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Development and testing of a serially multiplexed fiber optic sensor system is described. The sensor differs from conventional fiber optic acoustic systems, as it is capable of sensing AE emissions at several points along the length of a single fiber. Multiplexing provides for single channel detection of cracks and their locations in large structural systems. An algorithm was developed for signal recognition and tagging of the AE waveforms for detection of crack locations. Laboratory experiments on plain concrete beams and post-tensioned FRP tendons were performed to evaluate the crack detection capability of the sensor system. The acoustic emission sensor was able to detect initiation, growth and location of the cracks in concrete as well as in the FRP tendons. The AE system is potentially suitable for applications involving health monitoring of structures following an earthquake Supported by: National Science Foundation, Grant number CMS-9900338  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau plays an important role in the global water cycle and is strongly influenced by climate change. While energy and matter fluxes have been more intensely studied over land surfaces, a large proportion of lakes have either been neglected or parameterised with simple bulk approaches. Therefore, turbulent fluxes were measured over wet grassland and a shallow lake with a single eddy-covariance complex at the shoreline in the Nam Co basin in summer 2009. Footprint analysis was used to split observations according to the underlying surface, and two sophisticated surface models were utilised to derive gap-free time series. Results were then compared with observations and simulations from a nearby eddy-covariance station over dry grassland, yielding pronounced differences. Observations and footprint integrated simulations compared well, even for situations with flux contributions including grassland and lake. The accessibility problem for EC measurements on lakes can be overcome by combining standard meteorological measurements at the shoreline with model simulations, only requiring representative estimates of lake surface temperature.  相似文献   
以甘肃高台地区国家级重点文物保护单位骆驼城土遗址为研究对象,对其依次采用实地勘察、室内土工试验、统计分析、数值模拟四种手段进行了研究。将可靠度理论引入有限元动力分析中,利用APDL语言编制程序,使用蒙特卡洛法进行一千次的抽样数值模拟后进行抗震概率性分析。从而实现了土遗址抗震安全性评价的一种新方法和手段。计算结果对于骆驼城土遗址抗震防护及加固具有重要的参考价值,同时也为类似土遗址的防灾减灾工作提供一定依据。  相似文献   
断裂区带变形分析方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨博  周伟  陈阜超  韩月萍 《地震工程学报》2010,32(3):215-219,225
应用GPS观测技术专门研究活动断裂区带的地壳形变及其服务于地震预测的数据处理方法目前还不够完善与充分。本文针对这一问题并结合实际的需求,从场的角度提出了适合于断裂区带活动特征分析的数据处理方法,并以川滇菱形块体东边界带为例,依据1999-2004年的GPS资料对其进行了简要分析。结果表明:①经过这种处理与描述可使人们从多角度更清楚全面地了解断裂及两侧的相对活动,及在空间上的演化特征;②走滑运动等值线显示川滇菱形块体东边界两侧相对活动量最大达15 mm/a,分布宽度约400 km,然而活动量的2/3只分布在断层两侧近100km的范围内,清晰而定量地显现了高剪切应变的积累与存在的空间;③走滑运动梯度显示川滇形块体东边界带南段变形大于北段;④张压性运动结果显示断裂两侧没有明显的差异变化。  相似文献   
为了更全面地伊犁河谷极端暴雪发生发展的机制,利用常规探空和地面观测资料、FY-2H长波辐射资料(Outgoing Long-wave Radiation,OLR)和NCEP/NCAR1°×1°再分析资料,采用天气动力学分析方法对2022年11月22日-24日出现在伊犁河谷极端暴雪过程的成因和动力结构演变特征进行分析,结果表明:(1)此次降雪为强锋区降雪,锋区内不断有短波东移,是暴雪发生的大尺度环流背景;300hPa极锋急流、500hPa强锋区、700hPa强偏西急流的流场配置起至关重要作用。(2)低层冷空气入侵,迫使暖湿空气抬升、气温下降,形成了下冷上暖的强逆温层结,而导致降水相态转变。降雪持续时间长,导致强降雪发生。(3)低层偏西急流把水汽输送到暴雪区,并在暴雪区上方产生强的水汽辐合中心,为本次暴雪提供了有利的水汽条件。散度场对大暴雪的发生有较好的先兆意义,双辐合-辐散结构的散度场特征可以作为预报降雪加大的指标。(4)暴雪过程发生时大气处于对流稳定状态,但存在对称不稳定能量的释放。(5)OLR特征分析表明OLR3h平均值与3h降雪量存在明显的负相关关系。  相似文献   
Aplite dikes intruding the Proterozoic 1.42(±?3) Ga Longs Peak-St. Vrain Silver Plume-type peraluminous granite near Jamestown, Colorado, contain F, P, and rare earth element (REE)-rich globular segregations, with 40–46% REE, 3.7–4.8 wt% P2O5, and 5–8 wt% F. A combination of textural features and geochemical data suggest that the aplite and REE-rich globular segregations co-existed as two co-genetic liquids prior to their crystallization, and we propose that they are formed by silicate–fluoride?+?phosphate (+?S?+?CO2) melt immiscibility following ascent, cooling, and decompression of what was initially a single homogeneous magma that intruded the granite. The REE distribution coefficients between the silica-rich aplites and REE-rich segregations are in good agreement with experimentally determined distribution coefficients for immiscible silicate–fluoride?+?phosphate melts. Although monazite-(Ce) and uraninite U–Th–Pb microprobe ages for the segregations yield 1.420(±?25) and 1.442(±?8) Ga, respectively, thus suggesting a co-genetic relationship with their host granite, εNd1.42Ga values for the granites and related granitic pegmatites range from ??3.3 to ??4.7 (average ??3.9), and differ from the values for both the aplites and REE-rich segregations, which range from ??1.0 to ??2.2 (average ??1.6). Furthermore, the granites and pegmatites have (La/Yb)N <50 with significant negative Eu anomalies, which contrast with higher (La/Yb)N >100 and absence of an Eu anomaly in both the aplites and segregations. These data are consistent with the aplite dikes and the REE-rich segregations they contain being co-genetic, but derived from a source different from that of the granite. The higher εNd1.42Ga values for the aplites and REE-rich segregations suggest that the magma from which they separated had a more mafic and deeper, dryer and hotter source in the lower crust or upper mantle compared to the quartzo-feldspathic upper crustal source proposed for the Longs Peak-St. Vrain granite.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionTodeveloptheoceanwidelyanddeeply ,weneedabundantoceaninformation .Asanessentialpartofsuchinformation ,seafloortopographyplaysaveryimportantroleinavarietyofmarineactivities .However,thehighcostforoceanbathymetricsurveyinglimitstheapplicationo…  相似文献   
We explore the effect of oblateness of Saturn (more massive primary) on the periodic orbits and the regions of quasi-periodic motion around both the primaries in the Saturn-Titan system in the framework of planar circular restricted three-body problem. First order interior and exterior mean motion resonances are located. The effect of oblateness is studied on the location, nature and size of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits, using the numerical technique of Poincare surface of sections. Some of the periodic orbits change to quasi-periodic orbits due to the effect of oblateness and vice-versa. The stability of the orbits around Saturn, Titan and both varies with the inclusion of oblateness. The centers of the periodic orbits around Titan move towards Saturn, whereas those around Saturn move towards Titan. For the orbit around Titan at C=2.9992, x=0.959494, the apocenter becomes pericenter. By incorporating oblateness effect, the orbit around Titan at C=2.99345, x=0.924938 is captured by Saturn, remains in various trajectories around Saturn, and as time progresses it spirals away around both the primaries.  相似文献   
Extreme climate index is one of the useful tools to monitor and detect climate change. The primary objective of this study is to provide a more comprehensively the changes in extreme precipitation between the periods of 1954–1983 and 1984–2013 in Shaanxi province under climate change, which will hopefully provide a scientific understanding of the precipitation-related natural hazards such as flood and drought. Daily precipitation from 34 surface meteorological stations were used to calculated 13 extreme precipitation indices (EPIs) generated by the joint World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology (CCI)/World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) project on Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) expect Team on climate change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI). Two periods including 1954–1983 and 1984–2013 were selected and five types of precipitation days (R10mm-R100mm) were defined, to provide more evidences of climate change impacts on the extreme precipitation events, and specially, to investigate the changes in different types of precipitation days. The EPIs were generated using RClimRex software, and the trends were analyzed using Mann-Kendall nonparametric test and Sen’s slope estimator. The relationships between the EPIs and the impacts of climate anomalies on typical EPIs were investigated using correlation and composite analysis. The mainly results include: 1) Thirteen EPIs, except consecutive dry day (CDD), were positive trends dominated for the period of 1984–2013, but the trends were not obvious for the period of 1954–1983. Most of the trends were not statistically significant at 5 % significance level. 2) The spatial distributions of stations that exhibited positive and negative trends were scattered. However, the stations that had negative trends mainly distributed in the north of Shaanxi province, and the stations that had positive trends mainly located in the south. 3) The percentage of stations that had positive trends had increased from the period of 1954–1983 to 1984–2013 for all the 13 EPIs except CDD, indicating the possible climate change impacts on extreme precipitation events. 4) The correlations between annual total wet-day precipitation (PRCPTOT) and other 12 EPIs varied for different indices and stations. The composite analysis found that El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exerted greater impacts on PRCPTOT than other EPIs and greater in the Guanzhong Plain (GZP) than Qinling-Dabashan Mountains (QDM) and Shanbei Plateau (SBP) of Shaanxi province.  相似文献   
A series of activities have been carried out at the University of New Brunswick in an effort to evaluate advances in long-range marine kinematic differential positioning. These activities involved processing and analysis of GPS carrier phase kinematic data sets. Some of the data was collected by UNB and some was provided by The XYZs of GPS Inc. Data were collected using Trimble 5700 and Ashtech Z-12 receivers. The data sets were processed using the software DynaPos provided by the The XYZs of GPS Inc. The best results obtained in our analysis indicate an agreement of 5 cm RMS for the horizontal component and 12 cm RMS for the vertical component between two ionospheric-delay free solutions, in baselines varying from 40 to 100 km.  相似文献   
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