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Northwest Africa (NWA) 6342 is an intermediate, poikilitic shergottite, found in Algeria in 2010. It is comprised of two distinct petrographic areas; poikilitic domains with rounded Mg‐rich olivine chadacrysts enclosed by large low‐Ca pyroxene oikocrysts, and a nonpoikilitic domain mainly comprised of subhedral olivine and vesicular recrystallized plagioclase. Oxygen fugacity conditions become more oxidizing during crystallization from the poikilitic to the nonpoikilitic domain (QFM?3.0 to QFM?2.2). As such, it is likely that NWA 6342 experienced a two‐stage (polybaric) crystallization history similar to that of the enriched poikilitic shergottites. NWA 6342 also experienced relatively high levels of shock metamorphism in comparison to most other poikilitic shergottites as evidenced by the fine‐grained recrystallization texture in olivine, as well as melting and subsequent crystallization of plagioclase. The recrystallization of plagioclase requires an extended period of postshock thermal metamorphism for NWA 6342 and similarly shocked intermediate poikilitic shergottites NWA 4797 and Grove Mountains 99027 most likely due to launch from Mars. The similarities in petrology, chemistry, and shock features between these three meteorites indicate that they have similar crystallization and shock histories; possibly originating from the same source area on Mars.  相似文献   
This study was motivated by the data about a Rimapenaeus constrictus population from Ubatuba Bay, obtained in the 1990s, and by the establishment of a marine protected area (MPA) in the same region in 2008. We obtained comparable data about the distribution and abundance of this species collected 20 years apart, to evaluate the effectiveness of the MPA, for its preservation and possible changes in the populational profile. Biotic and abiotic data were obtained monthly, in September 1995–August 1996 (period 1 = 1ºP), and in September 2016–August 2017 (period 2 = 2ºP), from five transects within Ubatuba Bay. In total, 710 and 2,362 individuals were caught in the 1oP and 2oP, respectively. Despite this increase in abundance, aspects of the spatial distribution did not change substantially. The high abundance recorded at 5 m of depth was probably due to the creation of the MPA and to the accumulation of detritus at this depth. The high abundance seen in the transect sheltered from waves may be related to sediment heterogeneity, which was higher in this transect, and to the fact that this area is naturally protected from fisheries. In the 1ºP, the highest abundances were recorded in spring and summer, whereas in the 2ºP, they occurred in autumn and winter. This change may be explained by the entrance of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), which drives shrimps towards shallower areas. During the 2ºP, a fishing ban occurred in autumn (March 1st until May 31st), which is also when the SACW retreats and water temperature and salinity increase. These two factors combined may have been responsible for the increased shrimp abundance. In conclusion, both conservation practices (MPA and fishing ban) along with the existence of an area naturally protected from fisheries seem to have positively affected the population of R. constrictus, leading to an increase in abundance over the 20-year interval.  相似文献   
We present a new approach to polarization analysis of seismic noise recorded by three-component seismometers.It is based on statistical analysis of frequency-dependent particle motion properties determined from a large number of time windows via eigenanalysis of the 3-by-3,Hermitian,spectral covariance matrix.We applied the algorithm to continuous data recorded in 2009 by the seismic station SLM,located in central North America.A rich variety of noise sources was observed.At low frequencies (0.05 Hz) we observed a tilt-related signal that showed some elliptical motion in the horizontal plane.In the microseism band of 0.05-0.25 Hz,we observed Rayleigh energy arriving from the northeast,but with three distinct peaks instead of the classic single and double frequency peaks.At intermediate frequencies of 0.5-2.0 Hz,the noise was dominated by non-fundamental-mode Rayleigh energy,most likely P and Lg waves.At the highest frequencies (3 Hz),Rayleigh-type energy was again dominant in the form of Rg waves created by nearby cultural activities.Analysis of the time dependence of noise power shows that a frequency range of at least 0.02-1.0 Hz (much larger than the microseism band) is sensitive to annual,meteorologically induced sources of noise.  相似文献   
Lakes are particularly sensitive to environmental fluctuations, which are recorded in their facies and stratigraphy. Ephemeral lakes reveal their sensitivity to palaeoenvironmental changes in the overprinting of the sedimentary features in every single bed. Tetrapod-track taphonomic-modes and ichnological taphonomic-pathways can be used as sensitive indicators of environmental conditions of the track-bearing beds during deposition and imprinting. The Middle Triassic Cerro de las Cabras succession (Cuyana Basin, Argentina) provides an excellent opportunity to these environmental indicators in an underfilled palaeolake. A model of ichnological preservation for underfilled lake systems is proposed and the role of the ichnology record in the sequence stratigraphy analysis is evaluated, based on the integration of tetrapod-track modes, taphonomic-pathways of playa-lake ichnofauna, mineralogy and physical data. Soft-ground suites include those dominated by invertebrate grazing traces and arthropod locomotion traces (Suite 1), and those overprinted by horizontal-vertical dwelling burrows with tetrapod tracks preserved in taphonomic modes B and C (Suite 2). The firm-ground suite (Suite 3) comprises tetrapod-tracks with the best preservation styles (modes A and B) along less abundant invertebrate dwelling and feeding traces as found in Suite 2. Clay mineralogy (dominated by illite with subordinate smectite) suggests low plasticity of the layers, in agreement with low-relief deformation structures observed in tetrapod-track taphonomic-modes. The well-preserved track tetrapod features documented in the Cerro de las Cabras succession, together with the absence of pedogenic disturbance, trampling obliterating the footprints, and/or evidence of strong disturbance by wind, desiccation and/or precipitation, supports short periods of exposure of the imprinted surface particular to this succession. An integrated multiproxy approach is proposed to evaluate the evolutionary interpretation and identification of autogenic versus allogenic controls in underfilled lake-basin histories. The observed aggradational-trend suggests an equilibrium between rates of accommodation change and sediment supply, and that the basin-centre did not experience prolonged sediment-starved conditions.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic isotopes, short‐lived radionuclides, elemental concentrations and thermochronometric indicators are measured in river sand to quantify erosion rates and trace sediment sources, and/or infer erosional processes. Interpretations of detrital sediment analyses are often based on the rarely tested assumption of time‐invariant tracer concentration. A better understanding of when and where this assumption breaks down and what sampling strategies minimize temporal and small‐scale spatial variance will improve science done using detrital river sediment. Here, we present new and previously published spatial and temporal replicates measured for in situ and meteoric 10Be (10Bei and 10Bem, respectively). Our new data include 113 replicate pairs, taken from agricultural and/or tectonically active watersheds in China months to millennia apart and spatial replicates taken up to 2 km apart on the same day. The mean percentage difference is 10% (?122% to 150%) for both systems considered together; the mode is close to 0% for both systems; and 36% of pairs of samples replicate within our analytical accuracy at 2σ . We find that 10Bei replicates better than 10Bem (p < 0.01). 10Bei replicability is worse in steeper basins, suggesting that stochastic processes (i.e. landslides) affect reproducibility. 10Bem replicability is worse in larger basins, suggesting non‐conservative behavior of 10Bem as sediment moves downstream. Our results are consistent with the few previously published replicate studies. Considering all replicate data in a wide range of landscapes, in areas with deep erosional processes, replicability is poor; in other areas, replicability is good. This suggests that, in steep, tectonically active, and/or agricultural landscapes, individual detrital sediment measurements do not represent upstream rates as well as larger populations of samples. To ensure that measurements are representative of the upstream watershed, our data suggest that samples be amalgamated either over time or from several places close by in the same channel. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Romania has one of the highest seismic hazard levels in Europe. The seismic hazard is due to a combination of local crustal seismic sources, situated mainly in the western part of the country and the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic source, which can be found at the bend of the Carpathian Mountains. Recent seismic hazard studies have shown that there are consistent differences between the slopes of the seismic hazard curves for sites situated in the fore-arc and back-arc of the Carpathian Mountains. Consequently, in this study we extend this finding to the evaluation of the probability of collapse of buildings and finally to the development of uniform risk-targeted maps. The main advantage of uniform risk approach is that the target probability of collapse will be uniform throughout the country. Finally, the results obtained are discussed in the light of a recent study with the same focus performed at European level using the hazard data from SHARE project. The analyses performed in this study have pointed out to a dominant influence of the quantile of peak ground acceleration used for anchoring the fragility function. This parameter basically alters the shape of the risk-targeted maps shifting the areas which have higher collapse probabilities from eastern Romania to western Romania, as its exceedance probability increases. Consequently, a uniform procedure for deriving risk-targeted maps appears as more than necessary.  相似文献   
Data recorded with the Bucovina Romanian Seismic Array (BURAR) seismic array between January 2005 and December 2008 were analyzed to verify the monitoring capabilities of regional and distant seismicity. For this time interval, nearly 35,000 events detected by BURAR and identified in seismic bulletins (Preliminary Determination of Epicenters and Romanian Earthquake Catalogue) were investigated using parameters as backazimuth, epicentral distance and magnitude. A remarkably detection capability is emphasized for teleseismic observations (Δ > 20°). BURAR onsets could be associated to almost 60% of all events in the teleseismic distance, with a magnitude detection threshold of 4.5 (mb). When no threshold magnitude is applied, the full detection capability of BURAR is in the same order as the performance of GERES array, which is one of the most sensitive stations in Central Europe. For regional events, detection capability decreases to about 16% of all events within regional distance range. The site conditions (crustal structure and high frequency cultural noise) as well as array dimension, affect the signal coherency and reduce the array detection capability for regional events. For both teleseismic and regional distances, a monthly variation of BURAR detection capabilities has been found; the number of events detected during the summer time is diminished by the specific seasonal human activity and atmospheric conditions (thunderstorms). To prove the good detection capability of the BURAR for teleseismic distances, a comparison with the observations of the Romanian Real Time Network in terms of magnitude and epicentral distance was carried out. The higher signal detection capability of BURAR is due to the array techniques applied in data processing, which enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. The monitoring performed by the BURAR seismic array provides a good azimuthal coverage of the regional and distant seismicity, in a large range of epicentral distances.  相似文献   
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