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Chondrules from the Semarkona (LL3.0) chondrite show refractory and common lithophile fractionation trends similar to those observed among the chondrite groups. It appears that chondrules are mixtures of a small number of pre-existing solid components, and we infer that chondrule precursor materials were related to the nebular components involved in the lithophile element fractionations recognized in ordinary chondrites. Compositional trends among the chondrules can be used to deduce the compositions of these components.We use instrumental neutron activation analysis to measure many (~20) of the lithophile elements in 30 chondrules. The amounts of oxidized iron were calculated from other compositional parameters; concentrations of Si were estimated using mass-balance considerations. The data were corrected for the diluting effects of non-lithophile constituents. Plots of lithophile elements versus a reference refractory element such as Al show that there were two major chondrule silicate precursor components: a refractory, olivine-rich, FeO-free one, and a non-refractory, SiO2-, FeO-rich one.The refractory component probably forms from olivine-enriched condensates formed above the condensation temperature of enstatite. The non-refractory component must have formed from fine-grained materials that were able to equilibrate down to lower nebular temperatures. Chondrite matrix may have had an origin similar to that of the non-refractory material, and constitutes a third lithophile-bearing component that took part in chondrite fractionation processes. The low abundance of refractories and Mg in ordinary and enstatite chondrites was produced by the loss of materials having a higher refractory-element/Mg ratio than that in the refractory component of chondrules.  相似文献   
Based on new neutron activation data for group IVB we find that log-element — log-Ni trends are best understood in terms of core formation and fractional crystallization. The limited compositional range found in group IVB seems to reflect the fact that, because of the low concentrations of S, P and C and the high concentration of Ni, kχ values are nearer unity than are those in other magmatic groups. Mean volatile abundances in group IVB are much lower than those found in any group of chondritic meteorites, suggesting that these low abundances were not entirely the result of nebular processes, but that planetary outgassing was also involved.We calculated cooling rates on the basis of a computer simulation of the growth of kamacite crystals; these calculations are particularly straightforward for the high-Ni irons since no local bulk Ni enrichment is involved. We estimate a mean IVB cooling rate of 170–230 K/Ma, the lower values based on 20 K undercooling, the higher on no undercooling. There is no dependence of cooling rate on chemical composition. The mean cooling rate of the low-volatile groups IVB and IVA are both much higher than those typical of iron-meteorite groups. This indicates small parent bodies, and reinforces the above suggestion that the low volatile contents resulted from planetary outgassing.There is a small compositional hiatus in group IVB, but since the sets on both sides of the hiatus form continuous trends on log-element — log-Ni diagrams and have the same cooling rates, it appears that both sets originated in a single oxidized, refractory-rich parent body. This sampling hiatus corresponds to 26% of the original core, a value shown to be typical for a random sequence sampled 11 times.  相似文献   
Most iron meteorites presumably formed from the cores of parent bodies having more or less chondritic bulk compositions. Consideration of the behavior of S during condensation and core formation indicates that these cores, at least in the case of groups having high or moderate volatile contents (IIAB, IIIAB), contained a substantial amount of S. When elemental fractionations observed in these iron meteorite groups are compared to model calculations of fractional crystallization it becomes evident that at least the IIAB parent melt, and very likely the IIIAB parent melt as well, did not contain the full S complement of the parent body. We consider three possible scenarios to account for the S depletion: (1) Outgassing of S during parent body differentiation; this was probably only possible if the parent body contained organic material, which is improbable for IIIAB. (2) Liquid immiscibility. Our fractional crystallization model would predict curved log Xvs. log Ni relationships in this case, which for many elements are not observed. (3) Formation of metastable liquid layers by episodic melting during core formation. This is based on the fact that the difference in melting temperature between a FeFeS eutectic and FeNi metals is ~500 K. Two melting episodes would tend to form distinct liquid layers that maintain their identities over the crystallization lifetime of the core.Solidification of the cores parental to the main iron meteorite groups should also produce a significant number of sulfide meteorites. The scarcity of sulfide-rich meteorites can be attributed to their lower mechanical resistance to space attrition, higher ablation during atmospheric passage, and faster weathering on earth.  相似文献   
Type II porphyritic chondrules commonly contain several large (>40 μm) olivine phenocrysts; furnace-based cooling rates based on the assumption that these phenocrysts grew in a single-stage melting-cooling event yield chondrule cooling-rate estimates of 0.01-1 K s−1. Because other evidence indicates much higher cooling rates, we examined type II chondrules in the CO3.0 chondrites that have experienced only minimal parent-body alteration. We discovered three kinds of evidence indicating that only minor (4-10 μm) olivine growth occurred after the final melting event: (1) Nearly all (>90%) type II chondrules in CO3.0 chondrites contain low-FeO relict grains; overgrowths on these relicts are narrow, in the range of 2-12 μm. (2) Most type II chondrules contain some FeO-rich olivine grains with decurved surfaces and acute angles between faces indicating that the grains are fragments from an earlier generation of chondrules; the limited overgrowth thicknesses following the last melting event are too thin to disguise the shard-like nature of these grains. (3) Most type II chondrules contain many small (<20 μm) euhedral or subhedral phenocrysts with central compositions that are much more ferroan than the centers of the large phenocrysts; their small sizes document the small amount of growth that occurred after the final melting event. If overgrowth thicknesses were small (4-10 μm) after the final melting event, it follows that large fractions of coarse (>40 μm) high-FeO phenocrysts are relicts from earlier generations of chondrules, and that cooling rates after the last melting event were much more rapid than indicated by models based on a single melting event. These observations are thus inconsistent with the “classic” igneous model of formation of type II porphyritic chondrules by near-total melting of a precursor mix followed by olivine nucleation on a very limited number of nuclei (say, ≤10) and by growth to produce the large phenocrysts during a period of monotonic (and roughly linear) cooling. Our observations that recycled chondrule materials constitute a large component of the phenocrysts of type II chondrules also imply that this kind of chondrule formed relatively late during the chondrule-forming period.  相似文献   
Ecotones, the narrow transition zones between extensive ecological systems, may serve as sensitive indicators of climate change because they harbor species that are often near the limit of their physical and competitive tolerances. We investigated the ecotone between salt marsh and adjacent upland at Elkhorn Slough, an estuary in California, USA. Over a period of 10 years, we monitored movement of the ecotone–upland boundary, plant community structure, and physical factors likely to drive ecotone response. At three undiked sites, the ecotone boundary migrated about 1 m landward, representing a substantial shift for a transition zone that is only a few meters wide. Analysis of potential correlates of this upward migration suggests that it was driven by increased tidal inundation. Mean sea level did not increase during our study, but inundation at high elevations did. While the ecotone boundary responded dynamically to interannual changes in inundation at these undiked sites, the plant community structure of the ecotone remained stable. At two diked sites, we observed contrasting patterns. At one site, the ecotone boundary migrated seaward, while at the other, it showed no consistent trend. Diking appears to eliminate natural sensitivity of the ecotone boundary to interannual variation in oceanic and atmospheric drivers, with local factors (management of water control structures) outweighing regional ones. Our study shows that the marsh–upland ecotone migrated rapidly in response to environmental change while maintaining stable plant community structure. Such resilience, stability, and rapid response time suggest that the marsh–upland ecotone can serve as a sensitive indicator of climate change.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from subalpine lakes were used to investigate post-glacial dust deposition in the Uinta Mountains (Utah, USA). Lake sediments were geochemically characterized with ICP-OES, ICP-MS and XRF core scanning. Collections from passive samplers constrain the properties of modern dust, and samples of regolith constrain properties of the local material within the watershed. Ca and Eu are more abundant in dust, whereas Ti and Zr are more abundant in local regolith. As a result, the Ca/Ti and Eu/Zr ratios are indices for the dust content of lake sediment. In all records, the dust index rises in the early Holocene as watersheds became stabilized with vegetation, reducing the influx of local material. After this point, values remained above average through the middle Holocene, consistent with an increased dust content in the sediment. Dust index values drop in the late Holocene in most lakes, suggesting a decrease in dust abundance. Generally synchronous shifts in dust index values in cores from lakes in different parts of this mountain range are evidence of enhanced dust deposition in this region during the middle Holocene, and are consistent with a variety of records for increased aridity in the south-western USA at this time.  相似文献   
As a contribution to understanding the morphogenesis of the Australian continental dunefield, maps are presented of the main types of dunes, their orientation and mean spacing using the best available sources of data. Major features on previous maps of the Australian dunefield are verified and new information has been obtained. The anticlockwise whorl of dunes has been found to close on both its eastern and western ends. Dunes extend as far north as 16°S and over large parts of the far south‐west of Western Australia. Distributions of dune types are related to former vegetation cover, climate, supply of sand and directional variability of formative winds. Previously documented relationships between dune spacing, height, equivalent sand thickness (EST) and the texture of surfaces over which sand is transported are used to partially explain the map of mean dune spacings. The spatial distribution of EST, and mineralogic and sedimentologic evidence show that aeolian sediment in the Australian dunefield has travelled only short distances.  相似文献   
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