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Glaciation and deglaciation in Fennoscandia during the last glacial cycles has significantly perturbed the Earth's equilibrium figure. Changes in the Earth's solid and geoidal surfaces due to external and internal mass redistributions are recorded in sequences of ancient coastlines, now either submerged or uplifted, and are still visible in observations of present‐day motions of the surface and glacially induced anomalies in the Earth's gravitational field. These observations become increasingly sophisticated with the availability of GPS measurements and new satellite gravity missions.
Observational evidence of the mass changes is widely used to constrain the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle. However, lateral changes in earth model properties are usually not taken into account, as most global models of glacial isostatic adjustment assume radial symmetry for the earth model. This simplifying assumption contrasts with seismological evidence of significant lateral variations in the Earth's crust and upper mantle throughout the Fennoscandian region.
We compare predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment based on an ice model over the Fennoscandian region for the last glacial cycle for both radially symmetric and fully 3‐D earth models. Our results clearly reveal the importance of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and asthenospheric viscosity for glacially induced model predictions. Relative sea‐level predictions can differ by up to 10–20 m, uplift rate predictions by 1–3 mm yr−1 and free‐air gravity anomaly predictions by 2–4 mGal when a realistic 3‐D earth structure as proposed by seismic modelling is taken into account.  相似文献   
Iron-bearing olivine grains naturally altered by oxidation were examined in the transmission electron microscope to determine the precipitate phases and their crystallographic and morphological relationships to the host. Precipitate complexes heterogeneously nucleated on dislocations were composed of Si-rich, Mg-rich/Si-rich, and Fe-rich regions corresponding to - tridymite, enstatite, and magnetite and/or hematite, respectively. The tridymite and magnetite (hematite) occurred as rod-like interleaved fingers, while the enstatite was more equidimensional. The crystal orientations of the precipitate phases with respect to the host structure, listed in Table 2, were well defined, but, in general, could not be simply related to the close packing of oxygen planes. Iron-rich (001) planar precipitates occasionally nucleated homogeneously in the host as well as heterogeneously on dislocations. Oxygen diffusion does not appear to be the rate-controlling process for precipitate nucleation and growth as precipitation kinetics in fresh olivine oxidized at 900 ° C would indicate an oxygen diffusivity of 10–8 cm2/sec, a value 10 orders of magnitude faster than determined previously.  相似文献   
The bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus is one of the most frequently sighted cetacean species in the Madeira Archipelago (North-East Atlantic); however, little is known about its population ecology in these waters. Photo-identification undertaken during systematic, non-systematic and opportunistic surveys conducted between 2001 and 2012 was used to assess group dynamics, site fidelity, residency and movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins in the archipelago. Three different patterns of residency were assigned, based on individual sighting histories. Group size ranged between 2 and 90 individuals (median 12), with no significant monthly difference in group size. All resident dolphins formed a core, complex network with migrant and transient dolphins. In contrast, satellite clusters were formed exclusively by transient individuals. The lagged identification rate (LIR) model indicated that a dolphin remained in the area for an average of 90 days, whereas the average time an individual spent outside the study area was approximately 313 days. The Madeira Archipelago appears to be only a section of a much larger home range for this population, with the dolphins exhibiting three different patterns of occurrence that associate with each other. The information gained about this poorly studied population contributes to the overall knowledge of bottlenose dolphins in insular oceanic habitats.  相似文献   
The first observation of a solar burst with millisecond time resolution at = 3.3 mm was obtained on 21 May, 1984. The time-scale of the millimetric pulses durations was of about 60 ms. The possible strong correlation between pulsed emission at 3.3 mm and hard X-rays is discussed.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   
Solar maps at 212 and 405 GHz obtained by the Solar Submillimetric Telescope (SST) show regions of enhanced brightness temperature, which coincide with the location of active regions. A statistical study of the radio emission from these active regions was performed for the first time at such high frequencies during 23 days on June and July 2002, when the atmospheric opacity was low. The brightest regions on the maps were chosen for this study, where the brightness excess observed varies from 3 to 20% above quiet Sun levels (i.e., 200–1000 K) at both wavelengths. Sizes of the regions of enhanced emission calculated at half the maximum value were estimated to be between 2′ and 7′. These sizes agree with observed sizes of active regions at other wavelengths such as Hα and ultraviolet. An important result is that the flux density spectra of all sources increase toward submillimeter frequencies, yielding flux density spectral index with an average value of 2.0. The flux density of the active region sources were complemented with that from maps at 17 and 34 GHz from the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph. The resulting spectra at all four frequencies were fit considering the flux density to be due to thermal bremsstrahlung from the active region. In the calculations, the source radius was assumed to be the mean of the measured values at 212 and 405 K. The effective temperatures of the radio emitting source, assumed homogeneous, obtained from this fit were 0.6–2.9 × 104 K, for source diameters of 2′–7′.  相似文献   
A number of suggestive coincidences are found in a purely speculative analogy between the by-products, of a minihole fast evaporation in a plasma, and by-products from flares at magnetospheres. Solar flares might serve as good examples. From an observational point of view our attention is drawn to the considerable extent of the blank time interval existing between known before and after evidences on flares, during which some exotic energy conversion processes could be invoked to explain the large amount of energy released in time-scales that might be very short. We suggest that fundamental progress in the knowledge of energy conversion, processes in flares require observational data with a time resolution several orders of magnitude, better than the currently available data, particularly, for hard X-rays.  相似文献   
Dissolution rates of limestone covered by a water film open to a CO2-containing atmosphere are controlled by the chemical composition of the CaCO3-H2O-CO2 solution at the water-mineral interface. This composition is determined by the Ca2+-concentration at this boundary, conversion of CO2 into H+ and in the solution, and by diffusional mass transport of the dissolved species from and towards the water-limestone interface. A system of coupled diffusion-reaction equations for Ca2+, , and CO2 is derived. The Ca2+ flux rates at the surface of the mineral are defined by the PWP-empirical rate law. These flux rates by the rules of stoichiometry must be equal to the flux rates of CO2 across the air-water interface. In the solution, CO2 is converted into H+ and . At low water-film thickness this reaction becomes rate limiting. The time dependent diffusion-reaction equations are solved for free drift dissolution by a finite-difference scheme, to obtain the dissolution rate of calcite as a function of the average calcium concentration in the water film. Dissolution rates are obtained for high undersaturation. The results reveal two regimes of linear dissolution kinetics, which can be described by a rate law F = αi(miceq − c), where c is the calcium concentration in the water film, ceq the equilibrium concentration with respect to calcite. For index i = 0, a fast rate law, which here is reported for the first time, is found with α0 = 3 × 10−6 m s−1 and m0 = 0.3. For c > m0ceq, a slow rate law is valid with α1 = 3 × 10−7 m  s−1 and m1 = 1, which confirms earlier work. The numbers given above are valid for film thickness of several tenths of a millimetre and at 20 °C. These rates are proven experimentally, using a flat inclined limestone plate covered by a laminar flowing water film injected at an input point with known flow rate Q and calcium concentration. From the concentration measured after flow distance x the dissolution rates are determined. These experiments have been performed at a carbon-dioxide pressure of 0.00035 atm and also of 0.01 atm. The results are in good agreement to the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   
Cl-37 in the Dead Sea system---preliminary results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents the first set of δ measurements in the Dead Sea environment. δ values for the meromictic (long term stratified) Dead Sea water column prior to its complete overturn in 1979 were −0.47‰ SMOC for the UWM (Upper Water Mass) and +0.55‰ SMOC for the LWM (Lower Water Mass). The δ values for the pre-overturn Dead Sea cannot be explained by the prevailing model on the evolution of the Dead Sea during the last few centuries and require corroboration by more measurements. The 1979 overturn wiped out almost completely the isotopic differences between the UWM and LWM. Even so, Cl isotope data could be used to decipher physical processes related to the overturn such as incomplete homogenization of the deep water mass. Inputs into the lake, comprising freshwaters (springs and the Jordan River) and saline springs gave a range of −0.37‰ to +1.0‰ with the freshwater sources being more enriched in δ . Based on the δ measurements of the End-Brine (the effluent from Dead Sea evaporation ponds) and of recent Dead Sea halite, the Cl isotopic composition of the originating brines have been estimated. They gave a narrow isotopic spread, +0.01‰ and +0.07‰ and fall within the same range with Dead Sea pore water (+0.13‰) and with the post-overturn Dead Sea (−0.03‰ and +0.16‰). Rock salt from Mount Sdom gave a value of −0.59‰ indicating its formation at the last stages of halite deposition from evaporating sea water. The hypersaline En Ashlag spring gave a depleted δ value of −0.32‰, corresponding to a residual brine formed in the very latest stages (including bishofite deposition) of seawater evaporation.  相似文献   
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