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高分辨率浅层地震勘探在探测隐伏断层中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对河北省滦南县22万伏变电站厂址隐伏断层的探测,给出了采用高分辨率浅层地震勘探探测活动断裂的观测与解释方法,并给出了在县城南存在一规模较大的一组从第四纪Q_2地层一直断至太古界基底。它从属宁河—昌黎断裂的分支系列。断层附近存在第四纪隐伏玄武岩。  相似文献   
We describe a three-dimensional electrical exploration system, and its use in carrying out a three-dimensional survey on a polymetallic deposit located in China's Gansu Province. A time-domain-induced polarization method, along with a controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric method, was used to survey the same station points for comparison. Then, a three-dimensional inversion based on the incomplete Gauss–Newton method (for time-domain-induced polarization) and a nonlinear conjugate gradient (for controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric) method were developed and applied in order to model the data sets. Four subsurface targets were mapped by the three-dimensional electrical exploration method. A strong correlation was found between the zones of the revealed ore-bearing anomalies and the geological setting. Using the results of the three-dimensional electrical exploration, we revealed the spatial distribution of the ore-bearing stratum, as well as the relationship between the ore bodies and the stratum. The results potentially provided evidence for future interpretations of deep geological structures, along with evaluations of mineral resources.  相似文献   
应用黑龙江省数字遥测地震台网2002-2006年目录数据,对绥棱采石场附近爆破进行重新定位,对比GPS实测位置,研究该黑龙江省数字地震台网“十五”数据处理软件系统(MSDP 人机交互系统)提供的5种定位程序,初步认为,对于网内浅源地震定位,单纯型法优于其他方法。  相似文献   
Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut,West Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred November 21, 2000 at Paatuut, facing the Vaigat Strait onthe west coast of Greenland. 90 million m3 (260 million tons) of mainly basalticmaterial slid very rapidly (average velocity 140 km/h) down from 1,000–1,400 maltitude. Approximately 30 million m3 (87 million tons) entered the sea, creatinga tsunami with an run-up height of 50 m close to the landslide and 28 m at Qullissat,an abandoned mining town opposite Paatuut across the 20 km wide Vaigat strait. Theevent was recorded seismically, allowing the duration of the slide to be estimated tocirca 80 s and also allowing an estimate of the surface-wave magnitude of the slideof 2.3. Terrain models based on stereographic photographs before and after the slidemade it possible to determine the amount of material removed, and the manner ofre-deposition. Simple calculations of the tsunami travel times are in good correspondencewith the reports from the closest populated village, Saqqaq, 40 km from Paatuut, whererefracted energy from the tsunami destroyed a number of boats. Landslides are notuncommon in the area, due to the geology with dense basaltic rocks overlying poorlyconsolidated sedimentary rocks, but the size of the Paatuut slide is unusual. Based onthe observations it is likely at least 500 years since an event with a tsunami of similarproportions occurred. The triggering of the Paatuut slide is interpreted to be caused byweather conditions in the days prior to the slide, where re-freezing melt water inpre-existing cracks could have caused failure of the steep mountain side.  相似文献   
Groundwater in the Hang-Jia-Hu Plain, eastern China, is a drinking water source for local residents. Groundwater samples were collected from large-diameter hand-dug wells and boreholes for comparison of their iron and manganese concentrations, as well as other ions. The results show that iron and manganese concentrations are relatively high, exceeding drinking water standards by several times. Aquifer sediment samples contain abundant iron (30,790 mg kg−1) and manganese (602 mg kg−1). The results of correspondence factor analysis of the hydrochemistry data and the liberation experiments (using seawater and rainwater as leachants) suggest that iron and manganese in shallow groundwater come from the sediment in the Holocene aquifer. A reductive environment involving relatively high total dissolved solids and organic carbon in the aquifer system is favorable to iron and manganese transferring from the sediment to groundwater and stabilizes these ions. Shallow, large-diameter hand-dug wells provide oxic conditions that decrease the concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese in the well water.
Résumé Dans la Plaine de Hang-Jia-Hu, à l’Est de la Chine, les eaux souterraines constituent une ressource en eau potable pour les autochtones. Des échantillons d’eau souterraine ont été prélevés dans des puits de large diamètre creusés manuellement et dans des forages, afin de confronter leurs concentrations en fer, manganèse et autres ions. Les résultats montrent des concentrations en fer et manganèse relativement hautes, souvent au-delà des limites de potabilité. Les échantillons de sédiments de l’aquifère contiennent des quantités abondantes de fer (30,790 mg kg−1) et de manganèse (602 mg kg−1). Les résultats de l’analyse factorielle de correspondance des données hydrochimiques et des tests de libération (utilisant l’eau de mer et l’eau de pluie comme vecteurs) suggèrent que le fer et le manganèse contenus dans les aquifères superficiels proviennent des sédiments de l’aquifère holocène. Un environnement réducteur, impliquant une quantité élevée de solides dissous et de carbone organique dans le système aquifère, est favorable à un transfert du fer et du manganèse depuis les sédiments vers les eaux souterraines, et stabilise les ions considérés. Les puits peu profonds, de large diamètre et creusés à la main créent des conditions oxydantes qui abaissent les concentrations en fer et manganèse dissous dans l’eau du puits.

Resumen El agua subterránea en la Llanura de Hang-Jia-Hu, al este de China, es una fuente de agua potable para los residentes locales. Las muestras de agua subterránea fueron recogidas en pozos de gran diámetro excavados a mano y en pozos barrenados con el objeto de comparar las concentraciones de hierro y manganeso, y también las de otros iones. Los resultados muestran que las concentraciones de hierro y manganeso son relativamente altas, excediendo varias veces los límites para agua potable. Las muestras de sedimentos tomadas del acuífero contienen abundante hierro (30,790 mg kg−1) y manganeso (602 mg kg−1). Los resultados del análisis de correspondencia de los datos hidroquímicos y experimentos de liberación (usando agua de mar y agua de lluvia como lixiviantes) sugieren que los iones hierro y manganeso en las aguas subterráneas someras provienen de los sedimentos acuíferos del Holoceno. Un ambiente reductor que contiene relativamente alta cantidad de sólidos totales disueltos y carbono orgánico en el sistema acuífero es favorable para la transferencia de hierro y manganeso desde los sedimentos al agua subterránea y para estabilizar estos iones. Los pozos poco profundos, de gran diámetro, excavados a mano, suministran condiciones de oxidación que disminuyen las concentraciones de hierro y manganeso disueltos en el agua del pozo.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a key component involved in metal displacement in soils. In this study, we investigated the concentration profiles of soil-borne DOC, Cu and Zn at various irrigation rates with synthetic rain water under quasi steady-state conditions, using repacked soil columns with a metal-polluted topsoil and two unpolluted subsoils. Soil solution was collected using suction cups installed at centimeter intervals over depth. In the topsoil the concentrations of DOC, dissolved metals (Zn and Cu), major cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions ( and ) increased with depth. In the subsoil, the Cu and Zn concentrations dropped to background levels within 2 cm. All compounds were much faster mobilized in the first 4 cm than in the rest of the topsoil. DOC and Cu concentrations were higher at higher flow rates for a given depth, whereas the concentrations of the other ions decreased with increasing flow rate. The decomposition of soil organic matter resulted in the formation of DOC, , and and was the main driver of the system. Regression analysis indicated that Cu mobilization was governed by DOC, whereas Zn mobilization was primarily determined by Ca and to a lesser extent by DOC. Labile Zn and Cu2+ concentrations were well predicted by the NICA-Donnan model. The results highlight the value of high-resolution in-situ measurements of DOC and metal mobilization in soil profiles.  相似文献   
In natural systems heavy metals are present in very low concentrations (less than micro-molar) , so precise measurement of the free metal ions is difficult. Recently, a new method has been developed called the Donnan membrane technique (DMT). Several heavy metals could be measured simultaneously using this method. Furthermore, all the metals did not interfere with each other, and the balance between the measured system and the surrounding condition could not be disturbed. Improvements were made according to the internal condition. The free heavy metal ion concentrations were measured in different systems using the improved method, and satisfied results have been obtained.  相似文献   
黔北务正道(务川—正安—道真)地区,早二叠世沉积型铝土矿形成于黔北平原近海的一个半封闭海湾环境,冰期低海平面时期与中扬子海湾分离成为滨岸湖泊,间冰期高海平面时期与中扬子海湾连通。古地理单元可分为黔北平原、滨岸平原、滨岸湿地和半封闭海湾等单元。准同生和后期含矿岩系的暴露、淋滤是铝土矿形成的主要控制因素。土状及半土状铝土矿(包括土状及半土状的碎屑和豆鲕矿石)是含矿岩系准同生和后期暴露期间淋滤而成的,而致密状矿石是没有经过淋滤或弱淋滤形成的。碎屑状铝土矿是盆地内部泥裂破碎再沉积形成的;豆鲕状矿石是盆地内部胶体凝聚而成的。务正道铝土矿的动态成矿模式表明铝土矿主要形成于两次准同生淋滤期,因此铝土矿找矿应重点选择滨岸湿地、具有明显淋滤作用发育的地区。  相似文献   
通过野外地质调查、手标本观察、底板地层分布和矿体—含矿层厚度分析,对黔北务正道(务川—正安—道真)地区铝土矿沉积古地理及其与铝土矿成矿之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)铝土矿沉积盆地北以武隆为界,西北至南川,东至沿河,南至绥阳—凤冈一线;(2)研究区古地貌具南高北低的特点,沉积相带可分为海湾中心和滨岸湿地两部分,优质的铝土矿区均位于滨岸湿地;(3)沉积古地理决定了含矿层的厚度,但并不直接控制高品位铝土矿的形成,只有在其余成矿条件都适合的情况下,古地理通过控制铝土矿的沉积环境间接控制高品位铝土矿的形成。  相似文献   
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