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Spectra of 3 large flares on 24 Oct., 5 Nov. and 16 Nov. 1970 in the region = 1.75–1.95 Å, obtained with the help of the Intercosmos-4 satellite during solar activity maximum are given. The physical conditions at the initial and final (decaying) phases are mainly studied. The line spectra are compared with hard continuum in the region 8–80 keV and results of polarization measurements, obtained simultaneously aboard the same satellite.  相似文献   
Interaction of 54Mn and 55(59)Fe with EDTA in seawater and NaCl solutions was investigated by high-voltage paper electrophoresis. These two radionuclides were chosen because they represent two modes of behaviour of radionuclides in seawater—EDTA systems. In seawater without EDTA or at low EDTA concentrations in the systems 54Mn behaves as a cation while 55(59)Fe gives a zone at the starting point of the electrophoretic strip. At higher EDTA concentrations, both radionuclides give only one anionic zone showing complexing with EDTA. In the intermediate range of the EDTA concentration (“transition region”) 54Mn shows continuous change of the electrophoretic mobility from cationic to anionic (fast rate of interaction with EDTA), while 55(59)Fe reacts very slowly giving two well-separated zones in the transition region of the EDTA concentration.EDTA concentrations were varied from 10?6 to 10?2M, pH being adjusted to 8.0. The behaviour of radionuclides was followed by measuring the electrophoretic mobilities of radionuclides in dependence on the EDTA concentration at different aging times from 0 to 7 days.From the experimental data effective stability constants and the number of EDTA-ligands of 54MnEDTA and 55(59)FeEDTA complexes in seawater and 0.55 M NaCl solutions were calculated.  相似文献   
The neotectonic movements on the Balkan Peninsula occurred after the last intense thrusting (Early Miocene), and after the Early — Middle Miocene planation. They were controlled by extensional collapse of the Late Alpine orogen, and by extension behind the Aegean arc, and were influenced by the complicated vertical and horizontal movements in the Pannonian region. The Stara-planina and Dinarian-Hellenic linear neotectonic morphostructures inherited the Alpine orogenic zones (Balkanides and Dinarides-Hellenides) and bounded the Central-Balkan neotectonic region. The linear morphostructures were tilted towards the Pannonian and Euxinian basins and the North-Aegean trough.The Central-Balkan neotectonic region has a complicated block structure (horst-and-graben pattern) dominated by the NNW-SSE Struma and Vardar lineaments, the WNW-ESE Sava and Marica lineaments, and the Middle-Mesta and North Anatolian fault zones. The dominating Serbo-Macedonian neotectonic swell was rifted, and subsided along the Struma and Vardar lineaments. The range of the vertical neotectonic displacements reached a maximum of 3–4 km, and even up to 6 km at the edges of the Pannonian and Aegean basins. The general doming of the region was controlled by the isostatic uplift of a thickened crustal lens (Rhodope Massif) in the southern margin of the Eurasian plate. The collapse of the complicated domal structure began along the main (Struma, Vardar and Marica) lineaments in the central parts of the dome, and continued in the Pliocene and Quaternary along a more external contour bounded by the Stara-planina and Dinarian-Hellenic linear morphostructures.
Zusammenfassung Die neotektonischen Bewegungen der Balkan-Halbinsel begannen nach den letzten intensiven Überschiebungen (frühes Miozän) und nach der frühbis mittelmiozänen Verebnung. Gesteuert wurden die Bewegungen durch den Dehnungskollaps des spätalpinen Orogens, der Dehnung hinter dem Ägäischen Bogen und den komplizierten vertikalen und horizontalen Bewegungen in der pannonischen Region. Die neotektonische Region des Zentralbalkans liegt zwischen den linearen, neotektonischen Morphostrukturen der Strara-planina und der Dinariden-Helleniden. Sie übernahmen die alpidischen Orogenzonen der Balkaniden und Dinariden-Helleniden und wurden zum Pannonischen-, dem Präkarpatischen- und dem Nordägäischen Trog geneigt.Die Region zeigt einen komplizierten Blockaufbau (Horst- und Grabenstrukturen), der von den NNW-SSE streichenden Struma- und Vardar-Lineamenten, von den WNW-ESE verlaufenden Sava- und Marica-Lineamenten und der Mittelmesta- und der Nordanatolischen Bruchzone dominiert war. Die Serbo-mazedonische neotektonische Schwelle war von Bruchspaltenbildung und Absenkung parallel der Struma- und Vardar-Lineamente betroffen. Die Höhe der vertikalen Versatzbeträge erreichte ein Maximum von 3–4 km; an den Rändern des Pannonischen und Ägäischen Beckens sogar mit bis zu 6 km. Die allgemeine Aufwölbung der Region wurde durch isostatische Hebung der verdickten Krustenteile (Rhodopisches Massiv) am Südrand der Eurasischen Platte bedingt. Der Kollaps der komplizierten Domstruktur begann in dessen Zentralteil entlang der Hauptlineamente (Struma-, Vardar- und Marica-Lineament) und setzte sich, während des Pliozäns und Quartärs, in den peripheren Bereichen, parallel zu den äußeren Begrenzungen (Balkaniden, Dinariden-Helleniden) der linearen Morphostrukturen, fort.

Résumé Les mouvements néotectoniques dans la péninsule balkanique ont eu lieu après les derniers charriages d'âge miocène inférieur et la pénéplanation du Miocène inférieur et moyen. Ils ont été régis par l'affaissement extensionnel de l'orogène alpin tardif, par l'extension derrière l'arc égéen et par les mouvements verticaux et horizontaux complexes dans la région panonnienne. La région néotectonique centrebalkanique est située entre les morphostructures néotectoniques linéaires de Stara-Planina et des Dinarides-Hellénides. Celles-ci sont héritées des zones orogéniques alpines des Balkanides et des Dinarides-Hellénides et ont été inclinées vers les bassins panonnien, euxinien et nord-égéen.La région possède une structure en blocs (horsts et grabens) compliquée, dominée par les linéaments NNW-SSE de Struma et du Vardar, les linéaments WNW-ESE de Sava et de Marica et les zones faillées de Moyenne Mesta et d'Anatolie du nord. La ride néotectonique serbo-macédonienne a subi rifting et subsidence au long des linéaments de Struma et du Vardar. Les déplacements néotectoniques verticaux ont atteint 3 à 4 km au maximum, et même 6 km dans les bordures des bassins panonniens et égéen. Le soulèvement en dôme de la région a été provoqué par la montée isostatique d'une portion épaissie de l'écorce (massif du Rhodope) dans la marge méridionale de la plaque eurasiatique. L'affaissement de cette structure en dôme complexe a commencé le long des linéaments principaux (de Struma, Vardar et Marica) dans les parties centrales du dôme et a continué pendant le Pliocène et le Quaternaire le long d'un contour plus externe limité par les morphostructures néotectoniques linéaires de Stara-Planina et dinarohellénique.

( ) -, . , . - . - , - . NNWSSO, WNW-OSO . - . 3–4 , 6 . . ( , ) , , .
The results of the last stage of an aerogeophysical survey are available on computer compatible tapes in Czechoslovakia. For the processing and interpretation, the image processing system PERICOLOR is used. In the case of aeromagnetic data, the best results are obtained by means of directional first-derivative filtering. On the other hand, with aerospectrometric data, the plotting in the form of colour composite images and ternary maps is the best way. Simultaneous presentation of different data is possible using the HSI transform. Multiple data sets (including topography and gravity) are prepared for integral processing and interpretation in some parts of Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
The purpose of the article is to examine the ways in which regional geography textbooks are used in elementary education, using north-west Bohemia as a case study. The authors analysed 18 textbooks published since the beginning of the 20th century, in two steps: (1) the construction of geographical names frequency maps indicating which parts of the case region are accentuated or suppressed in individual textbooks, and (2) a qualitative analysis of the textbooks’ content. The study revealed that a complex image of north-west Bohemia in interwar period in Czechoslovakia and in the period of accession to the European Union is presented in the textbooks. The textbooks published during communist era are imbued with the adoration of local industries, whereas those published later, in the period of political and socio-economic transformation, accentuate the risks of excessive environmental exploitation. At any time since the beginning of the 20th century, the places and regions that represent the values preferred by the governing ideology are emphasized within the studied textbooks. Thus, the geography textbooks, that reflect the society-wide discourse, disseminate not only knowledge but also dominant values. In this way, a desired image of reality is created that legitimates the aims and stances of those in power.  相似文献   
Over recent decades, palaeolimnological records from remote sites have provided convincing evidence for the onset and development of several facets of global environmental change. Remote lakes, defined here as those occurring in high latitude or high altitude regions, have the advantage of not being overprinted by local anthropogenic processes. As such, many of these sites record broad-scale environmental changes, frequently driven by regime shifts in the Earth system. Here, we review a selection of studies from North America and Europe and discuss their broader implications. The history of investigation has evolved synchronously with the scope and awareness of environmental problems. An initial focus on acid deposition switched to metal and other types of pollutants, then climate change and eventually to atmospheric deposition-fertilising effects. However, none of these topics is independent of the other, and all of them affect ecosystem function and biodiversity in profound ways. Currently, remote lake palaeolimnology is developing unique datasets for each region investigated that benchmark current trends with respect to past, purely natural variability in lake systems. Fostering conceptual and methodological bridges with other environmental disciplines will upturn contribution of remote lake palaeolimnology in solving existing and emerging questions in global change science and planetary stewardship.  相似文献   
Stromatic metatexites occurring structurally below the contact with the Ronda peridotite (Ojén nappe, Betic Cordillera, S Spain) are characterized by the mineral assemblage Qtz+Pl+Kfs+Bt+Sil+Grt+Ap+Gr+Ilm. Garnet occurs in low modal amount (2–5 vol.%). Very rare muscovite is present as armoured inclusions, indicating prograde exhaustion. Microstructural evidence of melting in the migmatites includes pseudomorphs after melt films and nanogranite and glassy inclusions hosted in garnet cores. The latter microstructure demonstrates that garnet crystallized in the presence of melt. Re‐melted nanogranites and preserved glassy inclusions show leucogranitic compositions. Phase equilibria modelling of the stromatic migmatite in the MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2–O2–C (MnNCaKFMASHOC) system with graphite‐saturated fluid shows P–T conditions of equilibration of 4.5–5 kbar, 660–700 °C. These results are consistent with the complete experimental re‐melting of nanogranites at 700 °C and indicate that nanogranites represent the anatectic melt generated immediately after entering supersolidus conditions. The P–T estimate for garnet and melt development does not, however, overlap with the low‐temperature tip of the pure melt field in the phase diagram calculated for the composition of preserved glassy inclusions in garnet in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCKFMASH) system. A comparison of measured melt compositions formed immediately beyond the solidus with results of phase equilibria modelling points to the systematic underestimation of FeO, MgO and CaO in the calculated melt. These discrepancies are present also when calculated melts are compared with low‐T natural and experimental melts from the literature. Under such conditions, the available melt model does not perform well. Given the presence of melt inclusions in garnet cores and the P–T estimates for their formation, we argue that small amounts (<5 vol.%) of peritectic garnet may grow at low temperatures (≤700 °C), as a result of continuous melting reactions consuming biotite.  相似文献   
Pleistocene aeolian sands and alluvial deposits can frequently be traced along the Mediterranean coast. Such deposits also exist along the eastern Adriatic coast and the nearby islands. Four stratigraphical sections of these deposits were studied on the Island of Hvar with the purpose of establishing a chronological framework of the aeolian–alluvial depositional system, using luminescence dating and magnetic susceptibility stratigraphy. Luminescence dating was applied on coarse‐grained feldspar and quartz grains separated from the sands. Both quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and feldspar post‐IR infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) age estimates are in good agreement, with values ranging between 167±24 to 120±12 ka (OSL) and 179±18 to 131±18 ka (pIRIR measured at 290 °C) after a fading correction for the pIRIR signal. The results can be clearly correlated to around the end of oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 6 and the beginning of OSI 5, indicating that the aeolian accumulation of sands was a result of the Penultimate Glacial and climate fluctuations at the beginning of the Last Interglacial. Variations in magnetic susceptibility (MS) data can be interpreted alongside these dating results; several stronger peaks detected at the very end of the Penultimate Glacial and the initial stage of the Last Interglacial cycle most probably indicates more intensive pedogenesis resulting from a more favourable climate, probably because of climate changes. Breccias related to major bounding surfaces in association with evidence of soil formation and bioturbation could be the result of more favourable climate conditions and changes during the transition from OIS 6 to OIS 5 (Penultimate Glacial–Last Interglacial). These results are in agreement with similar data from the wider Mediterranean area.  相似文献   
Summary The stability of members of the lazulite-scorzalite solid-solution series, (Mg,Fe)Al2 (OH)2(PO4)2, was investigated as a function of T (505 to 675 °C), P (0.1 to 0.3 GPa) and Fe/Mg ratio in hydrothermal synthesis experiments. The oxygen fugacity was controlled by means of the Ni/NiO buffer. It was found that starting from end-member lazulite the stability of the solid-solution members strongly decreases with increasing content of scorzalite component. At 0.2 GPa pure lazulite decomposes at about 660 °C whereas at the same pressure a solid-solution with 80% of lazulite component is only stable up to 590 °C under the oxygen fugacity of the Ni/NiO buffer. The members of the lazulite-scorzalite solid-solution series with limiting composition coexist with an Fe-richer member of the (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)O series and berlinite. The mixing behaviour of both the lazulite-scorzalite and the (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)O solid-solution series disregarding small amounts of Fe3+ is interpreted in terms of a model on the basis of a simple mixture for the lazulite-scorzalite system and of an ideal mixture for the (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)O series. With this model the interaction parameter which expresses the non-ideality of the lazulite-scorzalite solid-solution series amounts to . Zusammenfassung P-T Stabilit?t von Lazulith-Scorzalith Mischkristallen Die Stabilit?t der Glieder der Lazulith-Scorzalith Mischkristallreihe, (Mg, Fe)Al2(OH)2(PO4)2 wurde als Funktion der Temperatur (505 bis 675 °C), des Druckes (0.1 bis 0.3 GPa) und des Fe/Mg-Verh?ltnisses in hydrothermalen Syntheseversuchen untersucht. Die Sauerstoffugazit?t wurde mittels eines Ni/NiO-Puffer kontrolliert. Es konnte festgestellt werden, da? ausgehend vom Lazulith-Endglied die Stabilit?t der Mischkristalle mit zunehmendem Scorzalith-Gehalt stark abnimmt. Reiner Lazulith, MgAl2(OH)2(PO4)2 zerf?llt unter 0.2 GPa bei 660 °C, w?hrend ein Mischkristall mit 80 mol% Gehalt an Lazulith-Komponente nur bis 590 °C unter der Sauerstoffugazit?t des Ni/NiO-Puffers stabil ist. Hierbei koexistieren die Lazulith-Scorzalith Mischkristalle mit Grenzzusammensetzung mit eisenreicheren Mischphasen des Systems (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)2O und Berlinit. Das Mischungsverhalten sowohl der Lazulith-Scorzalith- als auch der (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)2O-Reihe wurde mit Hilfe eines quantitativen Modelles auf der Basis einer symmetrischen Mischung für Lazulith-Scorzalith und einer idealen Mischung für das System (Mg,Fe)Al(PO4)2O interpretiert. Mit Hilfe dieses Modelles wurde der Wechelwirkungsparameter , der die Nichtidealit?t der Lazulith-Scorzalith Mischreihe ausdrückt zu bestimmt. Received August 26, 1998; revised version accepted July 30, 1999  相似文献   
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