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The metal from 17 mesosiderites has been analyzed for Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir by the techniques of atomic-absorption spectrometry and neutron activation. Most mesosiderite metal samples fall in a narrow compositional range: Ni, 7·0–9·0 per cent; Ga, 13–16 ppm; Ge, 47–58 ppm; and Ir, 2·4–4·4 ppm. Most of those falling outside these ranges belong to Powell's (1971) least-metamorphosed type. Mesosiderite metal falls in the same general composition range as IIIAB irons, IIIE irons, pallasites and H-group chondrite metal. There are distinct differences in detail, however, and firm evidence for a close genetic relationship between any of these groups and the mesosiderites is lacking. Metallic portions of Weekeroo-type irons tend to have slightly higher Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir contents than found in mesosiderite metal, and the two groups tend to form a single trend on all plots. The Weekeroo-type silicates closely resemble mesosiderites in terms of orthopyroxene composition and oxygen-isotope ratio. We interpret these similarities to indicate that the silicate and metallic portions of these two groups are closely related; if the mesosiderite silicates and metal were initially formed in separate parent bodies, these were of similar composition and formed at about the same distance from the Sun.  相似文献   
Structural observations and concentrations of Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir allow the classification of 57 iron meteorites in addition to those described in the previous papers in this series; the number of classified independent iron meteorites is now 535. INAA for an additional six elements indicates that five previously studied irons having very high GeGa ratios are compositionally closely related and can be gathered together as group IIF. A previously unstudied iron, Dehesa, has the highest GeGa ratio known in an iron meteorite, a ratio 18 × higher than that in CI chondrites. Although such high GeGa ratios are found in the metal grains of oxidized unequilibrated chondrites, their preservation during core formation requires disequilibrium melting or significant compositional and temperature effects on metal/silicate distribution constants and/or activity coefficients. In terms of GeGa ratios and various other properties group IIF shows genetic links to the Eagle Station pallasites and COCV chondrites. Klamath Falls is a new high-Ni, low-Ir member of group IIIF that extends the concentration ranges in this group and makes these comparable to the ranges in large igneous groups such as IIIAB. Groups IAB and IIICD have been revised to extend the lower Ni boundary of group IIICD down to 62 mg/g. The iron having by far the highest known Ni concentration (585 mg/g), Oktibbeha County, is a member of group IAB and extends the concentration ranges of all elements in this nonmagmatic group. Morasko, a IAB iron associated with a crater field in Poland, is paired with the Seeläsgen iron discovered 100 km away. All explosion craters from which meteorites have been recovered were produced by IAB and IIIAB irons.  相似文献   
We report Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir concentrations for 193 irons. The compositional trends in groups IIIA and IIIB are redefined, and the suggestion by Wasson and Kimberlin that they represent a single fractionation sequence (group IIIAB) is confirmed. A new group, HIE, is similar in its properties to group IIIA but distinguished by lower Ga/Ni and Ge/Ni ratios, larger bandwidths and the formation of haxonite (Fe, Ni)23C6 in each of its members. A sixth member, Hassi-Jekna, has been added to group IIIC, extending its Ge range up to 70 ppm. The characteristics of these groups can be summarized as follows:
Of the six chondrites that were listed as EH6 or EH6-an during the course of this study, we confirm the EH classification of Y-8404, Y-980211 and Y-980223 and the EH-an classification of Y-793225; two chondrites (A-882039 and Y-980524) are reclassified as EL (the former contains ferroan alabandite and both contain kamacite with ∼1 wt% Si). All of the meteorites contain euhedral enstatite grains surrounded by metal ± sulfide (although this texture is rare in Y-793225), consistent with enstatite crystallizing from a mixed melt. All contain enstatite with <0.04 wt% MnO; the three EH chondrites average 0.25 wt% Mn in troilite. (Literature data show that typical EH3-EH5 chondrites contain enstatite with 0.13-0.20 wt% MnO and troilite with 0.05-0.11 wt% Mn.) The three EH chondrites contain keilite [(Fe>0.5,Mg<0.5)S], which has been interpreted in the literature as a product of impact melting. Y-8404 and Y-980223 contain abundant silica (∼13 and ∼10 wt%, respectively), a rare phase in most enstatite chondrites. We suggest that all six meteorites have experienced impact melting; Mn was preferentially partitioned into sulfide during subsequent crystallization. The silica-rich samples may have become enriched in the aftermath of the impact by a redox reaction involving FeO and reduced Si. A-882039, Y-8404, Y-980211, Y-980223 and Y-980524 were incompletely melted; they contain rare relict chondrules and are classified as impact-melt breccias; Y-793225 is a chondrule-free impact-melt rock. If these EH and EH-an chondrites (which were previously listed as petrologic type 6) have, in fact, been impact melted, it seems plausible that collisional heating is generally responsible for EH-chondrite metamorphism. This is consistent with literature data showing that a large fraction (?0.7) of those chondrites classified EH5-7 and a significant fraction (?0.3) of those chondrites classified EH4 and EH4/5 possess textural and mineralogical properties suggestive of impact melting. In addition, ∼60% of classified EL6-7 chondrites (now including A-882039 and Y-980524) appear to have formed by impact melting. It thus seems likely that collisional heating is mainly responsible for EL- and EH-chondrite metamorphism.  相似文献   
Estuarine ecosystem diversity and function can be degraded by low oxygen concentrations. Understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) variation and the factors that predict decreases in DO is thus essential to inform estuarine management. We investigated DO variability and its drivers in Elkhorn Slough, a shallow, well-mixed estuary affected by high nutrient loading and with serious eutrophication problems. Long-term (2001–2012), high-resolution (15 min) time series of DO, water level, winds, and solar radiation from two fully tidal sites in the estuary showed that hypoxia events close to the bottom are common in the summer at the more upstream estuarine station. These events can occur in any lunar phase (spring to neap), at any time of the day, and both on sunny or cloudy days. They are, however, short-lived (lasting in average 40 min) and mainly driven by momentary low turbulent diffusion around slack tides (both at high and low water). Tidal advective transport explains up to 52.1% of the daily DO variability, and the water volume (or DO reservoir) contained in the estuary was not sufficient to avoid hypoxia in the estuary. Solar radiation was responsible for a positively correlated DO daily cycle but caused a decreased in the averaged DO in the summer at the inner station. Wind-driven upwelling reduced the average DO at the more oceanic station during spring. The approach we employed, using robust techniques to remove suspect data due to sensor drift combined with an array of statistical techniques, including spectral, harmonic, and coherence spectrum analysis, can serve as a model for analyses of long-term water quality datasets in other systems. Investigations such as ours can inform coastal management by identifying key drivers of hypoxia in estuaries.  相似文献   
One of the most conspicuous anthropogenic disturbances to estuaries worldwide has been the alteration of freshwater and tidal influence through the construction of water control structures (dikes, tide gates, culverts). Few studies have rigorously compared the responses of differing groups of organisms that serve as contrasting conservation targets to such anthropogenic disturbances in estuarine ecosystems. Elkhorn Slough in central California includes a spectrum of tidally restricted habitats behind water control structures and habitats experiencing full tidal exchange. To assess community composition for several different taxa in habitats with varying tidal exchange, we employed a variety of field approaches and synthesized results from several different studies. Overall, we found that communities at sites with moderately restricted tidal exchange were fairly similar to those with full tidal exchange, but those with extremely restricted tidal exchange were markedly different from other categories. These differences in community composition are likely the result of several factors, including restricted movement due to physical barriers, differences in water quality characteristics, and differences in habitat structure. Indeed, in this study, we found that water quality characteristics strongly vary with tidal restriction and may strongly influence patterns of species presence or absence. We also found that different conservation targets showed contrasting responses to variation in tidal exchange. Full exchange appears to favor native oysters, commercially valuable flatfish, migratory shorebirds, and site-level biodiversity. Minimal tidal exchange due to water control structures supports a suite of estuarine endemics (including the tidewater goby and California brackish snail) not represented elsewhere and minimizes invasions by non-native marine species. Altogether, our results suggest that total estuary-wide biodiversity may be enhanced with a mosaic of tidal exchange regimes.  相似文献   
Four volatile, six siderophile and 18 generally lithophile elements were determined in six sieve fractions of mare soil 15100 and seven sieve fractions of highlands soil 66080; 15100 is a moderately and 66080 a highly mature soil.Two size fractions of 66080 were subjected to leaching with HCI and etching with HF. Leaching removed ca. 25% of the rare earths in both the 500-177 μm and 62-20 μm fractions; the soluble phase, probably a phosphate, is enriched in light rare earths relative to the bulk soil. The leach and etch removed a larger portion of Zn and Cd than expected on the basis of surface concentrations inferred from size distribution data apparently because of selective dissolution of minor volatile-rich phases.Lithophile concentrations in 66080 are nearly independent of grain size. In 15100 decreasing grain sizes show moderately increasing amounts of KREEP and anorthosite related elements, and decreasing amounts of basalt related elements. In 66080 a maximum in siderophile concentration occurs at ca 150 μm, as previously observed in our studies of 61220, 63500 and 65500. This peaking appears to result from a gradual increase with time in the size of metal grains as a result of welding during micrometeorite impacts. The coarse fraction maximum is not observed in the siderophile data for 15100, probably because of the much smaller fluence of extralunar projectiles at the Apollo 15 site. A modest rise in siderophile concentrations in the smallest size fractions of all soils probably results from recondensation of impact-vaporized materials.The concentrations of highly volatile Zn, Cd and In in 15100 and 66080 show a marked increase with decreasing size, but the fine/coarse ratios are about a factor of two lower than those in soils 61220 and 63500. The lower ratio in 66080 results entirely from higher concentrations in the coarser fractions. It appears that this is a reflection of the higher maturity of 66080, and that the volume-correlated component in lunar soils increases with increasing near-surface residency. The high amount of volume-correlated component in 15100 may be related to the more efficient formation of agglutinates in basalt-rich soils. The observed increase in rare gas and volatile metal concentration with decreasing grain size results from an increasing bias in surface exposure of fine grain sizes, probably as a result of the adhesion of smaller to larger grains.  相似文献   
In section many low-FeO CR chondrules are surrounded by rings of metal; this metal-cladding seems to have formed during chondrule melting events as films of metal that wetted the surface. Electron microprobe studies show that in each ring the metal is very uniform in composition, consistent with efficient mixing during formation of the metal film. In contrast the mean Ni contents of 13 different rings vary by up to a factor of 2. There is no FeS associated with ring metal. Ring metal Co is positively correlated with Ni but the Co/Ni ratio seems to decrease with increasing Ni. We observed a weak negative correlation between ring metal Ni and the fayalite content of the host olivine. Coarse interior metal has higher Ni contents than that in the surrounding rings. At any specific chondrule location, smaller grains tend to have lower Ni contents than larger grains. These trends in Ni seem to reflect two processes: (1) The mean Ni content of metal (and easily reduced sulfides or oxides) in chondrule precursor materials seems to have decreased with the passage of time; on average, the metal in earlier-formed chondrules had higher Ni contents than the metal in later-formed chondrules. (2) Some oxidized Fe was reduced during chondrule formation leading to lower Ni contents in small grains compared to large grains; prior to reduction the Fe was in FeS or in FeO in accessible (fine-grained) sites. We suggest that the compositional evolution of nebular solids was responsible for the interchondrule variations whereas reduction of minor amounts of FeS or FeO was responsible for the size-related small variations in Ni content. We suggest that, during chondrule formation events, CR chondrules experienced relatively long thermal pulses that were responsible for the thorough loss of FeS and the common granoblastic texture observed in low-FeO chondrules. The preservation of the structures of internal rings shows, however, that even though high temperatures occurred in the secondary chondrule, temperatures in the centers of large (>20 μm) metal and silicate grains in the primary chondrule did not get high enough to cause appreciable melting.  相似文献   
A sample of Campo del Cielo with any other name would have the same composition. During the last three decades, our instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA) of many supposedly new iron meteorites have shown an anomalously large fraction to have compositions within the compositional field of the IAB‐MG iron Campo del Cielo. A plot of Ir versus Au provides the best discrimination; only two independent‐fall irons found after 1980 with good recovery documentation fall within the 90% contour ellipse around the centroid of this Campo field, and one of these is from Antarctica. Now (early 2018) a total of 36 other irons attributed to other geographical locations have compositions that cannot be resolved from the Campo compositional field. Because it is possible that some of these are actually independent falls, the Meteoritical Society Nomenclature Committee has chosen to assign about half these meteorites Nova XXX names used for meteorites whose discovery localities are not adequately documented. However, for Campo‐like irons with too little information (e.g., total weight not known) or for which no adequately large type specimens are available, the decision is to call them Campos with the working name used during the UCLA analysis. In the UCLA Meteorite Collection, they are cataloged together with the documented Campos.  相似文献   
IIIEOg8.2–8.917–1934–370.05–0.6 The Ge-Ni correlation is positive in IIIA, negative in IIIB and IIIC, and there is no significant correlation in IIIE. San Cristobal is identified as a member of group IAB, thereby extending the Ge and Ni range of this group to 25 ppm and 25 per cent, respectively. Previous reports of wide cooling-rate variations in group IIIAB are not substantiated, and current evidence favors a core over a raisin-bread model for this group. There appears to be no genetic relationship between group IIIAB and either the pallasites or the mesosiderites
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