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We investigated soil respiration (Rs) dynamics and influencing factors under different nitrogen (N) addition levels (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 g m-2 yr-1) on typical grassland plots in Inner Mongolia. We measured soil respiration, temperature, moisture and nutrients. We found that N addition did not change dynamic characteristics of Rs; daily and seasonal dynamics followed a single peak curve. N addition reduced Rs during the growing season. Rs under N2, N4, N8, N16 and N32 treatments decreased by 24.00%, 21.93%, 23.49%, 30.78% and 28.20% in the growing season, respectively, compared to the N0 treatment. However, Rs in the non-growing season was not different across treatments. Rs was significantly positively correlated with soil temperature and moisture and these two factors accounted for 72%-97% and 74%-82% of variation in Rs, respectively. The soil respiration temperature sensitivity (Q10) was between 2.27 and 4.16 and N addition reduced Q10 except in the N8 treatment.  相似文献   
The dryland ecosystem is the dominant component of the global terrestrial ecosystem since arid regions occupy 45% of the earth’s land area and feed 38% of the world's population. The stability and sustainable development of the dryland ecosystem are critical for achieving the millennium development goal (MDG) in the arid and semiarid areas. However, there is still no scientific guideline for measuring and conserving the health and productivity of dryland ecosystems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop the scientific conceptual framework of defining, monitoring and evaluating the ecological quality of dryland ecosystems. The ecological quality of dryland ecosystems is represented by a system of comprehensive indicators that are each extracted from the ecological elements, and structural and functional indices of the ecosystem. These indicators can be monitored by integrating satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles with ground-based sensor networks at the scale of either observational sites or regional scales. Finally, the ecological quality can be evaluated by evaluation models based on the normalized index values and their thresholds. This paper presents a conceptual framework for monitoring and evaluating the ecological quality of drylands, which provides a way of advancing the monitoring, diagnosis, and evaluation of the ecological quality of the dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   
黑棘鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)是广泛分布于西北太平洋的暖温性中下层经济鱼类,也是我国沿海重要的海洋捕捞鱼类和增养殖对象。然而,目前有关黑棘鲷的微卫星标记研究报道较少,难以对其种质资源状况作出精确评估。本研究采用SLAF-seq技术测序共获得22489个二至六碱基重复的黑棘鲷微卫星序列,短重复序列(二、三碱基)占总微卫星序列的90.8%,长重复序列(四至六碱基)占有9.2%。经过157对随机合成引物的多态性筛选,开发出49个高多态性的黑棘鲷微卫星标记,其中短重复序列位点有25个,长重复序列位点有24个。每个位点的等位基因数(Na)为2—20(均值为8.3),观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.097—0.938和0.122—0.922(均值分别为0.663和0.701),多态信息含量(PIC)为0.118—0.897(均值为0.655)。经Bonferroni校正后,有47个位点符合哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE),各位点间未检测到连锁不平衡现象,仅2个位点偏离HWE。结果表明,所开发的大部分微卫星标记具有高多态性,蕴含的遗传信息含量较为丰富,能够为黑棘鲷的种群遗传资源评估提供数量充足、类型多样的有效分子标记。跨物种扩增结果显示,有43个黑棘鲷微卫星标记可在9种鲷科鱼类中成功扩增,其中28个标记在太平洋棘鲷(Acanthopagruspacificus)、黄鳍棘鲷(Acanthopagruslatus)和澳洲棘鲷(Acanthopagrusaustralis)中具有较好的通用性,2个标记在平鲷(Rhabdosargussarba)、蓝点赤鲷(Pagruscaeruleostictus)、真赤鲷(Pagrusmajor)、二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)及黄牙鲷(Dentex hypselosomus)中具有通用性。这些通用性标记可为阐明鲷科属、种间的系统进化关系和棘鲷属鱼类的群体遗传学分析提供新的标记来源和研究角度。  相似文献   
以番红砗磲(Tridacna crocea)为实验对象,通过单因素对比实验对其外套膜色素的提取条件进行了优化,并利用薄层层析色谱法对色素组成进行了初步分析。结果表明:丙酮和乙醇为适宜的番红砗磲外套膜色素提取剂;使用丙酮为提取剂时,浸提时间为4 h,提取温度为25℃,料液比为1︰40。使用乙醇为提取剂时,浸提时间为4 h,提取温度为30℃,料液比为1︰200;利用薄层色谱法分离外套膜颜色为蓝色和红棕色的番红砗磲外套膜色素后发现,蓝色番红砗磲外套膜色素由9种色素组分构成,红棕色个体番红砗磲外套膜色素由10种色素组分构成。  相似文献   
荣成月湖是一个典型天然潟湖,潮间带沉积物中存在多种形态趋磁细菌。通过Roche454高通量测序平台,对沉积物样品(B_S)和磁收样品(B_M)进行16SrRNA基因高通量测序,认识荣成潮间带沉积物的细菌群落结构,并了解趋磁细菌多样性及系统进化地位。研究结果表明沉积物样品中主要的细菌类群为δ-变形菌纲,占总细菌数的26.4%,其次是γ-变形菌纲和α-变形菌纲;而磁收样品中细菌多样性和种类明显降低,以α-变形菌纲占绝对优势,相对比例达72.6%。在磁收样品和沉积物样品分别发现了1 612条和186条reads与趋磁细菌相关,分别占细菌总数的5.76%和0.85%,磁收样品中趋磁细菌数是沉积物样品的6.8倍。对两个样品中获得的趋磁细菌序列进行系统进化分析,发现这些序列多数属于变形菌门的α-变形菌纲,以趋磁球菌占绝对优势,少数属于δ-变形菌纲,与多细胞趋磁原核生物亲缘关系最近。海洋趋磁螺菌属仅在B_M样品中检出,趋磁弧菌属在B_M样品优势度高于B_S样品,而多细胞趋磁原核生物和趋磁螺菌属在B_S样品中优势度更高。通过分析样品间的差异OTUs,认为荣成潮间带沉积物中可能存在大量未知的趋磁细菌新类群。研究结果为下一步培养和开发趋磁细菌这一功能菌群,发现趋磁细菌新类群及趋磁细菌生态功能提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
拟在茅山断裂带沿线布设若干个断层气连续观测点,建组断层气观测网。以茅山竹矿地区为例,通过断层气测量的初步结果,结合地质、人工地震、跨断层短水准等多种手段联合分析研究区断层的活动性,从而确定断层气定点观测的点位,为组建断层气观测网的选点提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
青藏高原脆弱的高寒植被对外界干扰十分敏感,使其成为研究植被对气候变化响应的理想区域之一。青藏高原气候变化剧烈,在较短的合成时间研究气候变化对植被的影响十分必要。因此,本文利用GIMMS NDVI时间序列数据集,研究了1982-2012年青藏高原生长季月尺度植被生长的时空动态变化,探讨了其与气温、降水量和日照时数等气候因子的响应关系。结果表明:在区域尺度上,除8月外,其他各月份植被均呈增加趋势,显著增加多发生在4-7月和9月;大部分月份的NDVI增加速率随着时段的延长显著减小,表明NDVI增加趋势放缓;在像元尺度上,月NDVI显著变化的区域多呈增加趋势,但显著减少范围的扩张多快于显著增加。4月和7月植被生长主要是受气温和日照时数共同作用,6月和9月受气温的控制,而8月则主要受降水量的影响。长时间序列NDVI数据集的出现为采用嵌套时段研究植被生长变化趋势奠定了前提,而植被活动变化趋势的持续性则有助于形象表征植被活动变化过程、深入理解植被对气候变化的响应和预测植被未来生长变化趋势。由此推测,青藏高原月NDVI未来增加趋势总体上趋于缓和,但在像元尺度显著变化的区域趋于增加。  相似文献   
建筑物点云表面重建在高精度城市测绘、虚拟现实等领域有十分广泛的应用前景。由于建筑物的几何形态多变,重建算法普遍存在计算速率慢、拟合精度低和模型结构不完整的问题。为此,本文以单体建筑物为研究对象,提出基于加权约束的单体建筑物点云表面重建算法,在表面初始化过程中充分考虑数据对结构拟合的贡献。在此基础上,构建基于正则集的单体建筑物表面重建算法,实现建筑物拟合过程中的加权拟合误差、近邻结构平滑的同步优化。针对多类建筑物三维点云的实验结果表明,相比传统的建筑物重建策略,本文的加权约束方法可根据不同类型的点云数据设计自适应权重,并选择模型拟合中最优的权重函数,在高噪声、低精度点云数据下能得到更高精度的单体建筑物表面模型。  相似文献   
The urban heat island(UHI) effect has significant effects on the quality of life and public health. Numerous studies have addressed the relationship between UHI and the increase in urban impervious surface area(ISA), but few of them have considered the impact of the spatial configuration of ISA on UHI. Land surface temperature(LST) may be affected not only by urban land cover, but also by neighboring land cover. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of the abundance and spatial association of ISAs on LST. Taking Harbin City, China as an example, the impact of ISA spatial association on LST measurements was examined. The abundance of ISAs and the LST measurements were derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) imagery of 2000 and 2010, and the spatial association patterns of ISAs were calculated using the local Moran’s I index. The impacts of ISA abundance and spatial association on LST were examined using correlation analysis. The results suggested that LST has significant positive associations with both ISA abundance and the Moran’s I index of ISAs, indicating that both the abundance and spatial clustering of ISAs contribute to elevated values of LST. It was also found that LST is positively associated with clustering of high-ISA-percentage areas(i.e.,>50%) and negatively associated with clustering of low-ISA-percentage areas(i.e.,<25%). The results suggest that, in addition to the abundance of ISAs,their spatial association has a significant effect on UHIs.  相似文献   
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