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Zusammenfassung Etwa 1,5 km NW Simrisham wurden an der GrenzflÄche Hardeberga-/Norretorp-Glaukonit-Sandstein (U.-Kambrium) unregelmÄ\ig geformte Erhebungen gefunden, die erosive Bildungen darstellen (SchrÄgschichtung teilweise erhalten) und in die überlagernden Norretorp-Schichten hineinragen. Diese GrenzflÄche weist charakteristische Kriechspuren auf, die im noch lockeren Sediment entstanden sein müssen. Da die Erhebungen andererseits nur im verfestigten Zustand den erosiven KrÄften hÄtten standhalten können, und weder Quarz noch Kalzit als Zement in Frage kommen, wird angenommen, da\ die KontaktflÄche Hardeberga/Norretorp-Sandstein zeitweise gefroren war. Weiterhin wurden Schollen und Gerölle eines Glaukonit-Sandsteines (wohl Norretorp-Sandstein) beobachtet, die vermutlich im gefrorenen Zustand von Norretorp-Schichten eingebettet wurden. Die Gesamtheit der Strukturen (Strömungslineare, laminierte Schichtung usw.), sowie die regionalgeologischen und stratigraphischen ZusammenhÄnge machen es wahrscheinlich, da\ zumindest die basalen Teile der Norretorp-Folge in einem energiereichen Litoralmilieu abgelagert wurden.
In a Lower Cambrian funnel graben, 1,5 km NW of Simrishamn (S Schweden), irregular miniature sea-stacks were found at the boundary between the Hardeberga and Norretorp Sandstone Formations. Their erosive origin is proven by preserved internal cross-laminations. The same boundary typically contains animal tracks indicating that the surface was temporarily soft. The resistivity of the erosion remnants is explained by cementation. As cement, ice appears to be the only likely alternative. Clasts of a glauconitic sandstone (probably Norretorp Sandstone) found within the Norretorp beds were probably transported in a frozen condition. The structures (parting lineation, planar lamination, etc.) together with the regional and stratigraphic setting make it probable that at least the basal part of the Norretorp Glauconitic Sandstone was deposited in a high-energy litoral environment.

Résumé A environ 1,5 km au NW de Simrisham (Suède méridionale), on a trouvé, au contact du quartzite de Hardeberga et du grès glauconitique de Norretorp, de petites protubérances irrégulières du premier dans le second et dont la stratification entrecroisée, partiellement conservée, montre qu'elles résultent d'une action érosive. Cette surface de contact montre des traces d'animaux qui indiquent que le sédiment sous-jacent était encore mou. Comme ces protubérances n'ont pu résister aux forces érosives que gráce à la compacité de la roche, et que ni le quartz ni la calcite ne peuvent Être invoqués comme ciment, on admet que la surface de contact a été momentanément gelée. En outre des fragments et galets d'un grès glauconieux (probablement de grès Norretorp) ont été réincorporés à l'état congelé dans les couches de Norretorp. L'ensemble des structures (lignes de courant, stratification laminaire fine, etc.) comme aussi les liaisons géologiques et stratigraphiques à l'échelle de la région, rendent vraisemblable, tout au moins pour les couches inférieures du grès Norretorp, leur dépÔt dans un milieu mouvementé.

/ Hardeberga/Norretorp, , 1,5 - Simrishamn , — — Norretorp. , . . . , , , , , , . — Norretorp. -, , Norretorp. — , -, - , , - , Norretorp .
The deepest part (29.5 m) of Elk Lake, ClearwaterCounty, northwestern Minnesota, contains a complete Holocene section that iscontinuously varved. The varve components are predominantly autochthonous(CaCO3, organic matter, biogenic silica, and several iron andmanganese minerals), but the varves do contain a minor detrital-clastic(aluminosilicate) component that is predominantly wind-borne (eolian) andprovides an important record of atmospheric conditions. Singular spectrumanalysis (SSA) and wavelet analysis of varve thickness recognized significantperiodicities in the multicentennial and multidecadal bands that varied inpower (i.e., variable significance) and position (i.e., variable period) withinthe periodic bands. Persistent periodicities of about 10, 22, 40, and 90 years,and, in particular, multicentennial periodicities in varve thickness and otherproxy variables are similar to those in spectra of radiocarbon production, aproxy for past solar activity. This suggests that there may be a solar control,perhaps through geomagnetic effects on atmospheric circulation. Multicentennialand multidecadal periodicities also occur in wavelet spectra of relativegray-scale density. However, gray-scale density does not appear to correlatewith any of the measured proxy variables, and at this point we do not know whatcontrolled gray scale.  相似文献   
In situ Pleistocene reefs form a gently sloping nearshore terrace around the island of Oahu. TIMS Th–U ages of in situ corals indicate that most of the terrace is composed of reefal limestones correlating to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7, ~ 190–245 ka). The position of the in situ MIS 7 reef complex indicates that it formed during periods when local sea level was ~ 9 to 20 m below present sea level. Its extensiveness and geomorphic prominence as well as a paucity of emergent in situ MIS 7 reef-framework deposits on Oahu suggest that much of MIS 7 was characterized by regional sea levels below present. Later accretion along the seaward front of the terrace occurred during the latter part of MIS 5 (i.e., MIS 5a–5d, ~ 76–113 ka). The position of the late MIS 5 reefal limestones is consistent with formation during a period when local sea level was below present. The extensiveness of the submerged Pleistocene reefs around Oahu compared to the relative dearth of Holocene accretion is due to the fact that Pleistocene reefs had both more time and more accommodation space available for accretion than their Holocene counterparts.  相似文献   
Secondary soft-bottom dwellers evolved several times in the Arcoida. These include semi-infaunal endobyssate taxa and free-burrowing species. The Jurassic arcoid bivalve Grammatodon inaequivalvis (Goldfuss, 1837) is remarkable for showing different sculptures on its left and right valve. A functional analysis of the shell points to a reclining mode of life on soft bottoms. This interpretation is corroborated by the occurrence of this species in very fine-grained sediments, and by taphonomic patterns such as “butterflied” preservation. It is proposed here that this species was resting on its left valve on the sediment, probably without byssal attachment. This reclining mode of life of G. inaequivalvis was hitherto undescribed from soft-bottom dweller arcoid bivalves.  相似文献   
An internally consistent thermodynamic dataset has been derived for 148 endmember phases (145 solids and 3 fluids) comprising the elements Li, Na, K, Be, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Al, Si, C, H, and O. This has been achieved by simultaneous treatment of phase property (like standard enthalpy of formation, standard entropy, molar heat capacity, molar volume, thermal expansivity, bulk modulus etc.) and reaction reversal data by the Bayesian method. The theory underlying the approach, and the computational methods involved, are briefly outlined. (For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with inference statistics, the basic concepts of the Bayes method are also presented in such a way that they can be grasped intuitively.) Although not yet addressed, this method can be extended to refine the thermodynamic mixing properties of crystalline solutions. The sources of the input data, culled from the literature, are summarized in the Appendix. The resulting database is succinctly documented in this paper. It includes the enthalpies of formation and entropies, their uncertainties, and the correlation among them. The database allows calculation of P-T, T-X CO2, P-X CO2, and T-f O2 sections, with error propagation into the computed phase diagrams on a routine basis. A user-friendly computer program has been written to generate such phase diagrams. It is public domain software. The software and the thermodynamic database (which includes a complete documentation of the thermodynamic data above and beyond those listed (Table 2, here) may be downloaded from the web site http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/niranjan.chatterjee/Index.htm. Examples of computed phase diagrams are given to illustrate the quality of the data and the capabilities of the software. Received: 11 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Erzeugung von Kondensationskernen durch UV-Licht wurde mittels eines automatischenPollakschen Kernzählers und einerWilsonkammer aus Glas untersucht. Da die UV-Kerne von einem Schwebstoffilter zurückgehalten werden, ließ sich durch Verwendung zweier Bestrahlungsgefäße mit dazwischengeschaltetem Filter die Spurengashypothese bestätigen. Bestrahlungsversuche in Luft, Stickstoff, Sauerstoff, Argon und Wasserstoff ergaben, daß durch längere Bestrahlung eines abgeschlossenen Gasvolumens die kernbildende Substanz allmählich verbraucht wird. Durch Zugabe definierter Mengen gasförmigen Ammoniaks in den Bestrahlungsraum zeigte sich, daß die von verschiedenen Autoren geäußerte Ansicht, gasförmiges Ammoniak sei die kernbildende Substanz, nicht haltbar ist. Die Untersuchung des Einflusses von Schwefelwasserstoff bzw. Schwefeldioxyd ergab, daß die atmosphärische Konzentration von H2S zur Erklärung des UV-Effektes nicht ausreicht, während dies bei SO2 der Fall ist. Das Ergebnis, daß SO2 maßgebend an der Bildung der UV-Kerne in atmosphärischer Luft beteiligt ist, wird dadurch gestützt, daß der UV-Effekt einen ähnlichen Tagesgang zeigt wie das atmosphärische SO2.
Summary The production of condensation nuclei by UV light was investigated by means of an automaticPollak nucleus counter and aWilson glass-chamber. As the UV nuclei can be removed by an aerosol filter, the trace gas hypothesis could be confirmed by using two irradiation tubes separated by an aerosol filter. Irradiation experiments in air, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and hydrogen in a closed volume had the result that the nucleogenic substance gradually disappears after sufficiently long irradiation. By adding definite quantities of ammonia vapour into the irradiation tube it could be shown that ammonia is not the nucleogenic substance, as was supposed by some authors. The investigation of the influence of sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide showed that the atmospheric concentration of H2S is not sufficient to explain the UV effect in atmospheric air, whereas this is true with SO2. The result that SO2 takes part in the formation of the UV nuclei is supported by the fact that SO2 and the UV effect show a similar diurnal variation.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methode beschrieben, die es gestattet, mit Hilfe lackierter Glasplatten Kondensationskerntröpfchen oder andere Tröpfchen mit einem Durchmesser von 5 zu fixieren und dann elektronisch auszuzählen. Vorversuche, bei denen diese Methode angewendet wurde, machen es wahrscheinlich, dass bei Kondensationskernzählern, die nach dem Expansionsprinzip arbeiten, ein Teil der Kerne wegen ihrer Aktivität schon vor der Expansion als Wassertröpfchen ausfällt und damit der Zählung entgeht.
Summary In the present paper a method is described, which allows to fix droplets of condensation nucleus or other droplets (diameter 5 ) by means of varnished plates of glass and count them afterwards electronically. Preliminary experiments with this method show up the probability, that in the nucleus counter, working on the principle of expansion, some of the very active nucleus drops out before the expansion chamber is dilated and thus escapes registration.

Riassunto Nella presente ricerca si descrive un metodo il quale consente di fissare goccioline provenienti da nuclei di condensazione, o altre goccioline (diam. 5 ), su dischi di vetro verniciati, e in seguito di contarle elettronicamente. Prove eseguite con questo metodo rendono probabile che, in contatori di nuclei di condensazione che lavorano secondo il principio dell'espansione, una parte dei nuclei, in seguito alla loro stessa attività, cada sotto forma di goccioline d'acqua già prima dell'espansione e che quindi sfugga al conteggio.
A hydrogeochemical survey utilizing waters from streams and springs was conducted in the area of two known porphyry copper deposits in the tropical-marine climate of westcentral Puerto Rico. The most important pathfinder for regional hydrogeochemical surveys is sulfate which reflects the associated pyrite mineralization. Because of increased mobility due to intense chemical weathering and the low pH environment, dissolved copper can also be used as a pathfinder for regional surveys and has the advantage of distinguishing barren pyrite from pyrite associated with copper mineralization. For follow-up surveys, the most important pathfinders are copper, sulfate, pH, zinc, and fluoride. High concentrations of dissolved copper and moderate concentrations of sulfate is a diagnostic indication of nearby sources of copper minerals.An understanding of the geochemical processes taking place in the streambeds and the weathering environment, such as the precipitation of secondary copper minerals, contributes to the interpretation of the geochemical data and the selection of the most favorable areas for further exploration.  相似文献   
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