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This study examined the interactive effects of copper and elevated temperature and subsequent depuration on Platygyra acuta coral larvae. Larval mortality and motility were significantly affected by copper alone (70% and 100% inhibition respectively). Their respective lethal/inhibitory concentration (LC50/IC50) were 10–130% and 86–193% higher than those reported for other larvae. Temperature (ambient, 27 °C and elevated, 30 °C) alone and the combination of temperature and copper did not significantly affect both endpoints. This study provides the first quantitative data on depuration effect on resumption of larval motility after copper exposure, although no sign of larval recovery was observed. These findings suggest that the effects of copper pollution outweigh the thermal tolerance of coral larvae. High LC50 and IC50 recorded may be unique for corals from marginal reefs like Hong Kong which have already been exposed to high levels of copper pollution.  相似文献   
A global survey of the distribution of dissolved CO2 taking advantage of sampling opportunities provided by the World Ocean Circulation Experiment: World Hydrographic Program (WOCE-WHP) is being carried out through 1995. Goals include the measurement of oceanic inorganic carbon transport and the development of a data base from which future fossil-fuel CO2 build-up can be monitored. The analytical method selected for total carbon dioxide (CT) is gas extraction of acidified seawater with coulometric titration of the acid formed by the resultant carbon dioxide and monoethanolamine. To combine high accuracy and precision (± 1.5 μmol/kg for CT ≥ 2000 μmol/kg) with a high rate of analysis, we have modified an automated single-parameter system. Following prototype development between 1987 and 1990, an instrument emerged with the acronym Somma standing for single-operator multiparameter metabolic analyzer. Improved functional and operating procedures have integrated electronic calibration, CO2 gas calibration, and sample analysis with automated pressure, temperature, and conductivity (salinity) sensing into a single convenient transportable package.  相似文献   
The viscoelastic deformation behavior of a sedimentary rock under different loading rates is numerically modeled and investigated by the numerical manifold method (NMM). By incorporating a modified 3-element viscoelastic constitutive mode in the NMM, crack initiation and propagation criteria, and crack identification and evolution techniques, the effects of the loading rates on the cracking behavior of a sedimentary rock, such as crack open displacement, crack sliding displacement, crack initiation, crack propagation and final failure mode, are successfully modeled. The numerical results reveal that under a high loading rate (>1,000 MPa/s), due to the viscoelastic property of the sedimentary rock, not only the structural behavior deviates from that of elastic model, but also different cracking processes and final failure modes are obtained.  相似文献   
DEM simulations of sandstone under true triaxial compressive tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerically simulated true triaxial compression tests (σ 1 ≥ σ 2 ≥ σ 3) are conducted in this study to elucidate the failure mechanism of sandstone using 3D discrete element method (DEM), in particular the effect of the intermediate principal stress (σ 2). Eight series of tests (σ 3 = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 100 MPa) are conducted. Within each series, σ 2 is varied from σ 2 = σ 3 to σ 2 = σ 1 from test to test. For each test, σ 1 is raised monotonically to failure while keeping σ 2 and σ 3 constant. The DEM simulations reveal the effect of σ 2 on the variations of peak stress, Young’s modulus, failure plane angles, the brittle–ductile transition, and the evolution of failure modes, the effect beyond the well-understood effect of σ 3. The simulation is in qualitative agreement with the results obtained experimentally. Detailed analyses performed on the particle-scale responses further the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms. The distribution of contact force becomes more homogeneous with the increase of σ 3, which leads to the resulting damage being more localized rather than diffused. The interaction between contact force distribution and coalescence of cracks determines the processes and patterns of fracturing in the sample scale. σ 2 is found to affect the microscopic stress distribution as well as structure evolution, and this effect weakens with the increase of σ 3.  相似文献   
The characteristics of seismic ground motions in southern China are difficult to determine statistically due to a lack of strong ground motion data. In this study, a stochastic finite-fault ground motion model was adopted to simulate the seismic ground motions at bedrock for southern China, based on parameters derived from small and medium earthquakes that have occurred in the region. From these, the response spectra was estimated. A set of ground motion attenuation relations hipswas then developed based on simulated peak ground motions and response spectral parameters through regression, which would be applicable for use in engineering practice. Through comparisons, it was demonstrated that the proposed ground motion relationships are generally consistent with those obtained from other reported ground motion attenuation models for southern China.  相似文献   
The speciation of dissolved iodine and the distributions of the iodine species in the deep Chesapeake Bay underwent seasonal variations in response to changes in the prevailing redox condition. In the deep water, the ratios of iodate to iodide and iodate to inorganic iodine decreased progressively from the Winter through the Summer as the deep water became more poorly oxygenated before they rebounded in the Fall when the deep water became re-oxygenated again. The composition of the surface water followed the same trend. However, in this case, the higher biological activities in the Spring and the Summer could also have enhanced the biologically mediated reduction of iodate to iodide by phytoplankton and contributed to the lower ratios found during those seasons. Superimposed on this redox cycle was a cycle of input and removal of dissolved iodine probably as a result of the interactions between the water column and the underlying sediments. Iodine was added to the Bay during the Summer when the deep water was more reducing and removed from the Bay in the Fall when the deep water became re-oxygenated. A third cycle was the inter-conversion between inorganic iodine and ‘dissolved organic iodine’, or ‘‘DOI’’. The conversion of inorganic iodine to ‘DOI’ was more prevalent in the Spring. As a result of these biogeochemical reactions in the Bay, during exchanges between the Bay and the North Atlantic, iodate-rich and ‘DOI’-poor water was imported into the Bay while iodide- and ‘DOI’-rich water was exported to the Atlantic. The export of iodide from these geochemically reactive systems along the land margins contributes to the enrichment of iodide in the surface open oceans.  相似文献   
The Callovian to Ryazanian (late Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous; here referred to as »Late Jurassic«) sediments of the Dutch Central North Sea Graben, comprising the Central Graben and Scruff Groups, form several potential reservoirs. Source rocks are present within both these groups and the Carboniferous and Late Triassic-Early Jurassic.The structural development of the area is illustrated by a number of cross-sections. A structural subdivision has been made into platform, intermediate platform, outer graben, and inner graben. The complex history of rifting, wrench-faulting, halokinesis, and structural inversion strongly influenced the palaeogeography and ensuing sandstone developments. A few selected burial-history plots are presented as examples of the relationship between the structural subdivision and the hydrocarbon potential of the area.
Zusammenfassung Die Sedimente des Callov bis zum Ryazan (oberer Mitteljura bis unterste Kreide, hier als »Oberjura« bezeichnet) des zentralen niederländischen Nordsee-Grabens, der den Zentralgraben und die Scruff-Gruppe umfaßt, stellen mehrere potentielle Erdölspeichergesteine dar. In jeder dieser beiden Gruppen sowie im Karbon und von der Obertrias bis zur Unterkreide existieren Speichergesteine.Die strukturelle Entwicklung des Gebietes wird anhand mehrere Profile veranschaulicht. Außerdem schien eine Untergliederuntg in Plattform, Zwischenplattform, äußerer sowie innerer Graben sinnvoll. Die komplexe Entwicklungsgeschichte, die durch Riftingphasen, Wrench-Tektonik, Halokinese und Strukturinversion bestimmt wurde, hat die Paläogeographie und die resultierende Sandsteinbildung intensiv beeinflußt. Eine Anzahl ausgewählter Darstellungen der Geschichte der Sedimentüberlagerung dienen als Beispiele für den Zusammenhang zwischen den strukturell bestimmten Untergruppen und dem Kohlenwasserstoffpotential des Untersuchungsgebietes.

Résumé Dans le secteur néerlandais du Graben Central de la Mer du Nord, plusieurs réservoirs potentiels sont constitués par les sédiments calloviens à ryazaniens (ensemble allant du sommet du Jurassique moyen au Crétacé inférieur et désigné ici par «Late Jurassic»). Ces sédiments comprennent le groupe du Graben central et le groupe de Scruff. Des rochesmères existent dans chacun de ces deux groupes ainsi que dans le Carbonifère et dans la série Trias terminal-Eojurassique.La constitution structurale de cette région est illustrée par une série de coupes. On distingue, au point de vue structural: une plate-forme, une plate-forme intermédiaire, un graben externe et un graben interne. L'histoire géologique complexe, avec ses processus de rifting, de décrochement, d'halokinèse et d'inversion structurale, s'est répercutèe de manière significative sur la paléogéographie et, par voie de conséquence, sur l'extension des faciès arénacés. Quelques reconstitutions de l'histoire sédimentaire sont présentées à titre d'exemple de manière à illustrer la relation entre les unités structurales et le potentiel en hydrocarbure de la région.

, Scruff, -. Callov Ryazan/ ; « »/. - / . . , , . , , . , .
— To elucidate the spatial complexity of damage and evolution of localized failure in the transitional regime from brittle faulting to cataclastic ductile flow in a porous sandstone, we performed a series of triaxial compression experiments on Rothbach sandstone (20% porosity). Quantitative microstructural analysis and X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging were conducted on deformed samples. Localized failure was observed in samples at effective pressures ranging from 5 MPa to 130 MPa. In the brittle faulting regime, dilating shear bands were observed. The CT images and stereological measurements reveal the geometric complexity and spatial heterogeneity of damage in the failed samples. In the transitional regime (at effective pressures between 45 MPa and 130 MPa), compacting shear bands at high angles and compaction bands perpendicular to the maximum compression direction were observed. The laboratory results suggest that these complex localized features can be pervasive in sandstone formations, not just limited to the very porous aeolian sandstone in which they were first documented. The microstructural observations are in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions of bifurcation analyses, except for the occurrence of compaction bands in the sample deformed at effective pressure of 130 MPa. The bifurcation analysis with the constitutive model used in this paper is nonadequate to predict compaction band formation, may be due to the neglect of bedding anisotropy of the rock and multiple yield mechanisms in the constitutive model.  相似文献   
The paper offers an analytical determination of the hydraulic properties of an unsaturated soil with reference to its retention curve, which describes the relationship between the volumetric water content and capillarity through matric suction. The analysis combines a particulate approach focused on the physics at the pore scale, including microstructural aspects, with a probabilistic approach where the void space and grain size are considered as random variables. In the end, the soil water characteristic curve of an unsaturated granular medium along a drying path can be derived analytically based on the sole information of particle size distribution. The analysis hinges on the tessellation of a wet granular system into an assemblage of tetrahedral unit cells revealing a pore network upon which capillary physics are computed with respect to pore throat invasion by a non-wetting fluid with evolving pendular capillary bridges. The crux of the paper is to pass from particle size probability distribution to a matching void space distribution to eventually reveal key information such as void cell and solid volume statistics. Making reasonable statistically based assumptions to render calculations tractable, the water retention curve can be readily constructed. Model predictions compare quite favourably with experimental data available for actual soils, especially in the high saturation range. Having a sound scientific basis, the model can be made amenable to address a variety of soils with a wider range of particle sizes.  相似文献   
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