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王宏语  张峰  杨雄兵 《地学前缘》2021,28(2):362-375
被动大陆边缘深海扇是当今海洋深水油气勘探的热点.识别深海扇,明确其时空演变特征,总结关键地质因素对其发育的控制作用,对于建立深海扇成因与预测地质模型具有重要意义.本文通过地震与钻井资料综合解释,分析塞内加尔盆地北部次盆白垩纪被动大陆边缘时期的构造-沉积演化特征,识别深海扇体,并分析其岩性、形态与规模的演变特征;然后分析...  相似文献   
胶东半岛是我国最重要的金矿集区之一,其矿床是典型受北东向断裂构造(焦家断裂带、三山岛断裂带和招平断裂带),以及次生断裂构造(如望儿山断裂和灵北断裂等)控制的矿床类型.前人在该区域做了大量研究,但主要集中在地表和浅层成矿段,对于深部成矿规律与预测的研究相对较少.新城金矿田是胶东半岛的特大型金矿之一,由新城矿床、曲家矿床和...  相似文献   
Engineering Nanoparticles(ENPs)’superior characteristics of adsorption depends on their dispersion in the medium.In this study,multi-walled carbon nanotubes(nonmetal),iron nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles(metallic simple substance),and Nano-TiO2,Nano-Fe2O3 and Nano-ZnO(metal oxide)were selected and respectively added into pure water and aqueous solution with 1%Sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate(SDBS)surfactant.The dispersion effects were compared by leaving the solutions standing at room temperature under ultrasound.The results show that the dispersion of iron nanoparticles is the lowestamong the six ENPs,and that of multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCTS)is the highest.Adding anionic surfactants(SDBS)can obviously improve the dispersion performance of ENPs.The concentration of solution decreases by only 5%in 10 daysafter adding 1%SDBS for ultrasonic dispersion.  相似文献   
东海内陆架泥质沉积区是全新世高海平面时期以来形成的重要地貌单元,其包含了高分辨率沉积环境与气候变化信息,对该地区现代沉积环境及其影响条件的分析,将有助于长时间尺度古记录识别与反演.孢粉是研究植被和气候环境的重要代用指标,通过对东海内陆架泥质沉积区远端海域150个表层沉积物样品的孢粉分析,揭示了孢粉特征的分布规律,并探讨...  相似文献   
上山遗址是上山文化(11~8.5 ka)的代表性遗址,位于钱塘江上游浦阳江北岸的二级阶地上,是迄今长江下游地区发现的最早的新石器时代遗址,也是研究稻作农业起源的重要遗址.近年来,国内外学者对上山遗址进行了大量的研究,主要集中于遗址的文化面貌、出土遗存等方面,对全新世早期人地关系演化、上山文化产生的环境背景研究相对薄弱....  相似文献   
西准噶尔地区分布多条蛇绿混杂岩带,地表地质已有大量研究成果,但蛇绿岩深部结构构造研究相对薄弱,一定程度上制约了该地区地质构造演化的深入认识.为此,本文选取达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩带萨尔托海段开展了大比例尺地质填图配套地面重力、磁法和可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)等综合测量,获得了该蛇绿岩体地表分布、接触关系以及深部的磁性、密度结构和电性特征,精细刻画了蛇绿岩的深部结构与构造,并进一步分析了其侵位机制和动力学过程.萨尔托海蛇绿岩具有低重力、高磁性和变化范围较宽的电阻率值,岩体整体以构造岩块状产出,表现出挤压逆冲、走滑剪切、破碎蚀变等变形变质.本文及前人研究成果表明,萨尔托海岩体是在近东西向挤压兼走滑应力作用下以斜向楔冲形式构造就位,并进一步受到后期左行走滑和岩浆作用的叠加改造.结合区域构造演化,西准噶尔蛇绿岩的构造侵位与晚石炭世板块汇聚背景下残余洋盆的收缩有关,持续的挤压兼走滑应力使残余洋盆下伏基底蛇绿岩沿断裂构造侵位于上覆沉积地层.  相似文献   
作为大地测量的一种新兴空间技术,合成孔径雷达干涉(synthetic aperture radar interferometry, InSAR)具有全天时、高精度、大范围和速度快的优点,逐渐被应用于多年冻土区地表形变监测中。通过综述多年冻土形变原理及InSAR监测多年冻土形变的应用实例,研究表明:在气候变暖的背景下,多年冻土区地表年际形变以下沉为主,多年冻土上限附近地下冰含量的大小是影响年际形变量的主要因素;活动层内土壤含水量影响着地表季节形变量的大小,不同类型多年冻土区的地表年际形变量和季节形变量存在着较大的差异。研究还表明,不同波长的SAR产品在不同类型多年冻土区的适用性不同,下垫面特征对利用InSAR获取地表形变量有较大影响,L波段的SAR数据在植被覆盖度较好的区域有更好的效果。由于InSAR的失相干问题,加之目前还缺少长时间、多类型、高频率的实测形变结果作为验证和标校数据,获取准确且连续的大范围形变数据较为困难。针对目前寒区研究需求,布设野外长期观测站点,建立适用于不同多年冻土区的地表形变反演算法,构建具有较高精度和较高时空分辨率的地表形变数据集具有重要的实践和科学意义。  相似文献   
玉龙雪山是我国季风海洋型冰川发育最为典型的代表性地区,也是北半球最靠近赤道的现代冰川区.丽江市的部分水源来自于玉龙雪山冰川融水,同时玉龙雪山景区每年吸引着上千万的游客来欣赏现代冰川.旅游活动与水环境息息相关且相互作用,水环境的准确刻画是指导与优化区域旅游活动的基础.以世界著名旅游城市丽江市为例,基于实地采样与数据分析,...  相似文献   
在求解非饱和态土中水分入渗问题时,水力函数是体积含水率或者吸力的函数,致使其控制方程呈现出强非线性的特征,进而使得其求解变得十分困难。基于水分在土体介质中流动耗时取极值路径的选择这一假定,引入时间泛函,基于变分法原理将水平入渗问题转化为泛函极值问题。通过求解Euler–Lagrange方程,结合边界条件,得到非线性瞬态水平入渗问题的显式解析解。结合Brooks-Corey型水力函数,显式地求解出该类型非饱和态土的体积含水率发展分布规律。通过计算4种不同类型土体的水平入渗规律,将求解结果与已有结果以及数值结果进行对比,验证了该方法的有效性。结果表明:体积含水率分布与位置距离和湿润峰距离比值呈幂函数关系,指数取决于土-水特征曲线的形状参数;初始条件与边界条件会对体积含水率分布造成不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
: As a parameter that describes heat transmission properties of rocks, thermal conductivity is indispensable for studying the thermal regime of sedimentary basins, and retrieving high-quality data of thermal conductivity is the basis for geothermal related studies. The optical scanning method is used here to measure the thermal conductivity of 745 drill-core samples from the Tarim basin, the largest intermontane basin with abundant hydrocarbon potential in China, and water saturation correction is made for clastic rock samples that are of variable porosity. All the measured values, combined with previously published data in this area, are integrated to discuss the distribution characteristics and major controlling factors that affect the thermal conductivity of rocks in the basin. Our results show that the values of thermal conductivity of rocks generally range from 1.500 to 3.000 W/m·K with a mean of 2.304 W/m·K. Thermal conductivity differs considerably between lithological types: the value of a coal sample is found to be the lowest as being only 0.249 W/m·K, while the values for salt rock samples are the highest with a mean of 4.620 W/m·K. Additionally, it is also found that the thermal conductivity of the same or similar lithologic types shows considerable differences, suggesting that thermal conductivity cannot be used for distinguishing the rock types. The thermal conductivity values of mudstone and sandstone generally increase with increasing burial depth and geological age of the formation, reflecting the effect of porosity of rocks on thermal conductivity. In general, the mineral composition, fabric and porosity of rocks are the main factors that affect the thermal conductivity. The research also reveals that the obvious contrast in thermal conductivity of coal and salt rock with other common sedimentary rocks can induce subsurface temperature anomalies in the overlying and underlying formations, which can modify the thermal evolution and maturity of the source rocks concerned. This finding is very important for oil and gas resources assessment and exploration and needs further study in detail. The results reported here are representative of the latest and most complete dataset of thermal conductivity of rocks in the Tarim basin, and will provide a solid foundation for geothermal studies in future.  相似文献   
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