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The present paper deals with major and trace elements geochemistry of the groundwater from Nalgonda district, Telangana. The study area is very important in terms of anthropogenic activity like rapid industrial, urban development, pesticides, pharmaceutical, granite polishing and agro based industries. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) was employed to determine the concentration of trace elements in collected groundwater samples (bore well). These probe elements were further categorized as toxic elements (Pb, As, Cd, and V), alkaline earths (Sr and Ba), alkali metals (Li, Rb), transition metals (Cr, Mo and Ni), metallic elements (Cu, Fe, Zn, Al, Co), and other non-metallic elements (Se and Si). The groundwater quality was examined in perspective of Indian as well as World Health Organization drinking water standards. Based on the analytical results, groundwater in the study area is found to be slightly alkaline in nature and very hard, the average abundance of the major cations and anions is in the order of Ca+<Na+<Mg+<K+ and Cl-<HCO3 ?<CO3 ?<SO4 ?<NO3 ?<F respectively. The dominant hydro chemical facies of groundwater is Na+ - HCO 3 – Cl and Na+ - Cl – HCO 3 types.The results of trace elements shows that concentration of Pb, As, Cd, V in collected samples exceeding the desirable limits, and in the case of alkaline, alkali, transition, non-metallic elements, seventy per cent of the samples crossed the desirable limits, but all metallic elements viz. Cu, Fe, Zn, Al, Co is within the limits as per Indian as well as World Health Organizations drinking water standards. Factor analysis results shows that seven factors emerged as a significant contributor to the groundwater contamination is about 65.32 per cent. The spatial variation maps decipher trace elemental concentrations both geogenic and anthropogenic origin, by three zones i.e. ‘low’, ‘moderate’ and ‘high’ of the study area based on environment using Arc-GIS. High concentrations of trace elements are indicative of phenomenal rise in chemical composition and likely to have its origin from silicate weathering reactions and dissolution/precipitation processes supported by rainfall and anthropogenic activities, indiscriminate use of fertilizers/pesticides, and disposal of waste and sewage, release of reactive pollutants into the atmosphere by industries. Hence, this work is of immense societal benefit in terms of prevailing human health hazards in the study area with a direct relevance to such industrially populated regions elsewhere.  相似文献   
Geological and geomorphological mapping was carried out for a part of Ganjam district, Orissa through visual interpretation of IRS-IB LISS II flase colour composites. Various lithounits such as khondalites, charnockites and granites of Archaean age were mapped. The study area is traversed by two sets of vertical joints — one trending in NE-SW direction and the other in NW-SE direction. Three sets of lineaments in the study area trending in NE-SW, NW-SE and ENE-WSW suggest that the study area was subject to very high degree of deformation in the past. Major geomorphic units delineated are, Hills, Pediments, Valley Fills, New Flood Plains, Old Flood Plains, New Coastal Plains and Old Coastal Plains. Different landforms under each geomorphic unit are also mapped.  相似文献   
We have attempted comparative analysis of the utility of linear spectral unmixing (LSU) method and band ratios for delineating bauxite from laterite within the lateritic bauxite provinces of Chotonagpur Plateau, Jharkhand of India. This was attempted based on processing of visible–near infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectral bands of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor. In LSU method, spectral features of main constituent minerals of lateritic bauxite are used to decompose the pixel spectra to estimate the relative abundance of bauxite and laterite in each pixel to spatially delineate bauxite within laterite. We have also compared the bauxite map derived using LSU method with bauxite maps of two band ratios in terms of spatial disposition of bauxite. We also have attempted to relate the abundance values of pixels of LSU-based bauxite map with band ratio values of bauxite pixels of two selected bauxite indices.  相似文献   
Image segmentation to create representative objects by region growing image segmentation techniques such as multi resolution segmentation (MRS) is mostly done through interactive selection of scale parameters and is still a subject of great research interest in object-based image analysis. In this study, we developed an optimum scale parameter selector (OSPS) tool for objective determination of multiple optimal scales in an image by MRS using eCognition software. The ready to use OSPS tool consists of three modules and determines optimum scales in an image by combining intrasegment variance and intersegment spatial autocorrelation. The tool was tested using WorldView-2 and Resourcesat-2 LISS-IV Mx images having different spectral and spatial resolutions in two areas to find optimal objects for ground features such as water bodies, trees, buildings, road, agricultural fields and landslides. Quality of the objects created for these features using scale parameters obtained from the OSPS tool was evaluated quantitatively using segmentation goodness metrics. Results show that OSPS tool is able determine optimum scale parameters for creation of representative objects from high resolution satellite images by MRS method.  相似文献   
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution is an essential pre-requisite for better planning of an area. We present the groundwater vulnerability assessment in parts of the Yamuna Nagar District, Haryana State, India in an area of about (800 hbox { km}^{2}), considered to be a freshwater zone in the foothills of the Siwalik Hill Ranges. Such areas in the Lower Himalayas form good groundwater recharge zones, and should always be free from contamination. But, the administration has been trying to promote industrialization along these foothill zones without actually assessing the environmental consequences such activities may invite in the future. GIS-DRASTIC model has been used with field based data inputs for studying the vulnerability assessment. But, we find that inclusion electrical conductivity (EC) as a model parameter makes it more robust. Therefore, we rename it as GIS-DRASTIC-EC model. The model identifies three vulnerability zones such as low, moderate and high with an areal extent of 5%, 80% and 15%, respectively. On the basis of major chemical parameters alone, the groundwater in the foothill zones apparently looks safe, but analysis with the help of GIS-DRASTIC-EC model gives a better perspective of the groundwater quality in terms of identifying the vulnerable areas.  相似文献   
In this paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the influence of different parameters such as number of cycles, confining pressure, void ratio, gradation, initial anisotropy and stress path on the dynamic properties of granular materials using Discrete Element Method (DEM). A series of strain controlled cyclic triaxial numerical simulations using three dimensional DEM have been carried out on an assembly of spheres. Dynamic properties such shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (D) were determined from the typical hysteresis loop obtained during cyclic triaxial test simulation. It has been observed from the test results that the numerical simulation using DEM has captured the variation of dynamic properties over a wide range of shear strain values for different parameters considered for the current investigation. Maximum shear modulus (G max) was found to be influenced by initial confining pressure, void ratio, gradation and initial anisotropy. Whereas, the damping ratio (D) was found to be influenced by number of cycles, initial confining pressure, gradation and stress path. Further it has been shown that the variation of shear modulus with shear strain can be divided into three distinct zones such as Isotropic Zone (IZ), Anisotropic Zone (AZ) and Stable Anisotropic Zone (SAZ). A drastic reduction of shear modulus with shear strain has been observed in the Anisotropic Zone (AZ). In addition, the results obtained using numerical simulations have been compared with the laboratory experimental values.  相似文献   

In the present scenario, with much focus on sustainable development worldwide, Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) is a promising biological soil improvement technology. However, only very limited research is reported on the effectiveness of this technique in marine clays. This paper presents the salient features of an experimental study conducted on two typical marine clays stabilised by MICP. Effectiveness of the technique was evaluated through a series of one-dimensional consolidation tests, unconfined compression tests, and index property determinations. It is found that biostimulation approach is not effective in marine clay; bio-augmentation is needed for soil improvement. Bio-augmentation results in the reduction of liquid limit and plasticity index to about 29% and 47%, respectively for the marine clays. A comparable improvement in volume change behaviour is also observed. There is a marked increase in undrained shear strength, upto about 148%, of MICP treated marine clays at toughness limit water content. Curing is also found to have a significant role in soil improvement. The observed transition in the nature of the tested marine clays from that of fat clay to elastic silt suggests the potential of the proposed approach. An empirical equation is also proposed to predict compression index of MICP treated marine clays.  相似文献   
The study evaluates and compares Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of various grid spacing derived using high resolution Cartosat 1 stereo data for hydrologic applications. DEM is essential in modeling different environmental processes which depend on surface elevation. The accuracy of derived DEM varies with grid spacing and source. The CartoDEM is the photogrammetric DEM derived from stereo pairs. Damanganga basin lying in the Western Ghats was analysed using 11 Carto stereo pairs. The process of triangulation resulted in RMSE of 0.42. DEM was extracted at 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m, 50 m and 90 m grid spacing and compared with ASTER GDEM (30 m) and SRTM DEM (90 m). DEM accuracy was checked with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) statistic for random points generated in different elevation zones. Extracted stream networks were compared based on Correctness Index and Figure of Merit index, calculated for all the Digital Elevation Models at varying cell sizes. In order to further evaluate the DEM’s, a simple flood simulation with no water movement and no consideration of real time precipitation data was carried out and relationship between heights of flood stage and inundation area for each Digital Elevation Model was also established.  相似文献   
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