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Caldera morphology on the six historically active shield volcanoes that comprise Isabela and Fernandina islands, the two westernmost islands in the Galapagos archipelago, is linked to the dynamics of magma supply to, and withdrawal from, the magma chamber beneath each volcano. Caldera size (e.g., volumes 2–9 times that of the caldera of Kilauea, Hawai'i), the absence of well-developed rift zones and the inability to sustain prolonged low-volumetric-flow-rate flank eruptions suggest that magma storage occurs predominantly within centrally located chambers (at the expense of storage within the flanks). The calderas play an important role in the formation of distinctive arcuate fissures in the central part of the volcano: repeated inward collapse of the caldera walls along with floor subsidence provide mechanisms for sustaining radially oriented least-compressive stresses that favor the formation of arcuate fissures within 1–2 km outboard of the caldera rim. Variations in caldera shape, depth-to-diameter ratio, intra-caldera bench location and the extent of talus slope development provide insight into the most recent events of caldera modification, which may be modulated by the episodic supply of magma to each volcano. A lack of correlation between the volume of the single historical collapse event and its associated volume of erupted lava precludes a model of caldera formation linked directly to magma withdrawal. Rather, caldera collapse is probably the result of accumulated loss from the central storage system without sufficient recharge and (as has been suggested for Kilauea) may be aided by the downward drag of dense cumulates and intrusives.  相似文献   
We report the results of coordinated ion microprobe and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies of presolar graphites from the KE3 separate (1.65-1.72 g/cm3) of the Murchison CM2 meteorite. Isotopic analysis of individual graphites (1-12 μm) with the ion microprobe shows many to have large 18O excesses combined with large silicon isotopic anomalies, indicative of a supernova (SN) origin. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of ultramicrotome slices of these SN graphites revealed a high abundance (25-2400 ppm) of internal titanium carbides (TiCs), with a single graphite in some cases containing hundreds of TiCs. Isotopic compositions of individual TiCs by nanoscale resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) confirmed their presolar origin. In addition to TiCs, composite TiC/Fe grains (TiCs with attached iron-nickel subgrains) and solitary kamacite internal grains were found. In the composite grains, the attached iron phase (kamacite [0-24 at. % Ni] or taenite [up to 60 at. % Ni]) was epitaxially grown onto one or more TiC faces. In contrast to the denser Murchison KFC1 graphites, no Zr-Ti-Mo carbides were observed. The average TiC diameters were quite variable among the SN graphites, from 30 to 232 nm, and were generally independent of the host graphite size. TiC grain morphologies ranged from euhedral to anhedral, with the grain surfaces exhibiting variable degrees of corrosion, and sometimes partially amorphous rims (3 to 15 nm thick). Partially amorphous rims of similar thickness were also observed on some solitary kamacite grains. We speculate that the rims on the internal grains are most plausibly the result of atom bombardment caused by drift of grains with respect to the ambient gas, requiring relative outflow speeds ∼100 km/s (i.e., a few percent of the SN mass outflow speed).Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDXS) of TiCs revealed significant V in solid solution, with an average V/Ti ratio over all TiCs of ∼83% of the solar value of 0.122. Significant variations about the mean V/Ti ratio were also seen among TiCs in the same graphite, likely indicating chemical equilibration with the surrounding gas over a range of temperatures. In general, the diversity in internal TiC properties suggests that TiCs formed first and had substantially diverse histories before incorporation into the graphite, implying some degree of turbulent mixing in the SN outflows.In most graphites, there is a decrease in the number density of TiCs as a function of increasing radial dis- tance, caused by either preferential depletion of TiCs from the gas or an acceleration of graphite growth with decreasing ambient temperature. In several graphites, TiCs showed a trend of larger V/Ti ratios with increasing distance from the graphite center, an indication of progressive equilibration with the surrounding gas before they were sequestered in the graphites. In all but one graphite, no trend was seen in the TiC size vs. distance from the graphite center, implying that appreciable TiC growth had effectively stopped before the graphites formed, or else that graphite growth was rapid compared to TiC growth. Taken together, the chemical variations among internal grains as well as the presence of partially amorphous rims and epitaxial Fe phases on some TiCs clearly indicate that the phase condensation sequence was TiC, followed by the iron phases (only found in some graphites) and finally graphite. Since graphite typically condenses at a higher temperature than iron at low pressures (<10−3 bars) in a gas with C > O and otherwise solar composition, the observed condensation sequence implies a relative iron enrichment in the gas or greater supersaturation of graphite relative to iron.The TEM observations allow inferences to be made about the physical conditions in the gas from which the grains condensed. Given the TiC sizes and abundances, the gas was evidently quite dusty. From the observed TiC size range of ∼20 nm to ∼500 nm (assuming ∼1 yr growth time and T ∼ 1800°K), we infer minimum Ti number densities in the gas to be ∼7 × 104 to ∼2 × 106 atoms/cc, respectively. Although the gas composition is clearly not solar, for scale, these number densities would correspond to a pressure range of ∼0.2 μbar to ∼5.0 μbar in a gas of solar composition. They also correspond to minimum TiC grain number densities of ∼3 × 10−4 to ∼0.2 grains/cc, assuming complete condensation of Ti in TiC. We estimate the maximum ratio of mean TiC grain separation distance in the gas to grain diameter from the Ti number densities as ∼3 × 105 to ∼1 × 106.  相似文献   
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the largest marine oil spill in US waters to date and one of the largest worldwide. Impacts of this spill on salt marsh vegetation have been well documented, although impacts on marsh macroinvertebrates have received less attention. To examine impacts of the oil spill on an important marsh invertebrate and ecosystem engineer, we conducted a meta-analysis on fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) using published sources and newly available Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) and Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) data. Fiddler crabs influence marsh ecosystem structure and function through their burrowing and feeding activities and are key prey for a number of marsh and estuarine predators. We tested the hypothesis that the spill affected fiddler crab burrow density (crab abundance), burrow diameter (crab size), and crab species composition. Averaged across multiple studies, sites, and years, our synthesis revealed a negative effect of oiling on all three metrics. Burrow densities were reduced by 39 % in oiled sites, with impacts and incomplete recovery observed over 2010–2014. Burrow diameters were reduced from 2010 to 2011, but appeared to have recovered by 2012. Fiddler crab species composition was altered through at least 2013 and only returned to reference conditions where marsh vegetation recovered, via restoration planting in one case. Given the spatial and temporal extent of data analyzed, this synthesis provides compelling evidence that the Deepwater Horizon spill suppressed populations of fiddler crabs in oiled marshes, likely affecting other ecosystem attributes, including marsh productivity, marsh soil characteristics, and associated predators.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir in 106 iron meteorites are reported. Three new groups are defined: IC, IIE and IIIF containing 10, 12 and 5 members, respectively, raising the number of independent groups to 12. Group IC is a cohenite-rich group distantly related to IA. Group IIE consists of those irons previously designated Weekeroo Station type and five others having similar compositions though diverse structures. The IIE irons are compositionally similar to the mesosiderites and pallasites, and the three groups probably formed at similar heliocentric distances. The mixing of the globular IIE silicates with the metal probably occurred during shock events. Group IIIF is a well-defined group of low-Ni and low-Ge irons. The compositions of these groups are summarized as follows:
Geographic signatures are physical, chemical, biotic, and human-induced characteristics or processes that help define similar or unique features of estuaries along latitudinal or geographic gradients. Geomorphologically, estuaries of the northeastern U.S., from the Hudson River estuary and northward along the Gulf of Maine shoreline, are highly diverse because of a complex bedrock geology and glacial history. Back-barrier estuaries and lagoons occur within the northeast region, but the domiant type is the drowned-river valley, often with rocky shores. Tidal range and mean depth of northeast estuaries are generally greater when compared to estuaries of the more southern U.S. Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. Because of small estuarine drainage basins, low riverine flows, a bedrock substrate, and dense forest cover, sediment loads in northeast estuaries are generally quite low and water clarity is high. Tidal marshes, seagrass meadows, intertidal mudflats, and rocky shores represent major habitat types that fringe northeast estuaries, supporting commercially-important fauna, forage nekton and benthos, and coastal bird communities, while also serving as links between deeper estuarine waters and habitats through detritus-based pathways. Regarding land use and water quality trends, portions of the northeast have a history of over a century of intense urbanization as reflected in increased total nitrogen and total phosphorus loadings to estuaries, with wastewater treatment facilities and atmospheric deposition being major sources. Agricultural inputs are relatively minor throughout the northeast, with relative importance increasing for coastal plain estuaries. Identifying geographic signatures provides an objective means for comparing the structure, function, and processes of estuaries along latitudinal gradients.  相似文献   
The typically anaerobic nature of mangrove sediments provides significant challenges to the mangrove trees and biota inhabiting them. The burrowing activities and flow of water through the numerous and complex animal burrows perforating the sediments of mangroves have a major influence on the biogeochemistry of the sediments and are important to the enhancement of nutrient and oxygen exchange. Two new methods are presented for monitoring the tidal flushing of Sesarma messa and Alpheus cf macklay burrows in a Rhizophora stylosa mangrove forest – by measuring oxygen content of burrow water and by determining the change in fluorescence of a dye tracer through tidal inundation. A case study using the first of these showed oxygen consumption rates at the burrow wall deep within the burrow were found to be between 210 and 460 μmol O2 m−2 h−1. The influx of oxygen during a flood tide was found to be significant and indicated that approximately 40% of the burrow water is flushed during a single tidal event. However, the high consumption rate of oxygen within the burrow resulted in the oxygen concentration remaining at or below one-third of the oxygen content of the flooding tidal water. A test application of the second method, using rhodamine dye as a tracer, indicated that the exchange of water between the burrow and the flooding tide was found to be in the order of 30% of the burrow volume. These new techniques provide a means to further study the nutrient exchange within these burrow systems and verify the initial findings that several tidal inundations are necessary to completely flush the burrows.  相似文献   
Sedentary behavior and lack of physical activity are key modifiable behavioral risk factors for chronic health problems, such as obesity and diabetes. Little is known about how sedentary behavior and physical activity among adolescents spatially cluster. The objective was to detect spatial clustering of sedentary behavior and physical activity among Boston adolescents. Data were used from the 2008 Boston Youth Survey Geospatial Dataset, a sample of public high school students who responded to a sedentary behavior and physical activity questionnaire. Four binary variables were created: (1) TV watching (>2 h/day), (2) video games (>2 h/day), (3) total screen time (>2 h/day); and (4) 20 min/day of physical activity (≥5 days/week). A spatial scan statistic was utilized to detect clustering of sedentary behavior and physical activity. One statistically significant cluster of TV watching emerged among Boston adolescents in the unadjusted model. Students inside the cluster were more than twice as likely to report >2 h/day of TV watching compared to respondents outside the cluster. No significant clusters of sedentary behavior and physical activity emerged. Findings suggest that TV watching is spatially clustered among Boston adolescents. Such findings may serve to inform public health policy-makers by identifying specific locations in Boston that could provide opportunities for policy intervention. Future research should examine what is linked to the clusters, such as neighborhood environments and network effects.  相似文献   
Displacement-length (D/L)scaling relations for normal and thrust faults from Mars, and thrust faults from Mercury, for which sufficiently accurate measurements are available, are consistently smaller than terrestrial D/L ratios by a factor of about 5, regardless of fault type (i.e. normal or thrust). We demonstrate that D/L ratios for faults scale, to first order, with planetary gravity. In particular, confining pressure modulates: (1) the magnitude of shear driving stress on the fault; (2) the shear yield strength of near-tip rock; and (3) the Young's (or shear) modulus of crustal rock. In general, all three factors decrease with gravity for the same rock type and pore-pressure state (e.g. wet conditions). Faults on planets with lower surface gravities, such as Mars and Mercury, demonstrate systematically smaller D/L ratios than faults on larger planets, such as Earth. Smaller D/L ratios of faults on Venus and the Moon are predicted by this approach, and we infer still smaller values of D/L ratio for faults on icy satellites in the outer solar system. Collection of additional displacement-length and down-dip height data from terrestrial normal, strike-slip, and thrust faults, located within fold-and-thrust belts, plate margins, and continental interiors, is required to evaluate the influence of fault shape and progressive deformation on the scaling relations for faults from Earth and elsewhere.  相似文献   
GroupNi (%)Ga (ppm)Ge (ppm)Ir (ppm)
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