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北黄海盆地是发育于隆起背景之上的中、新生代沉积盆地。新一轮资源调查研究表明,北黄海中、新生代沉积盆地的基底由古生界沉积岩层和前寒武纪变质岩系等组成,盆地不同程度地发育下构造层(J3-K1)、中构造层(E2-E3)和上构造层(N);从油气资源和中、新生代地层发育情况出发,将北黄海海域划分为辽东-海洋岛隆起区、北黄海盆地和胶北.刘公岛隆起区等3个一级构造单元,其中北黄海盆地包括6个二级构造单元和24个三级构造单元;盆地褶皱、断裂构造十分发育,褶皱构造可划分为区域挤压型、局部伴生型和披盖型等三类,断裂构造主要可见近EW—NE向、NW向和NNE向三组,其中近EW—NE向和NNE向断裂比较发育,控制着盆地隆、坳分布格局和沉积特征。  相似文献   
In the first part of this paper,four different Cassegrain optical systems with their correctors are designed and studied for multi-object fiber slit spectroscopic survey.The aperture in 6.5 m and field of view 3°are taken for these optical systems.Assuming observation wavelength range is 0.365–0.95μm,the maximum zenith distance for observing is 60°,the maximum diameter of these lenses is 1.66 m,the altitude of the telescope site is 2500 m,two correctors are composed of 4-piece lenses and the other two are 5-piece lenses.The results obtained are:f-ratio about 3.7,the image quality for all four systems with EE80D≤0.60′′,the linear diameter of the focal surface is about 1.2 m and 11 000 fibers can be set on it.Considering the limit of size of fused silica and optical glass,the maximum diameter for lens is about 1.7 m.Such a 6.5 m telescope is about the largest one if using the above correctors.Considering the multiobject spectroscopic survey is greatly important,we also studied some telescope optical systems having their aperture near or larger than 10 m used for the multi-object fiber spectroscopic survey.Such ideas are introduced in the last section of this paper.  相似文献   
滑坡灾害的易发性评价方法和模型有很多,不同的学者又对其进行了不同的改进,形成了不同的方法。究竟哪种方法更好,还需要结合实际进行方法的比较分析。论文应用基于专家经验值的二元统计法分析了四川平武高坪铺库区(约32 km2)高程、岩性、与居民点距离、与河流距离、坡度和坡向6种因素对滑坡灾害影响,并在此基础上进行了滑坡易发性评价。  相似文献   
Spectral unmixing is a key technology of optical remote sensing image analysis; it not only influences the accuracy of the extraction of land cover information and automatic classification of topographical objects, but also greatly hinders the development of quantitative remote sensing. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a statistical method which is recently developed to extract the independent linear components, and which can realize the extraction of endmembers as well as fractional abundances with little a priori knowledge. However, ICA still cannot process the correlations among the various components. To overcome this problem, variational Bayesian independent component analysis (VBICA) has been proposed to process optical remote sensing images. In the Bayesian framework, the separation of independent components of remote sensing image has finally been achieved with conditional independence standards of Bayesian network and approximate variational algorithm. In the simulative image and real AVIRIS hyperspectral remote sensing image, the VBICA algorithm demonstrates its better performance. The experiment’s results indicate that the proposed VBICA algorithm is feasible, which has obvious advantages and a good application prospect. The reason is that it can effectively overcome the correlations between the various components in remote sensing images and break through the limitations of traditional remote sensing images analysis. Last but not least, the VBICA algorithm is applied in the classification of the TM multispectral remote sensing images. Compared to basic maximum likelihood classification, principal component analysis and FastICA algorithms, VBICA improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images, and contributes to the further extension of the application of ICA in remote sensing image analysis.  相似文献   
SPI-based evaluation of drought events in Xinjiang, China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Daily precipitation data for 1957?C2009 from 53 stations in the Xinjiang, China, are analyzed, based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) with the aim to investigate spatio-temporal patterns of droughts. The Mann?CKendall trend test is used to detect the trends in the SPI values of monthly drought series, drought severity and drought duration. The frequencies of moderate, severe and extreme droughts are higher in the North Xinjiang, while mild droughts occur more often in the South Xinjiang. A decreasing frequency of droughts in the North Xinjiang is found in winter, but a drying tendency is detected in the western parts of the North Xinjiang during spring, summer and autumn, which may be harmful for agriculture. The South Xinjiang seems to be getting wetter in summer, while the south parts of the South Xinjiang seem to be getting drier in spring. The middle of the East Xinjiang is identified to be in a slightly dry tendency. The drought severity is decreasing and drought duration is getting shorter in the North Xinjiang, while both of them increase in the southern parts of the South Xinjiang. In addition, droughts in the middle parts of the East Xinjiang are intensifying.  相似文献   
基料一滤层利用数码可视化跟踪技术、计算机信息实时处理技术和土体变形无标点量测技术,对宽级配基料一滤层系统进行了渗透室内模型试验。探讨了滤层准则的适用性,研究了不同滤层厚度和加压速率对管涌发生发展的影响。结果表明:传统太沙基滤层准则不适用于宽级配砂土,建议采用可移动颗粒中的d85s进行滤层准则设计;增加滤层厚度可提高系统的抗渗透破坏能力,但提高滤层厚度对提高整个系统抵抗渗透能力作用不大;水力梯度增加较快不利于系统的稳定。  相似文献   
王文魁  甘正梅 《地球科学》1992,17(6):638-646
简要论述了典型热液裂隙充填钨—铋—钼石英脉矿床地质及其以黑钨矿—辉铋矿—辉钼矿为主的矿物组合纵向逆分带现象。重点测量研究了黑钨矿晶体的宏观形态特征和微形貌,及其成因演化机制。以现代光学微分干涉(DIC)显微镜观察测量了黑钨矿端面(102)等的螺旋生长及[010]晶带等的层生长现象。提出黑钨矿晶体的螺—层混合生长概念。  相似文献   
京津冀区域龙卷风灾害特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于气象报表、中国气象灾害大典、气象灾情数据库以及档案馆地方志等历史资料,查阅1956—2016年京津冀区域的龙卷风个例,按照"增强藤田级别"龙卷风强度等级分类标准,采用专家评定法对龙卷风个例进行定级,并运用时间序列、趋势分析和空间分析方法,对龙卷风的时空分布、灾害特征进行了统计分析。主要结论如下:①1956—2016年,京津冀区域共确认龙卷风个例188个,空间分布上,龙卷风发生最多的区域有2个,一是张家口坝上4县:张北、尚义、沽源、康保,二是京津冀东部地区,特别是沧州、天津、唐山、秦皇岛沿海地区是龙卷风高发区;②时间分布上,1985—1993年龙卷风发生次数最多,90年代以后呈下降趋势;③龙卷风在夏季发生次数占总数的81.9%,龙卷风主要发生时段为11:00—20:00;④对有灾情记录的122个龙卷风个例,经专家评定,EF4和EF3级各1例,EF2级14例,EF1级52例,EF0级54例。  相似文献   
北京地区太阳紫外辐射的观测与分析研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
白建辉  王庚辰 《大气科学》1994,18(3):341-347
利用北京地区太阳辐射和其它常规气象观测资料,得到了到达地面的太阳紫外辐射的计算公式,并将计算值与观测值进行了比较,两者吻合得比较好。最后给出了北京地区地面太阳紫外总辐射的变化趋势,计算结果表明,地面太阳紫外总辐射对大气浑浊度的变化比对大气臭氧总量的变化敏感得多。  相似文献   
陈立亭  孙永罡  白人海 《气象》2000,26(10):19-23
利用松花江、嫩江流域内94个气象台站的观测资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,分析了1998年夏季降水集中期和主要暴雨过程发生时的天气形势特点。之所以会连续出现暴雨、大暴雨,归纳起来有以下天气特点:(1)亚洲中高纬度阻塞形势稳定;(2)长时间受东北冷涡控制;(3)西太平洋副热带高压短时间北进,位置适中;(4)盛夏北方季风较强盛。  相似文献   
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