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This study presents the crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy along two linear seismic arrays across the North China Craton (NCC) from ambient noise tomography. About a half to one year long ambient noise data from 87 stations were used for obtaining the inter-station surface wave empirical Green's functions (EGFs) from cross-correlation. Rayleigh and Love dispersion curves within the period band 5–30 s were measured from the EGFs of the vertical and transverse components, respectively. These dispersion data were then used to determine the crustal shear wave velocity structure (VSV and VSH) and radial anisotropy (2(VSH ? VSV) / (VSH + VSV)) from point-wise linear inversion with constraints from receiver function analysis. Our results reveal substantial structural variations among different parts of the NCC. The Bohai Bay Basin in the eastern NCC is underlain by a thin crust (~ 30 km) with relatively low velocities (particularly VSV) and large positive radial anisotropy in the middle to lower crust. Such a crustal structure is no longer of a cratonic type and may have resulted from the widespread tectonic extension and intensive magmatism in this region since late Mesozoic. Beneath the Ordos Basin in the western NCC, the crust is relatively thicker (≥ 40 km) and well stratified, and presents a large-scale low velocity zone in the middle to lower crust and overall weak radial anisotropy except for a localized lower crust anomaly. The overall structural features of this region resemble those of typical Precambrian shields, in agreement with the long-term stability of the region. The crustal structure under the Trans North China Orogen (TNCO, central NCC) is more complicated and characterized by smaller scale velocity variations, strong positive radial anisotropy in the middle crust and rapid change to weak-to-negative anisotropy in the lower crust. These features may reflect complex deformations and crust–mantle interactions, probably associated with tectonic extension and magmatic underplating during the Mesozoic to Cenozoic evolution of the region. Our structural images in combination with previous seismic, geological and geochemical observations suggest that the Phanerozoic lithospheric reactivation and destruction processes may have affected the crust (especially the middle and lower crust) of the eastern NCC, and the effect probably extended to the TNCO, but may have minor influence on the crust of the western part of the craton.  相似文献   
It′s essential to measure air concentrations and depositional fluxes of environmental radionuclides in different regions for modeling global contamination transfer and validation, tracing deposition process and dating, referencing watershed erosion trace and assessing natural radiation of ecosystem. This study introduces the research background and methods and explains weekly variations of 210Pb and 7Be concentrations in surface air and precipitation at Mt. Guanfeng/Guiyang since 2001. The results indicate that 210Pb and 7Be concentrations in surface air fluctuate periodically at 2~6 week interval because of the meteorological condition changes. The annual trend in 210Pb air concentration is overall influenced by air temperature variation and periodical rainfall. 7Be air concentration varies up and down regualarly. The synchronization of low concentrations for both 210Pb and 7Be in surface air and high ratio (210Pb/7Be ≥ 0.8) indicate oceanic poor 210Pb-7Be air mass invasion. The synchronization of high concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in surface air and low ratio (210Pb/7Be ≤ 0.7) implies rich 7Be air mass invasion from altostratus atmosphere. Weekly concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in precipitation and the Kd coefficients are high in late Autumn to Spring, and low in late Spring to Autumn. Although 210Pb and 7Be concentrations vary seasonally, their weekly concentrations in precipitation increase with that of air concentration. The 210Pb and 7Be weekly concentrations for seasonal division is about 0.2 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L, respectively. However, the Kd coefficient decreases when 210Pb and 7Be air concentrations increase. Deposition of 210Pb and 7Be with precipitation mainly take place in Spring and Summer; The weekly fallout of 210Pb and 7Be increases with increasing precipitation; the increase of 7Be is triple of that of 210Pb and 2.5 when precipitation nears to zero. The weekly-high fallout of 210Pb and 7Be with precipitation corresponds with the dramatic decrease of their air concentrations within or vicinal weeks. The ratio of 210Pb to 7Be in rainfall is overall ≤ 0.5 and varies synchronously with the ratio in surface air, indicating that the two radionuclides are cleaned by precipitation from air at close speed. In the extreme freezing disaster in 2008, both 210Pb and 7Be air concentrations were low and coupling with coexist of low concentration of aerosol and high nuclides activities. Weekly concentration of 7Be in surface air at Mt. Guanfeng demonstrates the anticipated concentration level in the low-latitude and high-elevation region; the short-term fluctuations of 7Be concentration indicated the hysteresis was influcenced by the strong air current submersion and the low-elevation air mass rising differently at Mt. Guanfeng and Mt. Waliguan.   相似文献   
华蓥山地区上二叠统长兴阶生物礁顶部普遍存在一套数米至十余米厚的钙结壳.含有钙结壳中常见的渗滤豆石、钙质结核、蜂窝状构造、根模、钙化细菌丝体、花瓣构造、微型钟乳石等典型组构,并伴有变形构造、溶蚀构造和角砾化等现象。这套钙结壳的发现对研究华南二、三叠纪之交的古气候,古地理和沉积发育史具有重要意义,本文主要描述钙结壳的岩石学特征,并简要讨论了本地区钙结壳的成因。  相似文献   
Wang Ninglian    Yao Tandong    Pu Jianchen    Tian Lide    Duan Keqin    L.G.Thompson    M.E.Davis  WT  ”BX 《地学前缘》2000,(Z1)
INDIAN MONSOON SIGNALS REFLECTED BY THE RATIO OF Cl~- TO Na~ IN DASUOPU ICE CORE FROM XIXIABANGMA,HIMALAYAStheChineseNationalBasicResearchProgramme (GrantG19980 4 0 80 0 )andChineseNationalScienceFoun dation (NSFgrant 4 980 10 0 4 )  相似文献   
Wu  Hao  Yin  Ya  Wang  Shijie  Shi  Wenzhong  Clarke  Keith C.  Miao  Zelang 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(2):823-834
GPS Solutions - A cable crane collision accident usually causes serious damage to workers, equipment and materials. Owing to the emergence of global position system (GPS), some new collision...  相似文献   
Wang  Ziye  Zuo  Renguang  Dong  Yanni 《Natural Resources Research》2019,28(4):1285-1298

Extracting geochemical anomalies from geochemical exploration data is one of the most important activities in mineral exploration. Geochemical anomaly detection can be regarded as a binary classification problem. The similarity between geochemical samples can be measured by their distance. The key issue of this classification is to find the intrinsic relationship and distance between geochemical samples to separate geochemical anomalies from background. In this paper, a hybrid method that integrates random forest and metric learning (RFML) is used to identify geochemical anomalies related to Fe-polymetallic mineralization in Southwest Fujian Province of China. RFML does not require any specific statistical assumption on geochemical data, nor does it depend on sufficient known mineral occurrences as the prior knowledge. The geochemical anomaly map obtained by the RFML method showed that the known Fe deposits and the generated geochemical anomaly area have strong spatial association. Meanwhile, the receiver operating characteristic curves for the results of RFML and another method, namely maximum margin metric learning, indicated that the RFML method exhibited better performance, suggesting that RFML can be effectively applied to recognize geochemical anomalies.

Iron is one of the most abundant transition metal in higher plants and variations in its isotopic compositions can be used to trace its utilization. In order to better understand the effect of plant-induced isotopic fractionation on the global Fe cycling, we have estimated by quantum chemical calculations the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation between different Fe species relevant to the transport and storage of Fe in higher plants: Fe(II)-citrate, Fe(III)-citrate, Fe(II)-nicotianamine, and Fe(III)-phytosiderophore. The ab initio calculations show firstly, that Fe(II)-nicotianamine is ~3‰ (56Fe/54Fe) isotopically lighter than Fe(III)-phytosiderophore; secondly, even in the absence of redox changes of Fe, change in the speciation alone can create up to ~1.5‰ isotopic fractionation. For example, Fe(III)-phytosiderophore is up to 1.5‰ heavier than Fe(III)-citrate2 and Fe(II)-nicotianamine is up to 1‰ heavier than Fe(II)-citrate. In addition, in order to better understand the Fe isotopic fractionation between different plant components, we have analyzed the iron isotopic composition of different organs (roots, seeds, germinated seeds, leaves and stems) from six species of higher plants: the dicot lentil (Lens culinaris), and the graminaceous monocots Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), river oat (Uniola latifolia), and Indian goosegrass (Eleusine indica). The calculations may explain that the roots of strategy-II plants (Fe(III)-phytosiderophore) are isotopically heavier (by about 1‰ for the δ56Fe) than the upper parts of the plants (Fe transported as Fe(III)-citrate in the xylem or Fe(II)-nicotianamine in the phloem). In addition, we suggest that the isotopic variations observed between younger and older leaves could be explained by mixing of Fe received from the xylem and the phloem.  相似文献   
This article presents an object-based conceptual framework and numerical algorithms for representing and analyzing coastal morphological and volumetric changes based on repeat airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys. This method identifies and delineates individual zones of erosion and deposition as discrete objects. The explicit object representation of erosion and deposition zones is consistent with the perception and cognition of human analysts and geomorphologists. The extracted objects provide ontological and epistemological foundation to localize, represent, and interpret erosion and deposition patches for better coastal resource management and erosion control. The discrete objects are much better information carriers than the grid cells in the field-based representation of source data. A set of spatial and volumetric attributes are derived to characterize and quantify location, area, shape, orientation, depth, volume, and other properties of erosion and deposition objects. Compared with the conventional cell-by-cell differencing approaches, our object-based method gives a concise and high-level representation of information and knowledge about coastal morphological dynamics. The derived attributes enable the discrimination of true morphological changes from artifacts caused by data noise and processing errors. Furthermore, the concise object representation of erosion and deposition zones facilitates overlay analysis in conjunction with other GIS data layers for understanding the causes and impacts of morphological and volumetric changes. We have implemented a software tool for our object-based morphological analysis, which will be freely available for the public. An example is used to demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of this new method.  相似文献   
High-angle normal faulting in eastern China was an important tectonic process responsible for the rifting of the eastern Asian continental margin. Along the southern segment of the Tan-Lu fault system, part of the eastern China rift-system, 55–70° east-dipping normal faults are the oldest structures within this rift-system. Chlorite, pseudotachylite, and fault breccia are found in fault zones, which are characterized by microstructures and syn-deformation chlorite minerals aligned parallel to a down-dip stretching lineation. 40Ar/39Ar dating of syn-deformation chlorite and K-feldspar from the fault gouge zone yields cooling ages of ~75–70 Ma, interpreted as the timing of slip along the normal faults. This age is older than that of opening of the Japanese sea and back-arc extension in the west Pacific, but similar to the onset of the Indo-Asian (soft?) collision.  相似文献   
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