据权方法对研究区地质、地球物理、地球化学等多源信息进行融合,运用断裂缓冲区、地球化学异常、东岗岭组沉积岩地层等为证据因子来计算单位体积成矿后验概率,进行立体成矿预测,并圈定出铁锰矿、方铅闪锌矿、铅锌银综合矿等3处找矿有利靶区及估算出预测区内矿产资源储量总量为88710吨。研究结果表明:综合分析地质、地球物理、地球化学及钻孔数据进行矿区的三维地质空间定位、定量预测研究,可以有效的识别矿致异常信息,圈定找矿远景区,为成矿预测研究领域提供了新方向,可以将此方法应用至其他矿山。  相似文献   
基于对地抽样总量控制下的玉米种植面积提取   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王双  朱秀芳  潘耀忠  徐超  李乐 《遥感学报》2009,13(4):701-714
提出了一种基于统计抽样总量控制下的中高分辨率遥感影像玉米种植面积信息提取方法, 该方法首先利用分层抽样技术对调查目标总体(玉米)进行分层抽样;然后对抽样小区进行目视解译, 反推区域总量真值;最后在总量控制下进行区域目标作物的空间分布提取。以河北省三河市中部地区的部分影像为研究区, 以该区2006-08-21的10m分辨率的SPOT 5多光谱影像为基础数据进行了试验研究。结果表明该方法基于群样本检验的总体精度达到93.8%, Kappa系数达到0.88, 均高于最大似然监督分类结果的精度。另外, 所提出的方  相似文献   
Using an infrared radiometer, the authors measured the infrared radiation emitted by the plume during the 1972 Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island) eruption in the 9.1- to 11.9-μm range.Eight histograms summarize twenty hours of continuous measurements and show a flux between 0.557 and 1.279 W/cm2 with an average of 0.88 W/cm2. The greatest number of events correspond to the flux emitted by lava fountains, while the high and rare flux values (4–6 W/cm2) correspond to detonations of chemical explosions, probably of H2 and O2.After calibration in the laboratory on a reference black body and in the field by correlation with field observations, such a technique can be used to follow changes of volcanic activity in remote and dangerous spots. Information on the number of explosions, their magnitude, and the presence and relative significance of hot magma can be transmitted continuously to a safe place.  相似文献   
Seabeam, seismic and submersible surveys took place during the Kaiko Project and revealed significant compressive deformation at the northeastern end of the Philippine Sea plate, related to the recent collision of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc against Central Japan. Intraoceanic thrusting at the base of the Zenisu Ridge, a linear topographic high running a few tens of kilometers south of the Nankai Trough, is supported by tectonic, magnetic and gravimetric data. We investigate the formation of the Zenisu Ridge in terms of compressive mechanical failure of a thin elastic-perfectly plastic plate, subducting at a trench and subject to a regional compressive axial force. The rheological envelope concept is used throughout the numerical calculations. Based on a detailed study of flexure of the present-day bending far from the deformation zone, we evaluate the bending forces involved: the bulge is 120 to 150 m high and the compressive stress all along the Nankai Trough is about −100 MPa. In the Zenisu Ridge area, an additional compressive stress is superimposed due to the nearby collision at Izu-Peninsula. We compute the vertical distribution of the deviatoric stress before failure and find that the deviatoric stress is maximum at a depth of 20–25 km in the trench area, and again at the surface 60 to 100 km seaward, in the vicinity of the bulge. The development of a thrust joining these two maxima through the entire thickness of the lithosphere is discussed. The model predicts that the formation of the Zenisu Ridge did not occur before 4 Ma and is caused by progressive tectonic uplift due to the redistribution of bending stresses as the ridge approaches the Nankai Trough.  相似文献   
The Bolla Bollana Formation is an exceptionally thick (ca 1500 m), rift‐related sedimentary succession cropping out in the northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia, which was deposited during the Sturtian (mid Cryogenian) glaciation. Lithofacies analysis reveals three distinct facies associations which chart changing depositional styles on an ice‐sourced subaqueous fan system. The diamictite facies association is dominant, and comprises both massive and stratified varieties with a range of clast compositions and textures, arranged into thick beds (1 to 20 m), representing stacked, ice‐proximal glaciogenic debris‐flow deposits. A channel belt facies association, most commonly consisting of normally graded conglomerates and sandstones, displays scour and fill structure of ca 10 m width and 1 to 3 m depth: these strata are interpreted as channelized turbidites. Rare mud‐filled channels in this facies association bear glacially striated lonestones. Finally, a sheet heterolithics facies association contains a range of conglomerates through sandstones to silty shales arranged into clear, normally graded cycles from the lamina to bed scale. These record a variety of non‐channelized turbidites, probably occupying distal and/or inter‐channel locations on the subaqueous fan. Coarsening and thickening‐up cycles, capped by dolomicrites or mudstones, are indicative of lobe build out and abandonment, potentially as a result of ice lobe advance and stagnation. Dropstones, recognized by downwarped and punctured laminae beneath pebbles to boulders in shale, or in delicate climbing ripple cross‐laminated siltstones, are clearly indicative of ice rafting. The co‐occurrence of ice‐rafted debris and striated lonestones strongly supports a glaciogenic sediment source for the diamictites. Comparison to Pleistocene analogues enables an interpretation as a trough mouth fan, most probably deposited leeward of a palaeo‐ice stream. Beyond emphasizing the highly dynamic nature of Sturtian ice sheets, these interpretations testify to the oldest trough mouth fan recorded to date.  相似文献   
微区Sr同位素体系相对于传统全岩Sr同位素研究,可以揭示样品自身存在的不均一性,更好地反映样品经历的地质过程,已被广泛应用于各种地质研究领域,如研究壳幔相互作用、岩浆起源和演化,岩浆体系开放性研究,沉积盆地物源示踪及气候环境研究。准确测定Rb-Sr同位素比值是应用该同位素体系的前提。微钻取样-热电离质谱/多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(TIMS/MC-ICPMS)和激光剥蚀多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-MC-ICPMS)作为分析地质样品微区Sr同位素组成的有效手段,已经得到了较为广泛的应用。两种技术在样品制备、干扰校正和质谱测试等方面各具优势和不足。微钻取样-TIMS/MC-ICPMS的最大优势是可获得高精度的Sr同位素数据(外精度优于100×10-6,2SD);但由于需要进行化学处理,流程繁琐耗时(约10天),实验周期较长,同时需要严格控制化学流程空白,且取样直径(200~2000μm)和取样深度(100~2000μm)较大,空间分辨率较低,但是该方法可以对高Rb样品(如钾长石)进行有效分析。LA-MC-ICPMS的最大优势是样品制备简单,数小时即可完成,且分析效率高,根据样品Sr含量的大小激光束斑直径多在60~300μm之间变化,其空间分辨率较前一种方法高,可在短时间内对大量样品进行分析。但由于不能进行化学分离,分析过程中存在多种干扰(如Rb、Ca、Kr和REEs等),影响了测试的精度(约200×10-6,2SD)和准确度(约150×10-6)。该方法目前只能对高Sr低Rb的样品(如斜长石、磷灰石等)进行有效分析,而对于干扰元素含量较高的样品目前无法应用。本文认为,对于微钻取样法,应将改进化学流程作为重点研究方向,提高化学处理效率,同时改善微钻取样法的取样技术,减小取样直径和深度以提高空间分辨率;对于激光剥蚀法,重点突破Kr、Rb和二价REEs等干扰校正问题,提高干扰元素含量较高的样品的分析精度和准确度,同时需要提高仪器灵敏度以满足低Sr含量样品的分析要求。  相似文献   
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