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We simulate the assembly of a massive rich cluster and the formation of its constituent galaxies in a flat, low-density universe. Our most accurate model follows the collapse, the star formation history and the orbital motion of all galaxies more luminous than the Fornax dwarf spheroidal, while dark halo structure is tracked consistently throughout the cluster for all galaxies more luminous than the SMC. Within its virial radius this model contains about     dark matter particles and almost 5000 distinct dynamically resolved galaxies. Simulations of this same cluster at a variety of resolutions allow us to check explicitly for numerical convergence both of the dark matter structures produced by our new parallel N -body and substructure identification codes, and of the galaxy populations produced by the phenomenological models we use to follow cooling, star formation, feedback and stellar aging. This baryonic modelling is tuned so that our simulations reproduce the observed properties of isolated spirals outside clusters. Without further parameter adjustment our simulations then produce a luminosity function, a mass-to-light ratio, luminosity, number and velocity dispersion profiles, and a morphology–radius relation which are similar to those observed in real clusters. In particular, since our simulations follow galaxy merging explicitly, we can demonstrate that it accounts quantitatively for the observed cluster population of bulges and elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Von Glasbomben aus dem Suevit und kristallinen Gesteinen verschiedener Auswurfbreccien des Rieskraters wurden die Nickel- und Kobaltgehalte bestimmt. Die Gläser enthalten 10,0–51,5 ppm Ni (Mittel von 70 Analysen: 30,1 ppmNi) und 4,8–15,8 ppm Co (Mittel von 50 Analysen: 12,1 ppm Co). Die höchsten Nickel- und Kobaltgehalte finden sich in den nicht rekristallisierten und chemisch unveränderten Bomben des Typ I. Die kristallinen Gesteine des Grundgebirges enthalten 2,5–140 ppm Ni (22 Analysen) und 2,2–29,8 ppm Co (22 Analysen).Die Kobaltgehalte der nicht rekristallisierten Gläser sind ziemlich einheitlich (10,7–15,8 ppm) und ebenso hoch wie diejenigen der kristallinen Gesteine ähnlicher Gehalte an MgO, MgO+FeO+Fe2O3 und SiO2. Die Nickelgehalte der nicht rekristallisierten Gläser dagegen streuen inhomogen über einen größeren Bereich (30,0–51,5 ppm). Sie sind im Mittel höher als die der kristallinen Gesteine mit ähnlichen Gehalten an MgO, MgO+FeO+Fe2O3 und SiO2. Der maximale Unterschied beträgt 25 ppm Ni.
Ni and Co in rocks from the Nördlinger Ries
Ni and Co have been determined in glass bombs from the suevite and crystalline rocks from different breccia outcrops in the Ries crater. The glasses contain 10.0–51.5 ppm Ni (average of 70 analyses: 30.1 ppm Ni) and 4.8–15.8 ppm Co (average of 50 analyses: 12.1 ppm Co). Highest contents of Ni and Co are to be found in non-recrystallized and chemically unchanged bombs of type I. Crystalline rocks from the basement contain 2.5–140 ppm Ni (22 analyses) and 2.2–29.8 ppm Co (22 analyses).The Co-contents of non-recrystallized glasses are rather uniform (10.7–15.8 ppm) and as high as those of crystalline rocks of similar content of MgO, MgO+FeO+Fe2O3 and SiO2. The Ni-contents of non-recrystallized glasses are inhomogeneously scattered over a larger range (30.0–51.5 ppm). On the average, they are higher than those of crystalline rocks with similar contents of MgO, MgO+FeO+Fe2O3 and SiO2. The maximum difference is 25 ppm Ni.

Herr Prof. W. von Engelhardt veranlaßte die Bearbeitung dieses interessanten Themas und nahm am Fortgang der Untersuchungen regen Anteil. Herr Dr. D. Stöffler stellte freundlicherweise Probenmaterial zur Verfügung und Herr Dr. H. Puchelt war mir bei analytischen Fragen behilflich. Ihnen allen danke ich für die Förderung dieser Arbeit.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für Simulationsrechnungen der Gezeiten erdgeschichtlicher Ozeane werden hinreichend detaillierte paläogeographische Karten vorgestellt, die global die ungefähre Lage der ozeanischen und kontinentalen Bereiche sowie paläobathymetrische Informationen wiedergeben.Ausgehend von vorhandenen paläokontinentalen Karten, die auf den modernen Konzepten der Plattentektonik und des sea-floor spreading basieren, sind für einige erdgeschichtliche Stadien die einstige Verteilung von Land, Flachmeer und Tiefsee dargestellt. Mittels zusammengefaßter Ergebnisse paläobiogeographischer, geotektonischer, geophysikalischer, sedimentologischer und palökologischer Untersuchungen sind paläogeographische Rekonstruktionen für ein pleistozänes Hochglazial (Saale-Eiszeit), für die Obere Kreide (Ober-Campan), für das Obere Perm (Zechstein) sowie für das Mittlere Silur (Wenlock) abgebildet.Die Problematik bei der Rekonstruktion von Paläozeanen sowie die Interpretation und Kompilation paläogeographischer Daten wird diskutiert.
For modeling the paleotides of ancient oceans you need quiet detailed paleogeographical maps projecting the global distribution of oceanic and continental areas as well as some paleobathymetrical informations. Using available paleocontinental maps which are based upon the modern concepts of the plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading, ancient distributions of land, shallow and deep sea are presented for some geological stages. By means of compiling the results of paleobiogeographical, geotectonical, geophysical, sedimentological, and paleoecological investigations paleogeographical reconstructions are shown for a Pleistocene ice-age (Saale stage), the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Campanian), the Upper Permian (Zechstein), and for the Middle Silurian (Wenlockian).Problems of paleoceanical reconstructions as well as the interpretation and compilation of paleogeographical data are discussed.

Résumé Des cartes paléogéographiques à point détaillées sont présentées pour le calcul des marées des anciens océans; elles reproduisent globalement la situation approximative des domaines océaniques et continentaux, et donnent aussi des informations paléobathymétriques.Partant de cartes paléocontinentales existantes basées sur les concepts modernes de tectonique de plaques et d'expansion des océans, on a figuré pour quelques périodes géologiques la répartition ancienne des terres, des mers intérieures et des mers profondes. Utilisant les données condensees provenant des recherches paléobiogéographiques, géotectoniques, géophysigues, sédimentologiques et paléoécologiques, on a effectué les reconstructions paléogéographiques relatives à un Pleistocene glaciaire ancien (stade de la Saale), au Crétacique supérieur (Campanien supérieur), au Permien supérieur (Zechstein), ainsi qu au Silurien moyen (Wenlockien).Le problème concernant la reconstruction des paléoocéans ainsi que les interprétations et compilations des données paléogéographiques sont discutés.

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Zusammenfassung 1) Die Versuche fanden in den Gruben Hannovers, des Werragebietes und des Südharzes statt. 2) Die Untersuchungen erstreckten sich über das ganze praktisch in Betracht kommende Wellenband, angefangen von den Meterwellen bis in den 1000 Meter-Bereich. 3) Im Zuge der Untersuchungen konnten die bisher gr?ssten, unter Tag überhaupt erzielten Reichweiten erreicht werden. Die gr?sste Reichweite wurde zwischen zwei Hannoverischen Gruben erzielt und betrug bei 14 Kilometer. 4) Frequenz und geologische Faktoren sind stets von Einfluss. 5) Die Versuche zeigen, dass unter Kalilagerst?tten Funkmutungsverfahren nach dem Reflexions- und Refraktionsprinzip für gr?ssere Aufschlussteufen m?glich sind. 6) Die Versuche haben alle Voraussetzungen des Grubenfunks so weit gekl?rt, dass dessen praktischer Einführung nichts im Wege steht.
Summary The purpose of the experiments described in this paper was to investigate the conditions of propagation of a transmitter situated below the surface of the ground. This problem is of interest to both radio engineers and geophysicists. By determination of the extinction and reflection areas of electrical discontinuity may be located. The experiments were carried out in German potassic salt mines. Rocks of potassic salts are known as very bad conductors. Therefore the extinction is but very little. In this area ranges up to 14 kilometres were reached. This is the greatest range obtained up to now under the surface of the ground. The investigations were carried out with different wave lengths from 10 up to 2000 metres. The influence of geological discontinuities, alkaline deposits and disturbed areas was always very great. The author mentions that the above ranges could certainly still be considerably increased by application of all technical means available at present.
Riassunto Si descrivono e si illustrano le principali ricerche radiogeologiche ese guite dall'Autore nel 1939. Esse riguardano misure a scopo idrologico, applicazioni dei metodi radiogeologici alle ricerche d'acqua, all'individuazione di giacimenti minerari, alla determinazione della profondità dei ghiacciai, alla prospezione dei giacimenti di sali potassici, nonchè allo studio della relazione esistente fra la caduta del fulmine e le condizioni geologiche. Sulla tecnica delle misure si comunicano anche degli elementi in merito agli strumenti usati.
Summary In this paper the most important radiogeological research works of the Author in 1939 are described and illustrated. Such works concern hydrologic measurements, applications of radiogeological methods to the discovery of water and mineral layers, to the determination of the thickness of glaciers, to the prospection of the layers of potassic salts and to the study of the relations existing between the fall of lightning and the geological conditions. On the technique of measurements some details concerning the instruments that have been used for the purpose are given.

Zusammenfassung Es werden die vom Verfasser im Jahre 1939 durchgeführten wichtigsten funkgeologischen Untersuchungen besprochen. Es handelt sich um elektrohydrologische Hilfsmessungen, um die Anwendung der Funkmutung zur Untersuchung von Wasservorkommen, Erzlagerstätten, Gletschern und Kalilagern und schliesslich um Versuche an der Grenze zwischen Funkgeologie und Blitzforschung. Ueberdies wird auch einiges über die Konstruktion der neueren Apparate mitgeteilt.
This study investigates the hydrodynamic characteristics of the lower, middle, and upper sectors of a highly stratified estuary, the Itajaí-Açu river estuary (south of Brazil ∼27° S/48.5° W). The study is based on a 25-h field campaign with three sampling stations positioned at 2, 17, and 38 km inward from the river mouth, during low river discharge condition and spring tide. The experimental data gathered was reduced and analyzed in terms of distribution of variables in time and space tide average vertical profiles and decomposition of the advective transport of salt and suspended particulate matter (SPM). Tidal range was nearly constant along the estuary, presenting time lag of about 2 h between lower and upper estuary. The ebb discharge peaks were about twice the discharge flood peaks and occurred simultaneously. The tide was the main determining agent in the lower estuary, where currents, salt stratification, and SPM distributions presented a repetitive behavior. In the middle estuary, the tide effects were also observed, but the presence of saline waters decreased along the time due to increasing river discharge during the campaign. The distribution of SPM in the mid- and upper estuary presented patched pattern not associated with tides and may be attributed to short-term flood contributions of tributaries. Currents presented ebb dominance in all three sectors; in the middle and upper estuary, they presented also a time asymmetry, with ebb currents longer than flood. The advective transport of salt in the lower estuary was upstream, with dominance of gravitational circulation term. In the mid-estuary, there was practically no transport, with balance between fluvial discharge (downstream) and tidal correlation (upstream). The advective transport of SPM was upstream in the lower estuary and downstream in the mid- and upper estuary, being dominated by gravitational circulation in the former and fluvial discharge in the others.  相似文献   
Volker Otto   《Tectonophysics》2003,373(1-4):107
A seismostratigraphic approach constrained by well data is used for the interpretation of the deformation style along the central Elbe Fault System (EFS) within the sedimentary succession. Structural analysis allows to qualify, to quantify, and to date tectonic events. The stratigraphic interpretation is complicated by the mobilized Upper Permian Zechstein salt and by erosional events. A first-order quantification of the inversion-related uplift is estimated from vertical fault offsets that reach up to 4 km. The main uplift occurred during the Maastrichtian/Paleocene. Amounts of erosion inferred from comparing the strata thickness on top of the Flechtingen High with the surrounding basinal areas range from 3 to 4 km. The data indicate a changing deformation style: Thick-skinned deformation with southwest-dipping thrusts that vertically offset the pre-Permian basement is observed along the Flechtingen High in the central part of the EFS. Thin-skinned deformation occurs in the North German Basin where salt detaches the post-Permian cover from the barely faulted basement. It is concluded that during the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary inversion, the EFS responded to regional compression with uplift and formation of an internal high, the Flechtingen High. A stress-sensitive crustal weak zone beneath the EFS could be the reason for the repeated strain localization in the area.  相似文献   
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