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Summary We find no effect of the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF) sector boundary crossing in ozone at altitudes ranging from the middle stratosphere(10 hPa) to the lower mesosphere(0.4 hPa) at middle latitudes(40°–60° N), based on winter data over the period of December 1979–December 1982.
Резюме Мы не нaшлu нuкaко о эффекma nересеченuя секmорноŭ рaнuцы межnлaнеmно о мa нumно о nоля в озоне в облaсmu высоm меж?rt;у сре?rt;неŭ сmрamосфероŭ(10 Пa) u нuжнеŭ мезосфероŭ(0,4 Пa) нa сре?rt;нuх шuроmaх(40°–60° с.ш.), nрuменяя зuмнuе ?rt;aнные зa nерuо?rt; ?rt;екaбрь 1979 – ?rt;екaбрь 1982 .
Summary The nighttime LF radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere measured at two frequencies in central Europe over 1963–1985 is used to infer planetary wave activity and its long-term trend in the upper middle atmosphere (∼90–100 km). The observed positive trend is roughly consistent with results based on daytime absorption. Nighttime results are less pronounced and less statistically significant probably due to perturbing effects of geomagnetic activity. The observed trends, which are probably of anthropogenic origin, are together with the daytime results [3,4] the first evidence of long-term trends in planetary wave activity in the upper middle atmosphere.  相似文献   
Summary The paper presents the results of identifying a model of the Preisach type for haematite grains of the single-domain as well as multi-domain size. Due to the phenomenological conception of the model, the relations between the parameters of the model and actual parameters are very complex, however, impressive accuracy and stability of the modified model indicate the need to resume studies of this problem. The model parameters also confirm the adequate properties of the vibrating-sample magnetometr (VSM) used and developed in our laboratories.  相似文献   
Summary Four fundamental forms of expansion of the double product of the gravity function into an infinite series are derived. Two isotropic parts are separated, one is expressed by Legendre polynomials and the other by invariants of Wigner's D-matrices.
¶rt; m n¶rt;mau ¶rt; au ¶rt; nu¶rt;uaumau uu ¶rt;. ¶rt; ¶rt; umn amu, na aam n nu a¶rt;a u ma n uauam amu ua.
¶rt;au uu aum nuuumu u aumnuu ¶rt; aa aam n¶rt; am amuu u namuu ¶rt;au. amu uu aumnuu nuuumu, a amu ¶rt;au, m ¶rt;mu au ma nma aaumu m¶rt; ¶rt;a, m a amu uu aum m mnu n¶rt;u ¶rt; mm uaum amua n¶rt; ¶rt;au. u aumnuu nu a namu ¶rt;auu(<1%) a uuu m nuuumu i uaum amua. u aumnuu ¶rt;mu uu uum aauuau ¶rt;ua am m uu, m, m ¶rt; u au namu ¶rt;auu.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des zuerst vonPaar, Chen undMeixner beschriebenen neuen Minerals wurde an der Originalprobe bestimmt. Für die prinzipielle Lösung der Struktur war eine Kombination von direkten und Pattersonmethoden erforderlich. Anhand von 2774 kristallographisch unabhängigen Röntgenreflexen (davon 1828 beobachtet) wurde die Struktur bis zu einem gewichtetenR-Wert von 10.7% isotrop verfeinert. Das Mineral ist orthorhombisch, RaumgruppePnma mit den Gitterkonstantena 0=54.76Å,b 0=4.030 Å,c 0=22.74 Å undZ=4. Die Kristallstruktur ist durch galenitähnliche Bereiche, deren [110] Richtung parallel zurb 0-Achse verläuft, gekennzeichnet. Die gegenseitige Anordnung dieser Bereiche ist teils kobellit-, teils cosalitähnlich. Die galenitähnlichen Bereiche sind vorwiegend wismuthhaltig (Koordination 3+2+1), während die Ph-Atome in einer trigonal-prismatischen Koordination mit 2 zusätzlichen Schwefelatomen vorwiegend als Bindeglieder dazwischen liegen.
The crystal structure of eclarite, (Cu,Fe)Pb9Bi12S28
Summary The crystal structure of the new mineral eclarite, first described byPaar, Chen andMeixner was determined using the original material. It was necessary to apply a combination of direct and Patterson methods. The structure was refined for 2774 independent reflections (1828 observed) with isotropic temperature factors to a weightedR-value of 10.7%. Eclarite crystallizes in the orthorhombic space groupPnma with lattice parametersa 0=54.76 Å,b 0=4.030 Å,c 0=22.75 Å,Z=4. The structure is characterized by galena-like building units with [110] (galena) parallel to theb-axis. These units are linked to each other partly as in kobellite, partly as in cosalite structures. Bi prefers to occupy the metal positions in the galena-like units, coordinated by 3+2+1S, whereas Pb occupies preferably the positions coordinated trigonal prismatic with two additional S. The latter groups serve to connect the galena-like units.

Mit 3 Abbildungen

Herrn Professor Dr.Josef Zemann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
The paper considers a puff diffusion in its inertial stage when particle separation obeys the laws of the inertial subrange and depends only on eddy energy dissipation rate . The can be determined in the surface layer by the turbulent kinetic energy equation. Similarity equations connect with diffusion measure .A simple analytical model has been deduced to estimate pollutants diffusion during calms.  相似文献   
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