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Nitrogen contents and isotope compositions together with major and trace element concentrations were determined in a sequence of metagabbros from the western Alps (Europe) in order to constrain the evolution and behavior of N during hydrothermal alteration on the seafloor and progressive dehydration during subduction in a cold slab environment (8 °C/km). The rocks investigated include: (i) low-strain metagabbros that equilibrated under greenschist to amphibolite facies (Chenaillet Massif), blueschist facies (Queyras region) and eclogite facies (Monviso massif) conditions and (ii) highly-strained mylonites and associated eclogitic veins from the Monviso Massif. In all samples, nitrogen (2.6-55 ppm) occurs as bound ammonium () substituting for K or Na-Ca in minerals. Cu concentrations show a large variation, from 73.2 to 6.4 ppm, and are used as an index of hydrothermal alteration on the seafloor because of Cu fluid-mobility at relatively high temperature (>300 °C). In low-strain metagabbros, δ15N values of +0.8‰ to +8.1‰ are negatively correlated with Cu concentrations. Eclogitic mylonites and veins display Cu concentrations lower than 11 ppm and show a δ15N-Cu relationship that does not match the δ15N-Cu correlation found in low-strain rocks. This δ15N-Cu correlation preserved in low-strain rocks is best interpreted by leaching of Cu-N compounds, possibly of the form Cu(NH3)22+, during hydrothermal alteration. Recognition that the different types of low-strain metagabbros show the same δ15N-Cu correlation indicates that fluid release during subduction zone metamorphism did not modify the original N and Cu contents of the parent hydrothermally-altered metagabbros. In contrast, the low Cu content present in eclogitic veins and mylonites implies that ductile deformation and veining were accompanied either by a loss of copper or that externally-derived nitrogen was added to the system.We estimate the global annual flux of N subducted by metagabbros as 4.2 (±2.0) × 1011 g/yr. This value is about half that of sedimentary rocks, which suggests that gabbros carry a significant portion of the subducted nitrogen. The net budget between subducted N and that outgassed at volcanic arcs indicates that ∼80% of the subducted N is not recycled to the surface. On a global scale, the total amount of N buried to the mantle via subduction zones is estimated to be three times higher than that released from the mantle via mid-ocean ridges, arc and intraplate volcanoes and back-arc basins. This implies that N contained in Earth surface reservoirs, mainly in the atmosphere, is progressively transferred and sequestered into the mantle, with a net flux of ∼9.6 × 1011 g/yr. Assuming a constant flux of subducted N over the Earth’s history indicates that an amount equivalent to the present atmospheric N may have been sequestered into the silicate Earth over a period of 4 billion years.  相似文献   
The Craven Dales of North Yorkshire contain some of the finest examples of limestone geology and landscape in the UK. The extensive limestone pavements with their clints, grikes and other water‐worn features, are a key attraction for both scientists and recreational visitors. Likewise the cave systems attract attention with their remarkable sediment accumulations, some of which are in excess of 500 000 years old and others contain the bones of mammals that are either extinct or no longer present in the British Isles. The glacial erratic boulders at Norber and the loessic sediments that, in places, mask the limestone have also provided stimulus for investigation. Summarized below are the findings of several recent studies that focussed on establishing the age of various features. Whilst the reports answer some long‐standing questions, they also demonstrate that there is still much that can be learned about this seemingly familiar territory.  相似文献   
Abstract. Diet and foraging behavior of Octopus dofleini in Prince William Sound and Port Graham, Alaska, were studied from collections of den litter, measurements of octopuses and estimates of live prey abundance. Based on 193 den collections from depths of - 31 to + 1.3 m, a diet of hard-bodied prey could be identified. The five most common litter species made up 80% of the litter remains, with nearly 30 species of various taxa malung up the rest. The proportions of major hard-bodied prey species in each litter pile significantly differed with depth of den, associated substrata, presence of cobble and geographical location but not with the presence of boulders or outcrop, the density of kelp or season of litter collection. Octopus weight was not significantly correlated with the size of prey remains although O. dofleini may take a wide range of prey sizes once it reaches 2.5 kg. O. dofleini was more likely to be found at sites with crabs, although no litter species was significantly preferred over its estimated abundance, and one species was significantly avoided. These results suggest that O. dofleini includes suitable bivalve and crab species in its diet in relation to live abundance, while at the same time exercising an element of selectivity, as some species were actively avoided. Comparison of litter remains from the northern-most range of O. dofleini with those published for British Columbia show that diet breadth was similar, but the identity of major hard-bodied prey species was very different for Alaskan octopuses.  相似文献   
In the Norwegian North Sea, the Sleipner field produces gas with a high CO2 content. For environmental reasons, since 1996, more than 11 Mt of this carbon dioxide (CO2) have been injected in the Utsira Sand saline aquifer located above the hydrocarbon reservoir. A series of seven 3D seismic surveys were recorded to monitor the CO2 plume evolution. With this case study, time‐lapse seismics have been shown to be successful in mapping the spread of CO2 over the past decade and to ensure the integrity of the overburden. Stratigraphic inversion of seismic data is currently used in the petroleum industry for quantitative reservoir characterization and enhanced oil recovery. Now it may also be used to evaluate the expansion of a CO2 plume in an underground reservoir. The aim of this study is to estimate the P‐wave impedances via a Bayesian model‐based stratigraphic inversion. We have focused our study on the 1994 vintage before CO2 injection and the 2006 vintage carried out after a CO2 injection of 8.4 Mt. In spite of some difficulties due to the lack of time‐lapse well log data on the interest area, the full application of our inversion workflow allowed us to obtain, for the first time to our knowledge, 3D impedance cubes including the Utsira Sand. These results can be used to better characterize the spreading of CO2 in a reservoir. With the post‐stack inversion workflow applied to CO2 storage, we point out the importance of the a priori model and the issue to obtain coherent results between sequential inversions of different seismic vintages. The stacking velocity workflow that yields the migration model and the a priori model, specific to each vintage, can induce a slight inconsistency in the results.  相似文献   
Benthic status of 28 near-shore, artisanal, coral reef fishing grounds in the central Philippines was assessed (2000-2002) together with surveys of the seahorse, Hippocampus comes. Our measures of benthic quality and seahorse densities reveal some of the most degraded coral reefs in the world. Abiotic structure dominated the fishing grounds: 69% of the benthos comprised rubble (32%), sand/silt (28%) and dead coral (9%). Predominant biotic structure included live coral (12%) and Sargassum (11%). Rubble cover increased with increasing distance from municipal enforcement centers and coincided with substantial blast fishing in this region of the Philippines. Over 2 years, we measured a significant decrease in benthic 'heterogeneity' and a 16% increase in rubble cover. Poor benthic quality was concomitant with extremely low seahorse densities (524 fish per km(2)). Spatial management, such as marine reserves, may help to minimize habitat damage and to rebuild depleted populations of seahorses and other reef fauna.  相似文献   
This article investigates landscape characteristics and sediment composition in the western Greater Caucasus by using multiple methods at different timescales. Our ultimate goal is to compare short‐term versus long‐term trends in erosional processes and to reconstruct spatio‐temporal changes in sediment fluxes as controlled by partitioning of crustal shortening and rock uplift in the orogenic belt. Areas of active recent uplift are assessed by quantitative geomorphological techniques [digital elevation model (DEM) analysis of stream profiles and their deviation from equilibrium] and compared with regions of rapid exhumation over longer time intervals as previously determined by fission‐track and cosmogenic‐nuclide analyses. Complementary information from petrographic and heavy‐mineral analyses of modern sands and ancient sandstones is used to evaluate erosion integrated throughout the history of the orogen. River catchments displaying the highest relief, as shown by channel‐steepness indices, correspond with the areas of most rapid exhumation as outlined by thermochronological data. The region of high stream gradients is spatially associated with the highest topography around Mount Elbrus, where sedimentary cover strata have long been completely eroded and river sediments display the highest metamorphic indices and generally high heavy‐mineral concentrations. This study reinforces the suggestion that the bedrock–channel network can reveal much of the evolution of tectonically active landscapes, and implies that the controls on channel gradient ultimately dictate the topography and the relief along the Greater Caucasus. Our integrated datasets, obtained during a decade of continuing research, display a general agreement and regularity of erosion patterns through time, and consistently indicate westward decreasing rates of erosional unroofing from the central part of the range to the Black Sea. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An annual budget for dissolved silica (DSi) and biogenic silica (BSi) was constructed for the Scheldt estuary and for the entire riverine and estuarine Scheldt tidal system (Belgium/The Netherlands) using previously published silica concentrations and fluxes for the period 2003–2005. The annual estuarine DSi mass-balance was established, based on seasonal fluxes estimated using measured DSi concentrations and (fully transient) model simulations of conservative transport. The annual BSi mass-balance was deduced from measured BSi contents in the suspended particulate matter and annual mud fluxes taken from the literature. The Scheldt estuary acted as a net sink not only for the BSi carried by the tidal river as well as that produced by diatoms in the estuary, but also for large amounts of BSi imported from the coastal zone. This results in the retention of dissolved and biogenic silica higher than that of DSi alone, which is in contrast with the classical consideration that rivers act as a source of BSi for the coastal zone. DSi and silica (DSi + BSi) retentions amounted to, respectively, 28 and 64 % in the estuary, and 33 and 66 % in the entire tidal system. This study highlights thus the predominant role of the estuary in the entire Scheldt tidal system when dealing with silica dynamics, as well as the importance of including BSi when investigating estuarine silica retention.  相似文献   
Though narrow straits may have a strong influence on the large-scale sea ice mass balance, they are often crudely represented in coarse resolution sea ice models. Unstructured meshes, with their natural ability to fit boundaries and locally increase the mesh resolution, propose an alternative framework to capture the complex oceanic areas formed by coasts and islands. In this paper, we develop a finite element sea ice model to investigate the sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice cover features to the resolution of the narrow straits constituting the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The model is a two-level dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model, including a viscous-plastic rheology. It is run over 1979–2005, forced by daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. Confronting qualitatively numerical experiments with observations shows a good agreement with satellite and buoys measurements. Due to its simple representation of the oceanic interactions, the model overestimates the sea ice extent during winter in the southernmost parts of the Arctic, while the Baffin Bay and Kara Sea remain ice-covered during summer. In order to isolate the benefits from resolving the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, a numerical experiment is performed where we artificially close the archipelago. Focusing on the large-scale sea ice thickness pattern, no significant change is found in our model, except in the close surroundings of the archipelago. However, the local and short-term influences of the ice exchanges are nonnegligible. In particular, we show that the ice volume associated to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago represents 10% of the Northern Hemisphere sea ice volume and that the annual mean ice export towards Baffin Bay amounts to 125 km3 yr−1, which may play an important role on the convective overturning in the Labrador Sea.  相似文献   
Rising above the modern town of Nurata, in Navoiy Province, eastern Uzbekistan is the ancient fortress of Alexander the Great, built as part of Alexander's campaigns to subjugate the Persian‐speaking Sogdian peoples that lived in this province of the Persian Empire in the 4th Century bc . Alexander passed this way in 327 bc , marching his ancient army through this beautiful but desolate landscape, and conquering all before him. His fortress was built in a strategic place at the boundary between fertile agricultural lands and a dry and uncompromising vastness of steppe that lies to the east. From Nurata, about one hour drive by car along a road that cuts eastwards across the desert, is the sleepy town of Jo'sh. In the mountains beyond Jo'sh sits the hamlet of Kanda, a few mud‐brick houses nestling at the head of a small valley where a spring emerges miraculously from a bone‐dry landscape. Hereabouts are telltale signs of ancient marine deposits yielding graptolites from rocks of the Silurian system. And in these rocks are the fossils of tiny arthropods that mark a fundamental shift in the marine arthropod zooplankton 425 million years ago. It is these fossils that we have chased halfway across the world to the steppe of Central Asia.  相似文献   
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