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Libyan Desert Glass contains meteoritic material and, therefore, its origin is most likely associated with an impact event. However, the impact crater has not been found. We performed numerical simulations of impacts of stony and cometary bodies in order to confirm the version that this glass was formed from silica heated by radiation from aerial bursts near the ground. Asteroids were treated as strengthless bodies from dunite with a density of 3.3 g cm?3, and comets as icy bodies with a density of 1 g cm?3. The simulations based on hydrodynamic equations included the equations of radiation transfer. Melting and vaporization of a silica target under action of radiation incident on a planar surface were modeled using a one‐dimensional hydrodynamic equation of energy and equations of radiation transfer in two‐flux approximation. We selected those variants of simulations in which a crater is not formed, a fireball touches the earth surface, and the area of a molten target corresponds to the area of the Libyan Desert Glass strewn field. Appropriate options include the impact of an asteroid with a diameter of 300 m, an entry speed of 35 km s?1, and an entry angle of 8°, and cometary bodies with diameters from 150 to 300 m, speeds of 50–70 km s?1, and entry angles from 15° to 45°. Impact options with crater formation are also discussed. The maximum depth of molten silica at ground zero reaches 10 cm with the cometary impacts and 3–4 cm with the asteroidal impact. Melting occurs during a period of time from 50 to 400 s.  相似文献   
It is shown that a number of superfast, with periods \(< 2\) d, exoplanets revolve around parent stars with periods, near-commensurate with \(P_{E}\) and/or \(2 P_{E} / \pi\), where the exoplanet resonance timescale \(P_{E}=9603(85)\) s agrees fairly well with the period \(P_{0}= 9600.606(12)\) s of the so-called “cosmic oscillation” (the probability that the two timescales would coincide by chance is near \(3 \times10^{-4}\); the \(P_{0}\) period was discovered first in the Sun, and later on—in other objects of Cosmos). True nature of the exoplanet \(P_{0}\) resonance is unknown.  相似文献   
Plumes produced by the impacts of asteroids and comets consist of rock vapor and heated air. They emit visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, which can greatly affect the environment. We have carried out numerical simulations of the impacts of stony and cometary bodies with a diameter of 0.3, 1, and 3 km, which enter the atmosphere at various angles, using a hydrodynamic model supplemented by radiation transfer. We assumed that the cosmic object has no strength, and deforms, fragments, and vaporizes in the atmosphere. After the impact on the ground, the formation of craters and plumes was simulated, taking the internal friction of destroyed rocks and the trail formed in the atmosphere into account. The equation of radiative transfer, added to the equations of gas dynamics, was used in the approximation of radiative heat conduction or, if the Rosseland optical depth of a radiating volume of gas and vapor was less than unity, in the volume‐emission approximation. We used temperature and density distributions obtained in these simulations to calculate radiation fluxes on the Earth's surface by integrating the equation of radiative transfer along rays passing through a luminous region. We used tables of the equation of state of dunite and quartz (for stony impactors and a target) and air, as well as tables of absorption coefficients of air, vapor of ordinary chondrite, and vapor of cometary material. We have calculated the radiation impulse on the ground and the impact radiation efficiency (a ratio of thermal radiation energy incident on the ground to the kinetic energy of a body), which ranges from ~0.5% to ~9%, depending on the impactor size and the angle of entry into the atmosphere. Direct thermal radiation from fireballs and impact plumes, poses a great danger to people, animals, plants, and economic objects. After the impacts of asteroids at a speed of 20 km s?1 at an angle of 45°, a fire can occur at a distance of 250 km if the asteroid has a diameter of 0.3 km, and at a distance of 2000 km if the diameter is 3 km.  相似文献   
Indigenous organisms can be used as bioindicators for effects of contaminants, but no such bioindicator has been established for Arctic areas. Orchomenella pinguis is a benthic amphipod, ubiquitous in the Arctic and can be found in high numbers. We collected O. pinguis at sites with different contamination levels. Population characteristics (body length distribution, average dry weight and amphipod organic content) were related to sediment contaminant concentrations, in order to identify suitable endpoints for using this species as a bioindicator. We show that O. pinguis was prevalent in both clean and contaminated areas, easy to sample and that its population characteristics could be linked to both contamination and sediment organic content. We suggest that O. pinguis is a suitable bioindicator for the Arctic, but that endpoints such as reproductive effects and phenotypic and genotypic responses are needed together with population characteristics to assess impacts of contamination.  相似文献   
Abstract— Crater‐ejecta correlation is an important element in the analysis of crater formation and its influence on the geological evolution. In this study, both the ejecta distribution and the internal crater development of the Jurassic/Cretaceous Mjølnir crater (40 km in diameter; located in the Barents Sea) are investigated through numerical simulations. The simulations show a highly asymmetrical ejecta distribution, and underscore the importance of a layer of surface water in ejecta distribution. As expected, the ejecta asymmetry increases as the angle of impact decreases. The simulation also displays an uneven aerial distribution of ejecta. The generation of the central high is a crucial part of crater formation. In this study, peak generation is shown to have a skewed development, from approximately 50–90 sec after impact, when the peak reaches its maximum height of 1‐1.5 km. During this stage, the peak crest is moved about 5 km from an uprange to a downrange position, ending with a final central position which has a symmetrical appearance that contrasts with its asymmetrical development.  相似文献   
Lead (Pb) concentrations and isotope ratios of two different geochemical archives are compared; lake sediment cores and lichens (Hypogymnia physodes, naturally growing and transplanted) from a ca. 80 km-long transect centred on the Cu smelter and former mining town of Karabash, Ural Mountains, Russia. Lead concentrations in sediment cores from 10 lakes were generally low near their base and show an abrupt increase in their upper portions interpreted to coincide with the onset of large-scale smelting operations in 1910. Lead isotope ratios derived from 204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb of the bottom layers differed significantly from those of the top. The top sediments have isotope ratios that show distinct end members, one of which was the stack dust from the Karabash smelter, which is similar to the Pb derived from ores from Sibay, a major mine in the Urals. The composition of the bottom sediment layers generally fall slightly off a mixing line between the top sediments and average Earth’s upper crust. Lichens transplanted from a reference site, as well as naturally growing lichens, sampled from southwest of the smelter have isotope ratios similar to those of the stack dust. Lichens to the northeast contained Pb from the smelter, but are increasingly influenced by other sources probably leaded petrol and local soils, and a signature derived from a source enriched in 207Pb. Vegetables collected from local kitchen gardens contained Pb from an additional atmospheric source, possibly coal. Our work confirms that: (1) Pb isotopes in lake sediments provide a long-term record of inputs and allows the characterisation of natural and anthropogenic sources; (2) Pb isotopes in lichens provide a short-term record of local and long-range atmospheric deposition at high spatial resolution and short time scales as they replace their Pb content within a few months; (3) determination of all four stable Pb isotopes is necessary for the identification of the sources of Pb and is extremely sensitive for discerning minor source signatures, even in an area with a dominant source such as a smelter. Particularly significant for the Karabash area is that ore-smelter-derived airborne Pb is a major component in the lake sediments and lichens but its contribution reaches insignificant levels ca. 40 km from the smelter.  相似文献   
In the austral summer seasons 2001/02 and 2002/03, Global Positioning System (GPS) data were collected in the vicinity of Vostok Station to determine ice flow velocities over Lake Vostok. Ten GPS sites are located within a radius of 30 km around Vostok Station on floating ice as well as on grounded ice to the east and to the west of the lake. Additionally, a local deformation network around the ice core drilling site 5G-1 was installed.
The derived ice flow velocity for Vostok Station is  2.00 m a−1± 0.01 m a−1  . Along the flowline of Vostok Station an extension rate of about 10−5 a−1 (equivalent to 1 cm km−1 a−1) was determined. This significant velocity gradient results in a new estimate of 28 700 years for the transit time of an ice particle along the Vostok flowline from the bedrock ridge in the southwest of the lake to the eastern shoreline. With these lower velocities compared to earlier studies and, hence, larger transit times the basal accretion rate is estimated to be 4 mm a−1 along a portion of the Vostok flowline. An assessment of the local accretion rate at Vostok Station using the observed geodetic quantities yields an accretion rate in the same order of magnitude. Furthermore, the comparison of our geodetic observations with results inferred from ice-penetrating radar data indicates that the ice flow may not have changed significantly for several thousand years.  相似文献   
Abstract– Simple estimates suggest that ejecta blankets around larger craters should be more asymmetric than around smaller craters for the same oblique impact angle. Numerical simulations presented in the paper confirm that an increase in the scale of gravity‐dominated craters (and in the size of the corresponding projectiles) increases the asymmetry of both impact craters and ejecta blankets around them.  相似文献   
The origin of Saturn’s inner mid-sized moons (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea) and Saturn’s rings is debated. Charnoz et al. [Charnoz, S., Salmon J., Crida A., 2010. Nature 465, 752–754] introduced the idea that the smallest inner moons could form from the spreading of the rings’ edge while Salmon et al. [Salmon, J., Charnoz, S., Crida, A., Brahic, A., 2010. Icarus 209, 771–785] showed that the rings could have been initially massive, and so was the ring’s progenitor itself. One may wonder if the mid-sized moons may have formed also from the debris of a massive ring progenitor, as also suggested by Canup [Canup, R., 2010. Nature 468, 943–946]. However, the process driving mid-sized moon accretion from the icy debris disks has not been investigated in details. In particular, Canup’s (2010) model does not seem able to explain the varying silicate contents of the mid-sized moons (from 6% to 57% in mass). Here, we explore the formation of large objects from a massive ice-rich ring (a few times Rhea’s mass) and describe the fundamental properties and implications of this new process. Using a hybrid computer model, we show that accretion within massive icy rings can form all mid-sized moons from Mimas to Rhea. However in order to explain their current locations, intense dissipation within Saturn (with Qp < 2000) is required. Our results are consistent with a satellite origin tied to the rings formation at least 2.5 Gy ago, both compatible with either a formation concurrent to Saturn or during the Late Heavy Bombardment. Tidal heating related to high-eccentricity post-accretional episodes may induce early geological activity. If some massive irregular chunks of silicates were initially present within the rings, they would be present today inside the satellites’ cores which would have accreted icy shells while being tidally expelled from the rings (via a heterogeneous accretion process). These moons may be either mostly icy, or, if they contain a significant amount of rock, already differentiated from the ice without the need for radiogenic heating. The resulting inner mid-sized moons may be significantly younger than the Solar System and a ∼1 Gyr formation delay is possible between Mimas and Rhea. The rings resulting from this process would evolve to a state compatible with current mass estimates of Saturn’s rings, and nearly devoid of silicates, apart from isolated silicate chunks coated with ice, interpreted as today Saturn’s rings’ propellers and ring-moons (like Pan or Daphnis).  相似文献   
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