It′s essential to measure air concentrations and depositional fluxes of environmental radionuclides in different regions for modeling global contamination transfer and validation, tracing deposition process and dating, referencing watershed erosion trace and assessing natural radiation of ecosystem. This study introduces the research background and methods and explains weekly variations of
210Pb and
7Be concentrations in surface air and precipitation at Mt. Guanfeng/Guiyang since 2001. The results indicate that
210Pb and
7Be concentrations in surface air fluctuate periodically at 2~6 week interval because of the meteorological condition changes. The annual trend in
210Pb air concentration is overall influenced by air temperature variation and periodical rainfall.
7Be air concentration varies up and down regualarly. The synchronization of low concentrations for both
210Pb and
7Be in surface air and high ratio (
7Be ≥ 0.8) indicate oceanic poor
7Be air mass invasion. The synchronization of high concentrations of
210Pb and
7Be in surface air and low ratio (
7Be ≤ 0.7) implies rich
7Be air mass invasion from altostratus atmosphere. Weekly concentrations of
210Pb and
7Be in precipitation and the K
d coefficients are high in late Autumn to Spring, and low in late Spring to Autumn. Although
210Pb and
7Be concentrations vary seasonally, their weekly concentrations in precipitation increase with that of air concentration. The
210Pb and
7Be weekly concentrations for seasonal division is about 0.2 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L, respectively. However, the K
d coefficient decreases when
210Pb and
7Be air concentrations increase. Deposition of
210Pb and
7Be with precipitation mainly take place in Spring and Summer; The weekly fallout of
210Pb and
7Be increases with increasing precipitation; the increase of
7Be is triple of that of
210Pb and 2.5 when precipitation nears to zero. The weekly-high fallout of
210Pb and
7Be with precipitation corresponds with the dramatic decrease of their air concentrations within or vicinal weeks. The ratio of
210Pb to
7Be in rainfall is overall ≤ 0.5 and varies synchronously with the ratio in surface air, indicating that the two radionuclides are cleaned by precipitation from air at close speed. In the extreme freezing disaster in 2008, both
210Pb and
7Be air concentrations were low and coupling with coexist of low concentration of aerosol and high nuclides activities. Weekly concentration of
7Be in surface air at Mt. Guanfeng demonstrates the anticipated concentration level in the low-latitude and high-elevation region; the short-term fluctuations of
7Be concentration indicated the hysteresis was influcenced by the strong air current submersion and the low-elevation air mass rising differently at Mt. Guanfeng and Mt. Waliguan.