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Thirteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds have been identified in spa waters of 10 different health sources in the Sudetes region. In some of the waters the amount of PAH exceed the standard limits set up by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results obtained show that PAH can be a sensitive indicator of pollution of underground water.  相似文献   
We report the results of a CCD search for short-period variables in the field of a southern globular cluster NGC 6362. We identified 19 new candidate variables, five of which are cluster RR Lyraes, four are probable SX Phe-type stars and eight are eclipsing binaries. Of the discovered binaries, three are EA-type systems, two of which are located on the cluster CMD in the turn-off region and the third 1 mag above the turn-off point, in the yellow straggler region. Five other systems are of W UMa type, three of which are foreground objects and two are likely cluster members. The remaining two candidates exhibit a modulation of the brightness level with an amplitude of 0.1–0.2 mag; further observations are needed to reveal the nature of their variability. Phased VI light curves for 20 variables (18 RR Lyrae stars and two blue stragglers) located in the central region of the cluster are presented.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial variability in extreme quantile anomalies of seasonal and annual maximum river flows was studied for 41 gauging stations at rivers in the Upper Vistula River basin, Poland. Using the quantile perturbation method, the temporal variability in anomalies was analysed. Interdecadal oscillating components were extracted from the series of anomalies using the Hilbert‐Huang transform method. Period length, part of variance of each component, and part of unexplained variance were assessed. Results show an oscillating pattern in the temporal occurrence of extreme flow quantiles with clusters of high values in the 1960–1970s and since the late 1990s and of low values in the 1980s and at the beginning of the 1990s. The anomalies show a high variability on the right bank of the Upper Vistula River basin during the summer season with the highest values in catchments located in the western and south‐western parts of the basin. River flow extreme quantiles were found to be associated with large‐scale climatic variables from the regions of the North Atlantic Ocean, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Asia, and, to a lesser extent, the Pacific Ocean. Similarities between temporal variability of river flows and climatic factors were revealed. Results of the study are important for flood frequency analysis because a long observation period is necessary to capture clusters of high and low river flows.  相似文献   
Precise estimates of the covariance parameters are essential in least-squares collocation (LSC) in the case of increased accuracy requirements. This paper implements restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method for the estimation of three covariance parameters in LSC with the Gauss-Markov second-order function (GM2), which is often used in interpolation of gravity anomalies. The estimates are then validated with the use of an independent technique, which has been often omitted in the previous works that are confined to covariance parameters errors based on the information matrix. The crossvalidation of REML estimates with the use of hold-out method (HO) helps in understanding of REML estimation errors. We analyzed in detail the global minimum of negative log-likelihood function (NLLF) in the estimation of covariance parameters, as well, as the accuracy of the estimates. We found that the correlation between covariance parameters may critically contribute to the errors of their estimation. It was also found that knowing some intrinsic properties of the covariance function may help in the scoring process.  相似文献   
In papers dealing with evolution of cometary nuclei it is commonly assumed that the coefficients of sublimation s and condensation c of vapour are both equal to one. The experimental investigation of ice samples under simulated cometary-like conditions (Kossacki, K.J., Kömle, N.I., Leliwa-Kopysty ski, J., Kargl, G., 1997. Thermal and structural evolution of cometary subsurface layer: selfconsistent model and experimental verification. Icarus 128, 127–144) suggests, however, that the sublimation flux calculated with the Hertz–Knudsen formula and the above assumption is nearly an order of magnitude too high. This may imply that actual values of s for the ice/dust sample used in these experiments are of the order of 0.1. A similar conclusion can be drawn for c from the results of various experiments concerning growth of ice crystals from the vapour phase and their sublimation (Lamb, D., Scott, W.D., 1972. Linear growth rates of ice crystals grown from the vapor phase. Journal of Crystal Growth 12, 21–31; Beckmann, W., Lacmann, R., 1982. Interface kinetics of growth and evaporation of ice II. Journal of Crystal Growth 58, 433–442; Sei, T., Gonda, T., 1989. The growth mechanism and the habit change of ice crystals growing from the vapour phase. Journal of Crystal Growth 94, 697–707). The exact values of both of these coefficients depend on various parameters such as temperature, concentration of surface impurities and deviation of the vapour pressure from that of the phase equilibrium. In this work the temperature dependence of the sublimation and condensation coefficients is discussed and an appropriate formula is proposed to fit the experimental results. This new formulation is then used to analyse the implications for the thermal conductivity of a porous cometary-like ice and the rate of vapour flux from a cometary nucleus.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of a geochemical investigation of sediments from Lake Druzno (northern Poland), a reservoir fed by freshwater from the catchment, with periodic input of brackish water from Vistula Lagoon. This study analyzed the spatial variation in heavy metal content in surface sediments as well as the temporal changes in metal content in two sediment cores dated using the 210Pb method. In the surface sediments, the highest metal concentrations were recorded in the northern part of the lake, with lower concentrations in the central and southern parts. Absolute values of metal concentrations in the cores were low, but normalization with respect to Al showed an increase during the second half of the 20th century. Mean enrichment factors (EF) in sediments from the second half of the 20th century ranged from insignificant (1–1.2) for Fe to (1.55–3.3) for Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn. The sediments deposited before 1950 had lower EF values (>1.5) and had low variability. Results from both the surface sediments and the cores indicate that the main source of lake pollution is brackish water intrusion from the Vistula Lagoon via the contaminated River Elbląg.  相似文献   
In this work we consider when and how much liquid water during present climate is possible within the gullies observed on the surface of Mars. These features are usually found on poleward directed slopes. We analyse the conditions for melting of H2O ice, which seasonally condenses within the gullies. We follow full annual cycle of condensation and sublimation of atmospheric CO2 and H2O, accounting for the heat and mass transport in the soil. During the summer, once the facets of the gullies are exposed to the Sun the water ice can melt and evaporate. Two mid latitude locations in both hemispheres are considered. The model includes both the rough geometry of the gullies as well as the slope of the surface where the gullies appear. It is an extension of the model developed to calculate condensation of CO2 ice in troughs of different sizes, including polygonal features on Mars (Kossacki and Markiewicz, 2002, Icarus 160, 73; Kossacki et al., 2003, Planet. Space Sci. 51, 569). We have found, that water ice accumulated during winter can undergo transition to the liquid phase after complete sublimation of CO2 ice. The amount of liquid water depends on water content in the atmosphere and on the local wind speed. It is probably not enough to destabilise the slope and cause flow of the surface material. However, even the small amounts of liquid water predicted, can play an important role in surface chemistry, in increasing the cohesive strength of the soil's surface layer and possibly may have some exobiological implications.  相似文献   
Early Pleistocene sediments bearing gastropod shells and pollen flora were found during coring at Jawornik (South Poland) at a depth interval of 54.30–39.00 m, beneath the oldest till of the Carpathians. Thirteen land-snail taxa identified in 55 samples of the core formed two molluscan assemblages. In the bottom part, typical cold-loving snails were found (e.g. Vallonia tenuilabris, Pupilla loessica, Vertigo genesii, Columella columella), whereas in the upper part only Semilimax kotulae was present. The succession of molluscan assemblages may suggest that at the site of deposition, after a phase of tundra, steppe-tundra or forest-steppe landscape with patches of wet habitats in cold climate, the climate became slightly milder but still cool, favourable to the spreading of boreal (coniferous) woodlands. Pollen analysis was performed only for the upper part of the profile. The pollen spectra, besides the Tertiary (Miocene) elements, contained sporomorphs common to the Tertiary and Quaternary floras. Among them, the highest percentages were noted for Pinus haploxylon t., P. diploxylon t., Picea, Quercus, Ericaceae, Betula, and Ulmus. The fact that the sediments with organic remains underlie the oldest Scandinavian till suggests that they are older than the oldest glacial unit of the South-Polish Complex (Narevian = Menapian, ~ 1.2 Ma).  相似文献   
A three-year field study was conducted in Lake Suminko, Poland, to gain an understanding of the limnological variables that influence the formation and spatial extent of annually laminated sediments in the lake. The water body is divided into three depth strata, the mixolimnion, chemocline and monimolimnion, each defined by distinct values of temperature, electrical conductivity and oxygen concentration. Typical for meromictic lakes, the monimolimnion remains perennially anoxic and is rich in dissolved solids and nutrients. The annual pattern of particle flux in Lake Suminko is closely related to biochemical processes in the euphotic zone. During winter months we observed very low accumulation rates of non-carbonaceous matter, while during the rest of the year, three periods of calcite deposition were recorded (April, July–August, and October–November). The periods of high calcite deposition corresponded with algal blooms and oxygen concentration maxima. Two principal factors contribute to meromixis in Lake Suminko: (1) the basin is sheltered, preventing wind mixing, and (2) biochemical processes in the lake associated with high lacustrine productivity. Meromictic conditions must control the formation and preservation of laminated sediments in the lake because preserved laminations occur only in areas where the lake floor lies below monimolimnetic waters.  相似文献   
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