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Zusammenfassung Die geologische Geschichte Nordwest-Polens zur Zeit der unteren Kreide kann in allgemeinen Zügen folgenderma\en dargestellt werden:Gegen Ende des Jura, ungefähr zur Zeit des Münder Mergels, sind hier Bewegungen eingetreten, die das Land teilweise trockengelegt und der Denudation preisgegeben haben. In den durch die Bewegungen gebildeten Senken blieben Lagunen erhalten, deren einige brackisches Wasser führten, während in anderen durch Eindampfung Gipslager abgesetzt wurden. Der Serpulit brachte eine positive Meeresbewegung mit, die sich im Infravalanginian derart verstärkte, da\ sich seine Ablagerungen nicht nur in den alten Senken kontinuierlich auf dem Serpulit abgesetzt, sondern auch auf denudierte, früher gehobene Schollen transgressiv ausgebreitet haben. Die Infravalanginian-See war brackisch und hat in NW-Polen typische Wealdenablagerungen abgesetzt, bei Tomaszów aber, etwas südlicher, ist das Infravalangian zwar litoral, aber rein marin ausgebildet, wobei es viele ähnlichkeit mit dem Infravalangian der Teschener Karpathen aufweist. Die Wealdensee und das karpathische Meer waren durch einen Sund verbunden, der sich über Tomaszów längs dem Polnischen Mittelgebirge gegen die Karpathen hinzog. Im Valanginian erreicht die neokome Transgression ihren Höhepunkt, es werden dunkle Tone mit reicher Hilsfauna abgesetzt; wahrscheinlich hat sich diese Transgression von Ru\land über die Polesje-Schwelle und über das westliche Polen nach Deutschland und weiter bis nach Ost-England erstreckt. Das polnische Becken stand in direkter Verbindung mit dem nordwestdeutschen; es war ebenfalls, obwohl dürftiger, mit dem karpathischen Meere verbunden; gerade hier ist der Weg zu suchen, den die Migrationen der nördlichen Elemente ins alpine Becken eingeschlagen haben. Im oberen Valanginian fängt eine Regression an, die in Zentral-Ru\land einsetzt und zu dessen Trockenlegung und zum Abschlu\ der Verbindung des polnischen Beckens mit dem Osten führt. Mit dem Anfang des Hauterivians macht sich die Regression auch in Polen fühlbar und verursacht die Verflachung des Meeres in Polen sowie den Abbruch der Verbindung mit dem karpathischen Meere, in welchem von nun ab keine nordischen eingewanderten Faunenelemente mehr erscheinen. Im oberen Hauterivian zieht sich das Meer von Polen und NO-Deutschland zurück. Auf dem neuen Lande herrscht mächtige Denudation, deren gröbere Produkte sich als sehr mächtige Flu\- und Seesande anhäufen. Das Landstadium dauert während des ganzen BarrÊme, Apt und eines Teiles des Albians an, bis zum Anfang der gro\en Gault-Transgression, die wieder in die Senken vordringt.  相似文献   
Zircon occurs in voids and cracks in phosphatic coprolites enclosed in siderite concretions in Mississippian shales near Edinburgh, Scotland. The zircon formed during hydrothermal alteration of early-diagenetic concretions and occurs as spherical aggregates of prismatic crystals, sometimes radiating. Vitrinite reflectance measurements indicate temperatures of ~270°C for the zircon-bearing concretions and the host shales. Molecular parameter values based on dibenzothiophene and phenanthrene distribution and occurrence of di- and tetra-hydro-products of polycyclic aromatic compounds suggest that the rocks experienced relatively high-temperature aqueous conditions related to hydrothermal fluids, perhaps associated with neighboring mafic intrusions. The zircon was dissolved from the concretions, transported in fluids, and reprecipitated in voids. This is the first record of the precipitation of authigenic zircon in sedimentary rock as a new phase, not as outgrowths.  相似文献   
Basic knowledge of the characteristics of copper-bearing rock such as dolomite is essential to locate those areas of the deposit which have different structural and textural properties. Those regions can be important in terms of the assessment of the possibilities of gas accumulating in them as well as in terms of gasogeodynamic hazard. To better understand those threats, it is necessary to locate, monitor and analyse those areas in detail. This article characterises the structural and textural parameters of dolomite from the Polkowice–Sieroszowice copper mine in Poland. The study involved five samples from various areas of the mine. A number of research methods were selected. Reflected and transmitted light microscopy (MS), computer microtomography (Micro-CT), gas adsorption porosimetry (LPNA), mercury porosimetry (MIP), helium and quasi-fluid pycnometry (Pycno. He, DryFlo). Each of the methods examined a different scope of the pore size, which enabled to achieve a full view of the porous nature of those rocks. We determined their porosity (open, closed, total), surface area as well as mean size and volume of the pores. Also, we studied the character and the pore size distribution from a few nm to a few mm. Comprehensive dolomite properties analyses showed that these rocks are characterised by high structural variability. They have mesopores and macropores but few micropores. The analyses presented in this paper are determined by a large petrographic diversity of the deposits containing dolomite. This article is an example of a comprehensive approach to the rock analysis in copper ore mines.  相似文献   
New marine ΔR values for Arctic Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For more than four decades, the reporting of 14C dates on marine molluscs from Arctic Canada has been notable for the lack of consistently applied marine reservoir corrections. We propose that the common approach of reporting Canadian Arctic marine 14C dates using presumed time-invariant reservoir corrections be abandoned in favour of calibration of 14C dates, using the current standard protocol. This approach best facilitates inter- and intra-regional correlation, and correlation with other geochronometers. In order to enable the consistent calibration of marine 14C dates from Arctic Canada, we analysed a 14C database of 108 marine mollusc samples collected live between 1894 and 1956, and determined regional reservoir offset values (ΔR) for eight oceanographically distinct regions. The following new ΔR values should be used for 14C calibration: NW Canadian Arctic Archipelago, 335 ± 85 yrs; Foxe Basin, 310 ± 90 yrs; NE Baffin Island, 220 ± 20 yrs; SE Baffin Island, 150 ± 60 yrs; Hudson Strait, 65 ± 60 yrs; Ungava Bay, 145 ± 95 yrs; Hudson Bay, 110 ± 65 yrs; and James Bay, 365 ± 115 yrs.  相似文献   
Source parameters estimated in the frequency domain for 100 selected seismic events from the Rudna copper mine, with moment magnitude ranging from 1.4 to 3.6, were collected to study their scaling relations and to compare them with the parameters estimated in the time domain. The apparent stress and static stress drop, corrected for the limited bandwidth recording, increase slightly in a similar manner with increasing seismic moment. The ratio of apparent stress to static stress drop, a measure of radiation efficiency, is practically constant and its mean value is close to 0.1. For 37 seismic events, with moment magnitude between 1.9 and 3.4, source parameters were estimated in the time domain from relative source time functions, that displayed unilateral rupture propagation, and their rupture velocity could be estimated. It ranges from 0.23 to 0.80 of shear wave velocity and is almost independent of seismic moment. The fault length, estimated from the average source pulse width and rupture velocity, is clearly dependent on seismic moment and is smaller than the source radius estimated from the corner frequency on the average by about 25 percent. There is no correlation between the values of static stress drop estimated in the frequency and time domains, but the time domain stress drop is in general similar to that estimated in the frequency domain. The apparent stress increases with increasing rupture velocity, and the ratio of apparent stress to static stress drop seems also to depend on rupture velocity.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of analyses of numerical experiments concerning GPS signal propagation delays in the atmosphere and the discrete mapping functions defined on their basis. The delays were determined using data from the mesoscale non-hydrostatic weather model operated in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology. A special attention was paid to investigating angular characteristics of GPS slant delays for low angles of elevation. The investigation proved that the temporal and spatial variability of the slant delays depends to a large extent on current weather conditions.  相似文献   
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