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The capacity of soil and water conservation measures, defined as the maximum quantity of suitable soil and water conservation measures contained in a region, were determined for the Loess Plateau based on zones suitable for establishing terraced fields, forestland and grassland with the support of geographic information system (GIS) software. The minimum possible soil erosion modulus and actual soil erosion modulus in 2010 were calculated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion modulus under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures to the actual soil erosion modulus was defined as the soil erosion control degree. The control potential of soil erosion and water loss in the Loess Plateau was studied using this concept. Results showed that the actual soil erosion modulus was 3355 t?km-2?a-1, the minimum possible soil erosion modulus was 1921 t?km-2?a-1, and the soil erosion control degree was 0.57 (medium level) in the Loess Plateau in 2010. In terms of zoning, the control degree was relatively high in the river valley-plain area, soil-rocky mountainous area, and windy-sandy area, but relatively low in the soil-rocky hilly-forested area, hilly-gully area and plateau-gully area. The rate of erosion areas with a soil erosion modulus of less than 1000 t?km-2?a-1 increased from 50.48% to 57.71%, forest and grass coverage rose from 56.74% to 69.15%, rate of terraced fields increased from 4.36% to 19.03%, and per capita grain available rose from 418 kg?a-1 to 459 kg?a-1 under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures compared with actual conditions. These research results are of some guiding significance for soil and water loss control in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
成矿系统与矿化网络研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
成矿系统研究体现了系统观和历史观的结合,是现代矿床学的一个发展趋势,本文简要总结了成矿系统及演化论的几个要点,即(1)按构造动力体制划分成矿系统大类;(2)我因耦合,临界转换的成矿作用机理;(3)矿床系列和异常系列构成的矿化网络;(4)矿床形成-变化-保存的演变过程,在此基础上,作者提出矿化网络是在一个成矿系统中形成的诸类矿床和相关异常的时空分布和结构,它是成矿系统的具体内容的表达。对成矿系统的深入研究应从矿化网络入手,着重在以下几个方面;(1)各类矿床的发育程度;(3)各类矿床的空间关系;(3)各类矿床的时间关系;(4)各类矿床的成因联系;(5)各类矿床被改造的情况。这些都是矿床学和找矿预测研究的基础内容。  相似文献   
利用2006年南极威德尔海冬季科学考察期间由机载激光高度计测得的海冰上表面形态数据,以拖曳分割理论为基础研究了冰脊形拖曳力及其对冰-气总拖曳力的贡献以及中性条件下对应10 m高度处风速的冰-气拖曳系数Cdn(10)。结果显示,在密集冰区,冰脊形拖曳力及其对总拖曳力的贡献随冰脊强度(脊高/脊距)的增大呈递增趋势,而随粗糙长度的增大而减小,对应于威德尔海冬季典型冰脊强度和粗糙长度,占总拖曳力的35%,说明了冰脊形拖曳力在冰-气界面动量交换中的重要作用。Cdn(10)随冰脊强度的增大而增大,但冰脊强度较小时,Cdn(10)随粗糙长度增大而增大;而对较大的冰脊强度,Cdn(10)则随粗糙长度增大而减小。  相似文献   
内蒙西乌旗白音布拉格蛇绿岩地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
内蒙古西乌旗白音布拉格蛇绿岩带是新发现的内蒙古西乌旗迪彦庙蛇绿岩带的北带,主要由蛇纹石化方辉橄榄岩、层状-块状辉长岩、斜长岩、枕状玄武岩、角斑岩-石英角斑岩及硅质岩等构造单元组成.白音布拉格蛇绿岩中的熔岩按照地球化学特征可以分为三组:第1组属于玻安岩系,以富Si(SiO2=52.71%、61.22%)、Mg(MgO=6.81%和10.88%)和贫Ti(TiO2 =0.49%、0.51%)、HREE及HFSE为特征;第2组具有低Ti(TiO2 =0.62%~0.78%)、高Mg(MgO =5.20% ~11.30%)的特征,LREE弱亏损、类似N-MORB的稀土配分模式,但相对N-MORB,又具有富集LILE,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素的特征,类似岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT);第3组表现为:岩石具有高Ti(TiO2=1.86%、1.91%)、高Mg(MgO=5.25%和5.46%)及高P(P2O5=0.23%、0.27%),LREE和HREE分异较为明显((La/Yb)N=2.32、2.53)等特征,类似OIB.根据玻安岩与IAT的存在,推测白音布拉格蛇绿岩产于岛弧和弧前环境.  相似文献   
农田SPAC系统水分通量的研究对提高农业用水效率,缓解我国的水资源短缺现状具有重要作用.本文利用HydruS-1d模型,以山西省运城市董村农场为例,估算了研究区三种主要农作物(夏玉米、棉花和冬小麦)的农田水分通量.结果表明,在模拟期内,夏玉米、棉花和冬小麦的作物蒸腾占蒸散发(T/ET)的比值分别为84.7%、71.6%...  相似文献   
北大西洋臭氧极小值和北太平洋极大值及其相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1979~2002年TOMS卫星观测资料,采用臭氧总量纬向偏差和区域强迫的分析方法,研究北大西洋东北部大气臭氧低值与北太平洋西北部臭氧高值的季节变化过程和相互关系.研究表明,(1)北大西洋东北部存在一个大气臭氧极小值,年平均臭氧总量比纬向平均值低20 DU以上,冬季低50 DU以上; 北太平洋西北部存在一个大气臭氧极大值,年平均臭氧总量比纬向平均值高35 DU以上,冬季高70 DU以上.(2)上述两个地区大气臭氧的季节变化具有很强的区域特征,区域大气动力学输送和化学过程对上述两个地区大气臭氧季节变化的强迫分别为50.3%和42.6%.(3)上述两个地区大气臭氧纬向偏差的季节变化间存在很好的反相关,相关系数达到-0.98,说明其臭氧区域强迫之间存在良好的关系.  相似文献   
随着无线室内定位技术的发展,室内定位效果有了明显提升,但仅采用无线定位方法,定位点跳动频繁,定位效果较差,难以获取连续位置的准确定位。实际应用中不同的硬件平台也会影响具体定位方法的选择,通常需采用多种技术手段的组合以达到理想定位效果。本文基于微信公众平台的服务需要,提出了一种基于三边测量定位和步行者航位推算(PDR)融合的室内定位方法,通过地图信息匹配纠正定位结果,得到连续稳定的定位结果;并集成室内地图可视化技术,研发了一套基于微信平台的三维室内定位系统,在实际工程场景中进行应用,具有较好的定位效果。  相似文献   
The large-eddy simulation mode of the Weather Research and Forecasting model is employed to simulate the planetary boundary-layer characteristics and mesoscale circulations forced by an ideal urban heat island (UHI). In our simulations, the horizontal heterogeneity of the UHI intensity distribution in urban areas is considered and idealized as a cosine function. Results indicate that the UHI heating rate and the UHI intensity heterogeneity affect directly the spatial distribution of the wind field; a stronger UHI intensity produces a maximum horizontal wind speed closer to the urban centre. The strong advection of warm air from the urban area to the rural area in the upper part of the planetary boundary-layer causes a more stable atmospheric stratification over both the urban and rural areas. The mesoscale sensible heat flux caused by the UHI circulation increases with UHI intensity but vanishes when the background wind speed is sufficiently high $(>$ 3.0  $\mathrm{{m\,s}}^{-1})$ .  相似文献   
The present study examined the major features of the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China (IVRC) and the possible association with sea surface temperature (SST). We noted that the first leading mode of IVRC (accounting for nearly half of the total variance and with maximum loading for the summer rainfall anomalies over South China) may be not forced by SST. On the other hand, the second and third leading modes [accounting for 17.1 and 13.6 % of the total variance and mainly associated with the summer rainfall anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (YRV) and North China, respectively] in some extent are forced by SST anomalies. These observational results are confirmed by atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations forced by observed SST. By eliminating the internal dynamical process driven rainfall though ensemble mean, the simulations further suggest an overall enhancement of the intensity of IVRC in the corresponding ensemble mean, especially in the YRV and North China regions, but not in South China. That implies the different role of SST in driving IVRC over different regions.  相似文献   
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