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Cameroon's economic development is without doubt a story of success. Since independence, the country has been favoured by internal and external advantages but, as in most African countries south of the Sahara, the results of regional development policies — in spite of an existing and sound planning structure — are disappointing. Cameroon was always well-provided with the now fashionable ‘integrated’, ‘basic need-oriented’, ‘bottom-up’ and ‘development-from-within’ regional policy programmes. In discussing such a programme and proposing elements of a modified development strategy, it can, however, be argued that even the first step of creating a basic regional development project has been far from satisfactory. Further, in spite of government rhetoric, no regional development policy as normally defined exists. What does exist are regional effects of development projects. This prompts the question of whether it may be preferable to replace the term ‘regional development policy’, and to return to a ‘regionally based, comprehensively planned, project policy’, based on facts which first have to be collected and analysed.  相似文献   
Geoelectric Soundings for Predicting Aquifer Properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Two diagnostic fine-mesh models for the determination of the vertical wind component over mountainous terrain have been developed. Both models rely on large-scale grid-point data. The first is based on the equivalent-barotropic scheme and uses 500 mbar heights as input data; the second model is built on the omega-equation and makes use of four input levels. Large-scale terms are interpolated from the large-scale grid to a fine-mesh grid with tenfold smaller mesh-width, while orographic terms are computed in the fine-mesh grid only. The slope of the model-topography and frictional effects are taken into consideration. Humidity and thermal convection are ignored. From computed vertical velocities and observed precipitations, an approximate prediction of precipitation is inferred by a regression technique. In the majority of cases, the baroclinic model gave slightly better results than the barotropic model.  相似文献   
Flow over surface obstructions can produce significantly large wind shears such that adverse flying conditions can occur for aeronautical systems (helicopters, STOL vehicles, etc.) Atmospheric flow fields resulting from a semi-elliptical surface obstruction in an otherwise horizontally homogeneous statistically stationary flow are modelled with the boundary-layer / Boussinesq-approximation of the governing equation of fluid mechanics. The turbulence kinetic energy equation is used to determine the dissipative effects of turbulent shear on the mean flow. Mean-flow results are compared with those given in a previous paper where the same problem was attacked using a Prandtl mixing-length hypothesis. The diffusion and convection of turbulence kinetic energy not accounted for in the Prandtl mixing-length concept cause departures of the mean wind profiles from those previously computed, primarily in the regions of strong pressure gradients. Iso-lines of turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence intensity are plotted in the plane of the flow. They highlight regions of high turbulence intensity in the stagnation zone and sharp gradients in intensity along the transition from adverse to favourable pressure gradient.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das ostbolivianische Bergland wird von altpaläozoischen Sedimenten aufgebaut, denen stellenweise jüngere Gesteine auflagern. So ist südlich von Zudáñez (Depto. Chuquisaca) ein jungpaläozoischer Muldenrest erhalten geblieben: auf einer Sandstein-Folge des Permokarbon (450 m mächtig; kontinental im Liegenden, marin beeinflußt im Hangenden) ruhen 20 m mächtige marine Kalke des Unterperm (Formation Copacabana/Wolfcampian), die noch von einer bis zu 20 m mächtigen Silt- und Tonstein-Folge überlagert werden. Aus der Kartierung des Vorkommens, nach sedimentologischen Untersuchungen und Fossilbestimmungen ergeben sich einige neue fazielle Hinweise und paläogeographische Ansätze.In einer Übersicht werden alle bisher bekannten Vorkommen von Jungpaläozoikum im zentralen Teil der Anden (zwischen 13° und 24° südlicher Breite) zusammengestellt und verglichen. Die Reichweite der karbonischen Gondwana-Eisbedeckung nach Westen sowie die Ostgrenze des marinen Ablagerungsraumes zur Permzeit werden diskutiert.
The Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia is composed of Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, which locally are overlain by younger ones. South of Zudáñez (Depto. Chuquisaca) a Late Paleozoic syncline has been preserved which consists of the following units: 1. At the base, sandstones of Permo-Carboniferous age (450 m), of which the lower portion exhibits terrestrial, and the upper portion marine characteristics; 2. marine carbonates (20 m) of Early Permian age (Copacabana Formation of Wolfcampian age); 3. siltstones and shales (up to 20 m). On the basis of field work as well as sedimentological and paleontological investigations new concepts on facies distributions and paleogeography of this area have been developed.The sequences of Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks known from the central part of the Andes (13°-24° S) are presented in a synopsis and compared. The westward extent of the Carboniferous Gondwana glaciation and the eastern boundary of the Permian basin of marine deposition are discussed.

Resumen Las cordilleras orientales de Bolivia están constituidas por rocas del Paleozóico Inferior las que en algunas áreas están cubiertas por estratos más modernos. Así se ha mantenido en el sur de Zudáñez (Depto. Chuquisaca) un sinclinal rudimentario de sedimentos del Paleozóico Superior con la siguiente seccion estratigráfica: (1) areniscas permo-carboníferas de unos 450 mts. de espesor en la base (en las partes inferiores terrestres, en las superiores marinas); (2) carbonatos fosilíferos marinos del Pérmico Inferior (Formación Copacabana de la edad wolfcampiana) con un espesor de 20 mts. aproximadamente; (3) siltitas y lutitas pérmicas, hasta 20 mts. de espesor. Las investigaciones del campo, los datos sedimentológicos y paleontológicos suministraron algunas nuevas informaciones respecto a la fácies y a la paleogeografía de esta región.Presenta una sinopsis comparando todas las secuencias rocosas del Paleozóico Superior de la parte central de los Andes (entre los grados 13 y 24 de latitud sur). Se trata de los límites occidentales de la glaciación gondwánica del Carbonífero y el alcance oriental de los depósitos marinos del Pérmico.

- , . Zudáñez ( Chuquisaca) - : ( 450 : , ) , 20 ( Copacabana/Wolfcampian), 20 . , . ( 10° 24° ). , .
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt Gefrierkernmessungen, die im Rahmen eines europäischen Gemeinschaftsprogrammes auf dem Kleinen Feldberg/Taunus vorgenommen wurden. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeiten war die Aufdeckung und Deutung sommerlicher Anomalien der Gefrierkernkonzentration. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß während des Sommers 1964 aufgetretene Anomalien im wesentlichen regionalen Einflüssen zugeschrieben werden können. Ein Zusammenhang mit den an verschiedenen in Frankreich, Italien, Österreich und Spanien unterhaltenen Meßstellen gleichzeitig gewonnenen Ergebnissen ist nicht nachweisbar.
Summary This paper deals with measurements of the concentration of atmospheric freezingnuclei carried out in the frame of an European cooperative program. The investigations described here were made on Mt. Kleiner Feldberg/Taunus. They aimed at detecting and explaining anomalies of the freezing-nucleus concentration generally occurring during the summer-months. The results show that the anomalies observed on Mr. Kleiner Feldberg during summer 1964 are mainly caused by regional phenomena. There exists hardly any connection to results gained at the same time at sites of measurement in France, Italy, Austria and Spain.
The measurement of electric fields in clouds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The theory and practice of construction of field mills for static and slowly varying electric fields are discussed. A developed design for a differential field mill suitable for use inside thunderclouds is presented with methods for optimization of the device under usual conditions. This design has been tested both in clouds and in fair weather fields, comparing in the latter case with normal ground based electric field meters.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Am Ost- und Nordufer des Golfes von Neapel erheben sich über gewaltigen Tufflagen zahlreiche jüngere Krater. Auf den Phlegräischen Feldern und der Insel Ischia dauerte die vulkanische Tätigkeit bis ins Mittelalter; Anzeichen für einen noch aktiven Herd auf Ischia liegen vor. Die Vulkane sind vorwiegend auf nordöstlich streichenden Spalten der sedimentären Unterlage angeordnet. In der Umrahmung des Golfes entspringen zahlreiche sehr verschieden zusammengesetzte Mineralwässer, die in vielen Fällen auch thermal sind. Fast alle Wässer besitzen beträchtliche Anteile an Natrium- und Chlorid-Ionen. Strandnahe Vorkommen werden durch eingesickertes Meerwasser gespeist, das aber Veränderungen durch verschiedene Faktoren unterworfen sein kann. Fossile Porensalze, die sich aus vulkanischen Vorgängen oder marinen Einsickerungen in die ehemals unter dem Meeresspiegel liegende Landschaft herleiten, liefern den Salzgehalt höher liegender Quellen. Vulkanisches Salz wird nur bei gewaltsamen Ausbrüchen gefördert, entsteht derzeitig also nicht. Ebenso ist keine Beteiligung von juvenilem Wasser anzunehmen. Dagegen müssen die hohe Gesteinstemperatur, die freie Kohlensäure und der Schwefelwasserstoff aus aktiven vulkanischen Tiefenherden abgeleitet werden.
At the eastern and northern coast of the Golf, numerous younger craters rise above huge layers of tuff. On the Phlegrean Fields and the Isle of Ischia the volcanic activity lasted until te middle ages. There are signs for a still active volcanic hearth on the Isle of Ischia. The volcanos are chiefly arranged along those faults of the sedimentary support, which run in north-eastern direction. In the embrace of the Golf there ascend numerous mineral waters very differently composed, which, in many cases, are thermal. Nearly all the waters posses considerable parts of sodium and chlorin. Provisions near the beach are supplied by leaked-in seawater, which, however, can have undergone variations by various factors. Fossil connate salts, which derive either from volcanic activity or from maritime leakages into the strates formerly situated below sea-level, provide the salt capacity of higher-situated sources. Volcanic salt is only thrust out during violent eruptions, which means that it doesn't originate in present times. There can't either be a participation of juvenile waters. The high temperature of the stone, however, as well as the free carbonic acid and the sulphide of hydrogen must be derived from active deep volcanic hearths.

Riassunto Sulla riva orientale e settentrionale del golfo sopra ai giacimenti di tufo si elevano diversi crateri più recenti. Nei campi flegrei e nell'isola d'Ischia l'attività vulcanica duró fino nel Medioevo; in Ischia esistono sintomi d'un focolare ancora attivo. I vulcani sono diposti prevalentemente su spalti, orizzontati verso nordest, del substrato sedimentare. Numerose acque minerali di composizione assai diversa e in molti casi anche termali, hanno le loro sorgenti nei monti che fanno da cornice al golfo. Quasi tutte queste acque possiedono parti considerevoli di ioni di sodio e di cloruro. Depositi vicini alla spiaggia vengono alimentati dalle filtrazioni di acqua di mare, soggette peró a mutamenti causati da fattori diversi. Sali di pori fossili che derivano da processi vulcanici o da infiltrazioni marine nel paesaggio, un tempo situato sotto il livello del mare, forniscono il contenuto salino di sorgenti situate più in alto. Sale vulcanico viene convogliato solo nelle eruzioni più violenti, perciò non si forma presentemente. Nemmeno è da ipotizzare una partecipazione di acqua giovanile. Mentre la temperatura elevata delle rocce e l'anidride carbonica libera e l'acido solforico devono derivare da focolai vulcanici attivi, situati nelle viscere della terra.

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