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陕北地区马家沟组五段沉积时期(简称马五期)沉积的碳酸盐岩地层是重要的天然气储集层。为明确各沉积期岩相古地理演化特征,在对周缘野外地质剖面考察、研究区内98口井的岩心观察、测井曲线形态分析的基础上,对陕北地区马家沟组马五10—马五1各亚段的岩相古地理演化特征进行了恢复。结果表明,马五10—马五1各亚段以海相碳酸盐岩台地沉积为主,包括局限台地、开阔台地和蒸发台地3种亚相,并进一步细分为: 云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、泥云坪、灰云坪、灰坪、颗粒滩、云灰坪、泥灰坪、膏盐湖等10种沉积微相;从马五10到马五1岩相古地理单元整体表现为自东向西的环带状分布特征,环带中心主要位于延长、延川和清涧一带,值得注意的是,马五2沉积时期由于受南部较强构造抬升作用影响,古地理单元环带中心呈现出向西北挪移的特征,环带中心位于靖边、子长一带;马家沟组各沉积时期的旋回性环带沉积为储集层叠合发育奠定了物质基础,云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、颗粒滩微相易于形成有利储集空间,纵向上的马五1+2、马五4、马五5、马五7、马五9亚段为该类相带较发育的层位,是区域勘探开发的重点领域。  相似文献   
豫西宜阳上二叠统孙家沟组为一套陆相碎屑岩,在该组中部土门段砂泥互层中发现大量的植物化石碎片和孢粉化石。文中依据孙家沟组沉积特征及孢粉组合区域对比,厘定了土门段的地质时代,并依据孢粉化石的亲缘植物关系和信息函数,结合微量元素Sr/Cu值指标,定性和半定量分析了宜阳地区的古气候特征。结果显示: 土门段共发现52属孢粉化石,以裸子植物花粉占优势,与华北地区晚二叠世孢粉组合特征有很大的相似性,推测其地质时代相当于晚二叠世长兴期。孢粉化石属种的植物亲缘关系与欧美镁灰岩统植物成分类似,表明整体上为较炎热的半干旱古气候。该成果可为华北地区晚二叠世晚期的陆相沉积环境、古植物背景以及古气候演化研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Xiao  Yang  Zhao  Chang  Sun  Yue  Wang  Shun  Wu  Huanran  Chen  Hui  Liu  Hanlong 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1391-1400
Acta Geotechnica - One-dimensional compression tests on quartz sands treated by microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) were carried out to evaluate the effects of gradation and calcium...  相似文献   
Generally, induced hydraulic fractures are generated by fluid overpressure and are used to increase reservoir permeability through forming interconnected fracture systems. However, in heterogeneous and anisotropic rocks, many hydraulic fractures may become arrested or offset at layer contacts under certain conditions and do not form vertically connected fracture networks. Mechanical layering is an important factor causing anisotropy in sedimentary layers. Hence, in this study, with a shale gas reservoir case study in the Longmaxi Formation in the southeastern Chongqing region, Sichuan Basin, we present results from several numerical models to gain quantitative insights into the effects of mechanical layering on hydraulic fracturing. Results showed that the fractured area caused by hydraulic fracturing indicated a linear relationship with the neighboring layer’s Young’s modulus. An increase of the neighboring layer’s Young’s modulus resulted in better hydraulic fracturing effects. In addition, the contact between two neighboring layers is regarded as a zone with thickness and mechanical properties, which also influences the effects of hydraulic fracturing in reservoirs. The initial hydraulic fracture was unable to propagate into neighboring layers under a relatively low contact’s Young’s modulus. When associated local tensile stresses exceeded the rock strength, hydraulic fractures propagated into neighboring layers. Moreover, with the contact’s Young’s modulus becoming higher, the fractured area increased rapidly first, then slowly and finally became stable.  相似文献   
Multiple types of responses, such as displacements, ground water level, pore water pressures, water contents, etc., are usually measured in comprehensive monitoring programmes for rainfall-induced landslide prevention. In this study, a probabilistic calibration method for coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of slope stability is presented with integration of multiple types of measurements. A numerical example of a soil slope under rainfall infiltration is illustrated to compare the effects of single and multiple types of responses on parameter estimation and model calibration. The results show that the soil parameters can be estimated with less uncertainty and total uncertainty bounds are narrower with multiple types of responses than with a single type of response. Model calibration based on multiple types of responses can compromise different responses and hence the means and standard deviations of model error are the smallest. A feasible correlation coefficient between soil modulus and permeability can be obtained from model calibration with multiple types of responses and single type of response as long as the responses include displacement data.  相似文献   
We study the creep properties of clastic soil in residual state. The intact samples are taken from a reactivated slow-moving landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China. Firstly, the patterns of the landslide movement are analysed based on recent monitoring data, which indicate that the soil within the shear zone is undergoing two deformation processes: a creep phase, characterised by different creep rates, and a dormant phase. We then study the creep behaviour of the soil samples through a series of ring shear creep tests under various shear stress conditions. The creep response depends strongly on the ratio of the shear stress to the residual strength, and the normal effective stress, whereas the creep rate decreases due to strength regain. The long-term strength of the clastic soil is close to the residual strength. Therefore, the residual strength obtained from conventional shear test, which is less time consuming than creep test, can be used in long-term stability analyses of creeping landslides.  相似文献   
Regional drought frequency analysis was carried out in the Poyang Lake basin (PLB) from 1960–2014 based on three standardized drought indices: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and the standardized Palmer drought index (SPDI). Drought events and characteristics were extracted. A Gumbel–Hougaard (GH) copula was selected to construct the bivariate probability distribution of drought duration and severity, and the joint return periods (T a ) were calculated. Results showed that there were 50 (50 and 40) drought events in the past 55 years based on the SPI (SPEI and SPDI), and 9 (8 and 10) of them were severe with T a more than 10 years, occurred in the 1960s, the 1970s and the 2000s. Overall, the three drought indices could detect the onset of droughts and performed similarly with regard to drought identification. However, for the SPDI, moisture scarcity was less frequent, but it showed more severe droughts with substantially higher severity and longer duration droughts. The conditional return period (Ts|d) was calculated for the spring drought in 2011, and it was 66a and 54a, respectively, based on the SPI and SPDI, which was consistent with the record. Overall, the SPI, only considering the precipitation, can as effectively as the SPEI and SPDI identify the drought process over the PLB under the present changing climate. However, drought is affected by climate and land-cover changes; thus, it is necessary to integrate the results of drought frequency analysis based on different drought indices to improve the drought risk management.  相似文献   
Climate change caused by carbon emissions continuously threatens sustainable development. Due to China’s immense territory, there are remarkable regional differences in carbon emissions. The construction industry, which has strong internal industrial differences, further leads to carbon emission disparity in China. Policymakers should consider spatial effects and attempt to eliminate carbon emission inequality to promote the sustainable development of the construction industry and realize emission reduction targets. Based on the classic Markov chain and spatial Markov chain, this paper investigates the club convergence and spatial distribution dynamics of China’s carbon intensity in the construction industry from 2005 to 2014. The results show that the provincial carbon intensity in the construction industry is characterized by “convergence clubs” during the research period, and very low-level and very high-level convergence clubs have strong stability. Moreover, the carbon intensity class transitions of provinces tend to be consistent with that of their neighbors. Furthermore, the transition of carbon intensity types is highly influenced by their regional backgrounds. The provinces with high carbon emissions have a negative influence on their neighbors, whereas the provinces with low carbon emissions have a positive influence. These analyses provide a spatial interpretation to the “club convergence” of carbon intensity.  相似文献   
Using trace elements to reconstruct paleoenvironment is a current hot topic in geochemistry. Through analytical tests of oil yield, ash yield, calorific value, total sulfur, major elements, trace elements, and X-ray diffraction, the quality, mineral content, occurrence mode of elements, and paleoenvironment of the Zhangjiatan oil shale of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southern Ordos Basin were studied. The analyses revealed relatively high oil yield (average 6.63%) and medium quality. The mineral content in the oil shale was mainly clay minerals, quartz, feldspar, and pyrite; an illite–smectite mixed layer comprised the major proportion of clay minerals. Compared with marine oil shale in China, the Zhangjiatan oil shale had higher contents of quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals, and lower calcite content. Silica was mainly in quartz and Fe was associated with organic matter, which is different from marine oil shale. The form of calcium varied. Cluster analyses indicated that Fe, Cu, U, V, Zn, As, Cs, Cd, Mo, Ga, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, Sc, P, and Mn are associated with organic matter while Ca, Na, Sr, Ba, Si, Zr, K, Al, B, Mg, and Ti are mostly terrigenous. Sr/Cu, Ba/Al, V/(V + Ni), U/Th, AU, and δU of oil shale samples suggest the paleoclimate was warm and humid, paleoproductivity of the lake was relatively high during deposition of the shale—which mainly occurred in fresh water—and the paleo-redox condition was dominated by reducing conditions. Fe/Ti ratios of the oil shale samples suggest clear hydrothermal influence in the eastern portion of the study area and less conspicuous hydrothermal influence in the western portion.  相似文献   
The high‐precision δ60/58Ni values of twenty‐six geological reference materials, including igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, stream sediments, soils and plants are reported. The δ60/58Ni values of all samples were determined by double‐spike MC‐ICP‐MS (Nu Plasma III). Isotope standard solution (NIST SRM 986) and geological reference materials (BHVO‐2, BCR‐2, JP‐1, PCC‐1, etc.) were used to evaluate the measurement bias and intermediate precision over a period of six months. Our results show that the intermediate precision of Ni isotope determination was 0.05‰ (2s, n = 69) for spiked NIST SRM 986 and typically 0.06‰ for actual samples, and the δ60/58Ni NIST SRM 986 values were in excellent agreement with previous studies. Eighteen high‐precision Ni isotope ratios of geological reference materials are first reported here, and their δ60/58Ni values varied from ?0.27‰ to 0.52‰, with a mean of 0.13 ± 0.34‰ (2s, n = 18). Additionally, SGR‐1b (0.56 ± 0.04‰, 2s), GSS‐1 (?0.27 ± 0.06‰, 2s), GSS‐7 (?0.11 ± 0.01‰, 2s), GSD‐10 (0.46 ± 0.06‰, 2s) and GSB‐12 (0.52 ± 0.06‰, 2s) could potentially serve as candidate reference materials for Ni isotope fractionation and comparison of Ni isotopic compositions among different laboratories.  相似文献   
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