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The superconducting-gravimeter data of Melchior and Ducarme (1986) has been interpreted as internal motion in the Earth's core by Aldridge and Lumb (1987) using a Poincaré model. Several low-order modes with periods of 13–16 hours have been tentatively identified in the core which is taken to be an incompressible, homogeneous fluid within a rigid, rotating container. The identification is based on asymptotic values of the frequencies which change slowly with time while the modes decay with an e-folding time of about 280 days. The slow change in frequency with time implies a small temporal variation in the rotation rate of the core. This mean flow is a nonlinear effect often observed in laboratory experiments designed to excite Poincaré modes. Interaction among modes during free ringdown is also observed in those experiments and apparently in the data of Melchior et al. (1988) as well. Laboratory work thus provides the link to extend the Poincaré model to include viscous and nonlinear effects in order to interpret the gravimetric observations as core modes.  相似文献   
Summary. Atmospheric pressure waves from the Mount St Helens eruption 1980 May 18 have been clearly recorded by a sensitive microbarograph at Berkeley, California. The record shows three types of waves with different group velocities. The pressure waves can be interpreted in terms of direct waves A1, antipodean travelling waves A2 and circumnavigating waves A3, all of which are composed of several acoustic-gravity modes propagated in the lower atmosphere. Synthetic barograms appropriate to the Berkeley station have been calculated on the basis of the dynamic response of the lower atmospheric structure, together with various assumptions of source properties. Comparisons between synthetic and observed barograms provide estimates for ranges of the time history of upward particle velocity at the source, source dimensions and the velocity of the source spreading over the blast zone, as well as for the average dissipation effects over the circumferential path. The results suggest that two major compression pulses on the A1 record correlate with the arrival of pressure waves from the first (lateral) blast and second (vertical) blast, although the inferred interblast time interval is not consistent with that estimated from seismic observations.  相似文献   
A new methodology has been designed to identify and rank the significant environmental aspects in sea ports. The main objective of the Strategic Overview of Significant Environmental Aspects (SOSEA) is to help port managers to identify significant environmental aspects and to reinforce the awareness about them in order to prioritise work in environmental management. Developed in close collaboration with port environmental managers and tested in a set of ports, it is a user-friendly tool that can be applied in approximately half a working day. It is based on ISO 14001 vocabulary and requirements and it can be considered as the base for the implementation of any Environmental Management System for port communities.  相似文献   
The angular sizes of compact steep spectrum sources in the Peacock and Wall sample were found to decrease steeply with redshift, similar to the angular size-redshift variation for extended sources. This, however, could be an artefact if the compact sources are not all of the same nature.Models such as those of Subramanian and Swarup with a beam power of 1037 W were found to be compatible with compact sources being either young sources at an early stage of development or relatively weak sources in dense, active media where star formation is continuing.  相似文献   
The Upper Selemdzha minerogenic zone, which has the potential for noble metal mineralization in the Upper Amur, has been studied. It is confined to the thick strata of Paleozoic terrigeneous-sedimentary rocks (sandstones, siltstones, clay schists, packages of their thin rhythmical interlayering, sedimentary breccias, and conglomerates) in the Tokura subzone of the Selemdzha-Kerbinsk zone in the Amur-Okhotsk area of the Mongol-Okhotsk system, overlain by Early Cretaceous volcanogenic sedimentary rocks and intruded by Early Cretaceous quartz diorites, granodiorites, and dacites. In the Malomyr and Sagur-Semertak ore clusters, there are a few known potential deposits of noble metals and ore occurrences; when studied and prospected, they can exhibit vein-veinlet noble metal mineralization with rich contents of gold and platinoids in ore columns and metasomatic deposits.  相似文献   
In late-June, 1998, a series of thunderstorms dropped 16.5 cm (6.5 in.) of rain in a 72-h period over southeastern Ohio, causing extensive flooding, six deaths, and 179 million dollars in property damage. The storms also triggered more than 60 shallow landslides along a 64 km (40-mi) stretch of Interstate 77 between Buffalo and Marietta, Ohio. Almost all of the landslides were translational, occurring along the contact between colluvial soils and the underlying bedrock (shales, claystones, mudstones). Six sites were selected in the affected area for a detailed study of the shallow landslides. At each site, a record was made of the stratigraphy, slope geometry, number of landslides, landslide dimensions, hydrologic conditions, and influence of vegetation on landslide distribution. Both colluvial soils and underlying bedrock were sampled for laboratory investigations, which included determination of natural water content, grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, permeability, slake durability, and shear-strength parameters. Data from laboratory tests were used to perform sensitivity and stability analyses with respect to varying slope angles, strength parameters, and thicknesses of saturated colluvial soil. The results of the study indicate that the shallow landslides along Interstate 77 occurred when the colluvial soils reached 90% to 100% saturation, depending upon the slope angles.  相似文献   
Seasonal and inter-annual patterns of macroalgal abundance in a Tagus Estuary oyster reef are described. Macroalgal abundance was estimated as canopy percent cover by three permanent point intercept transects over a 7-year period. Four categories were defined, corresponding to bare substrate and three different macroalgal functional-form groups: (1) ULVA, foliose group, included Ulva spp.; (2) GRACIL, terete corticated macrophyte group, included only Gracilaria gracilis; and (3) FILAM, small (<10 cm) filamentous group, including eight species. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that: (1) ULVA were associated with long and hot days, being usually dominant during spring and especially summer; (2) FILAM were associated with mild temperatures and relatively long days, abundant in spring but showed frequent peaks in summer; and (3) GRACIL were also favoured by spring season, although associated to lower temperature and less daylight hours than FILAM. GRACIL and FILAM were present throughout the year. On the contrary, ULVA were absent or with low cover during colder periods. A negative correlation between GRACIL and FILAM seems to indicate competition between the two categories. The applied models explained 23.3% of the temporal variance in category abundance. Rainfall negatively affected macroalgal cover, as indicated by the positive correlation between rainfall and bare substrate. Our conclusions are in agreement with previous studies that consider algae as excellent environmental integrators, even on a small scale, due to a strong link between the macroalgal communities and relevant environmental variables. It is also relevant that this study used open-access databases of environmental variables, which open up new possibilities for mining existing data resources in new ways. Due to large inter-annual variability, long-term studies are essential to understand population dynamics in estuarine phytobenthic communities.  相似文献   
The Brae oilfield reservoir in the North Sea comprises Upper Jurassic resedimented conglomerates and sandstones interbedded with organic-rich silstone and mudstone thin-bedded turbidites. The system represents a series of small overlapping fans that form a thick (300 m) slope-apron accumulation of sediments deposited in a narrow (<10 km wide) belt along an active fault zone. The complex lateral and vertical distribution of facies was due mainly to variable tectonic activity, and partly also to sediment supply and sea-level changes.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new experimental campaign aimed at reproducing tsunamis generated by landslides at the flank of conical islands. In order to describe in high details the wave field around the island a special acquisition system, which consists of both fixed and movable wave gauges, has been employed. Indeed, each experiment has been repeated several times by changing the configuration of the movable gauges, then obtaining a single virtual experiment with high spatial resolution measurements. Fixed run-up gauges measure the waves at fixed locations to statistically quantify the repeatability of the experiments. Selected experimental results are illustrated within the paper that is mainly aimed at defining a benchmark dataset, available on request, for the development/calibration/validation of analytical and numerical models of tsunamis generated by landslides.  相似文献   
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