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The crisis of fisheries management is also a crisis of governability; somehow governments almost everywhere seem to run into trouble while managing fisheries. This article compares two alternative styles of regulation that are put forward as solutions to this crisis: market-based regulation and comanagement. In particular the contradiction is analyzed between an apparently strong theoretical basis for market-based regulation and actual practice which often opts for co-management. The theoretical basis of the market-based perspective is challenged and on the basis of an analysis of flatfishery management in the Netherlands, it is concluded that there are often sound arguments for restructuring the management responsibilities between public authorities and civil society.  相似文献   
Different estimates were used to assess the diversity of the total macrofauna and its major taxonomic groups separately from a broad bathymetric range at a site in the NE Atlantic. In the Goban Spur region, a transect was sampled from the shelf to the abyssal plain over a depth range from 200 to 4500 m and in the Porcupine Sea Bight two stations were sampled (at 3670 m and 4115 m). Species diversity (the number of species per number of individuals) increased with increasing water depth, both when expressed as Hurlbert's E(Sn) and as Shannon's H′log e. The expected number of species in a 100-individual sample E(S100) of total macrofauna increased from 30 on the shelf to 68 on the abyssal plain. Evenness (the proportional abundance of species), estimated with Shannon's J′, also increased with water depth from 0.66 to 0.91, whereas dominance (Simpson's D) decreased from 0.09 to 0.01. Species richness (the number of species per unit of area), however, showed a parabolic pattern with a peak at the upper slope. The largest number of species was found at the slope station at 1425 m (232 species within 0.66 m2). It is argued that species richness is not a synonym of species diversity, but that species richness depends both on species density (which decreases with increasing water depth) and on species diversity. Across the whole bathymetric range (200 to 4500 m) a total of 696 species within 8327 specimens in a total sampled area of 4.12 m2 were counted, yielding mean values of 12 individuals per species and 169 species per m2. Different communities were found to exist on the shelf, slope and abyss. It is suggested that this could have been caused by different selection processes. Differences in life-history strategies and organic-matter supply could (at least partly) explain the different community structures and diversity patterns found along the depth gradient.  相似文献   
Direct exploration of subglacial lakes buried deep under the Antarctic Ice Sheet has yet to be achieved. However, at retreating margins of the ice sheet, there are a number of locations where former subglacial lakes are emerging from under the ice but remain perennially ice covered. One of these lakes, Hodgson Lake (72°00.549′S, 068°27.708′W) has emerged from under more than 297–465 m of glacial ice during the last few thousand years. This paper presents data from a multidisciplinary investigation of the palaeolimnology of this lake through a study of a 3.8 m sediment core extracted at a depth of 93.4 m below the ice surface. The core was dated using a combination of radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, and relative palaeomagnetic intensity dating incorporated into a chronological model. Stratigraphic analyses included magnetic susceptibility, clast provenance, organic content, carbonate composition, siliceous microfossils, isotope and biogeochemical markers. Based on the chronological model we provisionally assign a well-defined magnetic polarity reversal event at ca 165 cm in the lake sediments to the Mono Lake excursion (ca 30–34 ka), whilst OSL measurements suggest that material incorporated into the basal sediments might date to 93 ± 9 ka. Four stratigraphic zones (A–D) were identified in the sedimentological data. The chronological model suggests that zones A–C were deposited between Marine Isotope Stages 5–2 and zone A during Stage 1, the Holocene. The palaeolimnological record tracks changes in the subglacial depositional environment linked principally to changing glacier dynamics and mass transport and indirectly to climate change. The sediment composition in zones A–C consists of fine-grained sediments together with sands, gravels and small clasts. There is no evidence of overriding glaciers being in contact with the bed reworking the stratigraphy or removing this sediment. This suggests that the lake existed in a subglacial cavity beneath overriding LGM ice. In zone D there is a transition to finer grained sediments characteristic of lower energy delivery coupled with a minor increase in the organic content attributed either to increases in allochthonous organic material being delivered from the deglaciating catchment, a minor increase in within-lake production or to an analytical artefact associated with an increase in the clay fraction. Evidence of biological activity is sparse. Total organic carbon varies from 0.2 to 0.6%, and cannot be unequivocally linked to in situ biological activity as comparisons of δ13C and C/N values with local reference data suggest that much of it is derived from the incorporation of carbon in catchment soils and gravels and possibly old CO2 in meteoric ice. We use the data from this study to provide guidelines for the study of deep continental subglacial lakes including establishing sediment geochronologies, determining the extent to which subglacial sediments might provide a record of glaciological and environmental change and a brief review of methods to use in the search for life.  相似文献   
Lake sediment records from the Weerterbos region, in the southern Netherlands, were studied to reconstruct summer temperature and environmental changes during the Weichselian Lateglacial Interstadial. A sediment core obtained from a small lacustrine basin was analysed for multiple proxies, including lithological changes, oxygen isotopes of bulk carbonates, pollen and chironomids. It was found that the oxygen isotope record differed strongly from the other proxies. Based on a comparison with three additional lake sediment records from the same region, it emerged that the oxygen isotope records were strongly affected by local environmental conditions, impeding the distinction of a regional palaeoclimate signal. The chironomid‐inferred July air temperature reconstruction produced inferred interstadial temperatures ranging between ~15° and 18°C, largely consistent with previously published results from the northern part of the Netherlands. A temporary regressive phase in the pollen record, which can be tentatively correlated with the Older Dryas, preceded the expansion of birch woodland. Despite differences between the four pollen records from the Weerterbos region, a comparable regressive vegetation phase that was possibly the result of a shift to drier conditions could be discerned in all of the profiles. In addition, a temporary temperature decline of ~1.5°C was inferred from the chironomid record during this regressive phase. The multi‐proxy approach used here enabled a direct comparison of inferred changes in temperature, vegetation and environmental conditions at an individual site, while the multi‐site approach provided insight into the factors influencing the pollen and isotope records from these small‐scale depressions.  相似文献   
A lake sediment record from the Friedländer Groβe Wiese in northeast Germany was studied to reconstruct summer temperature changes associated with changes in vegetation development during the Weichselian Lateglacial. The record was analysed for pollen, chironomids, and oxygen and carbon isotopes of lake marl. The combination of radiocarbon dates, the presence of the Laacher See Tephra and correlation of lithological and palynological changes with other records from the region indicated that the record encompassed the Allerød to the early Holocene. Pollen assemblages reflect development of birch and later pine‐dominated forests during the Allerød, comparable to other sites in the region. Chironomid‐inferred mean July air temperatures (C‐IT) for this period range between ~14.0 and 14.8°C. A temporary decrease in C‐IT of ~1°C, a negative shift in the isotope records, and a minor decline of birch may correspond to Greenland Interstadial 1b. Even though the transition to the Younger Dryas appears to be affected by reworking and redeposition processes, a drop in C‐IT to ~11.1°C is reconstructed for the later part of the Younger Dryas, while it appears that pine locally persisted in the region. Comparison with a nearby pollen record further indicates a local expansion of wetland grasses during this period. At the transition to the Holocene, C‐IT increased to ~15.7°C, while birch and pine forests re‐expanded. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The recent disintegration of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves, and the associated accelerated discharge and retreat of continental glaciers, has highlighted the necessity of quantifying the current rate of Antarctic ice mass loss and the regional contributions to future sea-level rise. Observations of present day ice mass change need to be corrected for ongoing glacial isostatic adjustment, a process which must be constrained by geological data. However, there are relatively little geological data on the geometry, volume and melt history of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) after Termination 1, and during the Holocene so the glacial isostatic correction remains poorly constrained. To address this we provide field constraints on the timing and rate of APIS deglaciation, and changes in relative sea-level (RSL) for the north-eastern Antarctic Peninsula based on geomorphological evidence of former marine limits, and radiocarbon-dated marine-freshwater transitions from a series of isolation basins at different altitudes on Beak Island. Relative sea-level fell from a maximum of c. 15 m above present at c. 8000 cal yr BP, at a rate of 3.91 mm yr?1 declining to c. 2.11 mm yr?1 between c. 6900–2900 cal yr BP, 1.63 mm yr?1 between c. 2900–1800 cal yr BP, and finally to 0.29 mm yr?1 during the last c. 1800 years. The new Beak Island RSL curve improves the spatial coverage of RSL data in the Antarctic. It is in broad agreement with some glacio-isostatic adjustment models applied to this location, and with work undertaken elsewhere on the Antarctic Peninsula. These geological and RSL constraints from Beak Island imply significant thinning of the north-eastern APIS by the early Holocene. Further, they provide key data for the glacial isostatic correction required by satellite-derived gravity measurements of contemporary ice mass loss, which can be used to better assess the future contribution of the APIS to rising sea-levels.  相似文献   
Depth-integrated primary production (??P, in grams of carbon per square meter per day) was measured using 14C in the northern San Francisco Estuary (SFE) from March through August of 2006 and 2007. Determinations of ??P were then used to calibrate a published light-utilization model that relates ??P to a composite parameter of chlorophyll, solar irradiance, and photic zone depth. The resultant calibration coefficient, ??, varied by a factor of nearly two between 2006 and 2007 and was lower than determined in previous calibrations for the estuary. The now chronically low chlorophyll concentrations in the SFE have resulted in lower predictive power of the light-utilization model. The variation in ?? was likely the result of interannual variation in phytoplankton assimilation number. These results suggest that using a single ?? may yield large errors in estimated estuarine production when applied overbroad spatial and temporal scales. Given the food-limited condition of the SFE, it appears that direct measurements of primary production are necessary for accurately characterizing the base of the estuarine food web.  相似文献   
The European Water Framework Directive requires that member states assess all their surface waters based on a number of biological elements, including macroinvertebrates. Since 1989, the Flemish Environment Agency has been using the Belgian Biotic Index for assessing river water quality based on macroinvertebrates. Throughout the years, the Belgian Biotic Index has proven to be a reliable and robust method providing a good indication of general degradation of river water and habitat quality. Since the Belgian Biotic Index does not meet all the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, a new index, the Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders (MMIF) for evaluating rivers and lakes was developed and tested. This index was developed in order to provide a general assessment of ecological deterioration caused by any kind of stressor, such as water pollution and habitat quality degradation. The MMIF is based on macroinvertebrate samples that are taken using the same sampling and identification procedure as the Belgian Biotic Index. The index calculation is a type-specific multimetric system based on five equally weighted metrics, which are taxa richness, number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera taxa, number of other sensitive taxa, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the mean tolerance score. The final index value is expressed as an Ecological Quality Ratio ranging from zero for very bad ecological quality to one for very good ecological quality. The MMIF correlates positively with dissolved oxygen and negatively with Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrite, total phosphorous, orthophosphate and biochemical and chemical oxygen demand. This new index is now being used by the Flemish Environment Agency as a standard method to report about the status of macroinvertebrates in rivers and lakes in Flanders within the context of the European Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   
Over-exploitation of groundwater resources threatens the future of irrigated agriculture, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. In order to reverse this trend, and to ensure future food security, the achievement of sustainable groundwater use is ranking high on the agenda of water policy makers. Spatio-temporally distributed information on net groundwater use—i.e. the difference between tubewell withdrawals for irrigation and net recharge—is often unknown at the river basin scale. Conventionally, groundwater use is estimated from tubewell inventories or phreatic surface fluctuations. There are shortcomings related to the application of these approaches. An alternative methodology for computing the various water balance components of the unsaturated zone by using geo-information techniques is provided in this paper. With this approach, groundwater recharge will not be quantified explicitly, but is part of net groundwater use, and the spatial variation can be quantitatively described. Records of routine climatic data, canal discharges at major offtakes, phreatic surface depth fluctuations, and simplified information on soil textural properties are required as input data into this new Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing tool. The Rechna Doab region (approximately 2.97 million ha), located in the Indus basin irrigation system of Pakistan, has been used as a case study. On an annual basis, an areal average net groundwater use of 82 mm year–1 was estimated. The current result deviates 65% from the specific yield method. The deviation from estimates using tubewell withdrawal related data is even higher.
Resumen La sobre-explotación de recursos de agua subterránea amenaza el futuro de la agricultura de riego, especialmente en las regiones áridas y semi-áridas del mundo. Para revertir esta tendencia, y para garantizar seguridad alimentaria futura, la meta del uso sostenible del agua subterránea se encuentra alto en la agenda de los políticos. Información espacial y temporal en cuanto al uso neto de agua subterránea- i.e. la diferencia entre las extracciones de agua de pozos entubados para riego y recarga neta- se desconoce frecuentemente a la escala de cuenca hidrográfica. Generalmente, el uso de agua subterránea se estima a partir de inventarios de pozos o fluctuaciones de superficies freáticas. Existen deficiencias en relación con las aplicaciones de estos enfoques. En este artículo se aporta una metodología alternativa para calcular los diferentes componentes del balance hídrico de la zona no saturada utilizando técnicas geoinformativas. Aunque con este enfoque no se cuantifica de manera explícita la recarga de agua subterránea, la cual es parte del uso neto de agua subterránea, puede describirse cuantitativamente la variación espacial. Para esta nueva herramienta de Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Sensores Remotos se requieren datos de entrada como registros rutinarios de datos climáticos, descargas de canales en salidas principales, fluctuaciones de profundidades de superficies freáticas, e información simplificada de las propiedades texturales de los suelos. Se ha utilizado como estudio de caso la región Rechna Doab (aproximadamente 2.97 millones ha), localizada en el sistema de riego de la cuenca Indus de Pakistán. Se ha estimado un uso promedio areal anual de agua subterránea de 82 mm año–1. El resultado obtenido difiere en un 65% del método de productividad específica. La diferencia en relación a estimados provenientes de extracciones en pozos entubados es aún mucho más alta.

Résumé La surexploitation des ressources en eau souterraine menace le futur de lagriculture irrigué, spécialement dans les zones arides et semi-arides du monde. De manière à renverser la tendance, et dassurer la sécurité alimentaire, lutilisation durable des eaux souterraines est devenue une priorité dans lagenda des politiques de leau. La distribution spatio-temporelle de lusage net de leau souterraine (la différence entre l ‹eau pompée et la recharge nette) est rarement connue à léchelle dun bassin versant. Conventionnellement, lutilisation des eaux souterraines est estimée à partir des données de rabattement ou les données de fluctuation du niveau de la nappe phréatique. Il y a des défauts dans ces approches. Une méthodologie alternative pour calculer les différents composants de la balance hydrologique est présentée dans cet article. Avec cette approche, la recharge des eaux souterraines ne sera pas quantifiée de manière explicite, mais sera considérée comme une part de lutilisation nette en eau souterraine, et la variation spatiale peut être décrite quantitativement. Les chroniques des données climatiques, les débits du réseau hydrographique majeur, les fluctuations de la surface de la nappe phréatique, et des données basiques sur la texture du sol sont nécessaires et sont rentrées dans un nouveau Système dInformation Géographique et outil de télédétection. La région de Rechna Doab au Pakistan, environ 2.97 millions dhectare, localisée dans le bassin irrigué de lIndus, a été utilisé comme cas détude. Sur base annuelle, lutilisation nette de leau souterraine est estimée à 82 mm. en moyenne. Le résultat obtenu diffère de 65% du résultat de la méthode du débit spécifique. La différence avec le résultat obtenu en observant le rabattement des puits est encore plus élevée.
Dissolved and particulate trace metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni, Fe and Mn) measured at six stations along the Scheldt estuary in October/November 1978 are compared with more recent data. Based on Ca content in the suspended matter, three distinct geochemical regions could be distinguished: the upper estuary (salinity 1–7) dominated by fluvial mud, mid-estuary (salinity 7–17) where the composition of the suspended matter remained relatively constant, and the lower estuary where marine mud prevailed. Re-suspension of sediments is the major factor controlling the composition of the particles in the upstream region. Anoxic conditions prevailed in the upper part of the estuary extending to a salinity of 15 in 1978, while at present the seaward boundary of the anoxic water body is located at less saline waters. Furthermore, the present-day metal load is much lower than in 1978. As a consequence of the changed situation, maxima in dissolved concentrations of redox-sensitive metals in the mid/lower estuary have moved as well, which affects the trace metal re-distribution pattern. In the anoxic zone, exchange processes between dissolved and particulate metal fractions were strongly redox regulated, with Fe and Mn as excellent examples. Iron was removed from the dissolved phase in the early stages of mixing resulting in an increase in the suspended particulate matter of the leachable ‘non-residual' Fe fraction from 2 to 3.5%. Due to its slower kinetics, removal of Mn from solution occurred in mid-estuary where oxygen concentrations increased. Cu, Cd and Zn on the contrary were mobilised from the suspended particles during estuarine mixing. External inputs of Pb, and to a lesser extent of Cu, in the lower estuary resulted in the increase of their particulate and the dissolved concentrations. Calculated Kd (distribution coefficient) values were used to assess the redistribution between the dissolved and particulate phase of the investigated metals. Due to the existence of the anoxic water body in the upper estuary, the importance of redox processes in determining the Kd values could be demonstrated. The sequence of Kd values in the upper estuary (Fe, Cd, Zn, Pb > Cu > Ni, Mn) is significantly different from that in the lower estuary (Fe > Mn > Pb, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd). Thus, in such a dynamic estuary single metal-specific Kd values cannot be used to describe redistribution processes.  相似文献   
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