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An SO2 flux of 1170±400 (1) tonnes per day was measured with a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC) in October and November 1986 from the continuous, nonfountaining, basaltic East Rift Zone eruption (episode 48A) of Kilauea volcano. This flux is 5–27 times less than those of highfountaining episodes, 3–5 times greater than those of contemporaneous summit emissions or interphase Pu'u O'o emissions, and 1.3–2 times the emissions from Pu'u O'o alone during 48A. Calculations based on the SO2 emission rate resulted in a magma supply rate of 0.44 million m3 per day and a 0.042 wt% sulfur loss from the magma upon eruption. Both of these calculated parameters agree with determinations made previously by other methods.  相似文献   
Garnet–clinopyroxene ultra‐high‐pressure (UHP) rocks from the northern Bohemian Massif contain zircon with micro‐diamond inclusions. Trace element concentrations, oxygen and hafnium isotopic composition and U–Pb age of distinct textural domains in zircon characterize their growth conditions and temporal evolution. Diamond‐bearing zircon mantle domains with relicts of oscillatory zoning have uniform Th/U ratios (~0.1–0.2), high‐Ti contents (110–190 ppm, corresponding to temperatures of at least 1100 °C), and some (two of 17 mantle analyses) preserve steep heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns with YbN/GdN = 10–11, with a weak negative Eu anomaly. These signatures are consistent with crystallization from a melt under UHP/ultra‐high‐temperature (UHT) conditions. Some of the bright‐cathodoluminscence (CL) rims preserve Th/U and Ti values characteristic of the zircon mantles, but others show elevated Th/U ratios of ~0.3–0.4 and lower Ti contents (20–40 ppm; only 13 ppm in a rare low‐CL outer rim). As they feature flat HREE patterns and negative Eu anomalies and commonly make embayments and truncate the mantle zoning, we suggest that they have formed through recrystallization in the solid state during exhumation of the rock, when both garnet and plagioclase were stable. The three zircon domains, that is, cores, mantles and rims, yield U–Pb concordia ages of 340.9 ± 1.5, 340.3 ± 1.5 and 341.2 ± 3.4 Ma respectively. When linked to the previously reconstructed P–T path of the rock, the error limits of the zircon mantle and rim ages constrain the exhumation of the rocks from depth of ~140 km (UHP) to ~80 km (HP) to a minimum rate of 1.5 cm yr?1. The zircon cores are heterogeneous in terms of Th/U ratio (below 0.1 but also above 0.2) and REE characteristics, and their εHf values scatter between ?15.7 and +4.8 with similar values for individual domains within a single zircon grain suggesting a very localized control on hafnium isotope composition on a grain scale. The non‐equilibrated εHf values as well as a large range of the Hf‐depleted mantle model ages possibly reflect the presence of a heterogeneous population of old zircon. Consequently, the uniform and young 238U/206Pb ages may represent (near‐)complete resetting of the U–Pb geochronometer during the UHP–UHT event at c. 340 Ma through dissolution–reprecipitation process. In contrast to Hf, the oxygen isotope composition of zircon is homogeneous, ranging between 7.8‰ and 9.6‰ VSMOW, reflecting a source containing upper crustal material and homogenization at UHP–UHT conditions. Our study documents that continental crust was subducted to mantle depths at c. 340 Ma during the Variscan orogeny and was subsequently very rapidly exhumed, implying that the sequence of events was faster than can be resolved by the secondary ion mass spectrometry technique.  相似文献   
Determining the timing, duration and mechanism of tectonic events within an orogenic cycle, such as ocean subduction, continent–continent collision or gravitational collapse, is challenging, especially in ancient orogenic belts. Variations in the tectonic transport direction, however, can be used as a guide to these stages of orogeny. While thrust sheets within the Caledonian allochthon in north Norway were emplaced broadly eastwards perpendicular to the trend of the orogen, many features indicate material transport in other orientations. One dominant feature of the Magerøy Nappe, sitting above and infolded with the Kalak Nappe Complex, is the development of a strong N–S lineation orthogonal to the main transport direction. Strain measurements, in part determined by a new method, are used, in the context of the regional structural data to identify the critical stage in orogeny when compressional forces are balanced by orogen-parallel lateral escape. Quantitative 3-D strain estimation in the Magerøy Nappe indicates prolate deformation with c. 50% horizontal shortening parallel to the thrusting direction (E–W) and c. 200% extension along the orogenic strike (N–S) with c. 30% vertical shortening. Temporal constraint on this fabric is provided by Ar–Ar isotopic analysis of undeformed white mica in cross-cutting granitic pegmatites. These data show that prolate deformation occurred before the white mica cooling age of 416 ± 4 Ma, while the previously determined depositional age of the Hellefjord Schist indicates that it occurred after 438 ± 4 Ma. A granitic pegmatite that intruded the Hellefjord Schist after an initial deformation phase but during or prior to a later deformation, has been dated at 431 ± 2 Ma by U–Pb zircon. A previous lower age constraint on this deformation of 428 ± 5 Ma is given by metamorphic zircon overgrowths on fractured grains. These results constrain the continental collision between Baltica and Laurentia in Finnmark to the interval c. 431–428 Ma. Placed in a regional context, these results indicate that lateral escape was orthogonal to the thrusting direction and occurred during the continent–continent collision stage in the Scandian Orogeny before gravitationally driven collapse.  相似文献   
Zircons from 14 compositionally variable granitic rocks were examined in detail using CL image-guided micro-analysis to unravel the complex magmatic history above the southward retreating Hellenic subduction zone system in the Aegean Sea. Previously published U–Pb ages document an episodic crystallisation history from 17 to 11?Ma, with peraluminous (S-type) granitic rocks systematically older than closely associated metaluminous (I-type) granitic rocks. Zircon O- and Hf isotopic data, combined with trace element compositions, are highly variable within and between individual samples, indicative of open-system behaviour involving mantle-derived melts and evolved supracrustal sources. Pronounced compositional and thermal fluctuations highlight the role of magma mixing and mingling, in accord with field observations, and incremental emplacement of distinct melt batches coupled with variable degrees of crustal assimilation. In the course of partial fusion, more fertile supracrustal sources dominated in the earlier stages of Aegean Miocene magmatism, consistent with systematically older crystallisation ages of peraluminous granitic rocks. Differences between zircon saturation and crystallisation temperatures (deduced from zircon Ti concentrations), along with multimodal crystallisation age spectra for individual plutons, highlight the complex and highly variable physico-compositional and thermal evolution of silicic magma systems. The transfer of heat and juvenile melts from the mantle varied probably in response to episodic rollback of the subducting lithospheric slab, as suggested by punctuated crystallisation age spectra within and among individual granitic plutons.  相似文献   
Previous age estimates of the Imbrium impact range from 3770 to 3920 Ma, with the latter being the most commonly accepted age of this basin‐forming event. The occurrence of Ca‐phosphates in Apollo 14 breccias, interpreted to represent ejecta formed by this impact, provides a new opportunity to date the Imbrium event as well as refining the impact history of the Moon. We present new precise U‐Pb analyses of Ca‐phosphates from impact breccia sample 14311 that are concordant and give a reliable weighted average age of 3938 ± 4 Ma (2σ). Comparison with previously published U‐Pb data on phosphate from Apollo 14 samples indicate that all ages are statistically similar and suggest phosphates could have been formed by the same impact at 3934 Ma ± 3 Ma (2σ). However, this age is older than the 3770 to 3920 Ma range determined for other samples and also interpreted as formed during the Imbrium impact. This suggests that several impacts occurred during a 20–30 Ma period around 3900 Ma and formed breccias sampled by the Apollo missions.  相似文献   
The Setschenow and McDevit—Long equations are applied to aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater by using solute surface area and recently available solubility data to evaluate the Setschenow constant. It is demonstrated that this approach avoids a previously encountered problem with the McDevit-Long equation while also pointing out fundamental theoretical discrepancies. Compounds that do not fit the presented semi-empirical relationship are of interest as they may exhibit abnormal partitioning behavior in seawater. Using this approach it is suggested that 1,2-benzanthracene and benzo(a)pyrene exhibit abnormal solution behavior in seawater.  相似文献   
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