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Zusammenfassung Maßgebend für die künstliche Eisbildung ist die Gesamtoberfläche der Impfsubstanz bzw. die Gesamtenergie der Erschütterung, wobei eine Oberfläche von 1 cm2 einer Energie von zirka 740 erg gleichwertig ist. Keine Sonderstellung des Silberjodids.
Summary In the transformation of water into ice by artificial means the total surface of a crystal seed is decisive or the total energy of a concussion, with 1 cm2 being equivalent to ca. 740 erg, Ag J forming no exception.

Résumé Ce qui est déterminant dans le processus de la formation artificielle de la glace c'est la surface totale de la substance servant à ensemencer ou plutôt l'énergie totale de l'ébranlement, une surface de 1 cm2 équivalent ici à une énergie d'environ 740 ergs. L'iodure d'argent n'occupe pas de place privilégiée.

Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden die wesentlichsten Beobachtungsergebnisse über das Auftreten interner Wellen im Ozean angeführt. Sämtliche Messungen erfassen entweder nur die Periode oder nur die Wellenlänge. Der Charakter der gefundenen Wellen ist daher nicht immer eindeutig festzustellen. Auch läßt sich nicht in jedem Fall entscheiden, ob die beobachteten Schwankungen durch Wellen, Wirbel oder turbulente Vorgänge erzeugt worden sind. Am Kontinentalabhang scheinen stehende Wellen aufzutreten.Periodenanalysen haben insbesondere auf interne Gezeiten und Trägheitsschwingungen geführt; Messungen der Wellenlänge ergeben im nördlichen Nordatlantischen Ozean Werte von 25–50 km. Die maximale Amplitude, welche registriert wurde, beträgt 300 m. Schwankungen von mehreren hundert Metern im Gezeitenrhythmus und eventuell mit größeren (bisher unbekannten) Perioden, welche durch meteorologische Vorgänge erzwungen Werden könnten, scheinen im nördlichen Nordatlantischen Ozean sehr häufig zu sein. In den niederen Breiten, in denen allein längere Ankerstationen durchgeführt worden sind, hat man demgegenüber meist nur geringe Amplituden beobachtet.
Internal waves of great amplitudePart 2: Observations
Summary The principal results deduced from observations of internal waves within the ocean are presented. Each of the measurements in question describes either the period or the wave length; hence, it follows that the nature of the detected waves cannot, in every case, be determined without ambiguity. Besides, it is not always possible to ascertain whether the observed variations are due to waves, vorticity or turbulence. Standing waves seem to occur at the continental slope.The analysis of periods, in particular, led to the suggestion that internal tides and inertia oscillations may predominate; according to measurements carried out in the northern North Atlantic Ocean, the wave lengths vary from 25 to 50 km. The maximal amplitude recorded is 300 metres. Variations of several hundred metres in accordance with the tidal rhythm and, possibly, with (still unknown) periods of some importance which may be conditioned by meteorological processes, seem to be of frequent occurrence in the northern North Atlantic Ocean. To the contrary, small amplitudes were observed in the low latitudes — the sole regions where long-time observations from anchor stations were carried out.

Vagues internes de grande amplitude2e Partie: Observations
Résumé Le travail suivant présente des résultats dérivés des observations de vagues internes rencontrées à l'intérieur des océans. Chacune des mesures en question décrit soit la période, soit la longueur d'onde, d'où vient que la nature des vagues rencontrées ne peut pas, toujours, être décrite sans ambiguïté. En outre, il est souvent difficile de décider si les variations observées sont dues à des vagues, à des tourbillons ou à des processus turbulents. Des ondes stationnaires semblent être présentes sur le talus continental.Desanalyses des périodes, en particulier, nous ont conduit à supposer que prédominent des marées internes et des oscillations d'inertie; selon des mesures entreprises dans la partie septentrionale de l'Atlantique Nord on y a rencontré des ondes entre 25 et 50 km de longueur. L'amplitude maximale y enregistrée est de 300 mètres. Des ondes variant de plusieurs cent mètres en longueur suivant le rythme des marées et, peut-être, selon des périodes importantes (encore inconnues), qui pourraient être causées par des procès météorologiques semblent se présenter très souvent dans la partie nord de l'Océan Atlantique Nord. Au contraire, des amplitudes insignifiantes se trouvent souvent dans les basses latitudes — les seules régions où on a fait jusqu'ici des observations à longue durée à bord des bâtiments mouillés.

Die Untersuchungen auf Anton Dohrn wurden gemeinsam mit Dr. H. Griesseier und Dr. O. Czepa, Institut für Physikalische Hydrographie der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, durchgeführt. Für die aufschlußreiche Diskussion über die Deutung der Beobachtungsresultate sei auch an dieser Stelle beiden Herren gedankt.  相似文献   
Phase transitions and associated domains of meteoritic troilite (FeS) have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Three polymorphs have been found, two of which can be described by superstructures of the NiAs-type structure (A, C subcell). The P \(\overline 6\) 2c (√3A, 2C) polymorph, stable at room temperature, displays antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/3< \(\overline {\text{1}}\) 10>. In situ heating experiments showed that the P \(\overline 6\) 2c polymorph changes at temperatures of 115°–150° C into an orthorhombic pseudohexagonal transitional phase with the probable space group Pmcn (A,√3A, C). It contains antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/2 [110] and twins with a threefold twin-axis parallel c. When heated above 210° C the transitional phase transforms into the high-temperature modification with NiAs structure (P6 3/mmc). All observed phase transitions are reversible. The occurrence of antiphase and twin domains, respectively, agrees with the symmetry reductions involved in the subsolidus phase transitions. This is demonstrated by group-subgroup relationships among the space groups P6 3/mmc, Pmcn, and P \(\overline 6\) 2c.  相似文献   
Eight years of sea surface height data derived from the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter, are analyzed in order to identify long- and a-periodic behavior of the North Atlantic sea level. For easy interpolation, sea surface height data are converted into sea surface topography data using the geoid derived from EGM96 to degree 360. Principal Component Analysis is used to identify the most dominant spatial and temporal variations. In order to separate dominant periodic signals, a yearly and a half-yearly oscillation, as well as alias effects from imperfect ocean tide corrections, are estimated independently by a Harmonic Analysis and subtracted. The residuals are smoothed by a 90-day moving average filter and examined once again by a PCA, which identifies a low-frequency variation with a period of approximately 6-7 years and an amplitude of about 1 dm, as well as a large sea level change of partially more than ±1 dm within only few months. This sea level change can also be seen in yearly and seasonal sea level residuals. Furthermore, the analysis shows a significant sea level change in 1998 occurring almost over the whole North Atlantic, which is not clearly identified by the PCA. Similar results are obtained by analyzing sea surface temperature and sea level pressure data.  相似文献   
We present new models for the formation of disc galaxies that improve upon previous models by following the detailed accretion and cooling of the baryonic mass, and by using realistic distributions of specific angular momentum. Under the assumption of detailed angular momentum conservation, the discs that form have density distributions that are more centrally concentrated than an exponential. We examine the influence of star formation, bulge formation, and feedback on the outcome of the surface brightness distributions of the stars. Low angular momentum haloes yield disc galaxies with a significant bulge component and with a stellar disc that is close to exponential, in good agreement with observations. High angular momentum haloes, on the other hand, produce stellar discs that are much more concentrated than an exponential, in clear conflict with observations. At large radii, the models reveal distinct truncation radii in both the stars and the cold gas. The stellar truncation radii result from our implementation of star formation threshold densities, and are in excellent agreement with observations. The truncation radii in the density distribution of the cold gas reflect the maximum specific angular momentum of the gas that has cooled. We find that these truncation radii occur at H  i surface densities of roughly 1 M pc−2, in conflict with observations. We examine various modifications to our models, including feedback, viscosity, and dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, but show that the models consistently fail to produce bulge less discs with exponential surface brightness profiles. This signals a new problem for the standard model of disc formation: if the baryonic component of the protogalaxies out of which disc galaxies form has the same angular momentum distribution as the dark matter, discs are too compact.  相似文献   
The geodetic boundary value problem is formulated which uses as boundary values the differences between the geopotential of points at the surface of the continents and the potential of the geoid. These differences are computed by gravity measurements and levelling data. In addition, the shape of the geoid over the oceans is assumed to be known from satellite altimetry and the shape of the continents from satellite results together with three-dimensional triangulation. The boundary value problem thus formulated is equivalent to Dirichlet's exterior problem except for the unknown potential of the geoid. This constant is determined by an integral equation for the normal derivative of the gravitational potential which results from the first derivative of Green's fundamental formula. The general solution, which exists, of the integral equation gives besides the potential of the geoid the solution of the geodetic boundary value problem. In addition approximate solutions for a spherical surface of the earth are derived.  相似文献   
Wind speed measurements from the test site at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory have been evaluated with respect to the spatial coherence function. The experimental arrangement provides coherence information for separation distances of 62, 80 and 102 m. These are at least three times greater than the measurement heights of 18 m and 18.7 m. Based on these experimental data and data published in the literature, different theoretical formulations are compared and a new, but simple, model for longitudinal and lateral coherence is proposed. At large separations the turbulent wind field is not isotropic, theoretical models to describe the coherence function for such distances are not available. The new model we propose builds on the classical exponential approach. It takes into account the influence of turbulence intensity and models the angular dependence of horizontal coherence. It is found that, for constant turbulence intensity, the lateral coherence decay becomes independent of the mean wind speed.  相似文献   
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